Ryujin: The Boy Who Saved The...

By shilohthemagicelf

14.1K 413 495

Izuku was just 4 years old when his life crumpled to dust. Isolated from society- he only had one friend, his... More

chapter 1 ~ how the world failed
chapter 2 ~ Ryujin
chapter 3 - heroics training
chapter 4 ~ Ryujin kidnapped a child.
4 1/2 ~ Izuku and Hita-Chans quirk details.
chapter 5 ~ unforseen simulation join! a.k.a. The USJ
chapter 7 ~ UAs sports festival!
not an update
chapter 8 ~ Internships!
chapter 9 - "dont trust everything you see, even salt looks like sugar"
chapter 10 - goodbye with the commission
chapter 11 - new sibling
chapter 12 - final exams
chapter 13- summer training camp pt.1
Live. (part 2 of training camp)#14

chapter 6 ~preparing for the sports festival!

777 31 35
By shilohthemagicelf

<short chapter>

"Izuku! Someone's here to see you!"

Izuku was out on the cliff with Kota, helping the boy with his quirk.

Kota was having a blast, and almost shot ice cold water at Mandalay for interrupting.

At this point, Kota could Control the temperature of which the water shot.

He could shoot between 150°/-50°

The water still effected him, so Izuku brought it appon himself to make Kota support gloves to protect his skin.

He could shoot water up to 100 meters, and at 50mph.

Izuku was doing a great job at helping.

Hita had chosen to sit and watch, not yet wanting to use her quirk, and Izuku understood.

If he was forced into heroism like that, he sure as hell wouldn't use his quirk either.

[Thanks, mind watching Hita for me?]

Mandalay nodded and Izuku descended
The mountain.


"Izuku! I brought the camera, shall we start?" The Detective spoke as soon as he entered the small cabin Mandalay had cleared for their use.

Izuku nodded and sat in the chair across from the man.

"You know the drill, let's get started."

"Were you involved directly with the attack, if yes, how so?"

[Once I got off the ship in the water zone, the one I was sent too, I jumped in to protect Aizawa-Sensei. So yea, I was directly involved.]

"True! Next question, did you get injured during the fight?"


"...true, can you go into details please?"

[Not comfortable.]

Tsukauchi sighed, "that's alright. What is your quirk?"


"Not a lie, but also not true, does your quirk not have an official name?"


"We need a real name for the report, think of a name."

[Advanced Pyrokinesis]

"Exelent! That's all for this interview. Thank you for your cooperation." Tsukauchi turned off the video camera, and walked towards the door.

Before he left, he asked one more question.

"Are you Ryujin?"

Izuku nodded, before turning to face the Detective.

"Shhh" He hushed, bringing his index finger over his lips.

The Detective shivered and left the building.

'Creepy ass kids these day.'


Izuku did his usual, dropping Hita-chan off with Nezu, who was still getting the process of having her fully administered to the school. Until then, she had to stay with Nezu, but she didn't mind. She thought the rat man was funny.

When he returned to class, he was surprised to see that near everyone was learning sign language, courtesy to Iida.

"Izuku! That was really dangerous of you, what you did at the USJ. Kero, but also brave!" Tsu commented as he sat at his desk, katsuki turned around to face him.

With a soft, suprising wisper, he asked Izuku a question.

"Deku, is that you?"

[Obviously, weren't we supposed to discuss this before?]

[Yea, well, I kinda did something stupid, and- I'm sorry] He signed, not wanting racoon eyes to gush about how he's 'soft' and 'secretly cares'

[Meh, the scars super badass, gotta hand it to ya though, your gonna fucking destroy your wrists if you keep and this.]


[Your wrists, and palms, you don't exactly have immunity to your Explosions, don't think I didn't see how you winced in pain when you let off that huge shot.]

"Whatever, just- text me later. We can meet up or something and talk about this." Bakugou said, turning away from Izuku.

Aizawa walked in, glancing at Izuku and standing at his podium.

'God they really need to get me a chair' he thought while finishing his apple sauce.

"You've learned," he said to the silent class.

"First things first, you brats need to pick a representative." He said

"And be quiet while you do so. I don't care how you do it, just get it figured out."

The hero crawled into his sleeping bag, and promptly passed out.

"Alright! We should do a vote!"

"Those who volunteer as class rep, please write your names on the board!" Iida directed, Bakugou, Yayarosu, and Izuku, who was being forced by denki, stood and all wrote their names on the board.

"Alright! Now everyone please vote!"

Once the voting was done, Iida was nominated as class rep, while Izuku got vice.

Bakugou didn't handle that well.

"YOU FUCKS!!" He yelled, threatening anyone who voted for Izu,

-Kaminari Denki

-Hanta Sero

-Fumikage Tokoyami

- Asui Tsuyu

- Yayarosu Momo

-Koji Koda

-Todoroki Shotou

Aizawa announced the sports festival, in which the students would participate in, and they'd be shown on live television.

The bell rang, dismissing them to lunch.

"Hah!?" Bakugou said, looking at the mob of students from every course infront of their class.

"Bakugou, is there a problem?-" iida tried to ask, but shut up when he saw how many students were outside the door.

"What is the meaning of this!? All of you should be eating lunch, in fact- please move so we can leave!" Iida instructed, but nobody listened.

Izuku pushed out to where Kacchan was standing

"Look! It's the 1A losers! Don't think your better than us just cause you fought some villains!" Monoma, a member of class 1b spoke, some there's shouted 'yea' and 'that's right' but Izuku wasn't having it. He shifted his gaze to a purple haired male who seemed to just be trying to push through the crowd.

'Shinsou hitoshi, no doubt that he's Aizawas son' Izuku thought.

Kaminari pushed through the rest of his classmates before latching onto Izukus arm to prevent being pushed back.

[HI denks] izuku sighed, his face staying unamused, but in the inside he felt the strange, barfy-party feeling in his stomach.

"HI zuku, you know what's going on?"

Izuku nodded, [they're supposedly scoping out the competition.]

Kaminari hummed in response, still holding Izukus arm.

Izuku wanted nothing more than to just eat, but with bakugou and Monoma arguing, there's no chance the crowd will disperse.

Izuku, being izuku, used his jail flames to push apart students, creating a hardly noticeable tunnel.

[Let's go?] He sighed, turning to the blonde.


Izuku and kaminari walked through the tube, some students watched in awe while others chose to ignore.

"Yo! Izuku was it? You think your better than us just because you made a tunnel? What's your quirk anyways, air? Not like it does anything.

"Izuku.. don't listen to him! He's being a jerk!" Kaminari said, but Izuku wasn't having it. He was so tired of being looked at like a loser, he was tired of being mistreated, and he wasn't gonna let anyone else talk to him like he's a nobody.

[Atleast I don't have psychological problems that forms into jealousy in which you cope with it by bullying. Your a major dickwad and your quirk would be utterly useless against a bunch of mutant type villains, so before you go on saying that your better, find a way to prove it. And yea, I am better than you- I'm better than all of you. So just go away.]

Bakugou nodded, agreeing with Izuku, sure Bakugou was powerful, but he realized that being a dick didn't make him any stronger, he wanted to be less of a jerk and he knew Izuku could beat him at almost anything. Except flying he thought to himself with a smug smirk.

After everyone left, Izuku happily sat at a far corner table, glaring at anyone who tried to sit down.

Sadly his attempts didn't work for some,

Those being Uraraka, Iida, Tsu, and Todoroki.

Denki hadn't left his side, even after they got away from everyone else. Izuku didn't mind though, and ultimately pulled Denki to the table.

"Izuku-kun! That was a super sick move you did there, with the air!" Uraraka boasted, but Izuku shook his head.

[Not air, translucent fire.] He corrected, Uraraka nodded in understanding.

Todoroki didn't quite know why he was there, he just felt the urge to sit at the table, and when he went to sit, he wasn't met by an angry glare like the others.

"Cold soba? Kero. Really?" Tsu asked, a little skeptical of the food Todoroki was eating.

Slightly offended, he scoffed, "This is amazing." He said, eating another chopstick full.

"Kero... okay"

The group was eating mostly silently, except for Iida and Urarakas conversation.

"SECURITY BREACH! SECURITY BREACH! PLEASE EXIT THE BUILDING CALMLY!" The alarm system yelled, the table was about to stand, when Izuku just held his hand up,

[Iida, please announce that it is a false alarm, its the press and the teachers are handling it.] Izuku signed, and with the help of Uraraka's quirk, the mob of students were effectively notified of the situation and sat back at their tables to finish lunch.

"That was amazing quick thinking Izuku-kun!" Uraraka spoke, talkative as ever.

Izuku just nodded and made his way to class. Everyone wanted to stay and sit Till the bell rang, but Izuku had other plans.

So he didn't expect to see Aizawa holding his scarf in a defensive stance, and his son, Shinsou copying it perfectly.

Due to his silence, he went unnoticed.

'Time to fuck with them'

"Shinsou, quit making your face look like that."

"Like what?"

"Like me. Your face looks like me. It's wierd."

"Aren't you my dad?"

"Yea but it's creepy."

Izuku wanted to laugh, but that feeling died a long time ago.


Izuku thought of an evil plan. He stole Aizawas cocoon and hid it in the ceiling panels.

Yes, the ceiling panels, don't question him.

Shinsou watched as Aizawa grabbed a chair with the scarf,

But when shinsou tried to copy, it bounced off an invisible force and instead wrapped around him.

"Huh?" Aizawa asked, walking to where it supposedly bounced off, but nothing was there.

"What... was that?" Shinsou asked, waving his arms around infront of him as if there was an invisible person.

"No idea, nobody else is in here?" Aizawa spoke, now both were aimlessly waving their arms around like idiots.

Izuku obviously had to snap a picture.

And send it to Present Mics work E-mail.

He silently stood from behind Aizawa's podium, and made his way to the door, where he made it look like he was entering.

When shinsou saw Izuku, he elbowed Aizawa to get his attention.

[What did I just walk in to?]

"Nothing problem child. Don't worry about it, Shinsou lunch will be over soon, so you should leave"

After Shinsou left, Aizawas phone buzzed, when he opened it, his face paled slightly.

An anonymous number had sent a picture of Shigaraki inside of Nezus office, stealing files.

"What the fuck!?" He yelled, startling the group that were just walking in.

"Aizawa-sensei! Is everything alright?" Iida asked, shoving his glasses up like a robot.

"No! Izuku your in charge I have to go-"

And with that, Aizawa raced out, running to the chimeras office.

[Me?] Izuku pointed to himself.

'Aizawa you really must truly hate this class.'


As EraserHead raced down the hall, he saw All Might leave Nezus office.


"Ah! Young Aizawa, I'm upset to inform you that Shigaraki has left with Izuku and Bakugous files."

"WHAT!?" Aizawa yelled, catching the attention of a few business course students.

"I- they left before I could stop them! I tried I really did-"

"That's no excuse! Those students are now in danger!" Aizawa was fuming. He stomped away and went back to his class, but not before grabbing a much needed coffee and reporting the incident to Nezu. He was surprised to see him playing Mario Cart with Yamada and a small girl.

When he arrived, his jaw nearly dropped to the floor.

'Why did I actually put him in charge-' he thought.

Izuku was doing a lesson on

"why Endeavor is unworthy of being a human"

included with a PowerPoint and a worksheet to go with it.

Aizawa just sat behind the podium, groaning when he couldn't find his sleeping bag.

[And that, concludes why Endeavor sucks ass! Please make sure to turn in your worksheets to me so I can grade them]

"You- took this way too literally." Aizawa said with a sigh.

[You shouldn't have trusted me, you know better.]

"Still," he turned his attention to the class. "Please turn in the worksheets. I'd like to see how much you payed attention to Izuku's lesson.

"Aizawa-Sensei! You surely wouldn't allow such foolishness to be counted as a lesson! Especially against the current number 2 hero!" Iida protested, but Aizawa waved him off. He agreed 100% with Izukus PowerPoint, not even lifting a finger to ask where he got such evidence.

And Todoroki? He was having a blast, in fact- he got a 100% on his worksheet.

And Izuku? He was just happy to be able to see Anahita.

He did go home- but not without playing a few rounds of Mario Cart.

✨️that's the end of today's chapter! But~~~~~

The next chapter will be the Sports Festival! This was just a small chapter to try and fill the gap between.

Hope you guys enjoyed! ✨️

Word count: 2 0 0 0.


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