Part 17

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The day of the mission

Summer's PoV

Today's the day. I've practiced for this mission and i've mastered it. I really hope that everything goes as planned. I slept well last night. Rooster hasn't leave my side ever since the day i accepted this mission.
I see that rooster is waking up.

"Good morning, babe." I said while snuggling to his side.

"Good morning. Can you please not go? I got bad feelings about today."

"I'm afraid it's too late to back down now. Don't worry, i've practiced and i'm confident that this mission will be a success."

"Please be careful. Remember that there are so many people waiting for you back home."

"I promise i'll be extra careful. Thankyou for everything."

I stood up and get ready. Rooster also get ready to go to the base with me. My heart keeps on pounding so hard. I never realized how nervous i am until today.

"Ready, babe?"

"As ready as i'll ever be." I said to rooster.

We both went to the base.
I kept on looking at Rooster, i don't want to leave him but mission's a mission.

Everyone's already there waiting for me, my dad is also there. I walked to him and hugged him tight.
"Wish me luck, dad."

"You don't need luck, you're summer. I know you'll do great. Always remember to come home, so many people will be waiting for you to come home."

"I will. Take care, dad." I gave gim one last hug before talking to rooster.

"Please come home." Rooster said while hugging me.

"I promise i'll do anything in my power to come back home to you and to everyone. Whatever happened, don't do anything reckless."

"I promise. I love you, summer."

"I love you too, rooster."

I got into my f-35 and do a final check and off i go.

Rooster's PoV

She's gone. I really hope that she'll come back.

"Don't worry, she's summer. She'll come back, one way or another." Mav said.

"I know. I guess i better get back home. See you around, mav."

I got into my car and drive back home. I couldn't take my mind off of her. How's she doing? Is she okay?
It has only been a couple hours and i'm already worried sick.

I can still smell her parfume in our bedroom. As i sat on our bed, i can see an envelope. Did she left a letter for me?
I opened the letter and started reading. Yes it's from her, i can recognize her handwriting.

'Hey babe. I'm really sorry that i had to leave you, and i understand how worried you'd be. I'm sorry that i was mad at you for not letting me go on this mission, i thought you were being selfish, but now i understand that you did what you did because you love me. You are the love of my life, the hero to my story, i like me better when i'm with you. Whatever happened, i know you'll never give up on me, and so do I. I love you, and i promise i'll be back before you know it.'
- Summer

I closed my eyes, holding the letter close to my chest.
"Please come back."

Summer's PoV

Iceman and my dad wasn't joking about this mission being hard. The weather is so bad that i can barely see anything. I'd be flying blind without the help of the radar.
The strong wind from the storm made it a little bit hard to control the plane.
When i was trying to get to the target, my radar suddenly went crazy. There seem to be another plane behind me. But who? Is that the enemy? How did they found me?
I tried my best to fly lower to mess with the enemy radar. I know it's dangerous because i can't even see anything, but i got no other option. The target is so close already. I get my laser and bomb ready.
"Target locked, dropping bomb in 3..2..1.. bomb dropped." I said to the intercom.
I can see enemy's weapons all around me and i'm trying the best i can to avoid being seen but the plane was coming closer and closer.
As i flew far enough from the enemy's base, i fly higher to get a better view of my surrounding. But i wasn't expecting that there'll be a plane waiting to shoot me down.
"Smoke in the air, smoke in the air. Releasing flares."

"Can you see who's the pilot?" Iceman said to me from the intercom.

"Negative. Smoke in the air, releasing flares."

I need to find a way to get away. I'm getting out of flares. Maybe flying back to the enemy's base will actually make me safer. That plane won't be shooting me. But that is also dangerous, i might get caught by the enemy radar and being shot down.

"I'm out of option. I'm turning around to the enemy base for cover. Flying lower below radar."

"Don't come back there, we won't be able to talk to you when you're at the enemy's area."
"Summer, summer, do you copy?"

"Sorry, iceman. I don't know what else to do."

And i was right, the plane stopped shooting me. I guess he or she was afraid of being caught too.

"Shit, bird strike. Left engine down, trying to restart engine."
"Oh no, the enemy see my smoke. Shit."

I can see a missile was being shot at me, and i'm out of flares, my left engine is down.

"I'm being shot by the enemy's missile, i'm going down. Ejecting."

I ejected just on time before the missile blew me up.

The anonymous plane came back and tried to shoot me down. The bullets make holes on my parachute and i flew down in high speed. I can see pine trees beneath me. Those trees actually saved my live. My parachute got strangled on the branches, stopped me from hitting the ground. I unbuckled myself and try to run as far as possible while trying to cover my tracks.

"Please send help." I said to myself.

I'm really sorry for not updating in a very long time. My holiday is over and i'm back at uni. I'll try my best to update more often. Thankyou🫶🏻

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