Part 18

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Summer's PoV

I don't know where i am, i got no way to contact anybody and it's getting darker. I really should find shelter or i'd die freezing out here. I've been walking for at least a couple hours, and i can't see any place for cover.
I kept walking, hoping that i'd find shelter or maybe a cave. I'll think of the way to contact base later. The one thing that matters now is trying to stay alive.
Maybe tomorrow i can walk more and find people that might help.
I wonder who was on that plane that tried to shoot me down. I'm pretty sure no one knows about the mission other than the one i tell which is only rooster.
"Damn, i miss rooster. I'm glad i'm the one here and not him or my dad." I talked to myself.

I stopped walking for a while, i look around and realize that it's actually a very pretty place to be if only i'm not in danger.

I stopped walking for a while, i look around and realize that it's actually a very pretty place to be if only i'm not in danger

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There are many beautiful things in life if only we stopped for a moment to actually look around. There are things that can only be seen if we stop for a moment. And in moments like this, i realize how precious the people in my life are. I can be in a beautiful place but it's nothing without having them around. They bring love to my life and i'll try my best to get back to them. I'm not gonna give up because of them.
"Wait for me, I'll be back soon." I whispered slowly.

Rooster's PoV

I was walking around the neighborhood to clear my mind when i decided to come back home because i got a bad feeling. When i got home, Summer's picture fell from the wall and the frame broke. This is usually a bad sign. Is she okay out there?

It's 4 PM when my phone rang, it's Mav calling. My gut keeps on telling me that it can't be good.

"Rooster, mayday. You need to come to the base ASAP. Summer's plane just got shot, and we can't contact her."

I dropped my phone in disbelief. The one thing that i'm so afraid of is actually happening. Please hold on summer, i'll do anything to save you. My sweet angel.
I rushed to my car and drive as fast as i can to the base. I should've stopped her harder, if only i try harder to stop her.

I arrived at the base and ran to the room that they use to communicate with summer.

"What happened? where is she? is she alive?"

Mav came to me and said, "calm down, you have to stay sane. She needs us. The last time we tracked her plane she was on top of a forest near the enemy's base. She succesfully ejected from her plane before the plane blowed. We will send search and rescue tomorrow."

"Is is safe for us to send search and rescue? maybe it's better if we send smaller team so that the enemy won't see us." I said back.

"We will be sending one comanche helicopter to make sure that everything's secure and then we'll send the rest of the team."

"I want in. Send me, sir." I said to iceman.

Iceman nodded at me.

"Have you been able to contact her?"

"No, she was on stealth mode so she didn't bring any communication devices with her other than the one attached to her plane." Mav said.
"Don't worry, she's a survivor. I'm sure she'll stay alive one way or another." He continued.

"Comanche to base, asking for permission to take off."


We were all waiting for the good news so that we can actually start looking for her. I'll never let her go alone again.
"Please don't you die on me, summer." I said to myself.

After 3 hours, the comanche finally sent us good news.
"Air is clear, sir. No enemy planes or troops."

"Base to search and rescue, take off position."

"Ready, sir. Permission to take off?"

"Positive. Let's bring our precious summer back with us." Cyclone said. "Rooster, Mav, there's a helicopter waiting for you both."

"Thank you, sir" I said to cyclone.

Wait for me, I'm coming for you summer.

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