A new life down under

By Irish_Wolves

74K 2.1K 189

By: phoenixgirl26 Published with permission After hearing some plans that other people wanted for him, Harry... More



3.9K 145 10
By Irish_Wolves

The next week formed a pattern for Harry. He would eat breakfast with his friends, talk to Susan on the mirror, when he knew she wouldn't be sleeping or in class. He would spend an hour or so with Sirius and Remus then catch up on all his work. Remus would leave the school a lot to go work with Gawain Gateland. Sirius would work with the teachers at the school. He would also be in constant contact with Amelia who did get the oath from three unspeakables.

One lot of their plans changed, instead of Harry going to England to spend Christmas with Sirius, Remus, Susan and Amelia, their Christmas was still going to be spent together but at the house that James and Lily had bought when they visited Australia.

Even though they students were allowed to leave the school the weekend before the holidays, Sirius took Harry shopping. Apart from seeing how Australian magical communities differ to England's, they also wanted to visit the house, to see what it was like and give it a good clean. Harry had Sirius help him pick out a promise ring for Susan, so they spent a few hours in jewellery shops trying to find the right type.

Harry had found out that Allan and Victoria didn't have any family, so Sirius and Remus invited them to spend Christmas with them at the house, if the headmaster approved, he did.

Back in England Hermione and Ginny tried to find out from Neville if Harry was going to visit over the holidays. This is what Neville had been hoping for. Harry told Neville to tell them about their holiday plans.

'Amelia Bones and Susan are going to stay with Harry at his home, Sirius and Remus are already there. It seems James and Lily Potter bought a house since they enjoyed holidays there.'

'Where?' Hermione asked innocently.

'Sorry, I can't tell you, I'm under the fidelius charm to keep that secret,' Neville waited until he was far enough away before he burst out laughing. The looks on the two girls faces was priceless, they really thought they could get the information out of Neville, now they knew how impossible it was. Neville wasn't really under the fidelius charm, but Harry, Sirius, Remus and Amelia thought it would work the best and give Neville a bit of security. If they kept going Neville had agreed to be placed under an oath so he could never repeat anything. Sirius and Remus knew they would not push Neville too far, not with who his grandmother was.

Hermione and Ginny had both scowled before they went up to see the headmaster, 'Did Remus ask about the potion?' Hermione asked.

Albus sighed then held up a letter, 'No and he won't be, it seems that Harry's new potions teacher believes he can be a master, so he has been helping Harry make the wolfsbane for Remus. Did you find out from Neville when Harry would be returning?'

'They aren't, it seems Sirius, Remus and the Bones' are going to visit Harry for Christmas. They are staying at a house that Harry's parent's bought,' Ginny huffed.

'I asked Neville where, hoping he would slip, he said it's a secret and under the fidelius charm.'

'Then there is no use trying to get that information out of Neville, he will not be able to speak of it.'

'Haven't you had any luck finding out where he is?' Ginny asked.

'No, so far every school around the world does not have a Harry Potter registered there. We know he is in one so it looks like the ministry of that country is making sure we can't find him. I have a suspicion though, the headmaster of one school is an old colleague of mine, one I did not like, he did not like me either. If that is the school then he will have made it impossible for us to get to Harry, he would do that to spite me. There isn't much more we can do until we have proof, then I will send a few people to forcibly bring Harry back.'

'It won't help us get the money though, he's betrothed to that little bitch.'

'Unless Susan had an accident, leave everything to me girls, now go, I have things to do,' Albus waited until the two young girls left before he began working on plans for Susan Bones. He knew he would need to be careful, Amelia Bones was already suspicious, so he would need to take his time and wait for a few months. He would also need to get his two little spies to leave Neville alone, anything that would throw off suspicion. Hopefully, in a few months the one obstacle would be gone and he would have Harry Potter locked up ready to die the moment Voldemort returned.

When the holidays began, Harry had been surprised to find a large potions lab off the back of the house, so he decided to stock up on potions, but also ingredients. He would never attempt a potion that he'd never made before without supervision, but he could keep practicing the potions he already knew he could make.

Susan and Harry had a great time at the house during the holidays. The house was right near the beach, so they spent a lot of their time swimming in the ocean. When Allan and Victoria arrived the four young people would spend their time on the beach or on the water. Even though it was the holidays, the adults kept working. They did take breaks, but they could not stop altogether, they wanted a way to rid Harry of a piece of Voldemort's soul.

Christmas day was so different from what Harry and Susan was used to. It was hot and sunny, not cold and snowing. They still had a great time, they also had lots of gifts. Susan ended up with tears in her eyes when Harry presented her with the promise ring. It had emeralds and diamonds around the ring. Susan said the emeralds would remind her of Harry's eyes.

Even though Sirius, Remus and Amelia sat on the large veranda watching the four young people swimming in the ocean, they would still have books around them. Amelia would check in with the unspeakables to see if they were making progress. Remus would check in with Gawain to see how things were going on the Australian side. So far, they had not found a way to get the soul out of Harry, but they believed they could contain Voldemort. They would just need to capture him which would be extremely hard and dangerous.

Once Susan had returned to England with her aunt and Allan and Victoria returned to their school, Harry had a couple of days just with the two men he thought of as family, as fathers. He even occasionally called Sirius dad and Remus father. At first he had been worried they wouldn't like it, he had also been embarrassed. Sirius and Remus felt very honoured and said if that is what Harry wanted to call them, then he could. They loved hearing Harry call them dad and father.

Gavin Reynolds could not believe how brilliant Harry was at potions. After finishing what they would learn in class, he would have Harry return a few nights a week to prepare and make more advanced potions. He never had trouble with one and he made sure to tell Harry how good he was and how proud he was of helping Harry hone his skills in potions making.

Right after the second task at Hogwarts, Susan used to mirror to contact Harry, 'So what happened?'

'They had to go into the black lake and rescue their hostage who had been put in an enchanted sleep. They were shivering like crazy by the time they got to the surface.'

'That is dangerous in that weather, who would think up something so dangerous?'

'No idea, but Cedric got first, Viktor Krum second but he was just outside the time. Fleur Delacour was attacked by grindylows, she had to be rescued. She was hysterical, calling for her sister who was her hostage and only ten years old. Dumbledore used some spell to bring her to the surface and woke her up, she was fine, just freezing.'

'Tell Cedric I said congratulations.'

'I will, but the way it's going, it looks like a Hogwarts victory, he is ahead in points. Oh, you should see the quidditch pitch, they are building a maze, with these giant hedges. They aren't finished yet, but they are already huge.'

'I bet Cedric hates seeing that.'

'All the quidditch players hate it, they really are obsessed.'

Harry laughed, 'When you're good enough to play you just can't help it. Oh I won my first few games, it was great flying in whether that doesn't try to blow you off your broom or hit you with lightning. Every game so far has been sunny, the snitch was easy to see.'

'Especially now you have contact lenses, you don't have to worry about losing your glasses, of even if they slip.'

'Best decision I made, but I have to go babe, I can't be late.'

'Write me on the weekend, I love you.'

'I love you too,' Harry blew her a kiss then cut the connection. He thought that even though he had the piece of soul behind his scar, his life just seemed perfect right now. He had fathers, he loved learning, his teachers were great, and his new friends were also great. He had a wonderful girlfriend that would one day be his wife and the mother of his children.

Harry was just about to step out of his potions classroom when he saw the headmaster and another person walk past. Harry stepped back out of view but kept his eye on the other man. He didn't recognise him but that didn't mean anything.

'Is something wrong Harry?' Gavin asked.

'I just saw Professor Torseman and a man walk past, but the man was disguised, using polyjuice potion. I could see how his fake self and real self kept fluctuating, but I didn't get a good look at what the man really looked like as he was facing the other way.'

'It may be nothing, but it may have something to do with your old headmaster. Remain here, I will seal my room then go speak with Professor Gibbons before we confront this man. You will be safe here Harry, if you get nervous, go through that door at the back, it's my private office.'

'Thanks Professor.'

Gavin gave Harry an encouraging smile, then sealed the door before hurrying to his colleagues classroom.

'We might have a problem.'

'What is it Gavin?'

'Harry just saw someone with Octavia that was under the influence of polyjuice potion.'

'Then he must be up to no good, which means it could have something to do with Harry. It's either Dumbledore and those people or Voldemort and his people. How do you want to handle this?'

'I just figured surprise would work in our favour. We just act like we need to speak with Octavia, the moment we are in the office we stun this man. We hit him twice, that will keep him out until we can explain and gives the potion a chance to wear off.'

'That will work, let's go,' Teresa and Gavin left the defence classroom and hurried towards the headmaster's office. They gave each other a look, nodded then Teresa knocked on the door, she opened it a crack, ,'Sorry to disturb you Octavia but Gavin and I need to see you about something important,' the two teachers stepped into the room, the nodded to the man before turning back to the headmaster.

'Can it wait, I'm in the middle of a meeting, Mr. Evans is thinking of sending his daughter here.'

'Well, it's a great school Mr. Evans, I'm sure your daughter will fit right in,' Gavin said then as he turned back to Octavia he gave Teresa a nod, two wands instantly sent stunners at the man, 'Sorry, but he's using polyjuice potion, Harry saw through it.'

'Bind him,' Octavia said, 'Where is Harry?'

'Sealed in my classroom, I did not want to take the chance it was one of Dumbledore's people or Voldemort's.'

'I'll get Olivia to bring him up,' Octavia left his office to find his deputy head before he re-joined his two teachers who were searching the man.

'Two wands and what is that, a potions bottle?'

'It has a portkey charm on it, must have a password to activate it.'

Olivia and Harry stepped into the room, 'What is going on?'

'He's using polyjuice potion,' Harry moved back to the other side of the office, 'But I recognise the longer wand.'

'Tell us who this is Harry.'

'Snape, Professor Severus Snape, Dumbledore's spy and a death eater.'

'Olivia, contact the aurors, get one of them here with veritaserum. He had a portkey on him.'

'Oh god no,' Harry fell onto the floor, his whole body was shaking. Gavin ran up to Harry, he pulled potions from his pocket then poured one into Harry's mouth.

'Its fine Harry, you're safe.'

'I'll get Sirius and Remus up here,' Octavia said, 'Keep your wands on him until I get back.'

Once Harry was calm, Gavin helped him into a seat, but kept him at the back of the office then he joined Teresa in pointing their wands at the man.

'He was going to take me, wasn't he?'

'We think so, but let's wait until he is questioned,' Teresa said.

Octavia, Remus and Sirius rushed into the room, Remus and Sirius went straight to Harry while Octavia waited at the door for Olivia and an auror.

'Does he have more polyjuice potion on him?'

'We didn't find any, but I know a lot of masters have been experimenting on a small capsule that they could keep in their mouth. All they have to do is bite down when the feel the potion wearing off. They use those for emergencies in case they can't use their potion,' Gavin forced opened the man's mouth, then pulled out a small grey capsule.

'Headmaster Torseman, Professor Wright filled me in. We have been in contact with our English counterpart, Madam Bones, she filled us in. You believe this man is using polyjuice potion?'

'Yes, Gavin found a capsule in his mouth and Harry recognised the wand. It belongs to Severus Snape, a teacher at Hogwarts, he was or still is a death eater.'

'He did become Dumbledore's spy, but the way he acts, we're just not sure which side he really supports,' Remus said.

'Let's wake him up and find out,' the tall auror placed shackles on the man they believed to be Snape then pointed his wand at him, 'Enervate.'

The man's eyes landed on Harry, he glared, 'What is the meaning of this?'

'Give it up Snape, we know it's you. Harry happens to have the sight, he saw through your potion,' Sirius glared.

'Let us handle this Mr. Black, you keep your godson safe,' the auror took the bottle of some potion out of his pocket and forced the whole thing into Snape's mouth then forced his mouth shut so he would swallow. The man instantly began to change until Severus Snape was before them, 'Well Snape, it seems you arrived here under false pretences. Now let's see what reasons you had for trying to fool Headmaster Torseman,' the auror placed five drops instead of the normal three into Snape's mouth who had begun to struggle.

'Why five instead of three drops?' Harry whispered.

'As we know he is a potions master, they like to build up an immunity to veritaserum. But by adding two extra drops makes it impossible to fight.'

'Oh, thanks,' Harry shrugged.

'What is your name?'

'Severus Tobias Snape.'

'What is your occupation?'

'I am the potions teacher at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.'

'Do you have any other occupation, name all of them if there is more than one?'

'Potions master and spy.'

'Who are you a spy for?'

'Albus Dumbledore.'

'Why are you here in disguise?'

'I volunteered to take Harry Potter back to Albus.'

'Why does Albus want Harry Potter?'

'So, he can kill the dark lord then die for the greater good.'

'Who plans to kill Harry Potter?'

'Albus Dumbledore, but he gave the job to me if he fails.'

'When does he believe Harry will kill the dark lord?'

'Within the year.'

'Where was he going to keep Harry Potter?'

'In a dungeon at the castle, shackled to the wall so he couldn't escape.'

'How did he plan to have Harry kill the dark lord if he was kept prisoner?'

'He has me working on a liquid version of the imperius curse.'

'Can I ask a question?'

'Of course, Mr. Potter.'

'Why does he want me married to Ginny Weasley?'

'For the Potter fortune and the seat on the Wizengamot.'

'It's what we thought,' Sirius said.

'May I?' Remus asked.

'Of course.'

'Has Albus told you what is behind Harry's scar?'

'Yes, a piece of the dark lords soul.'

'Does he know what the other items are and does he know how many? Name them if you know.'

'He knows there were seven, there are five now. Potter destroyed the diary and Albus destroyed the ring. There is a locket that belongs to Salazar Slytherin, a cup that belonged to Helga Hufflepuff, the diadem that belonged to Rowena Ravenclaw, Nagini, the dark lords snake and Potter.'

'Does he know where these items are?'

'He believes he knows but he is not positive of the cup or the diadem. He does not know where the locket is. The snake is in Little Hangleton and Potter is in Australia.'

'Why did you volunteer to kidnap Harry Potter?'

'Because he made the wolfsbane potion. He is giving me a bad name, he is like his father.'

'Um, one more.'

'Of course.'

'Does Dumbledore, Ginny, Molly or Hermione have any plans for Susan Bones?'

'Albus plans to kill her a few weeks before the end of the school year.'

'If Lord Voldemort returns will you support Albus Dumbledore or Lord Voldemort?'

'Albus Dumbledore.'


'The dark lord killed Lily.'

'Would you kill an innocent if Albus Dumbledore ordered you to?'


'Was it Albus that gave Harry the potion to block his magic and abilities?' Teresa asked.



'He fears Potter's power.'

'Does he believe Harry will be more powerful than him?' Remus asked.

'Yes, Albus scanned Potter as a baby, he will be more powerful than merlin.'

'Just to make this clear, did Albus Dumbledore order you to come to Australia and kidnap Harry Potter?'


'Does anyone else have a question for Mr. Snape?' everyone in the room shook their heads, 'Then I will take him back to the ministry. You will be notified when he's trial will be. I will contact Madam Bones so she can put her niece somewhere safe and work on arresting Albus Dumbledore,' the auror turned to Harry, 'Your gift will help a lot of people, it just saved you. If this man was willing to fight then you just might have saved the lives of the staff.'

Harry wasn't sure what to say, he gave the auror a small smile then waited until he left with Snape before Harry sagged against Sirius. The adults in the room realised how close they came to having Harry kidnapped. But they also realised that thanks to Harry's gifts, it will save Susan Bones's life.

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