Part 10

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This chapter is 1 year ahead

Summer's PoV
I just got discharged from the hospital after an accident that happened while i was on a mission. My shoulder was dislocated because i had a bad landing with the parachute. That was pretty bad, but i'm ok now.

"Ready to go home babe?" Rooster asked me.

"Always ready." I smiled at him.

The doctor told me to rest my shoulder for atleast a couple months. I needed rest anyway and more time for me and rooster.

The ride home was quite, a comfortable one. I never like the hospital and so does rooster i guess.

When we were home, rooster carried me and put me down gently on our bed. He unpacked my stuff and lay beside me.

"I miss you so much." I said while snuggling into his chest.

"I miss you too. I was so worried, the team couldn't find you even after 2 weaks of searching. They almost gave up but Mav and I forced them to keep going. Please don't ever do that to me again. I can't handle losing you." He said.

"I'm sorry you have to face that, i never want to leave you either. I'll do my best to be more careful, you must too." I said back looking at his eyes. It was dark but i can see that he's crying.

"It was like having my nightmares come true. Watching my nightmares unfold on the screen."

"Hey hey, don't cry roos. I'm okay now, i'm here with you. Thankyou for not giving up on looking for me." I said while whiping away his tears.

We cuddled for a very long time, enjoying being back at each other's arm.

How lucky i am having someone love me that much.

We fell asleep not long after.


"No, you can't stop searching. She must be alive, she has to be. Please keep on looking." Rooster screamed in his sleep.

I got woken up by rooster's scream. He's having a nightmare. I woke him up gently, it startled him a bit. When he realized that it was just a dream, he hugged me real tight.

"Please forget about top gun. I can't bare the feeling of losing you all over again."

I'm so surprised at what he said. He know that top gun has been my dream since ever.

"Just go back to sleep, we'll talk tomorrow when we're both not tired and are able to think clearly."

.....the next morning.....

I woke up and Rooster isn't next to me anymore. I decided to lay in bed for a couple minutes. My shoulder hurts a bit. The doctor gave me painkillers but i can handle this one.

I heard footsteps from outside the bedroom, i guess that's rooster.

"Good morning my angie. How's sleep? good?" He said and giving me a kiss.

"Yeah it's good. But my shoulder hurt right now."

"Do you want to take the painkiller? anyway, i made you breakfast. You eat first and then we can go out, maybe to the beach. It's been a while since we both went to the beach."

"I can handle the pain. Thankyou for the breakfast. You know i love you."

Rooster sat next to me on the bed.

"About what i said lastnight, i'm sorry. I know being a top gun graduate is one of your dream and i was being so selfish for telling you not to go."

"That's okay, you're afraid and i understand. Thankyou for loving me that much."

"I hope we both go to top gun, so i'll be able to do anything in my power to keep you safe."

"I'm confident we'll both get the invite. We're that good." I smirked.

I finished my breakfast while bradley take a shower. Bradley came out of shower with only a towel wrapped around his hips.

"Oooo, i like those abs."

"You've seen me naked tons of time and still act like that whenever you see me shirtless. You're cute."

"What can i say, my boyfriend is hot."

He laughed at my comments and told me to take a shower.

I walked to the bathroom and gave him a quick kiss as i walk pass him. He tried to kiss me deeper but i pull away.


"You told me to take a shower. I'm just following order." I said jokingly.

As i walk i can hear him grunt. He's adorable.

After we both ready, we went to the beach. As we were arriving, Rooster covered my eyes with a scarf and asked me to keep it that way because he got a surprise for me. I'm thrilled and nervous at the same time.

"I can't see my way around, do you mind carrying me? pretty pleasee?"

"I was actually gonna hold your hand, but i guess carrying you is a better idea." He said and scooping me up and giving me surprise kiss.

"We've been walking like what, 5 minutes? how far is the surprise babe?" i groaned.

"We're close, i can see the surprise already. Patience please darling."

He finally put me down and open the scarf that was covering my eyes. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the light.

"Surpriseeee! Welcome back summer!" I heard everyone scream. As i say everyone i mean my friends from the naval aviation school. I even see cyclone and my dad. From everyone that comes, i'm most excited to see phoenix. She hasn't changed a bit, ooh i missed her.

I look back too rooster and hugged him.
"Thankyou. The best surprise ever." I kissed him.

Phoenix and hangman came to me and i hugged them one by one.

"I missed you guys so much. How are you? it's been so long. We really had a lot to catch up with."

"We missed you too. First thing first, how are you? is your shoulder okay? still hurt or something?" Phoenix said.

"I'm okay, my shoulder still hurts a bit once or twice. But overall, i'm good. Especially that i can see you guys and everyone."

"Rooster is awesome. He successfully invited everyone, even cyclone." Hangman said. I can see hangman put an arm around Phoenix's shoulder.

"Are you guys dating or something?" I asked them.

"I was planning to tell you today, yes we are dating. It's only been like 3 months." Phoenix replied.

"I'm surprised, wow. I can't believe that you two could get along, and look, now you guys are dating. Congrats, i'm happy for you both." I hugged them both.

We talked for so long until my dad came up to me.  Phoenix and hangman leave to gave us both time to talk.

"Hey dad. I missed you." I said and hug him.

"I missed you too my baby. I was so worried, but i'm very glad you're okay now."

"Well, accidents do happen. I'm glad to be here and alive."

"Oh, have you got a message from top gun? They started recruiting since a week ago and i heard that they wanted to send you one."

"I haven't, but i'm looking forward to it. How about rooster? and phoenix."

"Haven't heard about them, but i'm sure they'll get an invite too. They're good."

"Yeah, i really hope they got in too. Anyway, how's penny?" I nudged him.

"She's good, we're currently seeing each other. I hope you're okay with that?"

"Of course i'm okay, as long as you're happy."

"Thankyou. And has rooster been treating you well?"

"Yes he does. He treats me like nothing but a queen."

"Good to hear"

I catch up with almost everyone, and i can see that everyone is having fun. It's good to see familiar faces.

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