Chase The Impossible *A Barry...

By Superjusticeleaguer

370K 9.4K 9.3K

To understand what I'm about to tell you. You need to do something first. You need to believe in the impossib... More

Chapter 1- The Thunder Boomer...
Chapter 2 - Blood & Feathers...
Chapter 3 - The Test Subject...Trial & Error
Chapter 5- Know Your Limits...
Chapter 6 - Group Dates, Cold Guns & Boys, Oh My...
Chapter 7- The Villian Inside
Chapter - 8 Snapped...
Chapter- 9 The Angel Vs. The Vigilante
Chapter - 10 Merry...Bahumbug...
Chapter- 11 When I Grow Up...
Chapter - 12 They Got What They Deserved...
Chapter - 13 Ka-Boom!
Chapter - 14 A Near Death Experience...
Chapter - 15 Death In The Family..
Chapter - 16 Barry & Rose Sitting In A Tree...
Chapter - 17 Can't Trick A Trickster...
Chapter - 18 Eye Spy...
Chapter- 19 All Roses Have Thorns..
Chapter - 20 Split Personality
Chapter - 21 The Ultimate Sacrifice
Chapter - 1 (Part2) Who Is Zoom?
Chapter - 2) Mr. Sandman Bring Me A Dream...
Chapter- 3) Mama Don't Preach
Chapter - 4) Dead Man Walking, Blind Man Seeing
Chapter - 5) Broken Wings
Chapter -6) Falling From Grace
A Special Message
Chapter -7) Flash Pass...
Chapter -8) Trickster Santa & His Bag Of Weather Wizard
Chapter -9) The Origin Story begins
Chapter - 10) Fast Enough...
Chapter - 11) As We Enter The Twilight Zone...
Chapter- 12) Good Vs Evil...
Chapter-13) Ghosts From The Future?
Chapter- 14) Bye bye...Boogeyman
Chapter- 15) Trapped in the dome with my worst enemy...
Chapter- 16) Sacrificial Lamb
Chapter- 17) Stranger Things In The Universe
Chapter - 18) The Domino Affect...
Chapter - 19) The Speeding Paradox...
OMG! Plz read!!!
Wally West Storyline????

Chapter 4- The Avenging Angel Is Born...

19.9K 555 549
By Superjusticeleaguer

•Rose's Pov•

"Do you know how lucky you are that the hospital didn't come and drag you back?"

I just sit there while my dad chews me out on my 'jail break' from the hospital.

"Are you even listening?"

"Yes dad."

"You could have gotten hurt, or worse."

I just sit there.

"Rose Vincent West!" Uh-oh full name alert.

"I hear you dad. Really. I'll stay out of trouble, I'll eat my vitamins and brush my teeth before bed."

"This is not a joke."

"Oh come on dad, it was a little funny." He gives me the cop glare and I shut up.

"You will go to work with your sister and you will stay there until her shift of over."

"So she's baby sitting me now?"

"Another sly comment like that and I will get you a cell at the station." Dad leaves the room and I get up off of the couch.

"Is it safe to come down?" Iris says on the stairs.

"Yeah, only thing dad had hurt was my pride. So can I use your laptop to fill out some job applications?"

"Why don't you just work at Jitters? I can put in a word with my boss."

"I guess, but can I still use your laptop?"

"Don't break it."

"Be like Elsa, sis. Let it go."

"Whatever, go get ready." She mushed my head and I run up the steps to get dressed.

We get to Jitters and I get a text from Barry.

**Hey did Caitlin or Cisco have you do some testing?**

**Yeah, why what's up?**

**Just curious so what happened?*

I can't tell him I can sprout wings so I lie.

**Nothing really why what were your results?**

I wonder if he'll tell me, then again if he doesn't and lies I won't hold it against him.

**Same, I hear Joe put you on Iris watch want me to keep you some company since I'm on break?**

Is water wet a controversial question?

Uh Duh!

**Yeah that's cool see you then ;)**

Wait no! I didn't mean to send that winkie face.

Damn auto-correct.

I put my phone in my pocket and go to the bathroom to freshen up before he gets here.

I put a little bit of lip gloss on and fix up my hair.

"Well you're no beauty queen.." I sigh and leave the bathroom to find my sister kissing on that cocky cop.

At the same time Barry walked in the door and he stopped and stared.

Iris smiles at the cocky cop and then looks up at me.

"I can explain."

I walk up to them and so does Barry.

"We're listening."

"You must be Rose, Iris has told me so much about you." He offers his hand but I don't take it.

"Funny, she didn't tell me anything about you. Does dad know about this?"

Iris grabs my hand and gives Eddie an apologetic look.

"We'll be right back. Barry come with me too."

Barry follows us out and we walk about two blocks before my sister lets my hand go.

Okay I yanked my hand away, but in my defense you don't look cool holding your sisters hand while your crush is watching.

"You can't tell dad about me and Eddie. Either of you."

"Okay, I won't say anything but it's going to be awkward on thanksgiving when he asks dad to pass the potatoes." Iris rolls her eyes then looks at Barry who was surprisingly quiet about this.

"I was going to tell both of you. Its just that when you two were in hospital and S.T.A.R. Labs, Eddie covered Dads shifts, so that both of us could keep you two company. I thanked him with a cup of coffee, and things just kind of happened. And it's good."

"I don't like him."

"Rose, that's not nice." I walk a little faster and hear Barry say to Iris that he would talk to me.

"Rose, wait up." I stop and look at him. "What? You plan on saying I'm a spoiled brat because I don't approve of my sisters boyfriend choices?" I look past Barry's shoulder and see Iris walking back.

"I know you don't care for the guy but if he makes your sister happy then why not give him a chance."

"But isn't that against the rule and regulations at the Central City police station?"

He places his hand on my shoulder as we walk.

"Rose, your sister will be alright."

"How do you know?"

"Because I know Iris and so do you." I sigh and lean on his shoulder.

"I guess I can give him a chance, but I won't like it."

He chuckles. "That's a start." We hear sirens blare as a black mustang jumps the curb causing the police car to drive right into us.

Barry grabs me and with quick speed moves us out of the way.

He was on top of me and even though we just got out of a dangerous situation I can't help but feel self conscious that Barry is on top of me.

Barry, my crush for the last fourteen years as well as the love of my life is on top of me.

God if this is heaven please don't judge me just yet for the dirty thoughts I'm having.

"Are you okay?" He says as he looks back at me.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"I'll be right back, stay right there." He takes off running in the smoke and all I do is stare after him.

I gasp as I hear my shirt tear.

"Please not now..." I look around and take off running in hopes that everyone is too busy looking at the car chase than me.

I pull on my sisters hoodie and hear my wings rip it.

The hoodie is ruined but at least my face is covered good enough by the hood.

When I make sure no one is looking I take off in the air and see fire.

"Barry!" I fly down and see Barry facing some blonde haired guy.

The blonde raises his hands and more smoke appears.

"How is he?" He walks into the foggy smoke and I try to flap my wings to clear it.

A horn honks and a burning car emerges from the smoke right towards Barry.

I forget about clearing the fog and swoop down grabbing Barry and move him just in time.

Our limbs get tangled and he ends up on top of me..again...

"Who...who are you?"

Thank god this hoodies drawstring is pulled extra tight.

I push him off of me and take off into the sky.

That was close. But at least I got him out of the way.

Barry Allen saving me, point one.

Rose west saving him, point one.

Guess we're even for now...

•Barry's Pov•

I watch as the hooded figure flys away.

Who was that? Another Meta-human?

Well at least they saved me instead of trying to kill me like Clyde Mardon.

Clyde Mardon, isn't he suppose to be dead?

Wait he can control the weather?

As I walk back over to make sure Rose was okay she looks a bit shaken up.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just back pain."

"Here let me lo-"

"No! I mean no I got it. I'll make sure I take my meds when I get home." She moves away and Joe came over to us.

"Barry! Rose, you were suppose to be with your sister."

"Dad, I'm fine. I was with Barry."

He looks at me and he looks pissed but I'm still trying to figure out how did Clyde Mardon make it out of that plane crash.

As he tries to argue with Rose I can't keep quiet.

"Joe, we need to talk."

"Not now Barry."

"No, now." We walk over to the side and I look at him.

"I know who did this." Joe nods urging me to go on. "It's Clyde Mardon. I know everyone thinks he died in a plane crash after the S.T.A.R. Labs explosion, but he is alive." I can see the look in Joe's eyes that he doesn't believe me, but I know what I saw.

"Something happened to him that night. I...I think he can control the weather. The recent robberies they all happened during freak meteorological events. and when I just confronted Mardon, The street was instantly enveloped in more fog..."

Still the doubt in his eyes remained. "... Of course you don't believe me. You never believe me..."

"Okay, you want to do this? Out here? Fine. Mardon is dead, there is no controlling the weather, Barry. Just like there was no lightning storm in your house that night. It was your brain helping a scared little boy except what he saw."

I shake my head. "my dad did not kill my mother."

"Yes he did! Your dad killed your mother, Barry! I am sorry, son! But I knew it. The jury knew it, and now he's paying for what he did."

"Dad stop-" Rose intervenes. But Joe stops her.

"No Rose.."

He looks at me. "..I have done my best to take care of you, since that night and I have never asked for anything in return, not even a thank you, but what I do ask now is that you, for once in your life see things as they are." I say nothing and just walk away. I know what I saw and I know just whom I need to talk to at S.T.A.R. Labs...

•Rose's Pov•

I want to run after him but how can I comfort him.

I just glare at my dad and walk away from him too.

How could he say that to him?

I remember that night when Barry had came home to live with us. I had saw Barry and instantly knew something was wrong.

For that entire time all I did was try to make Barry smile. At that time I didn't understand that he was mourning his mother. I just thought he was very sad that he couldn't stay with his parents.

But I got him to smile again, I got him to talk to me at least for an hour each day and he slowly came out of his shell.

True he still thinks about that night and how the real murderer is still out there.

I'll help you catch them Barry. No matter what.

That was a stupid promise I made when I was seven but now, now that I am what I am I can help Barry.

I can even help him find the person, the man in the yellow suit who killed his mom...

I was sitting at Jitters when my phone rings and I see it's an unknown number.

I start not to answer it but I go ahead just to see who's calling me.

"Who's this?"

"Rose, this is Caitlyn, Barry just left and he's planning on going after that Meta-human that caused that fog."

I stand up and pack up Iris' laptop.

"I'll be right over."

"Hey, tell Rose I have something for her." I hear Cisco say in the background.

"She'll see when she gets here." We hang up then.

"Hey where are you going?" Iris asks.

Sorry sis but this is going to become my secret from now on.

"I'm just going to hang out at the library, it's too loud and I need to think. See you at home?"

"Yeah, love you."

"Love you more." I call back as I leave.

"Love you most..."

I walk into the back alley of Jitters and make sure no one is watching.

I concentrate and my wings spring into to action.

I seriously need to invest in some backless shirts...

I land on the roof of S.T.A.R. Labs and call Caitlyn.


"I'm on the roof, let me in its freezing out here." We hang up and she soon lets me in the building.

"Where is Barry?"

"He is out looking for Mardon at a farm location." We turn and Dr. Wells was there.

"I didn't tell him anything." Caitlyn whispers.

"I know you want to keep Barry safe while he faces Mardon, we all do. But I assure you we have this covered."

"I understand, really I do. But I can't just stand there and hear about how Barry almost got himself killed. Barry has a good heart and I would hate for someone to kill him because of it."

"Well I see that I can't convince you to stay out of it so, allow me to assist you." He wheels off and I look over at Caitlyn.

"Are you coming?"

I run off after him.

Man for a guy in a wheel chair he sure can move fast.

Okay I'm so going to hell for that.

We arrive in the main room and Cisco was there looking at a screen.

"What's going on?" I mutter.

"Cisco I think it's time you show her." Dr. Wells says to him.

"Right this way." Cisco leads me to a room and I see a some black hooded getup.

"What's that?"

"That my friend is your suit for when you go out on the field."

"My suit?"

"Yeah, you see I've been working on it since that day you came and did that test on the field which I have to say is still cool. But anyway this suit is made up of a reinforced tri-polymer. It's abrasive and tear resistant, so it should withstand your wings moving at a high velocity speed. Plus you won't need to worry about your suit. Also the aerodynamic design should help you maintain control. It has built in sensors so we can track your vitals and stay in contact with you from here. Before I forget there's a tracker also so you know where Barry's exact locations are."

"Thank you." I touch it and notice something.

"Why is there a double A on it? This isn't the scarlet letter."

"Well you said you wanted to incorporate the name angel so I did. What do you think about the Avenging Angel?"

I like it...

I hear my inner voice whisper.

"Good enough for me."

"Rose, Barry is just west from the city." I nod at Caitlyn and look back at the suit.

"I'm ready."

I put the outfit on and Cisco taps my shoulder.

"Your mask my lady."

"You're such a nerd." I smile at him and take the black eye mask.

"You need to get to him qu-"

I release my wings shutting Dr. Wells up.

Don't do anything stupid Barry. I'm coming.

I run up to the roof and release my wings at their full length.

I do a leap off and catch myself.

"Barry won't hear us talking to you, Rose." Cisco yells over the wind that my wings are creating.

I take off and hear a sonic boom in my wake.

Wow this suit really is holding together.


"Yeah Caitlyn?"

"Barry is just a mile from you. Becareful Mardon created winds that's speed is over 200 miles-per hour and increasing. If it keeps up this could become an F5 tornado..."

A see a swirl of wind in the distance and slow down so I don't fly into it.

"It looks like it's about to head towards the city, how can I help stop it?"

"You're going to help Barry unravel it." Dr. Wells says over the transmitter.

"How in the hell am I going to do that?"

I look down and see a guy in a red form fitting suit.


I also see my dad and Eddie on the ground below.

"Both of you are going to run around it in the opposite direction, while he cuts off Mardon down below you'll cut him off at the top."

"Rose, your body may not be able to handle those speeds, let alone your wings. You could die." Caitlyn comments.

"I have to try." I see Barry take off and I follow his lead, trying to match his speed.

Barry gets blown away and I lose control falling down 10 feet away from him.

Get up! Get up! Get up!

I get up and take off in the air before he sees me. "I'm going to try again!" I yell. I flap my wings, but one of them feels broken.

Come on heal! I need to match Barry's speed, and help him.

But my wing won't let me fly at the speed I want.

I slow down a bit feeling defeated.

Rose you've got this...

My inner voice chimes.

But I'm...I'm not healing fast enough...I'm not strong enough...

Yes you are, if you weren't strong enough you wouldn't have put on that suit and you wouldn't be there helping. This is what you were meant for. To be more than the girl who watches from far. You can help stop this. You're strong enough, now fly! Rose! Fly!

I take off in the air just as Barry takes off running. I ignore the pain and keep going with all my might. All I can see it was my black and gray match his red and yellow streak.

I can feel the wind starting to loosen up from my end and Barry's.

I hear Mardon scream and my eyes begin to burn as I do one large flap causing the wind swirl to stop on my part up top.

I crashed into the ground and look up as Barry looks at me. His mask no longer covering his face.

Really glad mine is still covering my face though.

"Hey." Mardon gets both of our attention. He points a gun in our direction.

"I didn't think there was anyone else like me." He says. "We're nothing like you, you're a murderer." Barry retorts.

Mardon smirks and points his gun at Barry. Just when I was about to get up to move Barry out of the way Mardon gets shot in the chest several times and falls.

We both look and it was my dad holding the gun that shot Clyde Mardon.

"Are you two okay?" We both nod and Barry helps me up.

"Guess you know who I am. But who are you?" I can see my dad getting close and if he finds out its me under this mask I'm as good as dead.

I look at Barry and lean in close to his ear.

"Your guardian angel." I kiss his lips and take off in the air.

Hey I didn't mean to kiss him. I think as I touch my lips.

It looked like you needed a little push.

My inner voice says with a smile in her tone.

I roll my eyes then wince from my ribs.

I sure as hell hope a Tylenol and a hot bath can help speed up my healing process cause man I feel like death kick my ass.

At least you didn't go down with out a fight.

•Barry's Pov•

The next day I stood there with Joe and my regular clothes, while the fire department and police investigated what had happened.

"Any clue who that winged girl was?" Joe asked me.

"No clue..." But I haven't stopped thinking about her.

...Your guardian angel...

She said with a confident smirk, then she kissed me.

I can still feel the tingle on my lips.

"What you can do... It was a lightning bolt?" Joe asks breaking me out of my thoughts.

"More or less."

"I'm sorry, Barry. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. And I called you crazy for chasing the impossible. But you really did see something that your mother died. And your dad is innocent..."

I look up at him as I realize he finally believes me.

He stood up and faces me.

"I need you to promise me something. I don't want you telling Iris or Rose about anything you can do, any of it. I want them safe. Promise me."

"Yeah.." Joe pats my shoulder and walks off to give his statement.

I sigh and start to follow him but something catches my eye.

I bend down and pick up a large grey feather.

"This looks similar to the one Rose had the other day..."

•Dr. Wells Pov•

While Cisco cleans up Barry's and Rose's suits and Caitlyn goes over the speeds stats, I go off by myself and go down the hall to my secret room.

The doors open from inside the wall and I go inside.

When the doors open behind me I stand up and go towards Gideon.

She scans my hand and a news paper article dating April 25, 2024 appears.

"I do love reading the paper..."

The headlines reads,

The Flash, falls from the hand of the Avenging Angel, May God have mercy on us all...

The picture of Rose makes her look like the Angel of Death let alone a Avenging Angel.

"Everything is going according to plan." I say as I twirl her feather between my fingers.




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