Fearless - Ashley Sanchez

By uswnts_fav2021

19.1K 536 27

{COMPLETE} Kyla Ripley and Trinity Rodman have been best friends for 13 years - since they were 6 years old... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28

Chapter 27

543 20 2
By uswnts_fav2021

Kyla's POV

I was nervous all morning and all afternoon for this stupid challenge cup final. 

I was actually scared, like actually scared. Petrified to say the least. 

I paced, I played guitar, I paced again, I stretched, I read a book, I paced, and finally I got in my car to go to the field. 

The whole team saw how nervous I was, and most of them were too. 

"Kyla you're really pale." Anna said. 

"I'm nervous." I replied, putting on my red warm up shirt. 

"Well don't be." 

"Great advice. Thanks." I rolled my eyes. 

"Kyla, I'm serious. You've got nothing to be scared of. Angel City is no better than OL Reign." 

"I guess, right?" 

"They're a new team. We got this. You've got this." 

I looked over to see Ashley listening a little bit, but I didn't care. 

"I'm still so scared, Anna. I know I'm gonna frick something up." 

"Shut up. You're gonna crush it." 

I knew I wasn't starting, but that was part of our game plan. I would come on at halftime, bringing a ton of energy like I always do. No one else knows this, and I hope they don't think I'm benched because I missed the penalty kick in the last game. 

When we went outside to warm up, I realized Ashley wasn't with us. 


Ashley's POV

I'm telling her. 

You know how she told me with a note? I'm telling her the same way. 

I overheard Kyla talking with Anna in the locker room before they went out to warm up, and she said she was scared. 

I got a piece of paper and a pencil, and looked up the dictionary definition of the word fearless. 

Not only was it what she needed to be right now, but it was also our song. 

It hurts to listen to, but it's still my favorite. 

Fearless: unapprehensive. not recognizing or slow to recognize danger; unfrightened. not affected by fright; bold. 

That's what I wrote on the front. 

And on the back: 

I still love you too. 

It might have been stupid to write that, but I don't and won't regret it. 

I taped the note on her jersey, the part that said fearless showing. So who Knows if she'll even see the other side. 


Kyla's POV

After warm ups, my nerves only calmed down a little. 

It was time to change into our jerseys now, but on mine, there was a piece of paper taped to it. 

It said: Fearless: unapprehensive. not recognizing or slow to recognize danger; unfrightened. not affected by fright; bold

And I knew who had left it by the handwriting. 

I read it over again, and I felt my nerves calm a lot now. I even smiled. 

I put the note down, and put my jersey on. 

Trin came over to me to do our handshake, and I felt even better after that. 

I picked up the note to read it again before we went out to the field. 

Sonnett walked by me, making the little piece of paper fly out of my hands. 

It landed on the other side, which said something I didn't expect. 

I still love you too. 

I almost cried reading that. 

I put the note safely in my locker, and followed the team out to the bench before they announced the starters. 


I couldn't wipe the stupid smile off my face for the whole first half, and then when we went to the locker room at the half, I contemplated saying something, but I didn't. 

Mainly because we were down 2-0. 

"Something's not right tonight, coach. What do we do?" Asked Hatch. 

"We unleash our secret weapon." Kris replied. 

"What?" Sam Staab asked. 

"Ripley, start stretching." He said, and I took off my pinny and gave it to Taylor Alymer who was subbing off. 

"Let's go kid!" Kelley said, giving me a high five. 

"Light it up  out there." Taylor said. 

"Let's go kill it." Said Trin as we walked out. 

"Fearless." Ashley said as she walked by me. 

I looked up and her, and then I had to do a double take because I didn't register that she had actually spoken to me in a not-negative way. 

I just have to work on tying this up. 

One goal at a time. 

It took all of 8 minutes for me to score. 

The assist came from Trinity off a cross, and Ashley let the ball roll through her legs because she had a defender on her. 

"Ky!" She yelled as the ball rolled towards me, and I just put it nicely to the bottom right corner. 

That was the begging of us dominating possession and not letting Angle City on our half. 

Trinity took a shot that went just above the net, Hatch took one that went just wide, Anna had one that bounced off the post, and Ashley had a few that were saved. 

I still love you too.

It continued to echo through my mind, minute after minute. 

Angel City had a goal kick, and when the goalie played the short ball to her outside back, I ran to it, forcing her to give up possession, right to Ashley. Defenders swarmed her, but she was able to get a pass through to me, and I was 1 on 1 with the goalie now. 

I took the shot, and upon watching it hit the back of the net, the crowd went wild. 

It's all tied up now, with 15 minutes to play. 

They say 2-0 is the lost dangerous lead. 

Our defense held up strong, and our offense kept attacking. 

Then Angel city had a corner kick with about 3 minutes left to play in regulation. 

The ball was cleared easily, but we had no one up to get it. 

I ran as fast as I possibly could to get that ball, and I checked my shoulder to see Ashley running about 10 yards from me. 

Their center backs were sprinting to get back, but we beat them by a mile. 

I gave the ball to Ashley, telling her to shoot, but she gave it back and yelled "HAT TRICK!" 

We were getting so close that I couldn't pass it again, so I just took the shot, praying it would go in. I got shoved from behind, right after, so I couldn't see. 

But judging by the crowd's reactions, and Ashley's scream, it went in. 

I wanted to get up and celebrate, but one of their defenders had landed right on top of me. As soon as she rolled off, my team piled around me. 

"You did it, Ky!" Ashley said. 

"Dude, you're so awesome!" Said Trinity. 

I grabbed Ashley's hands so she could pull me up, and I gave her a hug. 

"Thank you." I whispered, giving her a hug. "I still love you." 

"I still love you too." 

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