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By heetual

26.3K 1.2K 2.4K

a depressed mute boy, desperately wanting to end it all. until a popular guy witnesses the boy trip over hims... More

thirty (end)
not an update ๐Ÿ˜ญ


970 54 84
By heetual

no one's pov

it was now a new day full of excitement and happiness for sunoo, since he was really looking forward to seeing the small black-haired boy. he woke up with the bright rays of the sun shining on him, indicating that it was time to wake up and get ready for a new day at school.

this was actually the first time he woke up all happy because of one boy. all the other days, he wished to just skip those days. he got up with a bright smile and sluggishly walked to his bathroom to do his morning routine.

he brushed his teeth while humming the tune of his favorite song That Feeling When, spitting out the paste from his mouth violently.

"fuck, why is it spicy?"

he grabbed the glass that was next to the sink and dunked the water inside his mouth, rinsed it a bit before spitting it out. then he walked over to a white towel that was hung up and wiped his mouth, noticing that his gums were bleeding for some reason.

he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before shrugging it off and slung his backpack over his shoulder finally walking out of the front door.


@ksun_oo posted a photo.

good morning guys 🙂

liked by yangjw, nishiriki, heeheeseung, bluejays and 709 others | 207 comments


@bluejays i thought i told you to wait before leaving
@ksun_oo replied to @bluejays your ass can walk to school today alone
@nishiriki morning!!!!
@yangjw good morning 🤗
@ksun_oo replied to @yangjw MORNING!!!!!!!



@yangjw posted a photo.


liked by ksun_oo, heeheeseung, nishiriki, bluejays, simjae_yun and 44 others | 12 comments


@ksun_oo handsome ^-^
@bluejays when will my friend stop simping
@heeheeseung i hope you're better now!
@elishurt 😳🤏😎
@nishiriki nice
@yanghp what species of rat is that 🤣



@heeheeseung posted a photo.


liked by ksun_oo, yangjw, sghoon_02, choibmgyu and 108 others | 52 comments


@choibmgyu you forgot to give the bag of cheetoz yesterday asshole
@heeheeseung replied to @choibmgyu dang i forgot why so pissed 😭
@sghoon_02 when you enter the campus, give me my pack of cigarettes back.
@heeheeseung replied to @sghoon_02 nah they're mine now
@elishurt nice aesthetic you got there



@bluejays posted a photo.

walking alone bc of one bitch 😐🦊

liked by ksun_oo, yangjw, nishiriki, heeheeseung and 489 others | 146 comments


@ksun_oo cry abt it 🙄 i can't miss the chance
@bluejays replied to @ksun_oo you're so mean 😭
@nishiriki let's walk together hyung :)
@bluejays replied to @nishiriki okay atleast im walking with someone 😆 coming rik let's go



@nishiriki posted a photo.

not really in the mood today
(creds to jay hyung for taking this)

liked by bluejays, ksun_oo, heeheeseung, yangjw and 398 others | 99 comments


@bluejays why you were all happy yesterday
@heeheeseung whatever it is you're sad about, it'll all be okay. i can assure you!!
@yangjw what happened?? even tho u don't know me that well
@nishiriki replied to @yangjw none of your concerns.
@yangjw replied to @nishiriki oh okay


yang jungwon's pov

theres a strong feeling in me growing that allows me to think one of sunoos friends hates me. i don't know what i did.. maybe he thinks i'm annoying just like the other kids at school.

when the brown haired was running to take me to the infirmary, i saw sunoos blonde friend give me an eerie glare through my one almost closed eye. i shrugged off these thoughts i was thinking to myself about the boy and leaned my head against the window of the bus, staring out the busy streets of the city.

a few cars honking at eachother for idiotic driving, pedestrians walking into shops and waiting for the light to indicate their right of way, cyclists going with the flow of traffic, i was mesmerized by the way the world looked. this was my first time on a bus. i didn't think it would go the long way..

i fumbled with my bag to take out my earbuds out and clicked on my playlist that i haven't listened to in months. the first song to immediately start playing was That Feeling When. i relaxed my head against the glass and felt my eyelids droop due to the lack of sleep i got last night.


my trip to dreamland was cut off when a soft familiar voice sounded in my ears, slightly shocking me. i opened my eyes and saw the pink haired boy looking at me from next to the seat i was sitting next to, a bright smile already on his face. i smiled back at him, and moved my attention to the window which displayed the view of a forest with a huge mansion with tall fences guarding it.

"my parents paid the school to send a bus all the way over here."

the boy sat next to me and moved dangerously close to also peer out the window. i shifted a few inches away from him and continued to admire his house from now far away since the bus is moving slowly.

a few minutes passed by and we're still picking up students from houses far away from the school we are going to and wondered.

why the fuck are students from miles away from the town coming to this school.

as if he was reading my mind, the boy spoke with a sweet and mellowy voice that made me want to cover my ears from how high pitched it was.

"they choose to go to Flarehill because of me."

i gave him a questioning look to atleast know how he knew what i was thinking about.

"i know it would be weird coming all this way just to pick up students, and i thought you were confused about it."

i sighed and rubbed my forehead at the amount of students still piling up at the entrance, a few flirting with the boy next to me and shooting me dirty looks.

to avoid the tension, i pulled out my phone and started playing random games to fulfill my boredom and to ignore the guy next to me.

until i started playing a game that pissed me off a bit too much.

i frustratingly slammed my phone on my lap after getting killed multiple times by the same player. i mouthed a few curse words uncontrollably and banged my head against the hard plastic seat.

there was sounds of laughing after my little breakdown and i immediately looked around to see if anyone was recording. yup, there was. phones were getting shoved in my face after but they got swatted away by another angry boy who was watching me play.

"why do you guys never mind your own business?! how hard is it!"

he pushed a girl who was still shoving a phone in my face away from our little booth and gave all the paparazzi-like students a glare.

this went on the entire bus ride to the school and it was the most stressful thing i have ever encountered. when it was our turn to get off, my hand was grabbed by the pink haired boy as he didn't say a single word. but my clumsy ass always has to ruin every little moment i experience.

i tripped over myself when i was walking off the steps of bus and this caused me to get launched on the boys back in a piggy back ride.

gasps were heard immediately after this happened and sunoo gave me a confused look after realizing what happened.

my arms were instinctively wrapped around his neck choking him a bit. his breath was shortened and i immediately notice how he's struggling take one full breath of oxygen, so i attempted to get off his back to atleast apologize but he kept my legs in place in the air so i wouldn't get off.

"isn't that the mute kid with the kim sunoo? whats going on?"

no one's pov

a student yelled out both of their names in a sentence which caused a crowd to form around them.

jungwon nervously threaded his shaky hands in sunoos hair, messing it up a little after seeing how one of sunoos friends, jay, ran up to them and backed them up.

meanwhile riki, just stood there amongst the crowd while giving jungwon the most terrifying glare.

"everyone, mind your own business please. wouldn't you not like being stared at by hundreds of people?"

jay spoke between all the chatter the students were making and waved them off. he tried to ease the crowd by bowing politely and waving at them. he even tried to escort sunoo and jungwon out of the circle, but they were too crowded to even do so.

another guy also came into the circle, the same guy who saved jungwon from the rooftop. he cracked his knuckles, facing the crowd with a scary look on his face. gasps were heard when heeseung smiled at jungwon and sunoo.

"if you guys have a problem with HIM—"
he points to the boy on sunoos back, "—then come fucking say it to my face. i won't bite~"

students pile up to the side of the crowd where heeseung was standing at. he raised an eyebrow at the sudden crowding but he also wasn't surprised that it was mostly females getting in line.

heeseung was known as the peacemaker. he was also the most charming and charismatic, second of sunoo but he was overlooked because of his sexuality. he even has his own little hateclubs but he could care less. people's opinions don't matter to him. the ratio of his haters to his fans, his fans will always outnumber.

but heeseungs scaring tactic didn't work.

a familiar blonde haired male who has appeared in the circle from the crowd cleared his throat. he had a small smirk on his lips after seeing the ruckus in the middle. it was just 8am, he had plenty of energy to put up a fight and his tauntings.

"i'm pretty sure yang doesn't have a problem with it. right?"

jaeyun spoke sarcastically with an annoying grin that made him look cocky as hell. jay and heeseung looked back to where the voice came from. a scoff came from heeseungs lips, while an annoyed sigh came from jay.

"what do you want, jake."

just then, riki, who jungwon thought hated him stepped in too from the crowd and stood next to heeseung and jay.

"i don't know jay, maybe you don't know that mr kim here is holding up a motherless child. or, the child who killed their own mother?"

students 'ooh' ed at the information their ears have picked up. jungwons heartbeat accelerated at the mention of his mother.

what does she have to do with any of this?

also, he didn't have to mention me 'killing' my mom. that.. is a lie.

jay immediately snapped his head towards jungwon and raised an eyebrow, smirking a bit. heeseung stayed silent with his arms crossed and eyed jungwon from behind. he didn't believe jake one bit, since this was probably another one of his lies that he had just pulled out of his ass.

"you think he killed his own mother? c'mon.. don't lie. he looks cute and harmless."

the blonde haired boy full of shit yawned at his response and lifted up his shirt to show scars covering his chest, now arms because he lifted his sleeves.

"he gave me these bruises. for.. no reason."

jungwon gasped lightly and so did students who had their phones out and recording. jungwon immediately started trembling at the sight of those marks that he apparently made.

he then heard the boy under him scoff at the guy and roll his eyes.

"no way, jungwon doesn't even know you. you're just jealous, jake. so fuck off and play victim to someone else."

the pink-haired boy shoved the accusing guy out of his path and walked through the space the crowd has given him.

jungwon kicked his legs lightly on his back to alert him that he wanted to hop off.

"no. you're not getting off until i know people aren't following us."

jungwon looked back and saw there were people following them a bit far but close at the same time. heeseung, jay, and riki were acting like personal body guards and were also following to a closer extent to make sure no crazy person jumps at sunoo.

when will this end?


lee heeseung's pov

"hey, i need to know what you said back there was true! because there's no way jungwon gave you those bruises."

i called out for the blonde haired male who locked himself up in a stall. i rattled the stall door in an attempt to lure the guy out, but instead got a frustrating groan coming from inside.

"will you fuck off? i literally don't know you, so why should i tell you?"

"well.. i just want to know.."

"too bad. eat shit."

i stopped banging on the door before sighing deeply and pretending to walk out. after a few minutes of silence, i heard the door click open and a guy coming out of the stall with a cigarette in between his lips, but i noticed a few stains on his face which looked like tears.

i watched him take the stick out of his mouth with his index and middle fingers, tossing it into the nearby bin. i slowly approached him from behind before i heard him groan.

"did you forget that there were mirrors?"

my body froze at what he said.


he turned around to look at me with a piercing glare, his fingers tapping against the counter top.

"uhh.. i-"

"if its about the whole situation. n- YES. its true. he fucked me up in an alleyway. can you go away now?"

i stand there for a second and thought. there's so many solutions that jake could've done to ruin jungwons reputation, like going to the police.

"why don't you report it to the police?"

jakes eyes widened a bit and he even nervously scratched the back of his neck. i knew i got him with that. it all seemed too disastrous and coincidental to be true.

"b-bec-because u-uh—"

he looked around the bathroom, thinking of some excuse to pour out to me.

"—i don't have enough evidence! y-yeah.. that.."

this mere sentence made me chuckle a bit.

"then what about those scars on your body? isn't that evidence?"

"well— they aren't really evidence! the police wouldn't believe me!"

he angrily explained to me the whole situation after i just stood there confused and intimidated a bit. the way he leaned against the sink with his veiny hands, tongue occasionally gliding over his lips for moisture, him brushing his hair back from his eyes, him playing with a lighter in his hands—

"hello? are you there?"

the boy leaned a little too close to me to check if i was still alive and thank god i was concisous enough to have moved away. well i don't thank him i sorta wished for something else to happen-

"i'm okay. just thinking about how that small dude beat you up. it looks like he's been through more than you though."

i saw jake hesitantly speak with a few words barely coming out of his mouth to once again explain what happened.

"he took all my money and made his friends stomp and kick me, all while laughing hysterically with that smile of his."

a smirk grew upon my lips as he described what apparently happened.

"i find that hard to believe."

the boy rolled his eyes and began to wash his face, aggressively scrubbing it. when he finished, he looked towards me in confusion.

"why are you still here?"

he's right.

why was i still there? i could've left like 10 minutes ago but here i am, drooling over a boy that was washing his face in the most aggressive way.


i awkwardly stepped back from him and walked out with a small blush on my cheeks.

"what happened in there, huh?"

a deep voice stopped me in my tracks, slightly pulling my arm to where the water fountains were. i looked to the owner in the voice and was shocked.

"sunoo? aren't you supposed to be with jungwon?"

the pink haired boy nodded his head, taking out his phone from his pocket.

"he wanted to go home. so i let him."

i opened my mouth to show i heard what he said but i was also confused.

"do.. you know why he left?"

he diverted his attention from his phone, to me and raised an eyebrow at me.

"why do you want to know?"

"i'm just curious.."

he sighed to himself before turning his body fully to turn to me.

"it's obvious why he left. multiple people sending him glares, a few calling him names, cat calling him, threats of kidnap and shit.. i don't know anymore. i feel so useless because all i can do is watch!"

i felt my soul drop at the information my ears just picked up. all of this in just a few hours..

"i'll do something about it, sunoo-yah."

i gave him a comforting smile and pat his back. he smiled at me before asking me a question.

"what did jake tell you?"

i hummed in response to what hes asked me. i wasn't going to tell him what jake said because it sounds too like.. unbelievable.

i also don't want to ruin their relationship or whatever they have going on just because of what one dude said. all those posts on instagram makes me internally fanboy over him.

"he didn't say anything. he refused to even talk to me."

the pink haired boy sighed and rubbed his face tiredly.

"maybe i'll go to his house today and try to comfort him."

"you're just going to go without asking?"

"obviously not idiot."

he started tapping his fingers on his phone screen which made me think he was typing a message.

after a few seconds, he stopped and waited by what i can tell from his desperate feet tapping on the floor. i also checked my phone only to find out that the school has posted another update, but it had the name of someone i know.


@flarehillupdates posted a photo.

Update on Flarehill Highschool, August 13th.

sim jaeyun, the schools heartthrob apparently has known yang jungwon and is now accusing him for assault.

who's side are you on?

liked by simjae_yun and 778 others | 207 comments


@youngyun32 obv my baby daddy jake lmfao
@heeheeseung jungwon
@ha_eun that new kid is getting on everyones nerves idek how he hasnt got harrased more than twice now 😂
@sghoon_02 neither.
@yanghp jaeyun daddy 😫
@jwandsnfp jakes story seems a bit off. ill go with jungwon!
@heeheeseung replied to @jwandsnfp thats what im sayin
@ksun_oo whoever said jake pulls no bitches


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