Through the dark

By RM800112

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Her whole world was shattered on her 21st birthday she thought she could never heal. She closed herself off... More

Sleeping is the worst
Ugh home for the holidays
It's Christmas time
Back to Cali
21st Birthday
Lost girl
Meet and Greet
After hours
Feeling better
Fall out
My Dream
Moving on
The garden
First time
Through the dark

Night Out

0 0 0
By RM800112

Once we are in the car Niall is trying to calm Louis down and Alberto is calling someone to let them know what happened. I'm just sitting there stunned trying to figure out how we went from dancing to Louis almost going after Ryan. Kate is silently fuming next to me her gaze going between me and Louis. I'm certain she's contemplating whether to risk asking about what Louis said right now or later once there's more space for a reaction. Once Alberto is off the phone he turns back to ask if Niall is going to the hotel; Niall takes one look around the car and decides he'll sleep at Louis place. I'm not sure I want him there as I'm about to have to tell Kate everything. I can't believe Louis would say those things to Kate let alone in front of everyone. As we pull up to the house Alberto let's us know the others have gone back to the hotel. Soon as the car stops I throw open the door ignoring Louis's call for me to wait. I head straight to the door with him on my heels. I enter the code open the door and spin around to look at him.

"How could you?" I spit as I head into the house walking toward the pool room.

"Haley I'm sorry I had a couple drinks. I saw you upset then he was in the club. I didn't think" he tries to rationalize

"Obviously you didn't think! You didn't think about me" I start off yelling but by the end I'm barely talking

Niall and Kate weren't far behind us with Alberto following them in the door so everyone heard that as well. We are all now standing around the open space that is the first floor. I'm crying now but not of fear, shame or sadness but out of deep anger. Before Louis can say anything it's Alberto who speaks up.

"Louis I've let management know we had a dust up. Shouldn't be as big a deal I can simply say the guy got too close and we had concerns. Haley I will say... well I assume you heard what he said to Louis and what he was saying to the paparazzi outside. You'll have to prepare yourself for this to be a story."

"Haley why don't we go talk about it". Louis says in a oddly calm voice as he tries to take my hand

I don't let him instead I calmly say "I have to talk to Kate first and since I think this will be that much worse I'm going to call my mom and our other siblings. Can we use the pool room?"

"Of course are you sure you want to do this now? Do you want me there?"

Part of me of course wants him there because I know this will be hard but another part of me is still hurt and angry with him.

"No I think it's best I do it on my own and I don't think waiting is an option." I say and I can see he's hurt.

Kate follows me into the room; when we look at the phone it's just about two so given the time difference it's close to seven back home. I feel bad waking everyone but it is what it is. I call Tim first explaining to him that there is no immediate danger but I have to talk to everyone. Next we call Melanie going over the same speech I gave to Tim but asking her to wake our mother and put the phone on speaker. Once everyone is awake and listening I take a deep breath then tell them what happened at the club with Ryan tonight working my way backwards through everything until the hear about that night. A few times someone cusses or cries at one point I'm certain Tim breaks something and Kate has been holding onto to me for quite awhile now. After I convince them to stay home that I love them but they don't need to be here at the moment, that I'm safe and have Kate as well as Louis they let me hang up the phone.

Kate and I sit in the room crying holding onto each other until we get it all out of our system. I'm overjoyed that they all have the same view as Louis; what happened isn't my fault and I need to turn him in.  I don't know if I have the courage to do that but at least I have their support.  At some point I find myself very thirsty so I tell Kate it's time we go find the guys and let her know she can talk to Niall.  He seems like a sweet guy truth be told he will find out one way or another.  We don't have to go far to look for them as we can see that they've gone to sit out by the pool.  Kate goes to tell them that I'm getting a drink while I walk to the kitchen so I'm not surprised when I hear Louis softly say my name.  I grab a couple of bottles of water hand them to him and grab two more once I shut the fridge I motion for him to go outside.

"Come on let's go Kates probably told Niall the short version of what happened by now."

"Hales are you sure?  I...I'm a shit person for having it come out like this.  I really just wanted to protect you seems I've just caused you more grief." 

"This isn't how I wanted to... well if I'm honest I don't know that I ever wanted to tell my family but I'm glad I did.  They're very supportive; angry of course but not at me so there's that". I take a long drink of the water I'm holding to help steady myself.  Then I walk out to meet Kate and Niall who are sitting at the pool side loveseat. 

I can tell by her tear stained face and his head hung low that she's told him.  I'm slightly taken back when upon hearing our footsteps he stands up to hug me.  Just a few months ago a hug from anyone let alone a guy would have sent me into a meltdown but now I embrace him back.  He doesn't say anything then we hear a little cough along with "Neil" and we laugh at Louis little joke.  I hand Kate a bottle of water as Louis hands one to Niall.  We sit there the four of us for awhile in silence taking in the view of the city until Kate yawns and it dawns on me it must be very early in the morning.  A look at my phone tells me it's four in the morning.  I'm grateful that it's a Saturday because I'm certain that if sleep comes I may not wake until Sunday.

"Kate why don't you head to bed?" I say to her as I begin to stand

She yawns then says "Are you alright? I can stay up if you need me."

"Kate you are a bit worn out why don't we call it a night day what have you" Niall tells her

She shakes her head yes as she allows him to help her up taking her hand in his as Louis has done to me. I'm suddenly aware of the fact that my sister may be dating Niall and he might be staying in the pool room. I look from their intertwined hands to Kates face which actually looks both exhausted and elated at the same time.

"Right Kate we will see you when we wake up. The pool room is all set up but if you need anything just yell. Niall um...". Louis pauses as he's taking in the same scene I'm seeing then he looks to me.

"Why don't you all head in we are right behind you." I tell them as I take Kates free hand.

They nod then head into the house as they do I see they're having their own conversation likely about the same topic.

"Kate do you intend for Niall to be in your room? If so I need to know you'll be smart and safe"

"We won't be doing anything if he has no objection to that then he's welcome if you're alright with it."

"You're an adult so I can't tell you what to do. Niall seems nice and he's Louis friend so I'm happy if you're happy."

With that out of the way we head inside where the guys are waiting in the hallway leading from the pool to the main floor just in front of the pool room door. I give Kate a hug goodnight then go over to Niall to do the same as we do he whispers "she's safe with me". I nod my head as we pull apart then take Louis hand so he can lead me upstairs. I hear the door to the pool room shut turning to see that Niall must have had no objections as he's no longer in the hallway either. When we get to Louis room I am running on fumes pulling off my dress I take off my bra and pick up one of his T-shirts to pull on. I climb in bed as he pulls the covers back to do the same.

"I'm glad you are still here not just at the house but with me" he says as he reaches for me

I allow him to pull me to his side resting my head on his chest I take a deep breath inhaling the mix of him and his cologne. I'm still upset about what happened at the club but he is who I want here in his arms is where I feel safe.

"I won't say that what you did wasn't hurtful but I know it came from a place of concern for me. I'm not going to let that come between us. I am right where I want to be or better where I should be"

"I'm sorry Haley I really am. I will do whatever you need from now on."

"Right now I need you to hold me"


We awake close to two on Saturday only because our phones have been buzzing for hours.  It seems that TMZ picked up the story of the incident at the club and everyone has been trying to reach us.  I'm not ready to deal with anything straight away but Niall and Louis don't have that luxury so when Alberto knocks on the door to let Louis know they had to head in for a meeting he finally releases his hold on me to start getting ready. When we are both showered and dressed we meet Niall along with Kate in the kitchen.  We all eat a weird sort of brunch that Alberto grabbed for us then we silently agree it's time to talk.

"I'm sorry that everyone is about to go through a mess because of me" I say

"In fairness love it's on me for losing me temper" Louis says coming to stand behind me and pulling me to him

"No it's Ryan's fault plan and simple" Kate says

"Yea that is the truth of it.  Haley I'm not going to tell you what to do but I feel like you should press charges.  We will all be there for you". Niall says as he looks at Louis who must give him a look of uncertainty because he follows up with "You'll have our support no matter what". Kate gives him a peck on the cheek which brightens his face and colors his cheeks a cute shade of pink.

"I've thought about it a lot over the last couple of days.  I think you are all right I should at least talk to the police.  I still don't think they'll believe me but I'm going to go today". As I'm talking Louis grip on my waist gets tighter.

"Where is my phone I am letting the label know I can't come in today" He says

"No no absolutely not.  You have enough issues with what happened last night.  I'm going to call Brad he'll go with Kate and I once he knows what happened"

"Hales I..." Louis tries to object but Niall cuts him off

"Tommo she's right we have to help her by dealing with it on our end."

"Ok it settled you two go to the meeting.  Louis be tactful but you have my permission to tell them everything including that I'll be at the police station while you're meeting"

Without a word Louis drops his arms from around me leaving me standing in the kitchen while he goes upstairs.  I think for a moment that he's gone to the room to grab something but I hear the door to the roof deck open and slam shut.  I stand there for a moment then with a nod from Niall head upstairs to talk to him.  When I open the door he's at the edge of the roof overlooking the pool staring off into the city.  I walk up behind him just like he's done so many times I take my arms and wrap them around his waist snaking my hands up to rest on his stomach my cheek on the back of his left shoulder.

"Are you mad?" I ask tentatively

"Mad as in crazy yes but as in angry no or at least not at you."

"Crazy explains a lot about why you'd be with me" I jokingly say but this upsets him a bit as he turns in my arms wrapping his around my waist.

"Don't say that.  There is not one good reason to not be with you.  It upsets me that you sound like you are constantly trying to have me leave you." 

"I'm sorry.  I just don't want anyone else effected by what happened.  But you're right I shouldn't say that.  Let's be honest though that isn't why your angry.  You're angry because I'll be going to the police without you."

"Fair enough I am angry about it." 

"Niall is right I need you to help me control the media, the fans and the fall out.  The best way to do that is go to this meeting.  I'll be safe with Kate and Brad."

"Promise me you'll come right back here after.  Bring whomever you want treat this like your place but please be here when I get back.  If I finish before you I'll come..."

"You'll come here as well.  You can't be there.  I know you want to but you can't your presence means media presence.  I don't want to immediately have to deal with that."

"You'll be the death of me with all these demands you know" he laughs and kisses me.

We hold onto each other for a bit then head back downstairs. The guys leave while Kate calls Brad to let him know what's going on. I feel like I've been telling my story on repeat and just want a breather before I have to tell the police. Kate says Brad will meet us at our condo so we head there and the moment he sees me he grabs me in a hug. The car ride to the police station feels like an eternity as does the walk up the steps and to the front desk. Kate on one side Brad on the other I stand there at the desk take a deep breath and say

"I would like to report a date rape."

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