Mr.Pelton and His Five Childr...

By froggie_kero

132K 4.4K 310

General Richard Pelton has lost his wife to illness a little over two years ago and ever since then, he's bee... More

50's fashion
The First Meeting
Settling In & a Prank & a Challenge
The Injured Leg
Carnival Games
Bedtime Stories
A Splash in the Stream
Dinner With the Von Eckermans
The Engagement
No Mama
Dress Shopping
The Party
A Fever and Back With The Pelton's
Winter Break And A Trip to Switzerland
Frostbites (p2)
Campfire Memories
Midterms and the Letter
Taking Care of Mum
The Funeral
Broken But Back Home
Helping Mama
A Family Trip to Town and Ice Cream Fun
Memories &The Engagement
Thank You
Bonus Chapter Part 1
Bonus Chapter Part 2
Opinions pt.2

To Charity!

3.4K 122 5
By froggie_kero

After apologizing to the children for taking so long to get herself together and come out of her room, life went back to normal for the Pelton's. They were all finished with their exams and a new school semester had started. 

Richard would more often than not, go into Annabel's room at night so they could sleep together. On the days that he didn't, it was very hard to fall asleep. The two of them would also steal a few kisses from each other throughout the day.

"There are so many boxes being brought in, what did you ord..." Annabel's voice trailed off when she walked into Richards big office only to find Rebeca Von Eckerman sitting in one of the two seats opposite of Richards desk.

"Oh, it's seems like I'm interrupting something." She said and began to walk out.

"Annabel! Wait!" Richard got up from his chair and hurried to her.

"Yes?" She said, still holding the door open. Richard stepped outside and motioned for her to close the door so Rebeca didn't hear what he had to say.

"It's not what you think." He immediately said. She tilted her head in confusion.

"And what is it do you think I'm thinking?"

"Well, you must think that-"

"Richard," she placed a hand on his chest that effectively got him to stop talking and smiled, "why would I think that there's something going on between the two of you if you're both respectfully sitting across from each other, just discussing things? And now I'm pretty sure those are her boxes, right? So she's probably here to return whatever you got her.  Really, you had to jump to that conclusion right away, didn't you?" She grinned at his shocked expression.

"Now, go back in there and finish whatever it is you need to finish." She straightened out his collar and patted his chest.

Richard grinned down at her and couldn't help but excitedly peck her lips.

She trusted him. She didn't think the worst of him. She had faith in him. He thinks he fell in love all over again. She was so perfect. He didn't deserve her.

He walked back into the office, his face glowing with happiness.

"All's good?" Rebeca asked hopefully. She didn't want Annabel to get the wrong idea. Yes, she didn't like Annabel when she was with Richard, because she was jealous of her. But now, she wasn't with Richard, so it didn't matter. Her and Richard didn't work out, she hopes that the two of them could.

"Couldn't be better. Now, what were you saying?"


"You wouldn't believe who came to the house today." Annabel said as she and Tiffany walked down the street together.

"Tell me." Tiffany excitedly said.

"Rebeca Von Eckerman."

"No!" Tiffany gasped and stopped dead in her tracks. 

"Yes." Annabel said and laughed at her friends facial expression.

"What did she want?" They resumed their walking.

"Oh, she was just returning what ever Richard got her when they were together. Imagine my surprise when I saw her though."

"Did you freak out?"

"No, why would I?"

"If I was dating a guy, and I found him with his previous ex, I think I'd get furious."

"Well, Richard and I aren't dating, are we? And it also depends on the situation. There was no need for me to get mad at her."

"Oh, Richard and I aren't dating! But we kiss and sleep together, not that way, and hold hands and just sit and talk about everything and nothing for hours!" Tiffany said in high pitched voice, mocking Annabel.

"Oh shut it Tiffany."

"Honestly, you two need to grow a pair. No one does that if they aren't dating! Just confess already. You both know that none of you would even do these stuff if at least you didn't like each other! I can't believe I'm giving relationship advice to someone who should already be married." She mumbled the last part and Annabel slapped her upside the head.

"You're one to talk. What's the deal with you and George? Have you gotten to making babies yet?" Annabel cheekily smiled and Tiffany gasped really loudly.

"Annabel! How could you just say that!? No! We haven't!"

"You'll get to, really soon." Annabel sung and Tiffany shoved her away.

"I can't believe I'm friends with you." She groaned.

"But here we are." Annabel grinned.

"You know, I don't think I've ever seen you in pants and a sweater before." Tiffany said after a while of them just roaming about.

"You did. At the ski mountain."

"That doesn't count."

"Well, for your information, I do wear stuff other than dresses. Summer is for dresses, winter is for sweaters and pants and spring is for t-shits, tank tops and shorts."

"Only you would assign each season what cloths to wear." Tiffany shook her head back and forth.

"It's very efficient, that way, it's a lot easier to plan what I'm going to wear and to clean my closet out and put in the new seasons clothes."

"We're talking like old ladies. Who even talks about seasonal clothes?"

"Me, now, let's go in there. I need to get some stuff."

"Arts and crafts store?"

"Yes, for the kids."

"Old lady." Tiffany grumbled but went in with her nonetheless.


The same time the kids came back from school, Annabel came back from her outing.

"Papa!" Sam said excitedly at seeing their father waiting for them, but Richard didn't greet his children like he always did, instead, he beelined to Annabel who wasn't paying attention to him and talking with Maggie instead.

"Where have you been!?" He grabbed her by the shoulders and looked at her face to see if there were any injuries. Then he scanned her body and turned her around to see if she was hurt anywhere.

"What do you mean? I just headed out."

"But you didn't tell me, and I was so worried when I couldn't find you." The panic in his voice was very evident.

"Didn't Samantha tell you? I asked her to tell you so you wouldn't get worried bec-"

"SMANTHA!" Richard hollered.

"I FORGOT!" She hollered back from the kitchen.

"See, all good. I didn't want to bother you while you were speaking with Rebeca."

George and Maggie gasped.

"Rebeca!?" He asked.

"What was she doing her?" Maggie said.

"It doesn't matter, are you hurt?" Richard asked Annabel, turning her around again and again.

"You've already checked, I'm perfectly fine. I went out with Tiffany to get-"

"Tiffany?" George asked.

"Yes Tiffany, anyways-"

"Wait, why do you care if she headed out with Tiffany?" Richard asked George.

"Because she's his girlfriend, like I was saying, we-"

"Girlfriend!?" Richard shouted and glared at his son.

"Yes, now would you let me-"

"Geooorge." He crossed his arms and starred his son down.

"Would you let me finish talking!" Annabel shouted and everyone immediately froze. She's never shouted before. "Thank you, now, where was I?"

"You were out with Tiffany, George's girlfriend, because..." Maggie helped her out.

"Ah yes, because I wanted to get some arts and crafts supplies for the kids. So there you have it. Rebeca was here, George has a girlfriend and that's amazing, so you will not be hounding him about it later, and I got art supplies without getting hurt. Feeling better? Alright, now let's go eat lunch."

The shock of Annabel shouting hadn't worn off yet, so they all obediently went into the dinning room to have their lunch without uttering a single word.


"So what are all the boxes?" Sam asked with a mouthful of food.

"Don't talk with your mouth full of food." Maggie scolded him.

"Stuff Rebeca is returning." Richard said.

"What stuff." Tam asked.

"Clothes, bags, jewelry and stuff." He said, sounding very board.

"What are you going to do with it?" George spoke up.

"Return it to the stores."

"Some stuff won't get accepted back." Maggie pointed out.

"Then I don't know."

"How about charity?" Annabel suggested.

"Good idea." Richard said.

"Can I give some of my toys to charity?" Tam asked.

"Of course you can." Annabel smiled at her.

"I don't want to give my stuff away." Sam pouted.

"That's alright. When you give stuff to charity, it's best that it comes from the heart. So you don't have to." Annabel told him.

After they were finished with their lunch, the children hurried up to their rooms to pick what they wanted to give to charity. George was willing to part with some of his hand carved toys and Maggie wanted to donate her many many hair clips, bows, and elastics, while the twins chose some toys, Sam changed his mind and decided to donate, and Margot picked out some of her drawings. Annabel also took some of Margot's, and Sam's clothes that were too small to wear any more.

"Are you going to take some of my clothes?" Tam asked.

"No, Margot will grow into them."

"And how about Maggie?"

"No, you will grow into them."

"And George?"

"Sam will grow into those."

"And yours?"

"Maggie wanted to pick some of them out for herself."

"And papa?"

"That's up to him. Now, no more questions. Did you put everything in a box?"


"Well done. Can you take it downstairs or do you need help?"

"I can do it!"

"Good for you Tam." Annabel smiled at her and finished taping up the box she had.

They loaded the boot of an entire car and still had to put a few boxes in the back seats with the kids.

"I called up a few stores, they don't mind taking the things back. So we'll go to those first." Richard said as they pulled out of the driveway and headed into town.

They were able to return all the jewelry and most of the bags. Only the dresses that weren't tailor fit for Rebeca were accepted back, which was only three. 

The charity organizations were more than happy to have a lot of boxes with elegant dresses handed to them. 

"Why were they so happy when we gave them all that stuff?" Sam asked.

"Because it's a very nice thing to receive kindness and help, Sam. Don't you get all glad and happy when someone helps you with your homework or helps clean up the mess of toys you made?"

"Well yes."

"It's the same thing. Doesn't it also make you happy to help others?" She smiled down at him and they got in the car again. Everyone was in a cheerful mood. That's what happens when you make someone else genuinely happy. 

"I know a charity that accepts children's toys and clothes. That will be our last stop." Richard said.

"Wait, I know a better place." Annabel leaned forward and whispered something in his ear.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, trust me."

The children shared glances with each other.

"So where are we going?" George asked, hoping to get an answer.

"You'll see." Annabel replied.

Shortly after, they pulled up at an orphanage.

"Is this the place?" Maggie asked and looked out the window.

"Yes, now get the boxes and ring the door bell." Richard said as they all got out.

"Why the orphanage?" He asked Annabel when all the kids got the boxes and headed up the stairs to the orphanage door.

"Because, I don't think the younger ones quite understand how happy and excited people get when you give them something nice. Earlier, we gave the boxes to the organizations, they were happy, yes, but the reaction of the person actually receiving whatever it is inside the box is ten times better. Especially that of childrens. So, they'll really see the impact of their kindness and hopefully, this encourages them to be kinder." She said.

"That's very thoughtful of you." He put a hand around her shoulders and pulled her in to his side, placing a kiss on her head. How could she be so perfect? He found himself thinking. He fell in love even more.

They walked up to the orphanage when the door opened up and the kids were beckoned in. They got in to see excited kids, from different ages, open up the boxes and pull out the toys and clothes.

There was excited chatter, laughter, and playing. Even the Pelton kids got involved in all the fun. They all got invited over to stay for dinner and because the orphaned children were so happy and excited for them, they couldn't say no. Richard even offered for all the children to come up to their house every once in a while to change things up. They could enjoy the fields, the stream, taking care of the horses, and activities in the house.

"Sorry, I didn't get your opinion on inviting them over." He said to Annabel when they were helping with picking up the dishes.

"Why would you need my opinion though?"

"It's just that- I thought- never mind." Richard has gotten so used to having her around, being a mother to his children, and them literally acting like a married couple that he totally forgot that they weren't married and in a relationship, so he technically didn't need to get her opinion, especially since she's just an employee. But that thought didn't sit right with him. He didn't have to technically ask her, or seek her opinion, but he wanted to. It made him feel better, and if he got her approval, it made him feel like he was doing a great job. And he didn't like thinking that she was just an employee. She was much much more than that. She's the women he loves and wants to spend the rest of his life with. She's the women he wouldn't mind getting down on one knee for right this instance. Her opinion did matter, it always did.

"Why would I not want to get your opinion? It's my house just as much as it is yours." He recovered from his little stumble of words.

Annabel looked up at him and flicked soap at his face. She was washing and he was drying the plates and cutlery.

"Sure." She sarcastically said.

"It is." He insisted and wiped the soap off. "Don't you want it to be?" He dared to ask.

"Well-I mean-what?"


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