By Kountibah

42K 2.1K 186

A year after her husband's death, Gigi Montagne is still unable to recover from her depression. Not even the... More



816 43 1
By Kountibah

Hakim reached out to hold Gigi's hands after they heard the pilot's message. They were going to land soon. The both of them exchanged a look. Gigi had a big smile on her face, excited that she was finally going to visit Hakim's country. She kissed the back of his hand but soon realized that her boyfriend didn't share her enthusiasm. He looked worried.

"I have a weird feeling." He said again just like he did before they boarded the plane.

"Hakim...I told you, there is nothing to worry about. What is it that you think will happen to us?"

"I don't know..."

Thomas was on the third seat next to them. He was asleep but woke up to the sound of people getting ready to get off. Hakim looked at him and then at Gigi. His frown only deepened.

No doubt, he was glad to be back home sooner than he had expected. He couldn't wait to show the best things that Accra had to offer to Gigi and Thomas. Yet, deep down in his gut, he was scared. It was such a huge responsibility to have them here with him. He felt the need to protect them but had no idea from what. That's what worried him the most. He knew there was a reason behind his worries but without an idea of what to look out for, it would be difficult to prepare.

"If anything happens to you here..." He said. "I don't think I could ever forgive myself.

Gigi shook her head:

"Babe, I am the one who decided to come here, alright? Even if something happens, which I seriously doubt, nothing would be on you. I would gladly take all responsibilities."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to control the feeling of guilt..."

Thomas leaned over to reply to Hakim. He had a tiny smirk on his face:

"Don't stress about it, Hakim. We are already here. What are we going to do, get on another plane to France?"

Hakim sighed. Thomas was right. He wasn't able to stop Gigi before they took the plane so there was no point in talking about his worries when they were just about to land. He nodded and Gigi held his hand against her cheek, in a way that made him feel less nervous.

Soon enough, they were off the plane and had found their suitcases, ready to set foot on Ghana's soil for the first time. It was three in the morning and only a few travelers were inside in the airport. Yet, as soon as they stepped outside, they realized that the city was not yet asleep, far from that!

There was a crowd out there, mainly composed of families that came to bid farewell to someone who was traveling. Other than that, there were a lot of peddlers, trying to sell various types of gadgets, or taxi drivers luring whoever they saw carrying suitcases to their cars.

One of them was quick to approach Hakim before anyone else could. When Hakim gave him the address of the villa they had rented, he offered a fairly reasonable price so the three of them followed him to his cab. The driver was an elderly man but very enthusiastic and light-hearted. The smile on his face never faded as he helped Hakim put the suitcases in the car trunk while Gigi and Thomas went inside.

They drove away from Kotoka airport and onto a highway. Hakim sat next to a cab driver who put on some local music. He started a little dance that amused Gigi and Thomas quite a bit.

"Where are you guys from?" He asked, looking at them through the rearview mirror.

"France," Gigi replied as Thomas rested his head over her shoulder.

"Oh, Paris!" The driver exclaimed with a big laugh. "I see a lot of french tourists are visiting our country lately. But it's a bit strange, I believe the holidays are still two months away for you, no? What brings you here so early?"

"Well...I have a personal business to take care of."

The driver threw a few glances toward Gigi, waiting for her to say more but she didn't. He ended up shrugging:

"I hope you will have a good time here nonetheless!"

They soon arrived at the hotel. Hakim thanked the driver and paid him after they got the suitcases out of the trunk. Before leaving, he handed a flyer for a restaurant to Gigi.

"It's my wife's place." He explained. "You can visit anytime you want for a free meal. Just tell her I sent you."

"Oh that's very kind, thank you."

The driver left and after they checked into their hotel suite, Gigi couldn't stop talking about how everyone was so kind already and about how much fun she was going to have. Hakim just groaned. He was tired from the trip and just wanted to sleep.

Or so he thought because even after he took a shower and laid down on the bed, he couldn't find the strength to close his eyes. So he laid on his back and stared at the ceiling.

Gigi joined him later, crawling slowly toward him before resting her chin on his naked chest. She traced the outlines of his arm muscles with a pout on her face.

"You really are not happy about this trip, are you?" She asked.

"...It's not that I'm not happy...I just don't know about our plan with Shan."

Hakim recalled the conversation he had with Gigi three months ago about this trip. They didn't come just to enjoy themselves but to settle things with Shan, once and for all. It seemed like a great plan before but now that he was in the country, Hakim no longer wanted to face Shan. He was worried about what he would find out and the consequences. Yet, Gigi was determined.

"It's all going to work out." She said softly, running a hand through his hair and looking into his eyes with so much love.

"What if it doesn't?" Hakim added. "There are only two endings to this story. Either I'm going to lose you or her and both are literally tearing my heart to pieces."

Gigi bit on her lower lip. She's still hoping that Hakim will choose her no matter what, even if Shan has been truthful this whole time. Actually, the fact that he's still hesitating between the both of them was kind of upsetting but she chose not to focus on that. She sat up on the bed.

"Babe...Let's just follow my plan to the letter and you will soon get your answers. You have to admit that we will have to go through this, sooner or later. If you do things exactly as I say, it will end with the least of damage, understood?"

Hakim nodded.

"So...Tell me again. What are you going to do tomorrow?" She asked.

"...I will go and spy on Shan to see how she acts when I'm not around. Maybe then I can find proofs that she's hiding something and confront her about it."

"But are you to approach her in any way?"

"No. Not until the confrontation, which we will discuss together beforehand."

"Good. Good. She also can't know that I'm here with you until the right moment. It will be our little secret."

"But...Will you come with me tomorrow anyway? We can spy on her together."


Gigi straddled Hakim's lap and leaned down to kiss his lips slowly. He placed a hand on her neck and deepened their kiss, smiling as she started tickling his side gently.

"A bit...Risky." She said between two pecks. "But I can assure you, I cannot wait to meet her. But all will happen at the right moment."

Hakim grabbed her waist and reversed their position so he was hovering over her. He slid a hand under her shirt and watched as her breathing quickened. Hakim buried his face in the crook of her neck and peppered her with kisses. Gigi laughed.

"You're incredible," Hakim mumbled against her skin.

"Am I?"

"Yes...I don't think I would ever be able to let you meet another boyfriend alone. Not that I don't trust you but...It would be them that I wouldn't trust."

Gigi leaned over to whisper into his ear:

"I don't trust her either but I know you...I know you will do everything right, Hakim. So I have nothing to worry about."

Hakim nodded with a little smile but what he didn't want to admit was that he felt a bit of excitement at the thought of meeting Shan again after so long. He was ashamed as he made love to Gigi while thinking about another woman, even if he was aware that his feelings for Shan weren't the same anymore.

The next day, he left Gigi and Thomas who'd later join the activities offered by the hotel and rented a motorbike. He wore a helmet so Shan wouldn't be able to recognize her, no matter what. He then drove through Accra's streets and toward the neighborhood he grew up in.

The city has changed a lot in a span of a few years, especially on the construction side with buildings coming out of the grounds like trees. Hakim even got lost a couple of times but after asking around, he was able to find his way again and arrive just around the corner of the house he recognized as Shan's family home.

Unlike the rest of the city, that house didn't change much. In fact, it stayed exactly the same as Hakim remembered. Suddenly, tears were flowing out of his eyes. He recalled the warm meals he shared with this family that didn't even have enough for itself, yet they welcomed him with open arms and shared every blessing with him.

It was still early in the morning so only a few people were out and the door to Shan's home remain closed for at least an hour before someone came out. Hakim held his breath when Shan appeared and he clutched the handle of his bike.

She wore a handmade red skirt with a black top and her hair was tied into a ponytail. She made sure that the door was safely locked before plugging her earphones in and walking slowly toward the bus stop.

Hakim followed her with his eyes. Even though he managed to stay composed, God only knew how hard it was for him. He just wanted to jump off of his bike, run to her, and sweep her off her feet. His previous doubts about her had vanished now that she was in front of him. The only thing that mattered right then was how much he missed his Shan.

She waited at the bus stop for a short while until her ride came. Hakim followed the bus on his bike. He already knew where she was heading. It seemed like Shan's routine hadn't changed either. She went to the market where her stand was waiting for her.

It was hard for Hakim to blend among the other vendors around. There were no customers yet except for a few maids. Hakim hid behind anything that seemed appropriate and spied on Shan as she got ready for another day of tough work.

He didn't get tired of it, even as the hours passed and more and more people filled the space around him. Shan's smile as she served her clients was all the energy he needed. He hid behind a tree and listen to her melodious laugh and voice. She made conversation with everyone, still the social butterfly he remembered. Hakim was falling in love again, just like the first time he met her in the market.

There was nothing odd about her. She was nothing but a ray of sunshine. Hakim wondered how he even could doubt her for a second and he felt stupid, hiding behind a tree and spying on an innocent woman. The worst was, of course, the guilt. He cheated on Shan for no reason. She'd been truthful to him all along and just for one moment of doubt, Hakim had let her down. He fisted his hands, filled with shame.

The surprise came when he looked up and saw that Shan had stopped serving her customers...And was looking straight in his direction. Hakim Frowned. It seemed like she was looking at him but why? No way she had recognized him, he still had his helmet on. 

Since her gaze didn't falter, Hakim took a few steps back, ready to flee but Shan was sharp. She guessed his next move and as soon as Hakim ran, she followed. 


Hakim didn't stop, avoiding successfully the people that stood before him. Just before he reached the entrance of the market, he turned to check where Shan was. She was right behind him and when Hakim ran into a man and was forced to stop in his track, Shan quickly grabbed the back of his shirt. 

The man that Hakim hit cursed a few times before going along. He, on the other hand, was breathing hard, looking down at Shan who snarled with fury. 

"I told you to not come to my workplace." She said. "I will give you your fucking money, stop stalking me."

Hakim blinked. What was she talking about? Since he didn't say anything, Shan's frown deepened. She stood on her tippy toes and snatched the helmet off of Hakim's head. As soon as she saw his face, she let the helmet fall to the ground and gasped. 


Hakim stood awkwardly in front of her. People were watching them curiously. An awkward smile stretched the corners of his lips:


Shan gaped at him, her expression a mix of joy and horror. it was strange to look at. 

"Who did you think I was?" Hakim asked because clearly, Shan mistook him for someone else. 

Someone she owed money to. Maybe she really had something to hide after all. The joy in Shan's slowly faded in front of his eyes. The only remaining emotion was now horror: 

"Have...Have you been spying on me?" She asked.

 Hakim wished he could have reunited with his Shan differently but he was sick of the confusion. He needed to know who Shan was, once and for all and the confrontation was happening now, with or without Gigi. 

"Yes, Shan. I actually have a lot of questions for you..."

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