Arranged Marriage

By am12ma34

560K 17.4K 783

A women in her twenties have long smooth hair which is upto her waist with fair skin , big doe eyes entered t... More

Am I married???😱😱
Chapter 2
Chapter- 6
Author's Note
Author's Note
Chapter - 24
Chapter- 25
Author's Note
✨️Author's Note✨️
Author's Note
Chapter- 42
Chapter - 44
Author's Note
Chapter - 47
Author's Note
Author's note
Author's Note
Author's Note
Chapter- 77
Chapter- 78
Chapter-83 (Author's Note)


7.2K 203 4
By am12ma34

Hi, guys welcome to the new chapter. 

Thanks for your continuous support. 

I am really glad to get all your attention. I hope this update can fulfill your eagerness. 

Please feel free to give any suggestions. And lastly Sorry for the late update.


Author's Pov, 

After his workout, King went to their room thinking about his doll's reaction to his future gift, but his life is not there, he looked around and thought she may be with his family. He got fresh up and went down, there he saw his doll sitting beside his father and talking happily in the living room. 

Immediately his lips turned up. A small smile on her face can light his mood. Is it really possible? a normal woman can lift up the mood of anything but normal Abhimaan Tagore's mood??? may be...

 Aadya: hi king ... how are you??

 She asked softly mixing both sweetness and innocence in her voice. But he knows she is not the one of that kind. So, he ignored her and sat on one of the couches. 

Papa: good morning.... king, is everything ok there??

 "Yes Dad" 

Rose: sir, breakfast is ready. Rushi got up along with the king and her papa. 

King is the one who first went towards the dining table. He sat on his chair just like every day. Already all family members and the monkey gang are present. Rushi came towards him and served him food. His eyes fell on her dress, in which he first saw her on their date, he remembered how beautiful she looked on that day. His eyes moved to her eyes she suddenly looked at him. His dark pearl eyes met her shining doe eyes the emotions they are having for each other, for a sec it felt like her whole hatred towards him vanished.

 His eyes look at her like they want her instantly, it's like a magical movement but it doesn't last long. 

Rahul: argh..... agr..... 

She jerked a bit and moved her eyes from him. He just wants to kill that bastard who ruined their moment. He turned his gaze toward Rahul, Rahul smiled at the king innocently. Rahul knows the outcome of doing this thing, but his nature encouraged him to behave like that. Rahul muttered a small sorry. King looked at him angrily like he will remove that smile from his lips. King again turned his eyes and looked at her, but she went to sit beside his mom. 

Saanvi: So, king can we know why you came back suddenly.... hmm... I mean as I know work is still pending right... 

She asked him mockingly with a small mischievous smile on her face she knows there won't be any answer from him but still she wants to tease him. Because she is the only one who is elder than the king and the king behaves a little softer toward her. So, she takes advantage of him. But she knows what her position and king's patience line is.

 Karan: oh, Saanvi sister-in-law do you think that king even knows what today's special.... if Amelia is there na then she will remain with him. but I don't think our king remembers today's special.

 he told with a small smirk on his face. He already did everything to get punished by the king by sending Rushi's photos to him. This one comment doesn't make more harm. So, he dared to mock the king.

 " Hmm... I think we should eat breakfast otherwise it will become cold...." rushi sensed a tense and angry situation... to calm everyone she told them to eat. 

Maya: rushi you should fight for your rights. 

" Huh... oo... me.. " rushi pointed her finger at herself. 

" Ok ok let's eat," Ma told 

After breakfast, he went to his office room. 

Snehith: guys today King is also here why don't we enjoy it? 

" Nice idea bro..go and call him," Siya said annoyingly...

 Snehith: no no I don't have a death wish. 

Siya: do you think the King will agree if we all ask, we asked him so many times, but he always ignores us. 

" Now We have rushi na why don't we ask her," Arun told.

 " You have good ideas bro I have to thank Amelia for changing you," Maya said. 

Arun: Maya...

 They all went to Rushi. 

Maya: hey Rushi what are you doing?? 

" Nothing Maya do you want something."

 " Hmmm...Oooo today is your first month anniversary so we thought to have some enjoyment, so we all are going to watch a movie at home and cook so will you join us... "Siya said. 

" Ok... I will join " Rushi said with a smile. 

" You are the main person, but we all want both king and you to spend your time together. You both didn't spend your time with each other for the last two months, so we all want you to spend your time with each other. but whenever we ask, he will refuse. please rushi, make him come. so that you both can spend some time close." Saanvi said 

"But .... but... I .... I... how. I..." Rushi is embarrassed at her sis talking.

 How can she spend time with that man? She never did like that thing. She watched movies with her brother but not with other men. She didn't even imagine it once. She internally screamed.

 " Please rushi at least for us." Karan put puppy eyes in front of her.  All the gang members what to see them together. 

She want to say no at any cost but seeing their faces she decided to do so. 

" Ok ok... hmm.. if he refuses I can't do anything. You should not force me to be with him"

 "Ok," all said in union. 

Rushi's Pov, 

Hey, Bhagwan (god) why do I have to see him again? In the morning, I was scared to see him beside me. I didn't expect him to come home... I was shocked to listen his greetings. I think only a loving couple will celebrate their first-month anniversary. But here I am going to celebrate it with a person who forced himself on me. I know he didn't even touch me on that day, but I am totally scared I still remember that day. I can't forgive him that easily. He can't behave like that with me. I didn't give any rights to him. We may be married, and I respect our marriage, but I can't suppress my self-respect and act like a loving wife.

  If I don't dress up myself, I will make all sad. I don't know why my mom packed the white dress which I wore on my first date... when I saw that today morning, I thought to wear it. 

He is such a businessperson, always tricks me when I first asked to call mom, he wanted me to cook when I asked him not to call me baby he asked for another nickname, and ...o.... when he permitted me to light diya.... he ... i... mean he... me.... such a pervert he is.... jerk... devil...

Today I won't allow him to take advantage of me.

 I went to his office unwillingly and knocked on the door.

" Come in"

I went inside, I saw him talking with someone on his laptop, maybe some meeting... I stood opposite him.

 " Huh... are you busy!!" 

I don't know why but I felt a little uncomfortable. 

" No wifey.." 

How many mood swings does he have? oh god please save me. 

" Hmmm... o.... all are going to watch a movie and they .... want you to join ...." 

" Oh, why I will do what they want." 

" Huh.... they want you to spend time with them." 

" with then. Then what about you?"

 " Huh, I......." 

"Don't you want me to spend time with you?" 

" I... ooh..... " 

Why do I always feel nervous while talking with him... rushi you have to be strong, no nervousness. He is the one who did a mistake then why I am feeling nervous? He stood from his position and came towards me...I don't know why but I started to move back.... he came too close I felt like my.... my... My breath got stuck... his fingers came close to my face, and his eyes have so many emotions ... I Can't even know what he wants.... his fingers touched my hair. I instantly looked down I feel like my face is heating up he put my hair strands behind my ear. I want to move from there but I... can't my legs became numb. 

He leaned towards me..... I.....I.... thought.... he....he.. is going....going to me but he said something in my ear.

 " I am... sorry. "

 I looked at his side. I am shocked at his words..... our cheeks got touched my heart is beating like a drum some strange feelings entered my whole body. he again said. 

" Are you still angry with me??"

 There are no words ... I am speechless... his touch is making me weak. Did I get paralysis or what? Why I am unable to move? he then makes some space. I know my face is so red now. he is the first man that can make me nervous and can come this near to me without my permission...  I don't know what he is doing to me, but it is making me nervous, I don't want to be nervous, but his presence makes me uncomfortable to be precise I don't even know what those feelings are.

 I don't know whether I am uncomfortable, or it is something else. I turned my head from him so that I can control my heartbeats. He took my right hand into his... I looked at him. his eyes are looking at my hand. my hand touched his covered chest my eyes got bigger... I am unable to control my thoughts... I... I can feel his heartbeat, it is beating so fast just like mine. 

I looked into his eyes they have some deep feelings he is looking at me like I am his only one. he then again said.

 " I am sorry. I will never behave like that... don't be mad at me...." 

His apology is so sincere how can I not forgive him?... his eyes are looking at me with so many emotions I can't say no to his apology...I nodded my head. 

his sudden action surprised me. he hugged me tightly. For a sec I thought I am the only women that came this near to him. 

"ooooooooooooo.............." I listened to loud sounds. all gang is standing at the door.... oh god how can I forget about them they are watching me from the start. I am dead they will tease me to death. oh god please save me... 

" What the heck... what are you doing here," he asked in a loud voice...

 he is so arrogant... just now he behaved so gently I internally smiled. Oh rushitha, what happened to you? you are smiling for that devil behavior... I freed myself from his grip. 

Rahul: how can I miss this scene?

 He said with puppy eyes.

 Saanvi: today I can't believe my ears King am I seeing you or someone else? 

" Saanvi,"  he said annoyingly...

Siya: ha king... did... you.... just.... said..... those words. 

Arun: today should be on history. 

Maya: Mr. Abhimaan Tagore said sorry . which I thought I never listen to in my life... 

" Will you guys shut up, don't you want to see a movie, or do you want me to cut the power and point it towards you? 

does he mean he will give a current shock to them... I am a little confused by his words...

Pruthvi: King please don't do that.. let's go. 

That devil husband of mine hold my hand and said to go... with his eyes. I just nodded my head, and we all went to the home theatre, it is really big everything in this house is big and expensive.

I am seeing the whole room in awe...

I: whose selection is this??

Siya: Dad and Mom.

 They selected an English movie. 

It is a mysterious, romantic, comedy, action, movie. I sat beside him... there are some scenes. I feel everyone's gaze on us. but he didn't even touch me I am really glad about that. I closed my eyes at such types of scenes. I am shy to watch too romantic scenes. In Hindi serials, there won't be such types of scenes. they will only show just coming near to each other At last, there is too emotional a scene I can't control my tears. Maya is also crying. Karan gave her tissue paper. 

he held my hand and placed my head on his shoulder. I felt comfortable. he then took a tissue paper and wiped my tears. 

" doll you should not cry like this it's just a movie see how red your eyes became. " 

"But...but... it is so senti..." 

" ok let's go.... the movie is over right."

 " hmmm," We all went out. I saw a man sitting on the sofa in his office attire. although I can't see his face, I can say he is also someone like these monkeys. he said to go up and wash my face. so, I did as he said. I cleaned my face and put on the bindi as usual. when I came down all are laughing, I went near them and I saw him sitting beside the new person.

 All looked at me for a sec I sat beside Siya. I looked at the new person. 

" Hi, I am David your arrogant husband's friend and partner. " 

that man said smilingly I also smiled and said 

"Hello, rushitha" 

David: you are this bossy person's wife. Nice to meet you.

 I again smiled. I am amazed at his words someone is there to scold him other than me. 

" Nice to meet you too.." 

Maya: what is good about meeting him. he is a monkey. 

Saanvi: Maya behave. 

David: oh it's ok sis I will always ignore Monkeys words and Rushitha you look so innocent how you accepted this arrogant husband of yours??

who accepted him, he forced me... I shouted in my mind.

he: David... 

he raised his voice... 

David: ok ok I won't talk anyway Happy first-month anniversary. But King if you want something like that please inform me a week or at least a day before. Do You know how tough to get such an item?? You at least know how much I suffered.

 He: what's there to be tough I told you to get them at any cost. 

David: but they are not about cost they are about... leave it you won't understand. If I don't go on time, you will never get them.

 I don't know what they are talking about. Maybe business. 

Maya: King don't tell me you bought them for this day. 

Karan: guys can you tell me what are you talking about?

 Maya: Karan bro yesterday I got news about T company participating in an auction to buy APOLLO & ARTEMIS. 

" What ??" all gasped at a time...

Rahul: King did you buy them? 

David: Of course, he called me the day before yesterday to participate in an auction and buy them... 

I: hmm... can I know what are you talking about?? 

Siya: rushi you are so lucky I never thought King care about someone like this. 

 what she means by... why is it my luck to be cared by him... did I ask him to care... oh god why they are confusing me

 he: ok hand them. 

David: here. 

David gave me a box it is a shining silver box.

 David: give her. 

he: I will give when I want.

 all: King please we all beg you please show us we also want to see them. please don't say no... please. 

why they are behaving like that.

 " ok I will give her." he stood from his position and came towards me. 

I don't even know what is going on.....I am just sitting there like some doll. What are Apollo and Artemis anyway? I thought in mind. he sat in front of me on his single knee. all gasped at a time...

what is he doing... Why he is doing all this? Oh god, what's happening here? hey shiv please, save me.

 " wh...what.... are... are. you do..." 

he placed his finger on my lips... I blinked my eyes unreliably. oh god what is happening here...he then placed the silver box in my hands and said 

" This is my first gift for our first month anniversary. Open it and see."

 I am in a daze I don't know what he is doing and what he wants. I never experienced this type of situation in my life. I just nodded... and opened the box, there is a pair of earrings they are so beautiful, they are diamonds I guess..... they are shining like moon rays....a smile formed on my lips, not because of them but because it was my gift from him.... oye rushi what are you thinking he is rich he will play tricks like that don't fall from them.... my mind warned me. 

My fingers want to touch them. But my mind stopped me. I took back my fingers. 

" do you like them?? " he asked

 "Hmmm.. it is your gift ... but no need to give a costly gift."

 I said smilingly. 

Siya: rushi do you know what are they....??

 " huh...oo... earrings," I said smilingly. But I can see everyone seeing the earrings in astonishment with open mouths. especially Aadaya. I also saw he is smilingly at me. 

Maya: you are unbelievable.... they are not earrings... they are... Dia... 

" I know they are diamond earrings." What they are thinking ....  he laughed. 

" my doll you are naive.." he kissed my forehead... my eyes got bigger..... his palm is on my right cheek I can feel the warmness in his hand.... but wait how can he kiss me like that in front of everyone... he got up and sat beside me. 

Aadya: what's the use king she didn't even know what they are. 

Rahul: rushi they are not only diamond earrings they are the only ones in the world.... they cost 500 crores. 

my eyes got a lot bigger...

 " 500 what???" I must have heard wrong...

Pruthvi: crores ... crores

 I am hell-shocked....... which ornament will cost that much. These are just small earrings. What are they kidding? 

" How.. i. I mean.. why. oh. " I lost my voice listening to their cost. I looked at him and then at the earrings one is blue and the other is pink... they are beautiful but 500 crores... how... I mean how ... why does he have to give me this much costliest thing. Is it that much cost... I still can't believe them... I looked at him in a scared way... he again laughed... 

" doll I think you need some rest, go up I will come later. and keep them safe," he told me... 

today is something... I think I got up on the wrong side. whose face I even saw when I woke up... I just nodded and went up taking the box.... I still can't believe I am holding a 500-crore object.... how anyone can gift such a costliest thing. 

Author's Pov, 

all are looking at her shocked retreating figure. Some burning with jealousy and some with shock. In shock, she even forgot to say thank you. If she is with her senses, she never accepts that gift. But she lost all her senses listening to their price. all thought she may fall unconscious.

Granny: you guys scared her, look my granddaughter is in shock. 

Pruthvi: Granny when you came from the hospital.?? 

Granny: just now. you should not tell her the price. Look at that poor soul she is in a daze. king you better go and check her. 

Rahul: Granny even we are shocked to see such an item. 

somewhere in India:

Man: sir we got her information ... but I think she is not what you are thinking... you should cross-check... 

the other side: I know what to do just send me the details...

 " Ok, sir."


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