My Candlelight (Bo Sinclair F...

Bởi chocolate_milq

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Waking up in a forest with no recollection of how you got there, or who put you there, is definitely not a fu... Xem Thêm

Movie Night: Prolouge
C2 - A Ride
C3 - Wax House
C4 - You
C5 - Betrayal
C6 - Morning

C1 - Fright

793 20 0
Bởi chocolate_milq

——————- Narrator POV

Elle woke up to the sound of birds.


She questioned as she began to open her eyes. It was a bright and sunny day, yet you could only tell by looking through the cracks and gleams in between the large array of trees. Elle began to feel around her, The cold hard ground instantly brought her to her senses and she quickly sat herself up. "What the...." She murmured to herself as she looked around at the scenery. She was in a forest, a dense one at that, with absolutely no sign of life other than that of nature's.

"Hello!?" She yelled, her voice echoing back to her.

There was no one in sight.

So how did she get there?

With nothing else to do, she stood up and began to check her clothing. A phone...please let me have my phone...she thought as she searched her pockets. Yet there was nothing. "Fuck!" She could feel tears brimming in her eyes. Nothing is worse than being alone. However, she couldn't let her emotions rule her, and so she took a deep breath and began to walk. Surely something, or someone, will come up. Right?

25 minutes later ——————- Elle POV

After walking for a while, I decided to sit down on a fallen tree. My back was killing me, almost more than my feet were. Of course, I had to fall asleep in nothing but a white dress and shitty letterman jacket. No shoes, not even socks....."this sucks" I murmured as I leaned over and rested my elbows on my knees.

I looked up at the trees again.

It really was a nice day. It wasn't too hot since there was a nice breeze going through, and there weren't a shit ton of bugs, which is always a plus. Though it's a shame, I can't really enjoy it due to the circumstances. I sighed. "Oh well.."

After resting for a bit, I stood back up and continued to hike. I searched the trees carefully, looking for any sign of a path or even a road. Minutes began to feel like hours and I felt like I was getting nowhere. That is until I heard the familiar roar of an engine. A car! I began to sprint towards the noise, completely forgetting the aching of my feet on the cold hard ground. Maybe I'll be able to get back home...

It wasn't too long before I reached a vast road. I looked side to side, seeing if there were any traces of buildings alongside it. Luckily for me, there was a small shabby building in the distance. Looked like some sort of gas station, or perhaps a bar. Either way, it didn't matter, I had to get over there and see if they had a phone..... or maybe even a map?

As I began to walk, I noticed something strange though, all of the cars that passed by me didn't even make an attempt to slow down and ask me if I was ok. I mean, I didn't mind- but I wasn't wearing any shoes whatsoever, you would think someone would stop. But they didn't. Strange.

Eventually I made it to the building, conveniently it was a gas station. As I walked in, I could feel the stares of tons of strangers. I must've looked a hot mess by the way they looked at me. Though I couldn't let that disturb me, getting home was a priority after all! I waltzed up to the cashier and began to plead my case. Her name was Valerie. She was a short older woman with a warm smile, warm enough to make me feel somewhat secure in this dingy old place. I told her my story of how I woke up in the woods and made my way here, Expecting her to look at me as if I were insane.....But she didn't. Instead she offered me her cellphone so I could call my friends, that way I could see if they could give me a lift back home. All while telling me exactly where I was....

"LOUISIANA?!" I shouted.

Everyone looked at me even more, I couldn't contain the panic I was experiencing as I started to pace back and forth. Valerie stared at me in pity, as she tried to calm me down. Although I was thankful for her generosity, I couldn't shake off the shock. I buried my face in my hands. " way no way! How could this be? This makes no sense!" I groaned, feeling overwhelmed by it all. Just what was I supposed to do? There was no way my friends could come get me like this, at least not without paying out of pocket...trains, car rides, airplanes, it's all so expensive. And my friends well....they were in college or fresh out of college. Student debt is a thing ya know!

As I continued to drown in my despair, a shaky voice spoke up from beside me. "U-um is everything alright?" A girl asked, I groaned and responded with "absolutely not...", not willing to unveil my eyes as I didn't want to be seen. The girl persisted with yet another question, "well is there anyway I can help?" I sighed. It wouldn't hurt to see what my options are. I pulled my hands away from my tear stained face and turned to look at the woman.


It's that.....Carly?

I stared at her in shock, she was wearing the exact same outfit as she did in the opening scene of House Of Wax. She even had the same hair color and everything. "Um H-hello?", "Ah sorry sorry! You just uh...looked like someone I know..." I looked away awkwardly. This is insane, am I dreaming? I should try to stay calm for now..."oh! Well, um I couldn't help but overhear your friends and I are on our way to a football game actually, if you want you can tag along!-" She started, but was quickly cut off by her delinquent brother, Nick. "I don't think that's such a great idea....we don't even know this girl" he looked me up and down with a slight disgust. Rude much?

She rolled her eyes and continued on "oh please, she needs help, it won't be too much of a hassle!" She pleaded, looking back over to me with a smile. "I have some spare clothes and shoes in our car, you can try them on to see if anything fits". Man why was she being nice to me? I'm gonna feel real bad once all her friends end up dying....I might as well join them. Hopefully I could convince them to not go camping in the woods, that is if they'll listen to me-

"Alright, I guess I'll go with you....if it's really ok.....I would be alright if you did ask your friends first if it's fine, I don't want to be a burden to you all" I pleaded, earning me a sympathetic look from Carly and Nick, they both nodded and quickly left the station, leaving me to stand there beside the cashier counter. I stared at them as they began to convince their friends outside on letting me join them. To my surprise, Carly came back in with a huge smile on her face.

"they said it's fine! Let's go!"

She held her hand out to me, to which I accepted, and brought me outside to meet her friends. I expected them to all look at me the same way that Nick did...however they all seemed pretty chill with me coming along. Especially Paige, apparently I looked 'best friend worthy' as she quoted. I didn't mind, it was better for me in the long run if I could get on everyone's good side.

I just hope we can steer clear of Ambrose...

3 hours later—————Narrator POV

Elle sat silently in the back of Waydes car, squished in-between Nick and Dalton, both of whom being just as silent as she. Before they began their long drive, Elle was lucky enough to have the same size feet as Carly, which led Carly to give her a pair of old black Converses and white socks for her to wear. Carly also lent Elle a hair tie to she could tie up her long brown hair. Elle was thankful, though it made it harder for her to ignore the situation that was soon to befall them.

It wasn't long before the mysterious man in the vehicle began to tail them. This was it, Elle thought. If she could have them avoid angering Bo, maybe Wade's fanbelt wouldn't be tampered with. Maybe I can survive, she prayed. However, it didn't seem like this would be an easy task, as Nick was already getting fed up and was reaching out the window to strike. "Wait!" Elle yelled, before grabbing a hold of him.

But it was too late, he had already smashed the light.

Dammit nick! She cursed in her head. How can I fix this? She thought, before she shoved him out the way and stuck her own head out the wheel. It was a chaotic mess in the truck, everyone screaming and getting amped up as Nick tried to stop Elle. But she couldn't just leave this be, she had to try to make amends. Anything. Just anything to prolong her life. "Im sorry about your headlight! Please excuse him! Everyone was just scared so....If you can....please, can you leave us be?" She said, tears in her eyes, giving her most sincere apologies.

Meanwhile Nick was grabbing at her waist, trying to pull her back in. "Get back in now! It's dangerous!" Nick exclaimed, but Elle didn't care and continued to look head on at the window, unable to see the man's face but knowing clearly who was in side. "Please..."she begged.

As if fate was on her side, the car began to slow down, so much do that it stopped dead in its tracks behind them and then soon turned around.

Eventually everyone was back in the car, the windows rolled up to prevent further accident, and everyone out of breath. "Just what the hell were you thinking?!" Nick yelled at Elle, but she didn't care, she didn't look nor speak a word to him, just looked out the window. The fact that Bo listened was enough to make her feel more at ease. "Please Nick, she saved our asses! If you didn't try and break that guys light, we could've been through worse!" Carly chimed in, with Wade and Dalton agreeing. "Hate to say it man but....he did back off nicer than he would've if she didn't say something...." Dalton trailed off, not wanting to stir the pot, but being unable to agree with Nick.

This argument caused a kind of change of heart and Nick sat back quietly. He was frustrated as he wanted to just help, even Elle knew that. But his actions could have very well sped up their demises. With a sigh, "I'm sorry....I shouldn't have yelled...just try not to stick your head out the window to talk to some crazy person" he muttered. Elle smiled and nodded, "I am sorry too, for being reckless". And so, Everyone was calm for the rest for the rest of the ride.

30 minutes later—————

Eventually the events of the movie had set in place, the mysterious sign of the Wax Museum, Paige 'looking for her lipgloss', and of course, they decided to camp out. It wasn't like Elle had chose to let everything play out, she had interjected in multiple conversations to build up trust, and although everyone seemed content with her, even Nick for crying out loud, they still ignored and pressed on with their plans.

By this time, Elle had laid comfortably in one of the tents by herself. Searching around in her thoughts for something she could do. It was clear to her that she has nowhere to go. Although she wanted to be hopeful of getting back home and resuming her simple life, she knew that this world she was in, wasn't a part of hers. Meaning that regardless if she found a phone and a temporary place to stay, it didn't matter. Because no one knew her. She practically didn't exist.

And this scared her.

As she sighed, Carly could be heard from outside her tent. A faint "hey?" Before she pried open the tents' door flaps. "Ah hi..." Elle propped herself up to look at Carly. She tried to bear a smile but she knew it didn't come off genuine. "You okay? You haven't come out in a bit......are you tired maybe?" Carly asked with a tilt of her head. "Ah, I guess I'm a little tired... a lot on my mind is all, Thanks.." Elle sighed, finding herself becoming distant despite Carly's kindness. "Oh ok! Well if you need anything, just come out, we'll be up for a while so no worries" Elle nodded, and soon Carly left her be.

I guess I should sleep...Elle thought, laying back down and looking up at the roof of the tent.

Yeah....some sleep will be nice...

Elle closed her eyes and prepared herself for a new day.


Helloooooooo, that's it for this chapter! If ya liked this, please feel free to give it a like, comment and perhaps add it to ur list! If u have any questions, concerns or even recommendations for other stories I can possibly write, lemme know! Tysm for reading! 💕

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