[His Calming Song] Luca Kanes...

By sleepykittyo7

29.4K 1K 368

You, a totally normal office worker, went to your friends bar to just drink for fun. At the bar, drunk, you... More

Character info
LazuLight Bar
Terrible Working Space
The Hospital
A Siren
The Hospital pt 2
Who are you?
Money = Nonexistent
The beach!
The Boss is being annoying
My shoulder hurts
You're a Siren?
One thing at a time please
Your new working space
The first meeting went.. okay?
You did well
You said you wouldnt get involved
[Quick Character Info!!]
Treat them well
A Call from the Hospital
Big brother
Playing cupid?

A Call

983 41 4
By sleepykittyo7

I spoke to early

'Please look away.' The demon looked in my direction as if he could actually see me, and so did the lion. But the other people looked at other parts of the water. No one said anything and I stayed as still as I could for however long we were here.

Vox suddenly brought his hand to his chest and swung it out towards me. Making a black like arrow coke flying in my direction.

I didn't react fast enough.

The arrow hit my shoulder, causing a sudden shout come from also causing my water bubble to fall around me. I immediately ducked under water and swam towards the tunnel. 'Good thing I look a bit different when I'm like this.' Was all I thought as I made my way back at the entrance of the cave. As soon as I stopped moving I was reminded of the shape pain in my shoulder. I coughed as I grabbed onto my shoulder. As I did the mark on my wrist started to glow. I sighed as I was immediately taken back to the group. I flopped down onto the sand, holding onto my shoulder in pain. I groaned as I made contact with the sand. The sudden separation from the water shocking me as my tail went away.

"[Y/N]! What happened?!" They all shouted as the gathered around me. I looked around and noticed Finana isn't back yet. "Shu- healing magic-" the hole in my shoulder started to burn. After that black arrow pierced through me it vanished. He immediately got to work. He held one hand over my wound and began to chant.

A few moments later and I felt no pain. I tried to move it but it still hurts. "Who hit you!?" Shu asked, wiping sweat from his forehead, probably from stress. Elira handed him a bottled water and Pomu help me sit up. Finana came back from the bathroom.

"I found a cave at the bottom and went in," I started as I placed a hand on my shoulder. I kept myself hidden until I saw the voice demon and Luca- they looked at me like they knew I was there and the demon threw a black shaped arrow towards me suddenly." I fully and truthfully told them what happened. "You're kidding- the Voice Demon Vox!?" Shouted Shu as he snapped his fingers. Teleporting us to the bar.

The sudden use of magic brought more pain to my shoulder. Shu noticed and observed me. "He must've used a spell that repels magic, good thing you didn't react like that while I was healing you with magic." He comments, putting a finger under his chin. I just sighed. "How long does it last." He shrugged "Depends on the caster." I looked up at him from where I was. "You're kidding right. I have to use magic when I perform." I say a bit annoyed. "I'll look into it when I get home." He answered, giving me a Pat on the head. "I know now isn't the best time to talk about this but since your brought it up- the people really enjoyed your music so they requested for you to play tomorrow." Pomu says a bit awkwardly. I sighed as I closed my eyes.

Money is money.

"Alright, but if you expect me relax them when they get too drunk- I won't be able to do that unless Shu finds a way right away." After a small talk about it everyone gather their stuff that was on the floor and went their separate ways.


I made my way home on my motorcycle and of course I get a phone call during that time. I couldn't answer it obviously because I was driving so hopefully who ever called is understanding.

I did say hopefully.

As soon as I parked my bike in front of my house I looked at my phone. 'Crap.' It was Luca. "Oh my- what do I do." I stared at my phone for a bit before a received a text. "Are you gonna call me back?" My face turned red from embarrassment.

When I called him, he immediately answered. "He-hello! I'm so sorry I was driving and well I couldn't really answer the phone s-so that's why I couldn't answer and because I also drove a motorcycle to I couldn't even if I wante-" he cuts my rambling off. "Woah! Calm down I'm not mad or anything," I heard him chuckle over the phone. "I didn't mean for it to sound like a threat with what I said at the bar the last time." I'm embarrassed again. "R-right." I say quietly. "Did you need something?" I asked.

"That right! I do need something from you." He says, and I heard a writing on his side. "I need you." And he stops there. "P-pardon!?" I shouted a bit to loudly, half because of shock and another half because- just because!!? He laughed at my reaction. I could hear his chair squeak as he leaned back in his chair. "Haha! Sorry- sorry I'll stop messing with you." He laughs "I need you to work for me- as my secretary." He finishes, I could hear the smile on his face. "A-ah, right." I say, remembering that he did tell me that. "Also another thing [S/N]." I could hear the smirk on his face as he said my stage name. I shuddered as he did. "I would like you to play for me tomorrow." He hums. I just sighed, to tired to react right now.

I head in my home closing the door behind me. "I'm already performing at the bar tomorrow." I say, making my way towards the bathroom after placing my items where they belong. "So you can just watch like last time." I added.

"I think you miss heard me- I said I want you to play for me." He says again, the frown on his face could be heard through the phone. "Ah i don't think I'd be able to play well enough." I just remembered my shoulder as I looked at it in the mirror. "And why is that?" He questions.

I hesitated before answering. "Well I hurt my arm earlier today so I might not be at my best."

"But you can play for others?" He says, I could hear his finger tapping against his desk. "W-well you'd have to pay my well for requesting me- but as I said, im not at my best right now so it would be a waste to pay when Im like this." I pull my shirt off as I put my phone on speaker, on the counter.

He stays quiet for a bit before saying "Alright, let me knew when you are feeling better." I hummed in response and with that we said our goodbyes and hung up.

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