lovers & friends × blake grif...

By _chillbreaux

239K 8.3K 1.6K

Christina & Blake have been best friends since they were in diapers. They're always there for each other and... More

1 × best friends.
2 × night out.
3 × jealousy.
4 × blake v. dominic
5 × questioning relationships.
6 × a break up.
7 × questioning relationships [pt.2]
8 × caught
9 × sorry
10 × disappearing
11 × where is she?
12 × found
13 × confessions
14 × at last
15 × she's back
16 × love
17 × what's my name?
18 × forgiven
19 × blown off
20 × confrontation
21 × tell me you love me
22 × birthday cake
23 // going home.
24 // jail bait
25 // creep.
26 // misunderstanding.
27 // i'll be fine...
28 // "friends"
29 // asshole
30 // smile
31 // these hoes ain't loyal
32 // thirst for chris
33 // thirsty dudes & salty exes
34 // blake's emotional rollercoaster
35 // moving on?
36 // taken
37 // tempers flare
39 // prisoner
40 // free
41 // safe
42 // coming home
43 // reunited
44 // normality
45 // cutting ties
46 // monday
47 // an unexpected surprise
48 // a minor setback
49 // the satisfying truth
50 // impromptu family reunion
51 // a baby?
52 // moment of truth
53 // change of heart?
54 // happiness
55 // surprise, baby.
56 // bitter
57 // mother dearest
58 // parental problems
59 // they're here
60 // making amends
61 // insecure & inconsiderate
62 // the tables have turned
63 // be alright
64 // this is it

38 // scared

2.8K 126 33
By _chillbreaux

Christina's POV||
The last four days have been hell. Actually, I don't even think hell is this bad.

I've been hit everyday since I've been here because I'm "disrespectful." Sometimes when he's hitting me, I wish he would just kill me.

While I sat in the chair, thinking about life, I glanced at the clock and realized it was 11:00. He's about to come "check" on me.

The door opened, and Todd walked in looking pissed, probably because I told him to fuck off earlier.

"What are you still doing up?" he said, setting up a tripod.

"Minding my business," I said coldly, while wondering what the tripod was for.

He shook his head and chuckled darkly, then took his jacket off and threw it on the floor.

I rolled my eyes and let out a frustrated sigh, "Todd, why am I really here? If you're gonna kill me, just do it already."

"Why would I kill you, Christina?" he asked genuinely, "I love you."

And here we go with more of his crazy bullshit.

"You don't love me. I don't know what this is, but it isn't love. This infatuation needs to stop!"

His eyes darkened and his jaw clenched. He took a really deep breath, then let it out as the back of his hand connected with my face. He then grabbed a handful of my hair and brought his face close to mine while tears ran down my face.

"How dare you say that!" he yelled as his grip got tighter, "what? You actually believed Blake loved you?"

I stayed quiet.

"Well he didn't!" he spat, "you were nothing but a piece of ass to him. If he did love you, he wouldn't have let a little picture break you up."

He let go of my hair and I cried because I was starting to believe everything he said. I felt like trash.

"But me?" he said, moving my hair out of my face, "I'm in love with you."


He ran his index finger down my neck to my chest and pulled the top of my shirt down a little. He leaned down to try to kiss me, but I turned my head. He roughly grabbed my face, and his lips crashed onto mine. It was so disgusting & uncomfortable and since I couldn't move, I bit his bottom lip.

"You bitch!"

He wiped the blood from his lip, then backhanded me again. He roughly untied me from the chair, then threw me on the floor. He climbed on top of me, ripped my shirt, and I just cried hysterically.

"Todd, please don't do this!!!" I screamed.

He stopped kissing my neck and looked in my face, then got off of me. He quickly left the room and left me there, crying on the floor.


Chasity's POV||
The other night, I had a dream that Christina was running away from this lunatic. She kept running until she ended up in New York, but he caught up with her and beat her to death. I woke up crying that night, and I haven't been able to sleep since.

Because I was so suspicious, I decided to call my aunt Cecilia, who just so happens to live in New York. Before I could dial her number, the doorbell rang, and Blake asked me to get it.

I opened the door and on the other side was some ugly ass blonde. Her shirt was two sizes too small and if her shorts were any shorter, her vagina would be falling out. Everything about her just screamed "skank."

"Who are you?" she asked.

"You don't come to someone's house asking questions. Who are you?" I asked back.

"I'm Staci," she said, looking me up & down, "where's Blake?"

I leaned against the doorframe and looked at her for a second. She's got a nice body, but she looks like she got hit in the face by a Mack truck. Definitely Blake's type.

"He ain't here," I lied, crossing my arms over my chest.

"But...his car is in the dri-- wait. Are you...his girlfriend?"

How fucking old do I look?

"No, you dumb slut." I smirked at the idea that popped into my head, "I'm his daughter."

"That's impossible," she said,"you have to be at least twelve, and you're bl--"

I sharply raised my eyebrow because I knew what she was about to say.

"So Blake can't have a black daughter?!?!" I asked, getting loud.

"No, I didn't mean --"

"It's too late; the damage is done, you racist twat. Anyway, what do you want?"

She sighed, "I came to see Blake, and I know he's here."

She tried to walk in the house, but I pushed her back a little.

"Judging by the way you're dressed, you probably came over here to have sex with my dad. I hate to burst your bubble, but he's out with his girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? What girlfriend?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but Miss Christina is his girlfriend."

"I thought they broke up?"

"Well, they're back together now, so your 'services' are no longer needed," I smiled.

She glared at me and pursed her lips together, "I don't believe you."

"You don't have to."

I slammed the door and locked it just in case she was bold enough to walk in the house.


Blake's POV||
I heard the front door slam and a few seconds later, Chasity walked into the kitchen.

"Who the hell is Staci?" she asked, standing in front of me.


"Why? Is that who was at the door?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said slowly, "who is she?"

"She's just someone I slept with after Christina & I broke up."

She nodded skeptically, "have you slept with her since Christina was kidnapped?"

That question made me so nervous, but I don't know why.

"No, I swear. I haven't even talked to her in a month."

She nodded and sat in the chair next to me. My phone vibrated in my pocket and when I checked it, it was a message from an unsaved number. The same number that sent me those pictures of Christina.

I opened the message, and it was a video. Out of curiosity, I hit play and when the image popped up, I saw a girl tied to a chair with a guy standing in front of her.

"Todd, why am I really here? If you're gonna kill me, just do it already."

At the sound of Christina's voice, Chasity's head shot up and she stared at the screen. That psycho Todd is behind all this?!

"Why would I kill you, Christina? I love you."

"You don't love me. I don't know what this is, but it isn't love. This infatuation needs to stop!"

He slapped her then grabbed her by her hair, making my blood boil. Chasity's eyes started to water, and she covered her mouth with her hand. I can't believe this nigga put his hand on her.

"How dare you say that!" he yelled, "what? You actually believed Blake loved you?"

She didn't say anything.

"Well he didn't!" he spat, "you were nothing but a piece of ass to him. If he did love you, he wouldn't have let a little picture break you up."

I know I was stupid for breaking up with her over something so simple like a picture, but for him to suggest that I didn't love her and that she's only good for sex pissed me off more.

"But me? I'm in love with you."

Oh, please.

He ran his finger down her neck to her chest and pulled her shirt down a little. He tried to kiss her, but she turned her head. He grabbed her face and kissed her anyway.

I don't know what happened, but all I heard was him call her a bitch, and then he untied her from the chair and threw her on the floor. My stomach dropped at the thought of what he was about to do to her.

"Oh my God!" Chasity cried.

He ripped her shirt open and climbed on top of her as she cried hysterically.

"Todd, please don't do this!!!"

Hearing Christina cry & plead like that made me sick, so I paused the video and threw my phone on the counter as Chasity ran out of the kitchen.

I went in the living room, where she was laying face down on the couch, sobbing into the cushion. I sat next to her and just let her cry on my chest.

"What if we never see her again?!" Chasity asked in between sobs.

"Shh. Don't think like that," I said, trying to calm her down, "they're gonna find her."

I know it may seem like I'm unfazed by this whole situation, but that's not the case. I'm just trying to be strong for Chasity. Truth be told, I'm just as scared as she is...

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