bts one shots

By hoseoksrats

4.3K 153 9

says it all in the title viewer discretion is advised. More

touch deprived (Taekook)
awkward (minjoon)
different (sope)
Longing (Taekook/yoonmin)
city boy (taekook)
book worm (taekook)
ghost (taekook)
the prince of the tower of the twin sisters (taekook)
damn (sope)
All because of Kim Taehyung (taekook)
Parent (taekook)
french kiss (taekook)
finally mine (taekook)
death has beauty
Youre welcome

new (Taekook)

140 6 0
By hoseoksrats

being a vampire is-and isn't as cool as it sounds.

especially being apart of the royals. in our kingdom, we hold humans and vampires. a lot of the humans don't like us, as we are a vampire family ruling the land they live on.

but it's also quite fun. i get to shape shift into a bat? and i even have super strength and speed. but, the discrimination isn't very...enjoyable. we get death threats every day, even when they know we're immortal. 

it's an interesting life, that's for sure.


"Kim Taehyung! what are you doing? you're supposed to be getting ready for the party!"

"oh yeah, okay i will."

Ah yes, the party. well- more like an anniversary. It's the 2732nd year of our family ruling this land. so every 100 years, we throw an anniversary party.

every year is a different theme. this time, it's a masquerade party. so masks! yay!

My mother slammed my door and i groaned. i finally decided to get ready and put on my black suit with my lace mask over my eyes. i slick back my hair and make sure i look presentable.

"Taehyung i told you to do a side part on your hair not...whatever that is!"

I sigh at my mother. We're about to go outside where the party's being held, but of course she just had to say something.

"It isn't the 1800's anymore mom," i roll my eyes. she sighs,

"Taehyung you just never listen, do you?"

"not to you, no."

Before she could reply, the doors opened and everyone at the party turned to see the royal family enter.

"Welcome! on this day, we celebrate our long lasting ruling of this land. please, enjoy the party!" the king roared, aka my dad. Everyone clapped and went back to what they were doing.

I was not really up for a party right now, so i went to the garden, where i saw another figure sitting down on one of the benches.

"Not enjoying the party?" i ask, sitting next to the mysterious boy.

"it's not that. it's just i'm scared." he admits.


"Because of these vampires, they could eat me up any minute of the day and i wouldn't know. i don't even kmow why i'm here."

oh, ouch.

I guess he noticed my silence and looked up, from the parts of the face the mask didn't cover, i saw the color drain. he saw my paleness and fangs stick out from under my lips.

"oh- im...uh.." he stuttered.

"It's okay. id be afraid too. but i won't eat you up, i promise." i laugh, he didn't.

"Hm, okay. who are you?"

oh, i didn't want to reveal my identity, he might hate me even more.

"ah, that's the mystery of tonight, isn't it?"

He sighed,

"I suppose you're right. i'll trust you, though."

I smiled at that, he was cute, i could tell. although him hating vampires was kind of a turn off.

"Will we meet again?" he then asks.

"Maybe, if fate brings us together."

He nods,

"Then, until fate decides for us."

"Until it's decided."

And that's the last i saw of the boy. over the next few coming days, he couldn't- no, WOULDNT leave my mind. i wanted to know who he was so desperately.

even if he hated me, i wanted to get to know him. he intrigued me. which is a first after being here for 102 years. i havnt been intrigued like that in forever, literally.

i was determined to change his opinions on vampires, and nothing was going to stop me.

But how was i ever going to meet him again?

well, we had that already decided, it was going to be fate.


"mom i'm going to the cabin in the woods!" i yell. i slipped on shoes as she comes running into my room,

"Taehyung we have more important things to do, you're going to be king someday you know?!" she yells. but i ignore her.

I slip past the door and out the garden gates, i could just run there really fast, but i wanted to enjoy this walk.

our garden leads to the forest where there's a cabin deep inside, that was built for our family for safety, but i like going to it because it gets me away from my god awful mother.

she can never let me catch a break, it's been 102 years too much. and it's only a matter of time before i go
completely ballistic.

i soon was broken out of my thoughts when i heard a crunch. no one should be here.

i have really good senses so i picked up something from behind a couple trees. i quickly walked over and oh my lord.

i saw a vampire about to bite into a crying humans neck. no. this isn't who we are, we've changed. and it's because of people like him the reason why humans hate us.

i use my super speed and run over and knock the guy down, he hisses at me and i bare my fangs. it's only until he realizes who i am and he runs off.

i tsk and turn to the sobbing human, who's now sitting on the floor, leaning against the tree.

"hey- it's going to be alright." i say. he looks oddly familiar.

wait. he has the same hair- face shape, and even the same mole on his lip as the guy from the party. not that i was staring at his lips or anything.

"It's you! from the party!" i say. his eyes widen as he looks up at me,

"h-huh? it's you?" he stuttered. i smiled and nodded,

"fate really did bring us back together!"

he sniffles,

"i-i guess so."

"oh! i have a cabin nearby. why don't i take you there? id love to get to know you."

i can see the hesitation in his eyes when i invited him, it's understandable given that he was just almost bitten.

"I won't hurt you, i promise. im not like that." i reassure.

"no-no i know. i just...okay, yeah. let's go."

i smile and i offer my hand to help him up. and
of course, he hesitates. but he takes it nontheless.

"Wow you're cold." he says. i give him a small smile,

"yeah, sorry. i wish i was warm blooded."

"it's okay.."

after a few minutes of silence, i decided to break
it and start walking towards the cabin,

"so what's you're name?"

"Jungkook, you?""


"Wait- are you the prince?!" i freeze, and so does he.

"um..yeah, unfortunately." i state.


"Because it's the same thing everyday. has been for the last 102 years of my life. that's why i wanted to
find you so badly."

i saw him blush, cute,

"You-you did?"

i nod,

"mhm. it's been many years since i've been intrigued like this. also, are you okay? what happened back there?" i suddenly remember. he goes quiet,

"uh, well. i didn't always hate vampires. it was only until i dated one that i did. he was mean...took blood from me..scared me a lot with his fangs. then when we broke up he always came after me, mad for breaking off his only blood supply i guess."

oh wow.
i stop and stand in front of him, holding his hands,

"Jungkook i promise not every vampire is like that. you just met one of the bad ones. me personally, i cant even think of doing that to anyone, ever"

he sighs and looks down,

"I know. i'm sorry."

"don't be, you have a perfectly valid reason to think so. now the cabin is right there, come on."

i drag him inside. it smells of cinnamon which i absolutely love.

"so Jungkook, i- you can come in further, i won't bite." i say when i saw him just standing at the doorway. he nods and walks in further, closing the door behind him.

"I've been wanting to get to know you, tell me about yourself."

we sit on the couch, me on one side and him on the other.

"um...well i'm Jungkook...21 years old, i'm human, obviously. umm...that's really it." he awkwardly said.

"hm, i think we'll bloom quite the friendship."

and i was right...sort of.

Jungkook was always a little weary around me. but he'd also gotten a lot more comfortable as well, which i liked. we'd always meet up at the cabin in the woods, which my mother did not appreciate but i couldn't bring myself to care.

even if Jungkook was still a little nervous, i could tell he liked me the same way i liked him. he blushed whenever i did something scandalous and would always *gently* hit me because he was flustered.

today i'm planning on trying to kiss him. i've always wanted to kiss a human, or anyone for that matter.


i see him turn his head slowly as we were watching a show we always watch when we meet up.


"I want to try something, with you."

he furrowed his eyebrows and sat up properly. i grabbed his thighs and pulled him closer to me, making me smirk when i saw his blush.

we sat in silence for a moment until i lean a bit foreword, making his eyes widen.

"Jungkook," i say again. but then the gap was closed. and i felt his plush lips against mine. it was like a movie. he tasted so good. not like that of course!!!

i internally smiled when i felt him kiss back. and he got really bold when he moved to straddle my lap. it was so hot.

i wrapped my arms around his waist as we continued the kiss. it was only a matter of time when we needed to pull apart. and when we did, i was blessed with the sight of him panting with his swollen, saliva coated lips.

oh wow. he was hot.

"u-um.." he stuttered, looking away.

"That was amazing! can we do it again?" i hisss he noticed my excitement, because he laughed a little,

"You're like an excited puppy. give me a minute to process, please?"

ugh how can i resist his puppy god eyes? i nodded and he smiled, he started to slide off my lap. but i pulled him right back on.


"please stay on my lap? you're warm." i begged. he huffed and nodded, slumping against me.

"Taehyung if we become anything more. then how do we go about it?" i hear his soft voice.

"what do you mean?"

"I're immortal, i'm not. will you just be with me until i get old and die? then will you find a new person to get with?" his voice is soft yet shaky.

i ponder a bit,

"Well if you allow me, when we're deep in love, i'll bite you and interact some of my own blood in you, so you can also be immortal."

i feel him tense, oh no. will he hate me for bringing up biting? will he forever be afraid of me biting his neck out of the blue? will he-



my eyes widened,

"huh? i thought you hated vampires and fangs and-"

"If we're deep in love, would that really matter anymore?"

damn. i hate when he's right.

i wrap my arms around him tighter,

"I suppose not. but would you be okay with know..immortal?" i hesitantly ask.

"if it's with you then yeah."

AWWW he's so cute.

"when we're deep in love, i'm promising now that id be the best boyfriend- husband- or whatever i will be. i'll never do anything to make you upset or uncomfortable, okay?"

i feel him sit back up, to look at me in the eyes. he slowly comes closer and he gives me a chaste kiss on the lips. which i didn't expect at all. but i loved it.

"i trust you. but you have to trust me too, okay?"


"you're such a kid," he laughs. he has the cutest laugh ever.

i cant wait until our future.


we both predicted the future.

we fell in love, of course. i even introduced him to my parents and friends. and i'm so happy to see him be so comfortable around vampires, especially my family.

my mother was really happy, of course not for us personally. but when we get married, she says, we will unite humans and vampires. so the fighting can stop.

of course that's not why i got with Jungkook in the first place. but he knows that, so it's okay. plus he's really happy to help our kingdom as well.

he now stays with me in the castle, as he's told he before that he doesn't have any family, as they all moved away and abandoned him when he was 12. such a sad story, but id make it up to him by giving him the best life he could have ever dreamed of, and more.

"Taehyung i want you to bite me, im 100% sure that i want to stay with you forever."


we were watching a movie in my room, but im pretty sure neither of us were paying attention to it.

i had my arm wrapped around him and he was leaning on my shoulder, such a cutie.

"are you sure?" i ask.

"yeah, i am. i love you a lot. i don't want to become old and wrinkly, i want to stay like this with you forever."

i slowly nod,

"Let's get married first, okay?"



"You'd marry me?" i ask with a smile, pulling him onto my lap.

he nods,

"yeah i would."

"you have no idea how much i want to kiss you and jump up and down the walls."

He laughs and turns toward me, leaning in and kissing me,

"Well theres that one crossed off your list."

"I want more."

we start to make out, it getting more and more heated. we were both getting really into it...until there was a knock.

i sigh and he slides off of me,

"come in." i say in annoyance. Jungkook noticed and laughs, holding my hand.

"Taehyung you need to make a statement regarding your and Jungkooks relationship. our people are really confused and appalled." i see my mother say. i sigh,

"fine. make an appointment and a villiage meeting and i'll make a statement." i say, i just want her to leave asap. and she does. thank god.

i groan and roll myself on top of my boyfriend, who tsks,

"Taehyung you're heavy~" he whines.

"if you really loved me you wouldn't mind." i tease.

"well if you really loved ME you wouldn't be suffocating me."

"touché." i said and i rolled of. he dramatically started to heave as if i literally just crushed him.

"you're so dramatic," i roll my eyes.

"but you love me so it's okay." he replied.

"yeah, i do."

sooner or later i grew the balls to propose to him. he said yes!

well at first he said no but when i started to cry he reassured me it was a joke and he actually says yes. it was so mean!

but we got married in october, it was a nice wedding, my family and friends came- well, basically the whole village came but, friends and family mattered most.

"oh my god im so tired." Jungkook whined. he just got back from the after party of our wedding. now in the peacefulness of our room.

"same, honestly." i agree. we both flop onto the bed and sigh.

i turn to look at him and he does the same.

idk how it happened but suddenly we're making out? slay i guess.

i pull his body on top of mine and i let my hands roam under his shirt.

i wrap my hands around his waist and pull him closer, making his back arch.

suddenly i had him pinned under me, still making out.

we break it off so i can pull his shirt off.

our night was freaky af.

he even let me bite him. so now he's like me.

we couldn't be happier. and maybe we'll have a family one day.

i was crowned king as well, i kicked my mom out after realizing that she's been using our donation funds for her own use. my dads welcome anytime.

i cant wait until our future.

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