Ultra Responsibility (My Hero...

By Cryptic_Fiction

137K 3.9K 2.2K

You all know the origin story of radioactive bug bites; with great power comes great responsibility. But what... More

Issue 1 - The Chameleon Strikes
Issue 2 - The Amazing All Might
Issue 3 - A Shocking Final Day
Issue 4 - Welcome to UA
Issue 5 - New Friends, New Enemies
Issue 6 - Light the Candles
Issue 7 - Secret Wars
Issue 8 - The Cat is Out of the Bag Part 1
Issue 9 - The Cat is Out of the Bag Part 2
Issue 10 - Damage Control
Issue 11 - Maximum Carnage
Issue 12 - Love, Carnage and Lizards
Issue 13 - Cold Blooded Horror
Issue 14 - The Next Stage in Evolution
Issue 15 - Does Whatever a Spider Can
Issue 16 - Attack on Villains Part 1
Issue 17 - Attack on Villains Part 2
Issue 18 - Something about Responsibility
Issue 19 - Kraven... the Teacher?!
Issue 20 - Roaring Sport Festival
Issue 21 - The Man They Called Ben
Issue 22 - Romeo Vs Juliet
Issue 23 - The Power of a Quirk in the Palm of my Hand
Issue 24 - Squashed Like a Bug
Issue 25 - Who are You?
Issue 26 - What Goes Bump in the Night
Issue 27 - What does it Mean to be an Avenger?
Issue 28 - Losing Faith
Issue 29 - The Kingpin of School
Issue 30 - Kraven's Last Hunt
Issue 31 - From Beyond the Grave
Issue 32 - The Black Suit
Issue 33 - Stab in the Back
Issue 34 - You Get What You Deserve
Issue 35 - Otto Trouble
Issue 36 - People Get Up and Drive Your Funky Soul
Issue 37 - Uneasy Alliance
Issue 38 - The Sinister League
Issue 39 - The Desert Delinquents
Issue 40 - Revenge of the Fallen Part 1
Issue 41 - Revenge of the Fallen Part 2
Issue 42 - Revenge of the Fallen Part 3
Issue 43 - Revenge of the Fallen Part 4
Issue 44 - No Good Deed
Issue 45 - Battle Against the Sinister Six
Issue 46 - The Night Love Died
Issue 47 - The Past Repeats Itself
Issue 48 - Breaking Point
Issue 49 - The Symbiotic Break-up
Issue 50 - Spider-Man No More
Issue 51 - Dawn of the Scarlet Witch
Issue 52 - A Losing Battle
Issue 53 - Ghost-Spider
Issue 54 - The Superior Spider Part 1
Issue 56 - Mother Knows Best
Issue 57 - Z Day
Issue 58 - Responsibility
Issue 59 - Might*U
Issue 60 - The League of Venom Part 1
Issue 61 - The League of Venom Part 2
Issue 62 - The Boy From Another Universe
Issue 63 - The Final Stand
Issue 64 - Ultra Responsibility
Epilogue - One Final Goodbye
After Story Part 1 - Let's Start From the Beginning One More Time
After Story Part 2 - Outsider
After Story Part 3 - Evil Never Rests
After Story Part 4 - The Magical Mysterio Tour
After Story Part 5 - Cannon Event

Issue 55 - The Superior Spider Part 2

570 24 5
By Cryptic_Fiction

Let's start from the beginning one last time, my name is Y/N Parker, and I was the only Spider-Man for the previous nine years. The last nine years have been smooth enough since getting chosen by that radioactive Spider; I got the girl, my childhood crush Mary Jane Watson and was at the top of my game, defeating a rogue gallery of villains left and right. My crime fighting gained attention from my enemies and eventually my allies in the Avengers.

Anyone looking in from the outside would believe everything was perfect. For a time, it was, but things started going wrong fast when the sky opened up, and monsters from another world came piling through. I soon found myself unable to be just the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man anymore. That was fine, though; after the years of experience and recognition, it was nice to be fighting alongside the big shots like Thor and Hulk. However you see, I suppose down the line; I must have gotten reckless or believed my past enemies were under me because that's when everything really changed for the worst...

It all started on the night we all thought could be the end of the world.


The surface roared with explosions and destruction. Every fibre in my body screamed to turn back and help the Avengers. But I knew that couldn't happen; this was personal. Swinging through the sewers, I flipped forward, free falling to the bottom. Octavius had finally slipped up and come out of hiding after eight months. If I wait any longer, he might slip away again. I can't let that happen; who knows what madness that Doctor will get up to? Ripping forward, I latched onto the ceiling, looking into his old hideout, my phone buzzing. I chose to ignore this, descending into what was most likely a trap.

Something was strange about the manner. Usually, he wouldn't be so careless to give away his position, not to mention he hadn't moved hideouts since last time. I've been fighting the mad genius for the previous five years, and he always made it a thing not to use the same base twice. Something wasn't right at all. Blasting through the entrance, I readied myself for an ambush, surprise attack or anything Ock-related. Instead, I found myself in a Barron empty room with nothing but destroyed robots and a single bed with dozens of monitors surrounding it.

Slowly making my way towards the bed, I paused to the sound of coughing. Doc Ock sat up; eyes widened as he reached out coughing. "Spider-Man! You came; you actually came."

Each word was echoed out with a nasty cough. I kept my distance, still unsure, letting my guard down a little bit. "What sort of trick is this, Doc? You've tried everything in the book, but this isn't like you."

"I wasn't sure how to get in contact with you, Spider-Man; I thought the best way was simply to draw you in with my creations."

Stepping over an eight-legged robot, I raised an eyebrow. "Well, you got my attention Doc, even if it was at the worst possible time."

Looking to the monitor's Doc, Ock nodded. "I understand; who would have thought anyone could harness the brain of Professor X and use it as a weapon? Even in death, he's a pain in my ass... Red Onslaught, what a joke. Why aren't you out there with the other Avengers fighting it?"

Crossing my arms, I looked down at the Doc, confused. "Someone has to deal with the smaller threats... Like you? You're dying?"

"That's one way of putting it. It was bound to happen one way or another. Even my great genius is no match for the might of Cancer."

I checked and double-checked the records and monitors, he wasn't lying, and for the looks of it, Ock had a matter of days to live if that. "Let me get you the help you need, Octavius; I can get you to the nearest hospital."

Doc Ock chuckled at this, sitting up. "It's too late for me, Spider-Man; I am a dead man walking. I'll be dead by dawn."

"Why did you call for me then?" I question, glancing back at my oldest enemy. "Don't you have any family to turn to?"

"No, no. No family, no friends or carers. Just you, Spider-Man, all I have left is you."

"I'm not sure how I'm supposed to help you, Doc. But I can wait until the end."

Ock looked up at me with a weak smile. "Oh, but you're already helping me. So helping me have a second chance."

My Spider-Sense echoed for a split second before Ock's metal arms pinned me down, being remote-controlled. Holding me up serval wires and devices were planned on my head. Struggling to move, I looked distraught. "What the hell have you got up your sleeve now, Doc?!"

"Isn't it obvious, Spider-Man, you're giving me a second chance? Doctor Otto Octavius shall die tomorrow, and I will become Spider-Man."

"You're going to steal my body?! Do you have any remorse at all?! You're a monster!"

Octavius kept cackling with an insane look readying the shift. "Did you really think I'd just sit down and accept my death so willingly? A man of my calibre and genius cannot be thrown aside so easily. I refuse to die when I still have so much left to give!"

I felt my mind being invaded, memories stolen, free will corrupted. Screaming out, I tried everything to escape as I pled with the mad Doctor. "Don't do this, Doc! This is madness!"

"Goodbye, old body, and say hello to the new me!" He screamed. As I felt myself slip away, suddenly, something else happened. A sharp pain tore through my head as something changed. My eyes widened, feeling overwhelmed. I could hear a voice echoing in my head. Was it Doom?

I could tell Octavius was also affected by this as he had a look of dread plastered over him. Quickly switching the device off, I fell to the ground coughing feeling worse for wear and weak. But I was still alive to fight another day.

Falling back in his bed, Octavius looked at his hands, horrified. "My God, what did I try to do? Taking one life so I could save mine?! What sort of Doctor am I?"

Lifting my hand, I held onto the bed, gripping it tightly, crushing the table next to me. Then, I slowly began to rise, holding my head in pain. "Spider-Man, are you alright? Please forgive me for what I've done; that wasn't right. Please say something!"

Wrapping my hands around Octavius' neck, I lifted him up, slowly squeezing. "Do you know what I think, Doc? I think you finally started to make sense. A man of your calibre cannot just be thrown aside so easily. Cancer? Give me a break. You deserve so much worse than that."

Struggling to breathe, Octavius tried stopping me,  gagging. "Spider-Man... Stop this; something is wrong; this isn't you. Come to your senses, boy; you're a hero! Heroes don't kill!"

"Says who?" Snapping his neck, I dropped Octavius' corpse on the floor, stumbling back and falling to my knees, coughing. Pushing Octavius back in the back, I kept hearing my phone go off. Taking it out, I saw it was MJ. "Hello?"

"Y/N?! Oh, thank God you're alright! I don't know what's happening; the Avengers lost it; they're attacking everyone. Where are you?!"

"Hold tight, MJ. I'll be right there; I won't let anyone hurt you." I whisper, hanging up and throwing my phone to the ground crushing it. Then, glancing at Octavius putting a finger to my lips. "Let's keep this our little secret, right, Doc?"


I glared at the crazed Spider-Man making sure Peni and Gwen were behind me. "You're psychotic. You murdered him in cold blood."

"Like how you murdered Norman Osborn? Don't look down on me like you're better, Y/N Parker. I would have died, my body snatched and used as a vessel for that vile man. It was self-defence; if it weren't for the axis event and the old Doc's change of heart, things would have been very different. That day, I was given a second chance to make amends and save the worthy. But look out there, Parker, does this world look worthy of my responsibility? They cling to my words like a plague allowing sacrifices and the unspeakable as long as they are safe. I despise everything about this world; I long for a better world that actually needs me!"

"It's clear you have no idea what that quote even means; how dare you even whisper a word of it," Gwen shouts. "If you think we're going to allow you to run amuck across the Multi-Verse, think again! I've dealt with power-hungry maniacs like yourself with the Inheritors!"

Y/N crossed his arms, scoffing, glaring at all of us. "So that's your stance, as to be expected from the simple-minded. However, it appears not everyone stands with you, Miss Stacey."

Peni looked at me as I had my hands clenched together, trembling. "I... I don't. I can't. I'm not Spider-Man..."

"Parker and I had such a wonderful chat; he split his guts all over a mere girl. If you do not have the willpower to do what's right, stand aside and let those who will have the spotlight." Y/N smirked. Gwen had enough of sliding forward, jumping at the evil version and kicking him back. However, Y/N caught her leg spinning Gwen around, knocking her to the floor.

The sound of thrusters blitzed to life as Y/N flew forward, thrusting his arm around Gwen's neck and pinning her into the wall. Holding her up, Y/N hands began to glow, letting off the same sound as Iron Man's Repulsors. Peni jumped on Y/N's back, throwing serval punches and shouting. "Let her go!"

A robotic arm emerged from the evil Y/N's suit wrapping around Peni and smashing her down to the ground. My body refused to move as I felt that day replay again and again. I wasn't ready for this; I walked away from this. I'm not a hero! My legs turned to jelly as I fell to my knees, forced to watch. Everything was screaming to help them, but I just couldn't. Not again

"Smash!" Midoroiya screamed, breaking Y/N's grip and blasting him back across the room. This, however, looked to do very little as he slid back, not losing his balance. Midoriya held his hand out, shouting. "Get up, Y/N! No matter what happened in the past or how much it hurts, you still have people you care about who you need to protect! Don't throw it all away again."

"Hmm, I felt that. You are unlike anything I've seen, Midoriya; the more I see, the more I crave for your universe. I don't have time for pitiful insects getting in my way." As the three readied to fight, Y/N came through at breakneck speed, subduing each hero like it was child's play.

Serval drones surrounded Gwen webbing her again and again before she couldn't even stand, falling on her back stuck. Peni tried helping but froze on the spot, startled. She held her hands up, horrified. "I can't see! What's going on?! Sp//dr where are you?!"

Y/N had Peni's Spider gripped tightly in between his fingertips, tutting. "Blind devotion will only get you so far, little girl."

About to crush her only sense of sight, Midoriya slammed down, furious. He was kicking the evil Y/N serval times, keeping him on his toes. Midoriya caught Y/N off guard, kicking the Spider out of his hand and chipping his lip. Taking one step back, Y/N wiped his bloody lip. Staring at the drop of blood, his face lost the smug look as he stared blankly.

Midoriya came striking again, but Y/N moved quicker, punching him in the throat, taking the wind out of him and losing his breath. Without a second more, Y/N kept hammering away at Midoriya, beating him down into submission. Finally, kicking his knee, Midoriya fell to the ground but not before Y/N kicked him clean in the face knocking him back and leaving a bloody mess. All of that happened in under ten seconds, throwing everyone off. "Now... Where was I? Gwen Stacey, you're going to tell me how to get to my cowardice copy's universe. No more games."

As the Superior Spider approached Gwen, I bit my lip, curling my fist back, acting at that moment. Screw all of this!

A single web wrapped around the Superior Spider's hand, keeping it open. He paused for a moment, sighing. "You just had to wait until the last moment to play hero, didn't you? Do you want to know what I did to the last child who thought he could be a hero?"

Turning to me with a face full of hate, Y/N stormed over, only stopping inches from me when the alarms began roaring. "What now?"

Swiping his hand down, Y/N brought up the security feeds of the facility. He watched curiously as my heart dropped. The Scarlet Witch had found us. "Oh no..."

"Oh, don't tell me this was your plan all along? Calling on a witch to save you? How pathetic."

"You don't understand Y/N; she's the reason we're here. She won't stop until she gets to me; you cannot beat her."

Punching me in the face, I fell to my knees, holding a broken nose. Dizzy Y/N looked at me, rolling his eyes. "Let's give her what she wants then. Midnight Sons, I want everyone ready to battle against Wanda Maximoff. We cannot allow another Outsider to ruin our home."

"She's too powerful... Stop." I beg, falling down, beaten in a single blow.

Y/N began dragging me to the elevator, leaving my friends defeated on their last leg. "I'm counting on it."

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