Don't You Die On Me!

By boobearx_xd

21.2K 251 40

Angie Bernadette Mitchell, callsign 'Summer' has been Rooster's bestfriend since they were still babies. The... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24

Part 1

3.4K 15 2
By boobearx_xd

NB: There might be some differences from the movie and this fanfiction, but I hope you enjoy this story as much as i enjoy making it. 🫶🏻 I'm sorry if there are some grammar error, english isn't my mother tounge . I'm open to critics and suggestions, just send me DM if you have something in mind. Enjoy!

Bradley Bradshaw, callsign 'Rooster' - 24

Angie Mitchell, callsign 'Summer' - 20

Summer's PoV
"Dad, i can't imagine how Bradley's feeling right now, waiting for the call that might never come. You pulled his paper from the academy 4 times already. Please stop doing that, he's ready."

"I promised his mom that i'll try my best to stop hin from being a naval pilot"

"I know him, dad. Whatever you do, he won't stop trying to achieve what he want. You've been pulling his paper from the naval academy and set his career 4 years back, please stop doing that and let him try. He's ready, dad."

"I guess you're right, i'll stop interfering. And fyi, i didn't do anything to his paper this time, it's all him. You better go see him and tell him to prepare, the academy might call him today. Over him to stay with us, and i know it's been lonely for you to be alone at home when i'm away"

"Okay, Dad. I'm gonna go see him now. I hope he's home. He hasn't been replying to my text."

Bradley's house is only a few blocks away so i decided to walk. It's summer so i really enjoy the warm breeze. Bradley and i have been friends since i can remember, we do everything together when we were still very young. My dad and his were bestfriend until that one tragedy that killed his dad. Bradley was only a child when that happens, and when he knew about that tragedy, he resented my dad. But it didn't last long, his mom helped him understand that it was an awful accident. But sometimes i still see a lil hatred in his eyes towards my dad.
Bradley's mom never want him to be a naval pilot, and my dad has been helping her by pulling bradley's paper from the academy. My dad set bradley's career 4 years back, and he didn't give up until now he's accepted at the naval academy with me. We're gonna start in a couple weeks. I don't know if he has gotten the news or not, i'm about to find out.
I always adore him. He's so kind, so patient, and always so gentle towards others. Girls always fell head over heels for him and i understand why.  There was once a girl that he loved so much, but she end up cheating on him with some brat. It broke my heart seeing him sad for a girl but i'm also sad seeing him with other girls. I don't actually know how i feel about him, all i know is i never want him away from me.

After a few minutes i finally arrive at his house. I walk in, the door isn't locked.

"Bradley, you home? It's me Angie. I got some great news for you."

I waited for a few minutes and there were no response, so i decided to go to his room and look for him. His bedroom door is slightly open so i pushed the door gently. There he is, sleeping peacefully. I sat on the bed next to him, trying my best not to wake him up. I stare at him for a couple minutes when he suddenly opens his eyes. He startled a bit when he see me.

"Hey there handsome. I hope you don't mind i'm here, just wanna make sure you're doing ok. Have you eaten anything? I got one great news for you."

He smiled at me and said, "hey Angie. I'm better now that you're here. It's quite boring being alone, and no i haven't eaten anything i guess. What news anyway?"

"Allright, lets go grab something to eat. You can stay at my house, my dad wants you to stay with us so that both of us won't be lonely. We can do many fun things together before we go to the academy in 2 weeks."

"What academy?" he asked.

I smacked his arm and said, "Damn it Bradley, you're still so dumb sometimes. But i love you anyway. The naval academy of course, you're accepted."

"Your dad finally stopped pulling my paper? It's about damn time. I don't get it why he did that. But thankyou for giving me the good news."

Just after he said that, his phone rang. I guess that's the academy giving him the good news.

I helped him pack some of his stuff. He didn't bring much since his house is only a few blocks away.

"Were you walking here? What do you want to eat?"

"Yeah i walked, you know how much i love summer breeze. I'd eat anything you buy. I got nothing in mind."

"What about pizza? i also got nothing in mind. You always like pizza. Lets go, we take my car, but you're driving." He said while throwing me the key.

We walked to his car and we go buy some pizza and drive to my house.

Rooster's PoV
We're on our way to her house, i enjoy watching her drive. I'm sure she'll be a great fighter pilot one day, and i hope we both can work together. I've always have feeling for Angie, but i can't afford losing her if she doesn't feel the same way.
I don't understand why maverick pulled my paper from the academy. But looking at the bright side, i get to be on the same class as Angie.

When we arrive at her house, Mav is already away on a mission so we got the house to ourselves. I put my stuff at the room that i always stays at whenever i had a sleepover at her house. After unpacking, we eat pizza while watching the tv. We sat next to each other.

"Bradshaw, i'm nervous about the academy. I'm afraid that i won't be good enough. I really want to graduate and being sent to top gun."

"Aaw, is Angie afraid now? Don't be, i know you'll do great. Wanna bet that you'll graduate as the best fighter pilot? Plus, i'll be there with you the whole time. You got nothing to worry about." I said while putting my arm around her shoulder.

She put her head on my chest, and we stayed on that position for quite a while. We sat in comfortable silence until we both fell asleep.

I woke up a little startled because of my nightmare. I had a dream that Angie's aircraft was being shot down by bandits and she went missing. I couldn't see her parachute.
I stared at her for a while, and then i picked her up gently and take her to her room. I tucked her in and as i about to leave, she holds my arm and told me to stay.

"Can you please stay? You're a very comfy pillow you know." She said with a very cute sleepy voice.

"Of course, i'd love to."

I lay next to her, gently brushing her hair with my hand. I really like her long black hair, makes her look like a cold person, but deep inside, she has the warmest heart.


That's the end of part 1!! The plot is a lil bit slow, but i'll make it faster for the next part.

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