The Journey of Wei Ying

By NatalieTaehyung

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Wei Ying is a mortal who saved a man called Lan Huan and with whom he fell in love with. Lan Huan too fell in... More

Things you might need to know
Chapter 1: Your choice is...?
Chapter 2: The handsome stranger
Chapter 3: Realization
Chapter 4: The Urgency
Chapter 5: I love you, Wei Ying
Chapter 6: Return to the heavenly realm
Chapter 7: Sickness or...?
Chapter 8: Pregnant
Chapter 9: Auction
Chapter 10: Wedding and a newborn princess
Chapter 11: 16 years later...
Chapter 12: Something changed
Chapter 13: Betrayal
Chapter 14: The loss
Chapter 15: Pain
Chapter 17: Once the trust is broken ...
Chapter 18: Dreams and feelings...
Chapter 19: Talk with Wen Qing
Chapter 20: Giving up and giving in
Chapter 21: I belong to you
Chapter 22: Talk with Wen Ning
Chapter 23: The Date
Chapter 24: My deepest secret
Chapter 25: The heir is sick
Chapter 26: Parting ways
Chapter 27: A dream turns into a nightmare
Chapter 28: The real punishment
Chapter 29: Reunited
Chapter 30: Birthday gift and unsaturation
Chapter 31: Two boys
Chapter 32: Birth and a new life
Last Chapter: Fate

Chapter 16: Lan Huan gave in...

1.9K 127 85
By NatalieTaehyung

I am late by 36 minutes... I am sorry!!! I didn't want to write 6000 words but I couldn't find a good cut. 

I hope you enjoy the new chapter! 

Wei Ying's POV

I didn't know why I told Wang Ji the truth. I mean, he was Lan Huan's brother after all. Blood was thicker than water, right? Yet I still felt the urge to tell him. I was not sure if I did that because I needed someone to talk to or if it was because I felt I could trust Wang Ji. And I knew I could trust him.

So I just revealed to him what I found out. I didn't expect him to do much because it was like he said. He wasn't a good talker and I didn't necessarily need him to say something because nothing he would say could change the truth nor would the pain go away. I just needed someone who would listen to me.

But suddenly Wang Ji got up and I looked at him in shock. I didn't know what I had expected but ... this was definitely not it.

Wang Ji usually wore an expressionless face. Well, for most people it would look expressionless but once you got to know him well, you will see the slight changes and know in what kind of mood he was or what he was thinking. But right now his face was the exact opposite. He looked angry. Not the upset kind of angry but he was furious.

His aura was a bright fiery red. Not the kind of red I saw days ago but this one was different. It screamed that he was furious and for a moment I was scared that I might have said something too harsh against Lan Huan that made him like this. I knew both brothers loved each other dearly and wouldn't accept anyone cursing at the other.

I was about to apologize when he turned around and attempted to leave. For a moment I was uneasy about what to do but then I had this one weird feeling telling me to stop him. I guessed that was the moment I understood he wasn't angry at me because if he was he would stay and reprimand me or tell me to leave. There was no logical reason for him to leave his palace if I was the one he was angry with.

"Wang Ji!" I called him but he continued his way towards the exit. Wen Ning jumped up as well and watched Wang Ji leave in confusion.

'Stop him!' A voice in my head yelled and I immediately run after the second prince.

"Wang Ji, stop!" I commanded but he didn't listen at all so I run faster and stood in his way. I flinched once I looked into his fuming eyes. "Where are you going?" I asked him despite guessing the answer.

"...." He didn't say anything but his eyes became even more fuming.

"Wang Ji..." I took a breath. "I won't allow you to go there!"

His eyes glared into mine. "Why not? How dare he do such a disgusting act!? How dare he hurt you!?"

"It's my business, not yours."

"Then why don't you confront him!? Look what he did! Look how he treats you! How can he do something like this!? Why won't you confront him? Are you going to let him continue to treat you in this way?!"

"Wang Ji, this.... I can't... I...."

"Why not?" Wang Ji asked and this time his voice softened. "What do you get out of staying still and doing nothing? Are you okay that he shares a bed with someone else?"

This time I glared at him. "No, I am not! How can I accept such disgusting behavior from the man I love! He betrayed me, Wang Ji! But what can I do!? Confront him!? What then!? What am I supposed to do then!? What will I get out of it!?"

Without another word, Wang Ji pulled me into his arms and patted my back. I didn't even realize that I started crying again until my sobs became louder.

"I am sorry, don't cry." Wang Ji apologized even though he didn't have a reason for that. Not him, nor I.

"What am I supposed to do then!? How am I supposed to behave in front of him now? How should I treat him? How can I confront him!?"

"I am sorry, Wei Ying. Please.... don't cry."

"I can do nothing!"

"Wei Ying....." Wang Ji stopped patting my back and made me look at him. "I have no answer to your questions. But ... are you really going to pretend that nothing happened? Are you going to let him believe what he is doing is right? Do you really want to share the same bed as the one who betrayed you like this?"

I knew he was right. But why was I still not ready to confront him?

"Lan Huan is my brother and I love him dearly but I love-... he is in the wrong. I believe that he loves you more than anything but .... he failed you and you need to stand up for yourself. You can't let him continue acting like this. He shouldn't treat you like this, not you!"

I suddenly had no strength left in my legs and fell to the ground. I knew I should stand up for myself. Just thinking about sharing the same bed as Lan Huan, who had intercourse with someone else before that, disgusted me. Maybe Wen Qing was able to do that, maybe she has no pride left and was desperate but I wasn't.

"Wei Ying...." He knelt before me and his voice sounded weird. How could he be in as much pain as I?

"Why me.... why now.... why...." I asked no one in particular. I knew I had to confront him, the sooner the better. Now, that Wen Qing was pregnant with a boy... his faults will come to light. Albeit I was probably the only one who thought of it as a fault. Everyone else in the palace would probably celebrate. Expect Wen Ning and Wang Ji.

"I ...." I started and looked up at Wang Ji. "If he confesses his wrongdoings.... he won't feel as guilty as when I confront him, would he?"

Wang Ji didn't say anything but he didn't have to. The answer was obvious and I shook my head.

"I don't want that. He needs to feel guilty. He needs to realize what he did and what he lost in the process..."

"Then confront him. No matter what happens, he is the one at fault. No matter what others say. You did nothing wrong." Wang Ji said and washed away my tears. "I am on your side. I will always be on your side."

He was right. Lan Huan was at fault. I was the one who got betrayed, I was the innocent one. I would be at fault if I let him continue his wrongdoings. I would have to listen to his excuses albeit I already knew I wouldn't be able to forgive him.

But I won't leave him. I couldn't. I had nowhere else to go. Also... I still had to care for my daughters. They may not be heirs to the throne but they were royals, they were princesses. There might be no war now but who knew what the future brings? Being a royal made you have more enemies. I was not an exception. And my fourth daughter was still so young. As for my fifth daughter.... she already left...

Now that Lan Huan's and my relationship would change... My youngest was bugging me to allow her to spend more time with her older sister. I was against it at first but now I think this might be a good idea. At least for now. I didn't want my daughter to find out and get sad. I wanted them to be happy so I wouldn't tell them.

I was scared to confront Lan Huan but... I had to do it. I knew others would talk about me but they probably did so behind my back for months already. Laughing at my ignorance.... But that was over now. It was time that I showed them that they couldn't treat me like this and get away with it. I still had my pride. I wouldn't let him treat me like this any further.

'Lan Huan... you started this.... you made me like this so don't blame me..... I need to protect myself ... and our daughters..."

"Wang Ji... I need to go back....."

3rd POV

"Your majesty, his highness the crown prince just entered her quarters. The seer will reveal the truth to him." A young servant bowed to the emperor who nodded in satisfaction.

"Good. Once he got told about the gender of the baby, he will be happy too."

"Of course, your majesty. The crown prince will be overjoyed to find out he has an heir."

"Even if he never said this openly, he wishes for a son. It's only natural to have hopes like that."

"Yes, your majesty." The servant bowed before looking at the emperor nervously. There was something he was curious about but didn't dare to ask.

"What is it?" The emperor, who was pretty good at reading people, asked the servant and looked at him. Usually, he wouldn't bother to answer the servant's questions but today he was in a good mood.

"Nothing, your majesty. It's just.... I am curious why you hate prince Wei Ying...."

The emperor raised his brows and sighed. "Who said I hate him? I don't. I am quite fond of him. He makes the crown prince happy and happiness is what I wish for both of my sons."


"Prince Wei Ying doesn't seem to be able to give my son an heir. It's unfortunate but it can't be helped. I do know that he is also unhappy about that fact. I appreciate that he generously wants to give Lan Huan everything he wants for him to be happy. That includes a son. But the fact is an heir, the most important thing for the crown prince Wei Ying can't give him. I know that Lan Huan, albeit slightly disappointed, doesn't mind this disability. But I do. And the ministers as well.

An heir is what every crown prince needs, this is what everyone knows. So does Lan Huan."

"Won't prince Wei Ying be unhappy once he finds out about all this?"

"Of course, he will. I would be shocked if he wouldn't. I will make sure he won't find out anytime soon but sooner or later he will know. We can't hide the joyful news about an heir for too long. Especially once Wen Qing's womb will get bigger, everyone will find out. But I am sure that Wei Ying will understand. It's what makes Lan Huan happy after all and Lan Huan being happy is what Wei Ying wants as well." The emperor smiled. "It's fortunate that we had such a gem within our royal palace. If I hadn't noticed Wen Qing's feelings for Lan Huan, we might still be waiting for an heir."

"Indeed, your majesty." The young servant nodded.


Few months ago...

"Your majesty, you have to rest more or your health will get worse. The constant headache is just the beginning." The doctor said and the emperor sighed.

"As if I don't know that. But there are a lot of things to worry about and take care of. Can you believe it? It's a girl again."

"A princess is also an enrichment to the royal family, your majesty." The doctors answered.

"I know! But if Lan Huan wants to take over the throne in the future he needs an heir! 5 pregnancies resulted in 5 princesses. I adore my grandchildren without question despite them being mortals but a son is needed! How can the crown prince take over the throne if he can't ensure the continuation of the royal blood?"

"There is still time for that, your majesty. A lot of time. If you would follow my advice and rest more, that is."

"Time? Wei Ying is not getting younger! And my son is so madly in love that he wouldn't even consider a concubine, let alone a second consort. I fear he won't even remarry once Wei Ying is gone. Do I force Lan Huan to love them? Or to marry them? All he needs to do is produce an heir and everything is fine. He will need an empress sooner or later as well."

"Calm down, your majesty! You need to take care of your health." The doctor reprimanded him strictly. "I am sure the crown prince will be able to fall in love again even after prince Wei Ying is gone. He just needs to find the right person."

"Find the right person? I introduced him to a lot of princesses or daughters of various ministers from every realm, but he doesn't even look at them. All he cares about is his first consort!"

"Isn't that a good thing? Weren't you the same as him? You loved the late empress to the core, and you still do. Why is it a problem that the crown prince is taking so much after you."

"I still took in concubines."

"But you seldom visited them unless your father, the late emperor ordered you to do so for an heir. And didn't you start to fancy your other consorts after the late empress's death?"

"I am a lonely man, doctor. Of course, I fancy some of them. Back then I couldn't understand my father but now I do. He must have been very annoyed with me and my tantrums. I was lucky to have Lan Huan and Wang Ji with my beloved. But with Lan Huan it's different. It's not like I don't accept his love for Wei Ying nor am I against it. Fact is, this is the 5th pregnancy and it's once again a princess...."

"Your majesty, you should let the crown prince handle everything. Fate will settle everything. I am sure the crown prince will be blessed with a son sooner or later. Didn't the seer mention that Wei Ying is blessed to give birth to many children? I am sure a son will follow. If not Wei Ying, then someone else will give birth to an heir. The crown prince knows that sooner or later, he has to follow his duties. Let time and fate settle everything, your majesty, and go and get some rest."

The emperor sighed. Suddenly a servant entered the chambers. "His highness, the crown prince is asking for an audience."

"Let him in! And bring us some tea!" The emperor demanded and the servant bowed and left. Soon after Lan Huan entered the room.

"Father, I heard your health is getting worse?"

"No, it's not. The servants are exaggerating. I am just suffering from a strong headache. Nothing to worry about."

"I am glad to hear that, father."

"Congratulations on becoming the father of yet another princess, Lan Huan."

Lan Huan frowned. "I don't like that tone. Stop being like this, father. I know that you wish it would have been a boy and are disappointed but I am not."

"But you should. When are you finally..."

"There is no rush, father. I won't die any time soon! There are still a lot of ways to have an heir!"

"Do you really think Wei Ying's next pregnancy will be a son? Is that what you truly believe or just hope?"

"Father! Wei Ying is not an incubator! I think that our 5th daughter might be our last child. Seeing him going through all the pain while giving birth.... I know he said it's a good pain but I don't care. I don't want him to be in any pain."

"Lan Huan, you-"

"Father. I know you wish for me to have a son. Everyone does. But there is no rush. If I can't have a son with Wei Ying, then so be it. I still have my daughters who deserve all my love. I don't need a son right now. All I need is Wei Ying and our daughters. I won't ascend the throne anytime soon anyway."

"Does that mean you will finally fulfill your duties and have a son once Wei Ying left?" The emperor asked and nodded to himself. "That is good. I might as well choose a few brides for you and-"

"No, father. You don't need to. I will only love Wei Ying. I will only marry him. Only him."

"LAN HUAN!" Now the emperor was enraged and glared at his. "I allowed you back then to marry him because I knew you love him. I wish for you and Wang Ji to be happy and I also promised your mother to not interfere in your love life. But remember that Wei Ying is a mortal! He will die!"

"I know." Lan Huan smiled sadly. "If I could stop that I would do everything. Unfortunately, I can't change his fate... but father, I am ready to wait."

"Wait for what!?" The emperor asked frustrated.

"For him to be reborn. Once he did, I will find him."

The emperor stared at his oldest son and realized that Lan Huan was more similar to him than he ever thought. Just like the emperor loved his late wife, Lan Huan too would only love one person. Realizing that he sighed and ruffled through his hair in frustration.

He massaged his temples to expel the headache. "Where is the tea?" The emperor asked exhausted and a few seconds later the door opened and he saw a servant enter with a tray. It was Wen Qing.

"Your majesty. Your highness." She greeted both royals and was ready to serve the tea when Lan Huan got up.

"I need to go back to my consort. Father, I would appreciate it if you stop mentioning this topic." The emperor frowned at his son but didn't say anything.

"What is with your tea, your highness?" Wen Qing asked politely without looking up.

"I won't have it. I apologize that you had to brew it for nothing."

"It's my job, your highness. No need to apologize." Wen Qing answered and bowed. Lan Huan nodded and was about to leave when the emperor rose from his seat.

"You are stubborn, Lan Huan. This treat will help you in the future but right now it is only annoying. But who can I blame? You come after me after all."

Lan Huan smiled.

"You." The emperor pointed at Wen Qing. He didn't remember her name like most of the servants who were serving him except his most trusted ones. The only thing he remembered was that she was sent here by Lan Huan after the wedding. "Escort the crown prince to the exit."

"Yes, your majesty." Wen Qing bowed and followed Lan Huan outside.

"Your majesty." His most trusted servant entered and bowed to him. "The doctor gave me your medicine. I sent it to the kitchen."

"Good." The emperor sighed. "Let's go out for a walk."

"Yes, your majesty."

"Oh, and tell the servants to open the windows. It's getting stuffy in here."

The emperor left his quarters and went out for a walk. It annoyed him that the crown prince was this stubborn but there was nothing he could do to change that. He sighed multiple times making his servant worry.

"Your majesty, is everything alright?"

"Nothing is alright. How am I supposed to follow the doctor's advice and rest when the crown prince is giving me such a headache? Do I ask for too much?"

"If you are talking about the crown prince, then no, you are not asking for too much, your majesty. It's natural for a crown prince to have an heir, especially if we consider his age. He is over 4000 years old already. Usually, an heir will be born when princes are around 2000 years old, sometimes even younger."

"That is exactly what I am thinking. I understand that Lan Huan and Wei Ying love each other but love alone can't ensure the birth of an heir. I wouldn't worry too much if Wei Ying is an immortal but the fact is, he is a mortal. When Lan Huan said he wanted to stop having children with him due to his age and health, I understand and support that. But giving up on having the chance of a son by not having children anymore until Wei Ying was reborn is just stupid. Who ensures him that Wei Ying will even be reborn?"

"We could ask the seers, your majesty. They would know."

"But they won't tell us no matter how much we ask. They don't reveal facts about the future if not necessary or allowed by the gods. Simply hoping for a rebirth is utterly stupid but Lan Huan doesn't realize that because of his love for Wei Ying. Lan Huan doesn't even want to remarry after Wei Ying is gone, can you believe it!?"

The emperor was irritated with Lan Huan's behavior despite understanding his son.

"No one can control a heart, your majesty. No one can control with whom they fall in love. Now, Prince Wei Ying is all the crown prince can think of but who can ensure that it won't change after Wei Ying left? His feelings for the prince won't vanish but who knows? Maybe he will start to have feelings for someone else? There will be many occasions where the crown prince will meet princesses from over the whole immortal realm. There might be someone he will take an interest in."

The emperor nodded hearing his servant's words. The servant was right. No one could control their hearts. But the emperor was worried that the crown prince might be too obsessed with his consort so that he won't ever have eyes for someone else.

'Love....' The emperor thought and sighed while continuing his walk. From the corner of his eye, he saw Lan Huan still at the entrance of his palace talking with someone.

"He still didn't leave?" He asked himself and looked at the person he was talking to. He couldn't hear a word.

"What are they talking about?" He wanted to know and asked his servant without taking his eyes from the woman Lan Huan was talking to. It was the servant he sent to escort his son out.

"They are talking about the servant's little brother and his health." His servant answered as one of his talents was lip reading. "Her little brother seems to be the servant of Prince Wei Ying. They didn't see each other for quite a while so she is asking about him."

As there was nothing important to see, the emperor was about to go back to his room when something caught his eyes.

"Hmm..." The emperor watched these two until the servant bowed and Lan Huan left a few minutes later. The female servant watched Lan Huan leaving and the way she looked after him made the emperor raise his brows.

"Lan Huan can easily make a woman fall for him but he doesn't even realize it because of his consort."

"What do you mean, your majesty?"

"That servant clearly has feelings for Lan Huan. I can't even blame her."

"Do you want me to kick her out?"

"For what? For having fallen in love with the crown prince? If I would kick out everyone who fell for him, I barely would have any servants left."

"What if she tries to seduce the crown prince?"

"Honestly, if she would succeed in that and give Lan Huan an heir, I would give her the highest title existing." The emperor laughed.

"But... she is a servant?" The servant pointed out.

"How many servants in history became concubines or consorts after managing to seduce kings and princes? Uncountable."

Both, the emperor and his servant watched Wen Qing looking after the crown prince until he wasn't seen anymore. She then let out a sigh and went back to work. The emperor watched her closely and was surprised at the way she walked.

'She walks as if she already belongs to the royal family...' The emperor thought and frowned.

"She is quite bold...." He mumbled suspiciously.

"Your majesty?"

"Find out more about her." The emperor ordered. "She might be an assassin trying to get close to him to kill him. I want to know everything about her! Make sure to have someone watching her, especially if Lan Huan is close."

"Yes, your majesty." His servant bowed and followed the emperor back to his quarters.

 "Your majesty, I have information about Wen Qing." The servant entered the emperor's quarters several days later.

"Who?" The emperor asked disinterestedly.

"Wen Qing, the servant from last time."

The emperor looked up from his book and frowned. "Ah, her. What did you find out? Is she an assassin? If so, get rid of her right away!"

"No, your majesty. Actually..."

"Actually what!?"

"She is a princess."

"A... princess? Have you done your investigation right or did you lose your mind? Why would a princess work as a servant?"

"She is the former princess of the fire realm. After being attacked by her enemies, which were led by her cousin, she lost her kingdom and was sold as a slave together with her brother, prince Wen Ning. Prince Wen Ning is currently serving prince Wei Ying."

"Princess of the fire realm?"

"Yes, your majesty. She was the firstborn daughter of the late king of the fire realm. Her brother, Prince Wen Ning would have succeeded the throne in the future if not for the attack of the cousin."

"How did they end up here again?"

"They were sold as slaves. Prince Wei Ying rescued Wen Ning and bought him from the slave auction. The same goes with Wen Qing."

The emperor was stunned. It was unusual for princes and princesses who lost their kingdom to be sold as a slave. Usually, they would get killed by their enemies so they won't try to take back what was theirs.

"Did the current King of the fire realm sell them off?"

"No. It seems the siblings managed to flee with the help of their servants. On their way, they were caught by slave collectors and ended up at the market."

The emperor shook his head. "That king is barbaric. He killed everyone who served the late king or had a close kinship with him. If he finds out about the survival of the siblings he probably would try everything to kill them off."

"Do we keep it a secret?"

"Of course! Make sure no one finds out about their identity!"

"Yes, your majesty." The servant was about to leave when he was called back.

"Wait!" The emperor ordered. "Call for Lan Huan and tell him to meet me. As for Wen Qing.... Tell her to brew some tea."

"Your majesty?" The servant looked confused and the emperor smiled.


 Sometime later Lan Huan entered the emperor's quarters. "You called for me, father?"

"Yes, come here and sit down." The emperor pointed at the seat across from him. "Bring in the tea!"

Wen Qing entered the room right away and served the tea. She tried her best not to look at the crown prince on whom she had a crush for years. She didn't know when it started but assumed it must have been since she met him. She never made it public, not once letting others know about her feelings. No matter how much she liked him, there was no chance to be with him. The crown prince had only eyes for his consort and as Prince Wei Ying was her and her brother's life savior, she didn't intend to hurt him.

The emperor watched Wen Qing closely and hid a smile seeing her nervousness. From time to time she stole a few glances at her son making the emperor satisfied.

He had to be honest. The idea which came to him after he found out about her identity might have been far-fetched but he couldn't help it. To him, this was a chance.

"Lan Huan, I know you love Wei Ying and I know you don't mind not having an heir but you should know that having a son is important."

"This topic again? I told you, father, that I won't love someone else than him. I know of the importance of an heir but if fate didn't plan for Wei Ying to have a son, then so be it. I don't need one right away. I won't take over the throne until in many years. Until then-"

"I know you believe in the rebirth of Wei Ying but what if it doesn't happen? Or what if you can't find him? You are too obsessed with the idea of Wei Ying carrying your son that you won't even consider someone else to do it!"

"I already said that my heart belongs to Wei Ying, father!!" The crown prince shouted. He had enough of this topic. He fought with his father about it often and he got tired.

"It doesn't matter who gives birth to an heir, Lan Huan! So what if you have a son with someone else than Wei Ying. Did I tell you to love someone else? I never did."

"Father!" Lan Huan jumped up and glared at the emperor.

"Lan Huan! Enough is enough!" The emperor shouted. "You have to have an heir! The sooner the better. If Wei Ying is not able to give you one, no matter how much he wants it or tries, it can't be helped. Lan Huan, I am not telling you to love someone else! I am not telling you to marry another consort or take in a concubine."

"Then what do you want!?"

"It's not just what I want, Lan Huan, It's something you and everyone else wants too. I know you wish for a son too! I can see it!" The emperor said and rose from his seat.

Lan Huan closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

"Wen Qing, come here." The emperor ordered and Wen Qing, who stood some meters away flinched before slowly coming closer. She was scared that she might get yelled at but she didn't mind as long as the emperor would stop yelling at the crown prince.

"Your majesty..." She bowed and waited for the emperor to give her a task.

"Lan Huan, how about you try for an heir with Wen Qing?"

Two things happened at the same time. Lan Huan jumped up in shock and glared at his father while Wen Qing fell to the ground and bowed.


"Your majesty, please..." Wen Qing didn't know what to say. She had no right to go against the emperor and if she was being honest to herself, the idea of being with the crown prince, even if it was just for one night, made her heart beat loudly. But she knew it was wrong!

"I won't tell you to marry her. You don't have to make her your second consort nor a concubine. All you need to do is make love to her."

"Father, how can you even think about something like that!?"

"Me suggesting this should show you how desperate I am!" The emperor sighed. "I don't tell you to like her or to fall for her. I know it won't happen."

"Father, I know she is a servant but that gives you no right to order her to go to bed with a stranger! I understand you are desperate but you are the emperor! How low do you want to sink!?"

"She already fell for you and I am sure she wouldn't mind going to bed with you. You are blinded by your love for Wei Ying you don't even realize if the one in front of you has feelings for you or not." The emperor said and turned to the still kneeling Wen Qing. "Wen Qing, I won't force you to do it. I know about your feelings for my son and I am very grateful. But if you don't want to go to bed with the crown prince, I will understand and we will forget about this."

Wen Qing understood the emperor but she also understood the crown prince. She would never dare to force her way to the crown prince's bed.

"Wen Qing, with your identity I am sure you know about the importance of an heir."

Wen Qing widened her eyes in shock and looked up.

"Your majesty...." She started to tremble, scared that this info might reach the ears of someone certain.

"Father?" Lan Huan was annoyed and confused.

"Wen Qing is the former princess of the fire realm who managed to escape with her brother after being attacked by enemies."

Lan Huan stared at Wen Qing in shock. "Then why....? How...?"

"Your majesty, I was a princess in my former life! Right now I am just a servant who is blessed to be rescued by the crown prince and his consort. Please forget about my identity."

"Your blood is still royal so no matter what you do or what others say, you are still a princess. But I agree with keeping your and your brother's identity hidden."

"Thank you, your majesty." Wen Qing was utterly grateful.

The emperor turned back to his son. "Her identity doesn't matter. But in my eyes, she is a good candidate to give birth to your son."

"Father, please stop it!!"

"Do I ask for too much!?"

"You ask me to sleep with someone else than Wei Ying, father! You want me to cheat on the man I love more than anyone else! I won't do it!"

With that, the crown prince left.

 The emperor and the crown prince fought for several days making the emperor's health get worse to the point he couldn't leave the bed anymore. The doctor said that it would get better if the emperor would rest and avoid stress. But as long as father and son were stubborn, there was nothing the doctors could do.

In the end, Lan Huan gave in.

"Father, I will go to bed with Wen Qing until she is carrying my child."

The emperor, despite being weak, smiled happily. "Good decision, Lan Huan."

"But there are conditions!"

"Continue." The emperor said.

"This is the only time I will give in, father! Once Wen Qing is with child, all of this will stop! I won't go to bed with her again, even if she carries a girl. And I won't go to bed with anyone else either. Be it now or in the future. My heart belongs to Wei Ying. If he can't give me an heir, then so be it!"

The emperor, of course, didn't like it but he nodded his head and accept that condition. Now, all he could hope for was that Wen Qing would give birth to a son.

"I will only do it if Wen Qing agrees. I won't force her!"

"Of course." The emperor nodded, sure that Wen Qing will agree.

"Also, Wei Ying should never find out."

"Once Wen Qing is pregnant, everyone will find out, Lan Huan. Especially if it's a son."

"I will tell him myself." Lan Huan closed his eyes. His heart hurt just thinking about going to bed with someone else than Wei Ying. He is going to hurt Wei Ying too.

"Is that it?" The emperor smiled weakly.

"Yes.... father...."

"Call in Wen Qing!" The emperor ordered and once Wen Qing entered the room he smiled at her gently. "Wen Qing, Lan Huan agreed to go to bed with you. What about you? Do you agree to give birth to the crown prince's son? No one will force you, if you don't want it, then we will forget about it."

Wen Qing didn't want to make the crown prince cheat on his beloved consort. She knew that Lan Huan only gave in because of the emperor's health. So she opened her mouth to disagree with everything but when she looked at the crown prince, without being able to control it, she said something entirely else.

"I agree, your majesty." She was shocked by her words and thought about taking them back but.... in the end, she didn't. She loved the crown prince and just thinking she could be with him for a certain amount of time, made her heart beat loudly.

She didn't mind not having a title or a future with him. She didn't care at all. All she cared about was being with him and to give him what he wants the most. A son who would inherit the throne after him.

'I am sorry, your highness.' She inwardly apologized to Wei Ying.

E N D   O F    F L A S H B A C K

to be continued...

If I hear or see the word 'heir' one more time....! I swear I will lose it!

Lan Huan, I am disappointed in you and there is nothing you can do to make it better! Wait until you come home!!

Wang Ji, this is your chance! I hope you can make Wei Ying happy!! He deserved it!!! 

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