A Billionaire's Bodyguard

Par Rshores

324K 14.1K 3.4K

Percy woke up on the bank of a lake just outside Gotham city. Problem? Oh, not many besides her scratches, s... Plus

Chapter 1: A fresh start
Chapter 2: Shoot! I Knew Parties Sucked
Chapter 3: Dodging the Bulldozer
Chapter 4: Training pact
Chapter 5: Holy Memory cookies
Chapter 6: A call bearing good news
Chapter 7: I share my morning with crazy cosplayers and children
Chapter 8: I make an old man cry
Chapter 9: First day, first pains
Chapter 10: With new jobs come new pains
Chapter 11: Just keep dancing
Chapter 12: A Confession
Chapter 13: Remembering a past life
Chapter 14: Playing Soccer against a pro and a lucky charm
Chapter 15: Trying to make cookies from memory
Chapter 16: Many encounter begin at 11
Chapter 17: Getting bribed by a child
Chapter 18: A Midmorning Report
Chapter 20: Alakazam, Alakazoom, heal that wound!!
Chapter 21: Having a child read to me
Chapter 22: I Shoot a Girl with Some Windex
Chapter 23: A Threat of Getting Kidnapped
Chapter 24: A Brick Wall Smiles
Chapter 25: A Sea of Flashing Lights Nearly Blinds Me
Chapter 26: A Common Philosophy Between Friends
Chapter 27: The Redhead Bids Me Goodbye...I Think?
Chapter 28: A Call From The Bathroom
Chapter 29: Getting Home With New Rules
Chapter 30: Hallucinations Accompany Dishes
Chapter 31: Cigarettes Lead to Forgiveness
Chapter 32: The Awful News
Chapter 33: The Yellow Shirt May Not Fit
Chapter 34: McShizzle the master artist
Chapter 35: Everyone Deserves Someone to be There for Them
Chapter 36: Hopeless and Childish
Chapter 37: A Serious Sit Down
Chapter 38: Floof and Scoot against the world
Chapter 39: The Fall
Chapter 40: A Strong Man Breaks
Chapter 41: Getting Tackled By a Fur Ball
Chapter 42: A Very Sickly Plane Flight
Chapter 43: It Wasn't Funny the First Time
Chapter 44: Apparently Helping Makes Me a Dinkleberg
Chapter 45: All Better
Chapter 46: Frosting....Everywhere
Chapter 47: How cliche would that be right?
Chapter 48: --------
Chapter 49: 12 hours
Chapter 50: A Weiner Dog Monster
Chapter 51: Late night visits
Chapter 52: A Deliberation
Chapter 53: The culprits hang their heads in shame
Chapter 54: As it all comes flooding in
Chapter 55: A single text can make a whole day
Chapter 56: I get tackled by the little star
Chapter 57: Poor West gets kicked out
Chapter 58: Not taking anything back, not even the hand sized cookies
One shot #1
Oneshot #2
One Shot #3

Chapter 19: A Grand Takedown

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Par Rshores

——————Percy's POV:——————

The sun light in my eyes was bright, and annoying. It hurt my eyelids and heated them up slightly. It was an uncomfortable feeling that I didn't enjoy. It painted my eyelids orange, instead of black as they should be when I closed my eyes.

I didn't even remember coming home, so I'm glad I did. To be honest I didn't remember much, after getting out of that fight I guess my brain was on low battery cause it didn't seem to save much of anything.

Maybe I'd been on low battery mode my whole life.

It would've been funny in different context I suppose.

The light persisted, getting brighter as if it were mocking me.

When did I open the blinds?? No, I wouldn't do that, so who opened my blinds??

Maybe Alyssa came in? No she would've told me, not to mention she doesn't even have a key to my new place.

The pain from my cheek stung, warning me to stop thinking about this and turn my head in another direction. This combined with the  annoyance of the light paused my thinking as I let a groan escape me. I quickly picked up my other pillow, throwing it over my head as the lights suddenly disappeared, making way for the peaceful darkness that soothed my stinging eye.

The darkness allowed me to think.

Why was there light coming into my room? When did I get home? How did I get home? Did I even get a dress.

Wit a groggy groan, I pushed myself up, looking like I was probably trying to do a push up. I could hear the pillow fall off the bed some where around me.Taking a deep breath, I looked in front of me, allowing my eyes to adjust to the brightness.

Different brown blobs danced in my vision, varying from dark to tan.


I didn't have tan in my room.

I'd painted it blue on the first day, or rather, night.

I blinked a couple more times, clearing the bleary mess from my eyes until eventually I was able to focus on the very detailed and lovely headboard in front of me, the intricate details stunning but definitely not mine.

A sharp inhale seemed to knock some sense in to me as I turned quickly and... this wasn't my room.

The basically empty room had a desk.

With a sudden stress I tried to think back to last night, small pieces coming at first before, like a stream, things began to come together and make sense.

I let out a sigh of relief at the remembrance that I was in Bruce's manor, but a bad feeling filled me as I remembered my job.

I quickly scrambled, looking for my phone, though as I scanned the room, I found it laying on the desk besides my pen.

It's weird to think about, but the pen is probably my most loyal friend.

Great, now I feel lonely.

Done with feeling lonely and also fearing for my job, I pushed myself out of bed, quickly walking over to the desk but not forgetting to note the string of clothes that seemed to litter the ground, acting as a pathway as they formed a connection between the desk and the bed.

Maybe if I was lucky, I would get there in the middle of breakfast.

I took a deep breath as I found my phone, quickly turning it on to see the time.

A few messages popped up, a few from unknown numbers but one sticking out specifically.

"Limited edition blue coke-a-cola!!  Purchase now before stocks disappear!!" I stared at the image provided in slightly confusion and awe.

For some reason I desperately wanted this.

I took a deep breath as I resisted the urge, blocking the number before checking the message from Luke.

"Hey! I know you're busy and all but Alyssa won a super huge fight and Sam's taking us out for some drinks and dinner, I know you're not up for the drinks part but I thought dinner might interest you? Just lmk, it'll be tomorrow night and we're meeting up at Alyssa's"

I paused as I looked over the message. It wasn't unlikely that I would get off at 10, but it was also a weekend so maybe that mean more work. 

"Hey Luke, don't wait up for me but I'll text you if I'm free" I didn't receive a message back, which is to be expected as I shoved the phone back down onto the desk.

I needed to hurry, I didn't have time for all this.

With a sigh I turned to the closet, spotting the dress from last night as soon as I opened the door, except I remembered hanging it up, not leaving it on the ground. I groaned as I picked it up, hanging it where it should be.

I took my final pair of clean clothes, hoping silently that Bruce wouldn't mind a hoodie as I changed.

I quickly stopped in the bathroom, getting quite the shock when bare foot met cold tile, sending a shiver up my spine and forcing me to close my eyes slightly.

I took a minute before looking in the mirror. With the way my face was hurting, it wasn't unlikely that I had a bruise, in face, I had to hope that it wasn't too large.

After preparing myself I turned to the mirror. I looked rough, my hair was a mess and the bruise on my cheek was green and blue, spreading from my lips to just below my eyes. And the cut, ugh. It looked rough, very red and irritated and small flakes of dried blood cling to the edges.

I rustled my hair with my hands, trying my best to pat it down, but mainly trying to use it to cover as much of my cheek as possible.

After not succeeding for at least a minute, I relented, moving to the provided tooth brush as I quickly brushed my teeth.

I set down the toothbrush ready to leave but I stopped. Washing my face always made me feel better, and well, I was already late, and this wasn't going to take forever sooo.

I spared a couple seconds, throwing some water onto my face and allowing the cool and smooth liquid to carry away the blood and worry.

I took the small hand towel and pat down my face lightly, paying extra mind to the wound, though it didn't seem to hurt as much.

The magic of a clean face, ey?

With a clean face and a calming feeling, I left the bathroom, quickly placing my shoes on before I left the room, turning down the hall.

It seemed quiet, so maybe I wasn't too late.

This silent hope was crushed as soon as I heard footsteps.


The footsteps were heavy, and were getting closer and closer by the second.

I barely had time to turn before I spotted a man with black and white hair pulling his arm back to punch, his dull green blue eyes full of rage and malice.

I barely dodged before my body went into auto pilot, the danger that the others in the house or myself were in shoving itself to the front of my mind as my hands grabbed the mans arm.

"A WOMAN-" he began but I didn't give him time as I fell into a stance, pulling with all my strength as I pulled him into the air, using myself of leverage to get him higher up and above my body.

We made momentary eye contact, his eyes angry but surprised before he was launched to the ground, landing with a thump. A crash that seemed to rattle the ground, so much so that the table shook, the glass on top of it nearly toppling off the edge.

"Who are y-?!"

The sudden slamming of a door stopped me, a loud voice coming from behind me one that I immediately identified as- "WHAT IN THE EVER LOVING F U C K IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!" Damien yelled, surely turning to the two of us as his footsteps neared till he stopped besides us.

"Damien! Why aren't you doi-"

"Jason! I swear if you ever wake me up with your schinanegans ever again I will cut off all your fingers!! And you-" Damien took one look at me, his eyes stopping on my cheek as he paused. He suddenly took on a drastically different tone. "It's not your fault"

I think that's the nicest thing he's ever said to me. I mean, there isn't much to pick from but it definitely was the nicest.

"What do you-!"

"Jason! Meet Percy, our new, or rather, new to you! Bodyguard. Percy, meet Jason, yet another of my troublesome brothers."

"O-" I paused, immediately letting go of his hands.

"I'm so sorry- I mean- you just- I didn't mean-!"

"Percy, stop." Damien said, holding a hand out to me. "Jason, this wouldn't of happened if you had just responded- no, looked at our messages! I should just get you a new brain because at this point Sir pennyworth has better ideas then you!" Jason seemed to pause, gaining an annoyed look. "Now apologize!"

Jason sighed, picking himself off the ground before turning to me.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have attacked you."

"And!?" Damien added.

"And for not reading my messages-"


"And what?! I've barely even had anything to do with her!"

"Apologize to me! I was a victim here!"




"I accept your apology, and we won't disturb you anymore Damien so go ahead and go rest, I'll make sure to be extra quiet when cleaning later and if you'd like I'll bring you breakfast."

Damien paused, taking a deep breath.

"Right, thank you Percy. Jason-" he stopped himself when I gave him a slight look. "Right" Damien turned around, and headed back to his room.

I turned back to Jason when I heard the door shut but as soon as I turned I was met with a dark feeling.

The feeling was cold and heavy, weighing the room down and making my breaths feel like they were underwater.

I didn't like the feeling, but it felt almost nostalgic, like a distant feeling or an embarrassing memory that still made my stomach churn.

"So," his eyes transitioned from me to the white streak in my hair, one that seemed to match his. Maybe he could tell me what this was. "Where'd you come from? I'd say it'd have to be pretty frightening to move to Gotham."

"No? I came from a place not to far from here" I said nonchalantly, though this seemed to not be the answer he wanted as his already stern glare turned a bit annoyed.

"Are you sure? Because you really look like people who come from somewhere far below..."

"Below?? What-"

He stared at me as if expecting a lie, his posture showing me that he was closed off, and very hostile which was only slightly understandable.

"Below, like a long ways down"

"Down...town?" I asked hesitantly, trying to see if I was anywhere near the right answer. from his look, I wasn't anywhere close.

He let out a disappointed sigh before nodding. "Yeah, are you from a city. Sorry, I guess that the flip knocked a few screws loose."

While his tone of voice wasn't exactly truthful, it was a start to non- hostility. "Yeah, I am."

He nodded carefully. "Right, and I'm sorry about any anger, I guess it kinda threw me off...I guess." He mumbled, stumbling through his apology. He clearly didn't do this often.

"It's alright" I said with a smile. "How about breakfast? I'm sure it's not too late..." I didn't sound as confident as I wanted.

"Sure." He replied with a nod before the two of us walked down the hall.

1992 words

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