๐—ฆ๐—ข๐—จ๐—Ÿ๐— ๐—”๐—ง๐—˜๐—ฆ แตแตƒหฃ แตแตƒสธแถ โฑแต‰...

By -curlyfriess

116K 4.3K 7.2K

" ๐—บ๐—ฎ๐˜… ? ๐—ถ ๐—ต๐—ฎ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐—ฎ ๐—พ๐˜‚๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜๐—ถ๐—ผ๐—ป " " ๐—ถ ๐—ต๐—ฎ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐—ฎ๐—ป ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐˜€๐˜„๐—ฒ๐—ฟ . " " ๐—ฑ๐—ผ ๐˜†๐—ผ๐˜‚ ๐—ฏ๐—ฒ๐—น๐—ถ๐—ฒ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ... More

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1.6K 65 80
By -curlyfriess

tw - none? ( comment if there is any im not sure )

You're gonna be okay though. You're going to be in California, you'll be fine.

They can't get you there. I won't let them.

THE STORE PHONE RANG making Savannah groan as she picked it up and put it to her ear. "You're calling Family Video, this is Savannah speaking." She answered.

"Sav! Hello!" Dustin said hurriedly. "Hi, Dustin." She responded making Steve walk over and lean on the counter beside her.

The Harrington boy leaned his head on hers as she put the phone in between their ears so that they could both hear the boy. "Okay, I have a question." He told them. "We have an answer." Steve said in return. "Can ether of you join Hellfire tonight?" Dustin asked.

Savannah sighed. "Promised Robin I'd be at the championship." She told the boy, "I'll be picking up Oliver, that's it."

"Yeah, and I'll be there as well with my date, Brenda." Steve informed. Dustin groaned. "Are you serious, Steve?" He asked. "You can't just move your date this one time? Come on." Steve furrowed his eyebrows. "What, to hang out with you and Eddie "the freak" Munson? Uh, yeah, I'll pass." He insulted him, Savannah gave him a flick in the head.

There was a scoff from the other end of the line. "You're just jealous 'cause I have another older male friend." He accused, Steve cringed. "Ew. Ugh. Whatever. Besides, I mean, I really dig this girl. I mean, I think that she could.." Steve shrugged while Savannah shook her head. "Who knows, she could be the one."

Just then the door opened and a group of girls walked in. "Oh, I got some customers." He said before pulling away from Savannah's side. The Lockeheart girl put the phone up to her ear, playing with the coiled cord between her fingers. "Sorry, Curly Fries. Maybe next time?" She asked. Dustin sighed. "Yeah, yeah. I can find someone else."

"Have a good day at school, bye." She then placed the phone down and turned her attention to Steve who was "helping" the group of girls.

Dustin walked up to Viola and Max who were getting ready to leave school, asking if they wanted to join in on Hellfire tonight. "If I play do I get one of those cool T-shirts?" Max asked, pointing at Dustin's Hellfire Club shirt.

Dustin laughed. "Yes." He told the girl. "Really?" Max asked with sarcasm that Dustin obviously hadn't picked up on. "Everyone gets a T-shirt. We make 'em ourselves, and if you..." He stopped himself, seeing the look on both girls faces. "You're being sarcastic." He said to the red-head who shrugged. "Are you being sarcastic?" He asked again as Max placed her skateboard down. Viola patted Dustin on the back as Max skated away. "She's being sarcastic." The brunette clarified for him before jogging after her girlfriend.

A boy poured a random substance in a beaker, not breaking eye contact from Oliver. "My mom says that game promotes Satanism and animal cruelty." He told the boy.

Oliver shook his head. "That's a bunch of bull that was made up by the media." The boy shrugged. "Sixty Minutes begs to differ." He said before whatever was in the beaker blew up creating a large flam. Oliver shook his head before turning and leaving.

A couple more rounds around the school, repeating the same question: "Do you wanna join Hellfire tonight?" The boys would get the same answer: "No."

The three collapsed onto a bench. "I hate high school." Mike panted from next to Oliver. "Agreed." The Lockeheart boy muttered. Dustin just let out a weak grunt in response, his eyes trailing towards the middle school.

"So, screw it." Dustin said a few moments later making both his friends look up in sync. "Screw what?" Mike asked. "Screw high school." Dustin said before getting up and taking off. Oliver quickly got up, pulling Mike up by his backpack. "What? What? Dustin, where are you going?" Mike yelled as the two ran after him. "Just trust me!" The curly-haired boy said as he made a bee-line for Hawkins Middle.


SAVANNAH WALKED INTO THE Hawkins High gym next to Steve who was guiding his date, Brenda, into the stands.

"Does it bother you that, like, we might win a championship right after you graduated?" The blonde asked, twirling her hair while looking at Steve. "You know, yeah, yeah. That's an interesting point. Thank you so much for bringing that up, Brenda." He said as the girl walked ahead of them and into the stand.

Savannah patted Steve's back. "Imma hold you to that "I think she might be the one" shit." The Lockeheart girl whispered in his ear before following behind Brenda and up into the stands, giving Robin a smile as she passed by her best friend.

Once the three found a place in the stands the principle came out onto the gyms floor. "Please rise for our national anthem." He raised his hands up into the air. Both sides of the gym stood from their seats, Savannah stood reluctantly. "Singing for us tonight, we have a very special guest. All the way from Nashville, our very own Tammy Thompson!" He exclaimed.

Steve and Savannah's eyes widened in sync, turning to Robin in sync as well as the girl walked into the gym. Robin was already looking at the two, wearing the same shocked face.

Tammy waved to the crowd before gripping the mic in front of her as the cheering and clapping quieted down. "O say, can you see." She began off-key, the microphone feedback making it worse. Savannah covered her ears at the loud screeching. "Yeah, no." She muttered. Robin looked up at Steve and Savannah, giggling when seeing Savannah plugging her ears and cringing.

"Told you. Muppet." Steve whispered to the band girl. Savannah nodded, agreeing. "Okay, she does sound like a Muppet." Robin rolled her eyes. Vickie looked over at Robin, saying something which made Savannah smiled and shoved Steve, pointing at the two.

Steve smiled and raised a hand, Savannah slapped hers against his lightly. "We're the best wingman." Savannah nodded. "You're so right." Steve agreed.

"Wow. She sounds amazing, doesn't she?" Brenda asked, turning towards the two. Steve just stayed quiet, looking away from his date. ""Who knows, she could be the one."" Savannah quoted in a low voice.

Once Tammy stopped singing, the principal walked out again and everyone sat down in their respective seats. "And now to thank some special guests for donating to our school today!" He yelled into the mic, motioning to a couple who walked into the gym.

Savannah's heart dropped, her hands got clammy and shaky. "Steve." She tugged on his sleeve like a helpless kid as the couple walked towards the center of the room. Steve didn't hear her so she tugged on his sleeve harder. "Steve!" She whisper-yelled, he finally turned to her. "Yes?" He asked, confused. His faces turning concerned as he saw Savannah's panicked face and watery eyes. "They're here." She muttered. "Who? What?" He asked confused, putting his hands on the girls shoulder.

"Those are my parents."

The two adults walked over to stand besides the principle "Let's give a big thank you to Eve and Adam Lockeheart for donating supplies to the school." The crowds cheered and clapped as Savannah turned back to look down at the basketball gym,

only to see her parents were already looking at her.

Robin turned around to see Savannah's worried face, already being able to tell the anxiousness that was running through her body.

Lucas' eyebrows knitted together. ""Lockeheart"?" He muttered, averting his eyes to the stands to see the same panicked face on Savannah that Robin saw, this confused him even more.


THE THREE BOYS TURNED the corner with Erica Sinclair behind them, an American flag wrapped around her neck like a cape.

They entered the Hellfire room to see Eddie sitting at the end of the table, hands intertwined. Jasper leaned on his chair, lazily looking at the three. The rest of the club stood beside them.

Eddie studied her for a second before shaking his head. "Absolutely not." He told them. "You asked for a sub. We delivered." Dustin motioned to Erica. Eddie leaned forward. "This is Hellfire Club. Not Babysitting Club." He told the four.

"I'm eleven, you long-haired freak." Erica insulted. "My, my, the child speaks." He said, looking around at the group before standing up from his chair, scaring Jasper. "So, what's your name, child?" He walked towards Erica who met him halfway. "Erica Sinclair." She answered.

Jasper's mouth mad an O shape. "You're Sinclair's sister?" She asked, walking next to Eddie and leaning onto his shoulder. "You are Sinclair's infamous sister." Eddie chuckled, basically repeating Jasper's words without realizing it. Erica rolled her eyes, turning to look at the three boys behind her. "Their sharp." She said sarcastically. Jeff and Gareth laughed at her comment.

The two Munson's turned their heads at the same time to look at them. They both stopped laughing instantly. "What's your class and level? Level one dwarf?" Eddie asked the girl, leaning down to face her. Jeff and Gareth broke out into laughter once more. Erica looked the boy up and down. "My name is Lady Applejack. And I'm a chaotic good half-elf rogue, level fourteen." Jasper's eyes widened, surprised. "And I will sneak behind any monster you throw my way and stab them in the back with my poison-soaked kukri." The boys shared anxious glances. "And I will smile as I watch them die a slow, agonizing death." She finished.

"So, we gonna do this, or we gonna keep chitchatting like this is your mommy's book club?" The room went quiet. The members of Hellfire exchanged glances as the two Munson kids looked down at Erica, once having a look of shock while the other was impressed.

Eddie looked back at Jasper, they exchanged a brief look before Eddie turned back to Erica and put a hand out. "Welcome to Hellfire." He said, Erica looked them both up and down before slapping her hand against his and shaking it.

They all took their respective seats, and let the campaign began.

"The hooded cultists chant, "Hail Lord Vecna. Hail Lord Vecna."" He repeated, pausing briefly before snapping his gaze to Mike. "They turn to you, remove their hoods. You recognize most of them from Makbar. But there is one you do not recognize," Jasper listened intently, biting down on her tongue. "his skin shriveled, desiccated, and something else. He is not only missing his left arm," Eddie tucked an arm behind his back to imitate the creatures missing arm. "but his left eye!" He used his other hand to cover one of his eyes.

The group let out yells of frustration. "Vecna's dead." Jeff told Eddie. "He was killed by Kas." Mike yelled. Eddie nodded. "So it was thought, my friends. So it was thought." Eddie grabbed a figurine from behind his folder and showcased it to the group. "But Vecna lives." He slammed the piece down in front of them all.

"Goddamnit." Jasper muttered, slamming a hand on the table in distress. "You are scared. You're tired. You are injured." Eddie narrated. "Do you flee Vecna and his cultist?" He asked. "Or do you stand your ground and fight?"

The group shared glances. "Come on." Eddie rushed. "I say we fight." Dustin shrugged. "To the death." He added, looking up at Eddie. "To the death." Oliver agreed. "To the death." Erica repeated.

"To the death! To the death!" The whole group chanted, slamming their hands on the table in sync. Eddie let out an entertained laugh, seeing how into the campaign everyone was.

Dice clattered onto the board, rolling numbers that were good use to the team while others weren't. Distressed groans and frustrated sighs were let out as characters fell. Sometimes there was cheering but that was rare.

"Time-out, time-out!" Joe suddenly yelled. The whole group besides Eddie huddled together. "Guys, I hate to say this, but we've got to flee." Gareth told them. Jeff nodded. "I concur." Joe agreed. Erica's face scrunched up. "Didn't we just agree "to the death"?" She asked. "That wasn't literal." Gareth whisper-yelled. "Vecna just decimated us. We can't kill him with two players." Jeff told them.

Dustin turned to the eldest boy. "You too? He only has fifteen hit points left. Don't be pussies." He said to the group. "Pussies? Really?" Gareth asked, looking the boy straight in the eyes. "'Cause we're not delusional?"

"Delusional? How about not cowards?" Erica sassed. "Hey." Eddie called, "If I may interject, ladies and gentlemen. Whilst I respect the passion, you'd be wise to take Gareth the Great's concern to heart." he told them, a small smile playing on lips. "There is no shame in running. Don't try ti be heroes. Not today, 'kay?" He tilted his head to the side.

Jasper placed a hand on her hip. "Actually once time I was shamed for running, you know, I-"

"Jasper?" Eddie interrupted.


"It's not story time."

"You're right, my bad."

The group looked at each other awkwardly before huddling again. "What do you think?" Dustin asked them. "How many hit points do you and Applejack still have?" Oliver asked the curly-haired boy. "Twelve." Erica and Dustin said in unison. "It's risky as hell. But you're the ones on the battlefield. So it's your call." Mike said to the two.

"What do you say, Lady Applejack?" Dustin asked, turning to Erica. "You really gotta ask?" She cocked her head. Dustin looked away, hits gaze on the bland floor in front of him for a second. "Screw it." He said.

The huddle then broke, they all turned to Eddie. "Let's kill this son of a bitch." He decided. "The chances of success are twenty-to-one." Jeff told the boy which resulted to Dustin putting a finger up. "Never tell me the odds." He told Jeff. "Give me the D-Twenty." Dustin said, placing a hand out.

Eddie smiled and picked up the dice, tossing it towards Dustin who caught it with ease.

He prepared himself with a few deep breaths before shaking the die in his hands. He then launched it onto the game board, the group watched as it rolled and rolled until it stopped and showed an eleven. "That's a miss!" Eddie said. "No! Shit! Shit!" The group yelled, frustration evident in their voices.

Eddie picked up the dice and passed it back to the group, Jasper catching it and handing it to Erica. The tween girl took a deep breath and began to shake the die in her hands before launching it onto the board.

The club behind her watched intently as it rolled across the board. Jasper bit her tongue again as the dice slowed down.


"Crit hit!" Erica yelled excitedly. "What? What?" Eddie exclaimed, surprised. "Let's fucking go!" Jasper yelled, doing excited jumps. "That's why we play." Eddie told them as they let high-fives and cheers travel around the small group.

Savannah watched as the basketball team and cheerleaders picked up Lucas, cheering with him. She was lightly clapping with a small, but noticeable, smile on her face. "I need to go now." She whispered to Steve who nodded. "You guys can stay at my house, incase they try and follow you." He offered. Savannah thanked him before leaving his side which caught the attention of Robin.

Savannah fast-walked towards the exit of the gym and towards the Hellfire room. She had memorized where the room was due to how often she picked Oliver up.

She slammed open the door, eyes wide and stressed. "Sa- Mom?" Oliver asked confused, not expecting her to show this early.

At Oliver's words Jasper whipped around to see the beautiful brunette making her smile. "Hi, Oliver." Savannah paused and looked around. "And all of you. Sorry if I'm interrupting, but we," she motioned between herself and her brother. "we need to go. Pronto."

Oliver furrowed his eyes brows before looking at his sister dead in the eyes, seeing that look. That fear. "Shit. Okay." He nodded, quickly grabbing his backpack. Jasper looked at the girl, confused. She was hoping that Savannah would stay for a little so they could talk.

The Hellfire Club watched silently as the two Lockeheart's speed-walked out of the room. Eddie having a look of confusion on his face. "Is it just me or did Oliver's mom looked way more stressed than usual?" Gareth asked, turning to face his friends. "Definitely more stressed cause she's almost never stressed. Or at least, never shows it." Dustin pointed out as he packed up.

Mike nodded in agreement. "Savannah never lets herself look panicked. Something about "Not wanting to panic the kids"." He shrugged.

The Lockeheart siblings walked out of the school, jogging towards their car.

Once sat inside Oliver stuffed his bag under his seat. "What the hell happened?" He asked in a worried tone.

Savannah took a deep breath. "We're going to our house and getting your suitcase. Then we're going to Steve." She began as she started the car. "Sav-"

"We'll drop you off early at the airport and wait till you get on your flight then-"

"Sav!" Oliver yelled as she pulled out of the Schools parking lot. "What the hell happened?" He asked. The older girl kept her eyes on the road. "I didn't tell you or Vee cause I didn't want you to worry." She started. "But they're here. Our parents." She told her brother.

Oliver visibly tensed. "Are you sure-" "They were at the basketball game. I saw them." She answered before he could finished his question. "They donated to the school or some shit." She whispered.

The Lockeheart boy sat back in his seat, scared. "You're gonna be okay though. You're going to be in California, you'll be fine." Oliver nodded. "They can't get you there. I won't let them."


MAX'S HEAD RESTED ON Viola's shoulder. The two were sat in front of a radio on her bed, listening to the basketball game

"After a tragic year for the town, the Tigers have brought home the conference title for the first time in twenty-two years." The first newscaster said. "And what a great game it was, Allen, ending with a dramatic buzzer-beater from benchwarmer Lucas Sinclair." The second newscaster said making Viola smile.

"He must be feeling on top of the world right-" Max reached forwards and turned the radio off. "Hey, you okay?" Viola asked, looking down.

Max stayed quiet. "I don't know." She answered. Viola laid her head on Max's as Max spun Viola's rung around on her finger.

The sound of distance barking made Max remove her gaze from the floor. "All right, all right, we hear you." She sighed. Viola removed her head from Max's and got up, Max behind her as they walked out of her room to the Tv playing, left on by Susan. "Can you get the cans and I'll get the plates?" Max whispered. "Yeah." Viola whispered in return as she walked over to three random beer cans lying around on the coffee table. Max put out a still lit cigarette before grabbing dirty paper plates.

The girls threw the trash away before Max walked over to the fridge, opening it and grabbing a plate full of shredded chicken that the she had saved just for the dog.

The girls left the Mayfield trailer and made their way towards the distance barking. "We're coming. We're coming." Max said to the dog who continued to bark and yelp.

They crouched down in front of the gate, Max pulling the foil off the top of the plate and taking a piece of chicken, sticking it through the fence. "Here you go. Good boy." The red-head said with a small smile, which made Viola smile.

Viola took a piece of chicken and fed it to the dog, chuckle escaped her mouth as the dog licked her fingers. A car screeching made their heads turn to see Jasper and Eddie Munson turn into the driveway of their house.

Eddie got out first, then Jasper. "This is, uh, our castle." Viola could hear Eddie faintly say. Then she saw Chrissy which made her even more confused. The girls watched as Eddie opened the door for his cousin and Chrissy. "You saw that too, right?" Max whispered. "Yeah. I'm hella confused." Viola answered, her eyebrows knitted together.


long chapter cause i didn't update for like five days ( sorry about that by the way. )

anyways hows everyone doing? make sure to eat something and get some water or juice. please remember to sleep as well!

also i have six unpublished books rn. it's abt to be seven after i watch IT tonight.

"Marz, why have you never watched IT before?" Cause I hate clowns. I HATE CLOWNS. But I'm doing it for Finn Wolfhard and Sophia Lillis.


( ship names for will and olly???? )

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