𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐴𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑔𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑂𝑓...

By ParkAaimin

1.8K 430 42

A story about a princess don't like to be ruled, a cruel king who's ego is everything, and a prince who's in... More

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61 5 3
By ParkAaimin

Chapter 34: (Author's pov)

The morning after marriage can be a mix of emotions and experiences. There may be teasing stares from family and friends, soft behaviors between the newlyweds as they navigate their newfound partnership, and blushing moments as they adjust to their new roles.

There might be some weird questions from curious relatives or friends, but overall, there tends to be an atmosphere of happiness and celebration. The couple may feel a sense of joy and excitement as they embark on this new chapter of their lives together.

Starting a new life with a spouse means building new relationships and integrating into each other's families. It involves understanding each other's rights and wrongs, and learning to compromise and communicate effectively.

While the experience may vary for each couple, the morning after marriage often symbolizes the beginning of a journey filled with love, companionship, and the promise of a future together.

What do you think, it's the same for you ?


Puffy eyes, annoyed faces, not a hint of happiness in expressions, new rules and regulations to follow, jerk behaviors, stares filled with hatred – all on the first day of marriage? Your life doesn't seem like it should be this way. There are still things you know nothing about, hidden by your parents. Who are they hiding behind those fake smiles?

Things you wouldn't even dream about... the cruelty of your in-laws, perhaps? The biggest truth about your unwanted husband, hidden by your parents all this time, knowing how it would affect you afterward. But you can't help it, can you?

It seems fate has destined this path for you. Accept it or cry behind it – no one's going to care.

(Your P.O.V)

As I struggled to wake up from the uncomfortable sleep, my dreams were plagued by thoughts of... you know who.

Suddenly, the curtains were harshly pulled open, allowing the cruel sunlight to invade my slumber. I heard heavy footsteps approaching the bed, so I shifted to the other side, hoping to avoid whatever was coming. However, I could only make out faint voices amidst my grogginess.

I couldn't focus on what was happening, my mind felt blank. Then, a shout pierced the air, causing me to flinch at the loud sound. I tried to force my eyes open, but the sunlight made my vision hazy.

"Get up! This isn't your parents' house where you can sleep until noon," the voice shouted, jolting me fully awake. Finally, I managed to open my eyes slightly, only to widen them in surprise.

Queen Hwasa stood in front of me with an angry expression. I quickly adjusted my nightgown and stood up.

Queen Hwasa: Glad someone is up... I thought I wouldn't see your pretty eye color today.

She rolled her eyes at me, and I wondered what she was so upset about. What time was it? I looked around for a clock but found none. Should I ask her? She didn't seem like she was in the mood to answer questions.

Queen Hwasa: I'm glad you're not opening your mouth in front of me, but you should greet your elders. Didn't your parents teach you that?

Her rudeness irked me, but I kept quiet and listened to her rant.

Y/n: Good morning.

Queen Hwasa: What's so good about the morning? It's already 7 AM, and you're still in your nightgown. You should be in Prince Ha-rin's room by now. What are you doing here, huh?

Y/n: I'm sorry, but who's Prince Ha-rin?

Queen Hwasa: Stop acting like you don't know.

Before she could finish her sentence or I could process anything, a slave entered the room and began folding the duvet I had been in just moments ago.

Before she could finish, another slave entered.

Slave: Queen, they have called you downstairs along with the new queen. King Wang said it's the best time to intro—

Queen Hwasa: Yeah, yeah, I know. Just go already.

The slave nodded and left. Queen Hwasa then shifted her gaze back to me.

Queen Hwasa: Has Prince Jeon already woken up? If not, go and wake him up now.

The slave nodded silently and left. Finally noticing my presence, Queen Hwasa turned back to me.

Queen Hwasa: As I'm your only sister-in-law, I should be in charge of telling you some basic rules of this kingdom. I expect that your sister, Queen Kim Scarlet, must have told you some, but I'm here to give you some basic information.

1. Greet the monarch with a curtsy or bow and address them as "Your Majesty."
2. When in the presence of royals, you must speak only when spoken to and maintain a respectful distance.
3. Forbidden to engage in public displays of affection.
4. Never wear shoes indoors; royalty should be barefoot or wear slippers.
5. Permission must be granted by the monarch for any travel outside the palace.
6. Participation in any form of entertainment or artistic endeavor is prohibited.
7. Royals are not allowed to express personal opinions or emotions in public.
8. Eating in front of commoners is forbidden, and royals must abstain from public dining.
9. Strict limitations on social interactions with non-royals; mingling with commoners is prohibited.
10. Royals are expected to wear formal attire at all times, even within the palace.
11. The use of technology and personal devices is strictly monitored and controlled.
12. Any form of physical activity or sports is restricted to private settings.
13. Personal hobbies and interests must be approved by the monarch before pursuit.
14. Public appearances and speeches must adhere to scripted content and approved subjects.
15. Any form of disobedience or rebellion against royal authority is met with severe consequences.

Queen Hwasa smiled bitterly at me.

Queen Hwasa: Now be ready in 15 minutes and come downstairs with the maids.

Y/n: Fifteen minutes? Just?

Queen Hwasa: Do you expect hours after waking up this late?

Is she serious? I roll my eyes at her and head to the nearby bathroom. I'm relieved that Queen Hwasa provided some clothes, even though they're not my preferred dark colors. I have no choice but to wear them since I don't have my own clothes here. Before walking out, I noticed some slaves following behind me. Were they standing outside like statues this whole time?

(No one's P.O.V)

As I was about to cross the hallway, my eyes caught a chamber door open. The room looked like a total mess, as if someone had just been wrestling in there. I rolled my eyes and finally made it to the dining hall. I didn't know what I was feeling, but something just didn't seem right.

I took a deep sigh and walked inside with my head hung low. Suddenly, someone came up to me and took my hand.

I thought it was my husband, but when I looked at the owner of the hand, all I could do was give a small smile.

King kth: Come, dear new queen. I hope you'll make yourself comfortable around us soon. Let's head to the dining room.

I gave him a smile as he took my hand, and a slave pulled a chair for me beside my unwanted husband.

Queen Hwasa rolled her eyes at her brother's cheesy behavior, but she had to go through some rituals.

Queen Hwasa clapped in the air twice, getting everyone's attention.

Queen Hwasa: Once everyone has arrived, we'll start the introductions.

The room began filling with handsome men, all of whom were familiar to me, but I didn't know the exact relation they shared with me.

Queen Hwasa: Where's Prince Je--

Before she could complete her sentence, a boy's figure entered the hall and took his seat beside Queen KSL.

My heart broke looking at his puffy eyes. He had cried a lot because of me. I was the cause of his tears. The same lines kept ringing in my mind as Queen Hwasa finally said:

Queen Hwasa: Let's start the introductions. King Min, introduce everyone to your queen.

I shifted my gaze towards King Min, who looked at me with the same disgust my eyes held for him.

He finally stood up, adjusting his coat as he walked towards the person at the corner of the table.

This person was new to me. King min took me towards him before starting to speak.

King Min Yoongi gestured towards the other end of the table.

King Min Yoongi: He's my brother-in-law, aka my sister's husband, King Wang Han-seok. She's my sister.

As he pointed, I glanced over at her, then back at Yoongi.

"Thanks for telling me. I just found out today that she's your sister," I thought sarcastically.

Internally rolling my eyes, I watched as King Min walked over to the other person.

King Min Yoongi: And he--

Before he could continue, Queen Hwasa interrupted.

Queen Hwasa: Others will introduce themselves on their own.

King Min Yoongi returned to his chair and sat down again.

King Kim Seokjin stood up from his seat, introducing himself.

King Kim Seokjin: My name is King Kim Seokjin. You've met me many times before. I'm King Min's elder brother.

I nodded in acknowledgment, offering a polite smile in return.

King Jung Hoseok stood up next, introducing himself.

King Jung Hoseok: "I'm King Jung Hoseok. We've encountered each other before. I'm King Min's younger brother."

I nodded, acknowledging his introduction with a polite smile again.

King Kim Namjoon rose from his seat, offering his introduction.

King Kim Namjoon: Annyeong, I'm King Kim Namjoon, Yoongi hyung's younger brother. It's my pleasure to meet you, dear.

I reciprocated his greeting with a nod and a warm smile.

King Kim Taehyung didn't seem too keen on formalities, but he obliged nonetheless.

King kth: I don't think I need any intro, but it's a ritual. So, I'm King Kim Taehyung, King Min's other younger brother.

He said with casual air. I nodded silently, feeling a mixture of curiosity and frustration bubbling within me. Who was this person at the other corner with a smirk, and why did he seem so indifferent to the whole affair?

Prince Park Jimin's introduction catches me off guard with its playful tone.

Prince Park Jimin: I'm Prince Park Jimin, hyung's cute little brother. Hope we'll get along with time, Queen.

He says with a hint of mischief in his voice. I find myself surprised by his friendly demeanor, especially considering his earlier attitude. With a polite smile, I nod in acknowledgment, still trying to process the sudden shift in atmosphere.

Queen Hwasa gestures towards Prince Jeon, prompting him to introduce himself. He nods in response, offering a small smile before speaking.

Prince Jungkook introduces himself, saying,

Prince Jungkook: Annyeong, I'm Prince Jeon Jungkook, the youngest brother of Hyung and the youngest among us all. I hope we can get along as time goes on, Queen.

Prince Jungkook stands up and addresses me, introducing himself as the youngest brother of King Min and the youngest among all his siblings. He expresses his hope for us to get along over time. Walking towards me, he takes my hand in his, and I meet his gaze as he leans in to gently kiss my hand.

Prince Jungkook: My pleasure to meet you, my dear queen.

I glance around the table, absorbing the introductions from each member of the royal family. Queen Scarlet begins to introduce herself, but Queen Hwasa interjects, pointing out that she is King Taehyung's wife. It's all a bit overwhelming, especially considering the lingering question about Prince Ha-rin.

Before I can voice my query, a small figure comes running towards me, wrapping their arms around me in a tight hug.

Jae-rin: Y/nieeeeeee, me wake up!

I can't help but smile at his enthusiasm as I settle him onto my lap.

Y/n: Aww, my baby, did you freshen yourself?

Jae-rin: Yesh, me did that.

However, Queen Hwasa's sharp voice cuts through the moment, scolding Jae-rin for his manners.

Jae-rin: Me is not on the table? Me is on my lap, okay?

Despite Jae-rin's protest, Queen Hwasa continues her reprimand. Thankfully, Queen Scarlet steps in to calm the situation.

After breakfast, I retreat to my chamber, finally able to process the whirlwind of events.

In front of the dresser, as I start removing the heavy jewels, my eyes are drawn to the frames displayed on the dresser. The queen in the frames looks stunningly beautiful, and there's a sense of familiarity about her, yet I can't place her. She's often pictured holding a baby, and they both seem so happy together.

I mutter to myself, admiring her beauty, but also feeling a twinge of curiosity about her identity. Why wasn't she mentioned during the introductions? But then again, does it really matter?

Suddenly, I notice a shadow behind me in the mirror. My heart skips a beat as I turn around, but there's no one there. I furrow my brows, feeling a sense of unease creeping over me.

Y/n: Weird, isn't it?

I roll my eyes in annoyance as I turn to leave, but then I spot King Min lying on the bed. I frown at his presence, considering turning back, but before I can, he calls out my name.

"Y/n," he says, standing up and approaching me. I can tell from his demeanor that he's not in a good mood, and I feel a sense of urgency to leave his presence as quickly as possible. As he reaches me, he grabs my wrist, his grip firm and commanding.

King Myg: How did you agree to this marriage?

Y/n: Huh?

King Myg: Knowing I would never love you, knowing I love someone else, knowing I have a son. How could you?

Y/n: Wait, WHAT? What did you just say? You have a what?

King Myg: Stop playing around, I'm not kidding.

Y/n: I-I don't know anything.

Tears start filling my eyes.

Y/n: What do you mean by a son?

I said, trying to control my tears. How can this be possible? This isn't a joke or a prank. My parents didn't tell me about this. Why don't I know anything?

King Myg: This isn't a joke! STOP PLAYING AROUND!

Y/n: I'm not playing. Tell me.

He holds his head in frustration.

King Myg: You know nothing? Your parents told you nothing?

What? Do my parents know about this?

King Myg: Do you see her?

I see the same picture I was admiring earlier.

King Myg: She's my wife.

Huh? Then what am I?

King Myg: she's the one I loved. And what do you even think? You can replace her?

Replace? What is he even talking about?

Y/n: W-what do you mean? I don't want to replace anyone. And d-do my parents know?

King Myg: Stop faking these tears. They won't work on me.

I can't control it anymore. I just chuckled at myself, looking towards the frame again, tears finally leaving my eyes.

King Myg: What happened, sweetheart? Didn't your parents tell you this?

He says sarcastically. I don't reply. He chuckles sarcastically.

King Myg: Maybe you are a replacement for the world, but you can never replace my first wife.

He spat and walked out of the chamber, leaving me dumbfounded. But I need my answer. This can't be happening.

I'm not any kind of toy. I'm not a doll. Did my parents play with me?

Is he telling the truth, or is he lying? My parents can't do this to me. They love me, right?

I feel my knees weaken, tears flowing continuously, my head aching badly. I hate this feeling. I close my eyes tight.

As I close my eyes tightly, trying to block out the confusion and pain, the sound of footsteps approaching pulls me back to reality. I open my eyes to see Yoongi standing in front of me once again, his expression a mix of anger and frustration.

King Myg: Do you really expect me to believe that your parents didn't tell you anything?

His voice cuts through the air like a sharp blade, each word laced with accusation. I shake my head, unable to form coherent words in response to his relentless questioning.

Y/n: I-I don't know...

My voice trembles with uncertainty, mirroring the turmoil in my mind. Yoongi's eyes narrow, his frustration palpable.

King Myg: Your parents knew everything. They knew about my past, about my wife, about everything. And yet, they still agreed to this marriage.

His words hit me like a sledgehammer, shattering the last remnants of my composure. My parents knew? How could they keep such a monumental secret from me? The sense of betrayal washes over me like a tidal wave, leaving me feeling lost and alone.

Y/n: Why would they do that?

The question escapes my lips before I can stop it, my voice barely a whisper in the face of Yoongi's anger.

King Myg: Who knows? Maybe they thought it was for the best. Maybe they thought you could handle it. Or maybe they just didn't care.

His words sting like a slap to the face, each one a painful reminder of the betrayal I feel from all sides. I want to scream, to lash out at him and at my parents, but all I can do is sit there, feeling the weight of their deceit crushing down on me.

Y/n: I-I need some time...

I manage to choke out the words, my voice barely audible over the tumult of emotions raging inside me. Without waiting for a response, I push past Yoongi and flee the chamber, desperate to escape the suffocating presence of my unwanted husband and the painful truths he's forced me to confront. I quickly stand up wiping my tears and i quickly went to the corridor.

Y/n: How could they do this to me?

The question echoes in my mind as I wander aimlessly through the palace corridors, lost in a haze of confusion and pain. Tears blur my vision, but I stumble forward, driven by a desperate need to escape the suffocating weight of reality.

Suddenly, a sharp voice cuts through the fog of my thoughts, pulling me back to the present.

King Myg: Where do you think you're going?

I turn to see Yoongi standing in the doorway, his eyes flashing with anger and resentment. His presence only serves to fuel the fire of my own frustration, and I can feel my temper flaring in response.

Y/n: Away from you!

The words burst out of me before I can stop them, fueled by a raw surge of emotion. Yoongi's lips curl into a sneer, his contempt plain to see.

King Myg: Don't delude yourself into thinking you can escape this. You're stuck with me, whether you like it or not.

His words cut deep, slicing through the fragile threads of hope that I've been desperately clinging to. I want to scream, to lash out at him with all the pent-up fury burning inside me, but I know it would be pointless.

I reach my chamber and collapse onto the bed, burying my face in my hands as the tears flow freely. It feels like my whole world is crumbling around me, like everything I thought I knew has been ripped away, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty and betrayal.

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