Part 22

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Skip to roadtrip day

Summer's PoV

"Babe, hurry up. What's taking you so long to get ready?" I whined at Rooster.
I've packed all our stuffs yesterday, there's no reason for him to be taking this long.
Today is the day of our roadtrip. My wound isn't completely healed yet but it's not painful anymore and the doctor also said that i'm allowed to swim, so it's perfect for this trip to oceanside. Phoenix and Hangman waited at our backyard.
I decided to come and see what's taking Rooster so long to get down here. I walked upstairs to our room, i can hear him talking to someone on the phone but i can barely hear what he's talking about. All i can hear is that he mentioned my name. As soon as i opened the door, he hung up.

"Who's that babe?" I asked him.
"Oh, nobody. I'm all done, let's go." He pecked my lips and then dragged me downstairs with him.

We both walked to the backyard to let them know that we're ready to go. We've loaded our stuffs to Rooster's car earlier.

"All set? you guys sure there's nothing left behind?" Pheonix asked making sure that we've got everything we need.
"Yup, all set." I replied.

To oceanside we go.

Rooster's PoV

I decided to prepare a surprise for Summer. I've been thinking about this since she's still at the hospital. I planned on giving her a surprise dinner by the beach since she love beach so much. It took me a while to figure out how to prepare everything without her knowing, then i remembered that i got friends who lived there. I called them and asked for their help and they said that they'd be happy to help. They told me to call them on d-day as a reminder, so i called them before going.

"Hey dude. Thank you again for this, i don't know what i'd do without your help."

"No worries, we're more than happy to help you. We've prepared everything for tonight, i'm gonna send you the detailed locations and also picture of the set up in case you want to change something. What time do you want for the dinner?"

"I'm pretty sure everything's perfect. I'm thinking about 7 pm, sounds good?

"Sure. Any request about the food? or maybe any specific flowers that Summer likes?"

"She literally eats everything, so any kinf of food is fine. Summer loves peonies, especially in pink and also white roses."

"Okay, pink peonies and white roses. Anything else?"

"Nope. I don't want to be bothering you with too much requests. You've done so much already."

"Okay, i'll update you again later. Bye roost."

"Bye, thanks once again."

I didn't realize that i was taking too long. Summer came to see what i was doing. I hope she didn't hear anything that could spoil the surprise.

"Who's that babe?"
"Oh, nobody. I'm all done, lets go." I quickly grabbed her so that she won't ask me more questions.

I've also bought her a dress for tonight. I really hope she likes the dress.

Summer's PoV

The trip to oceanside with these people feels so much fun. We sang to so many songs, we talked about our times at the naval academy and top gun, we also talked about our plans for the upcoming days and years.

"You both have been engaged for a while now. Any dates for the wedding?" Hangman asked while keeping his eyes on the road.

"We haven't actually had the time to talk about that. But i see no reason why we should rush. However, i'd be happy to get married to this one." I said nudging Rooster and smiled at him.
"We definitely should talk about this when we get back." He replied winking at me.

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