Ryujin: The Boy Who Saved The...

By shilohthemagicelf

14.1K 413 495

Izuku was just 4 years old when his life crumpled to dust. Isolated from society- he only had one friend, his... More

chapter 1 ~ how the world failed
chapter 2 ~ Ryujin
chapter 3 - heroics training
chapter 4 ~ Ryujin kidnapped a child.
4 1/2 ~ Izuku and Hita-Chans quirk details.
chapter 6 ~preparing for the sports festival!
chapter 7 ~ UAs sports festival!
not an update
chapter 8 ~ Internships!
chapter 9 - "dont trust everything you see, even salt looks like sugar"
chapter 10 - goodbye with the commission
chapter 11 - new sibling
chapter 12 - final exams
chapter 13- summer training camp pt.1
Live. (part 2 of training camp)#14

chapter 5 ~ unforseen simulation join! a.k.a. The USJ

948 33 21
By shilohthemagicelf

Izuku made his way to the bus much earlier than everyone else. He'd changed into his costume right after dropping of Anahita.

Izuku slipped to the back of the bus, gaining a confused look from the bus driver.

[I'm a student, I showed up early, though I'd prefer if you didn't tell sensei, he thinks I'll be absent today]

The bus driver nodded, before going back to scrolling through 'Hero tok'

Izuku got comfortable under the seat at the back of the bus, curling slightly to make himself smaller.

The smaller boy was left unnoticed as his classmates boarded the bus, even when Todoroki decided to sit in the back.

"Everyone is here except Izuku. Has anyone seen him?" Aizawa asked, re-scanning the students.

Izuku was good at hiding his presence, again it was a tactic he picked up while hunting.

"That problem child" aizawa murmured under his breath. He intended to send Izuku to spend time with RecoveryGirl instead of taking him on the field trip as punishment.

Izuku already knew that


[Aizawa! Wassup buddy!] Izuku sidned, stepping off the bus behind Todoroki, who was slightly shocked when he popped out from underneath him.

"I- when did you-" Aizawa started, not sure how to react to the kid. He definitely shouldn't be surprised.

[Been here the whole time! Can't wait to see what you've got in store for us!]

"IZU! YOUR HERE!?" He heard his blonde friend yell from the line that Iida was placing the others into.

[Yup! Much to Aizawa's dismay.]

"Get in line, brat."


"Woah!!! Pro hero 13!? I'm such a huge fan! AHHHHHH"

The bubbly brunette spoke, Izuku hadn't really payed her any mind since the heroics training.

"They are indeed a very remarkable hero!" Iida spoke, earning some agreement from other classmates.

"I'm glad to know I am recognized! But today isn't about me! Today is about your training to becoming great heroes!" Thirteen spoke enthusiastically

"This, is the Unforseen Simulation Joint! For short, the USJ!"

The class broke out into a string of cheers.

"As you lot might know, I specialize In rescue missions, can someone elaborate how I might be helpful?"

Uraraka raised her hand,

"You use your quirk to remove fallen debris! You've saved many lives!" Uraraka shouted with enthusiasm,

"Yes! That's correct. But... my quirk can also be used to kill."

The room fell silent.

"Every quirk, no matter what it is, can be used for the sake of evil. It can harm others if not used properly, and that's why you'll be training here! So that you can learn to use your quirk for rescue, no matter the circumstances!"

"Woah! Is the exercise starting already? They even have fake villains! Super manly!" Kirishima suddenly stated, Izuku, who had already noticed the lights flickering and the portal open, already ushered Iida out. Who put up no fight.

"This isn't part of the exercise! This is real, they're real villains! Thirteen, keep the kids here, I'll handle this!" Aizawa spoke in one breath, hurrying to the fight.

'His fighting style isn't compatible with this situation, he'll probably get exhausted before the final boss.' Izuku thought while looking at the Hand-man who had just exited the portal, around 150 small time thugs exited, while various different portals opened in different parts of the dome.

[Thirteen, the warp guy, he'll probably try to split us all up] Izuku signed to the hero, who just nodded.

"Everyone make your way to the door! And hurry!" The rescue hero ordered,

As the class neared the door, a villain tried to close it, but was met by some blazing purple fire, which ultimately scared him back for enough for Sero to restrain him

Izuku tried to use his flames to keep the door open, but had to turn around to see what some of the commotion was about.

His class was being surrounded by the warp guy, Thirteen was on the ground, part of their costume was torn off.

"I will not allow you brats to ruin young masters plans." The mist man said, and before Izuku had time to register wtf just happened, he found himself in the floodzone.

*kero* he heard in the distance, though he wasn't quite sure because the water was messing with his ears, and it was also cold.

Very fucking cold. Izuku didn't like the cold, so he was probably at stage one hyperthermia due to his body's weak protection against it.

Izukus eyes adjusted, though the water was irritating them deeply.

He was met, face to face, by a really ugly shark guy.

Now, Izuku isn't one to discriminate against quirk mutations, in fact he saw them cool.

But this shark had so many unnecessary piercings, and really badly done tattoos all over his face,

Izuku wanted nothing more than to laugh at the guy, but he'd loose his oxygen. The very little he has left that is.

Izukus quirk was rendered useless in the water, not to mention his movments were stiff due to the cold.

'Shit shit shit. Not good not good not good-' izuku was thinking while being tossed around by a few water based thugs.

Before a long slimey pink.. rope? Lasso? He doesn't fucking know, wrapped around his waist and pulled him up to the boat.

"Kero, sorry it took so long to get to you, I  had to get sticky here to get his tape off my tongue.

[Thank you] Izuku signed through deep, much needed breaths.

"You look freezing Izuku! Kero, the water isn't that cold is it?" Tsuyu asked, holding out a dry towel that Sero had found.

[Drawback: highly weak to the cold. I have hyperthermia.] Izuku signed, highly grateful for the towel.

"I see, well you shouldn't be moving around then, give yourself a chance to warm up at least. We still have to find the others, kero." Tsuyu said, Sero still being inside the ship, looking for any useful resources.

[No need] izuku signed.

He engulfed himself in his hottest flame, sure it didn't burn him, but it stilled warmed his body.

[Problem solved] He signed, getting a hesitant nod from Tsuyu.

[Thanks for getting me out of there tsuyu] Izuku signed, leaning on the side of the cockpit.

"Please, call me Tsu, kero." She said, Sero returning to save Izuku from embarrassment.

He could have sworn the Frog girls name was Tsuyu Asui, was it not?

Oh well.

"The villains are trying to sink the ship! We gotta get out of here before we all get eaten alive!" Sero said, greatly exasperating the situation.

The villains most definitely wouldn't just eat them raw. That's gross.

[Then let's get back to the door, I'm sure Thirteen needs medical assistance, and some others might be gathering as well.]

"Great thinking!" Sero commented.

"But how are we supposed to leave? It's not like we can just run, we're surrounded by water on every side! Not to mention the water is squirming with water thugs!" He continued, "I don't think Tsu can carry us both through the water and out-swim the villains!"

"That's true, kero, but we all need to get out of here together!" Tsu added, a determined tone in her voice.

[I'll be able to carry you with my purple flame, it's not hot, but not comfortable. It's like- a bunch of thick, heavy slime.] Izuku suggested.

"That's smart, what about you? Does your fire sustain all that weight? Kero"

[Trust me]

"We do trust you! It's just, your not staying are you?" Sero asked.

[Someone's gotta deal with them] He said, pointing at the water.

"No!-" The two shouted in union. But it was to late, Izuku had already sent them away.

He took the moment to finally get a look at EraserHeads fight, he wishes he didn't.

The hero was being pinned by a large, bird man creature. A large exposed brain was the only indication that it may be human.

'God damnit.' He thought, he used his blue fire to quickly and thoroughly evaporate the water, which collectively put out a bunch of small fires in the fire zone due to the humidity.

The thugs, well.. let's just say there isn't any evidence of their existence left.


Izuku used his fire to make a stable bridge to the center area, where Aizawa was about to be killed by handfetish.

"I'm sure Allmight would be devastated if one of his coworkers were to die at my hand" the villain spoke,

'Bitch- get some throat medication- you sound crusty af.' Izuku thought with a sigh, he now had to somehow stop Manchild from killing his favorite person.


Shigaraki was about to reach his hand out and strangle the hero, also using his quirk to speed the process, when suddenly a ball of fire cam rushing at him.

Due to his lack of actual combative ability, he failed to properly dodge and had his leg hit and burnt.

"Young master!" The mist man called out, still watching over the others with his portals.

"Don't worry about me! This NPC is just a punk who I didn't see coming. I'll kill him too, maybe even a few others! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

[Excuse me, why tf you sound like my dead grandpa right outa the grave, you need to cough or something? Clear your throat?] Izuku signed, not backing down as him and handman glared at eachother.

"Hah!? I sound just fine! You brat! I'll kill you!" Tomaru shrieked, catching the attention of Tsu and Sero hiding in a bush

"Is he really planning on fighting the leader head on!? Kero" the girl whispered.

Sero was to stunned to respond.


Shigaraki lunged at Izuku, who easily dodged the sloppy attempt of attack.

"Arg! Nomu! Kill this freak!" Shigaraki screamed out in a fit of rage.

Immediately the nomu leapt from sitting on Aizawa and Punched Izuku, who was sent flying back and painfully hitting a wall.

"Psh! So weak! This nomu was designed to kill Allmight! No way a brat like you can survive that hit!" Shigaraki spoke.

Izuku lifted his head, Shigaraki was inching his hand closer and closer to Aizawa, EraserHead, his friend.

Izuku screamed in rage, before his whole body engulfed in a blue- black flame, his broken limbs instantly cracking back into place, earning painful groans from the now healed boy.

'That never hurts any less.'

"Oooo~ looks like we have a mini boss! Exiting. Nomu, kill him. Make him suffer."

Izuku watched as the bird creature lept at him, readying its arm for a harder punch.

Izuku waited

And waited

And then, when the nomu went in for the swing.

Izuku lit himself, and the bird man, on ✨️fire✨️

Because that's what he does✨️

The nomu-person-bird- thing let out a defening screech. Izukus 5000° fire was melting its skin faster than its regeneration could heal.

The nomu still attempted to swing its arms at Izuku, who didn't have time to dodge as he was sending a wall of white flames to separate Shigaraki and Eraser.

The nomu launched izuku much harder, and he hit the wall with a much harder force, leaving a dent.

He fell to the ground, his body fell limp as he bled from multiple areas.

"IZUKU!" Sero yelled, leaping from the bushes and running towards the fallen greenette.


Izuku opened his eyes, he felt pain, but at the same time felt nothing at all

He felt cold

But warm at the same time

He couldn't breath

But there was plenty of air.

Dead? No.

"You brat. Your going to let your friends die? You useless! This is your fault! More people will die because of you! Your weak! I hate you!" He heard his mother scream. But he didn't pay it any mind.

"Shut up! I have people to save!" He yelled, the woman silenced, staring at her son.

"Then save them" She spoke bluntly, before dissapearing.

This was the first time he'd heard his parents encouraging words for a long while.

For the past days, Hisashi had been attacking him in his sleep.

Curses were yelled at him, he'd spend every night dying in his sleep, before waking up before 3.

He'd force himself off to patrol, just to keep his mind off things, and EraserHead would already be off work, so he wouldn't have to worry about being caught.


Sero held Izukus limp body, before forcing himself away as Izuku lit up in flames.

Really hot flames

His flame, which was blue, spread around him, reaching out like tendrils

His body promptly stood itself up. A dead look in his now dull, black eyes. Not a speck of color, nor white.

His wounds stopped bleeding, broken bones snapping back to place.

An eerie smile crept up his dull bloodied face, a menacing aura filled the air.

"Kurogiri! Get us out of here." Shigaraki spoke, but the mist man was nowhere to be seen.

"KUROGIRI!" He screamed once again.

"God DAMNIT!" He yelled, throwing a tantrum and practically rolling on the ground like a child.

"NOMU! KILL EVERYBODY HERE! KILL THEM ALL!" He yelled, the nomu ran to Tsu, who was trying to treat Seros burns.

They weren't bad, but they still hurt.

"Tsu!" The ravenette yelled at the girl who was being swept away by the nomu.

Her body was snatched from the air and gently set inside a pink ring of fire.

Her body relaxed as warm, black flames fixed her wounds.

Shigaraki was still screaming out to Kurogiri, who was being restrained by an invisible force.

"Damnit! Make a God damn portal and get me the hell out of here! This kids a maniac!" He yelled, still keeping an eye on the greenette who was hovering over the ground.

The more he looked at Izuku, the more the boy looked less human.

His limbs seemed longer.

His body was bent in an unusual way.

His eyes were empty, like a black hole.

And his smile just seemed to get wider and wider.

"What the fuck is wrong with this kid, Eraser." He asked, a hint of fear lacing his crusty voice.

"He- 's gonna fucking kill you" the hero spoke smugly, still unable to move.

"Don't be so cocky. He can't get anywhere near me or I'll decay him! Speaking of which, I think it's time you exit the game." Shigaraki said, leaning down and wrapping his hand around the Eraser hero's arm.

"I want this to be long and painful."

The hero fought back screams of pain, harshly biting his lip and pressing closed his eyes.

Shigarakis arm was harshly pulled away, causing the hero to look up.

Izuku was now holding Shigaraki by the throat, fire whipping like snakes wrapped around his arms. Shigaraki squirmed and struggled, using his quirk to try and decay Izuku.


izukus smile didn't falter, in fact, it widened so much you could see blood dripping from the sides.

"K-id, your tearing your face." The hero said, mainly unfazed. His problem child was full of surprises.

Izukus smile lessened, still scary but no longer pulling his cheeks past their tearing point.

Blood still trickled down his face and to his chin, he'd messed up the sides of hid face pretty harshly.

Aizawa of course, couldn't do anything to tell Izuku to put Shigaraki down, nor could he interfere himself.

"I AM HERE!-" He heard, before promptly passing out.

Izuku threw Shigaraki, who's arms were burned black and blue.

Kurogiri was suddenly able to move again, the invisible force pushing him back was now gone. But now he couldn't get to Shigaraki.


Clear fire: user can use this fire as a jailcell, those trapped inside are unable to use their quirk. Anything inside cannot be heard, and those outside can't reach in. The fire does not burn, but makes things quite think and almost defening.

User can only put out fire that is 15ft high, 15ft tall, and 15ft wide, but can make it as small as user wants.

Can only put out one body of fire and cannot separate fire.


"Young master!" Kurogiri spoke In a panicked voice, trying warp Shigaraki out.

All might rushed over to Aizawa, and held him in his arms.

"I'm sorry, comrade, I will avenge you!" The symbol spoke, gently setting Aizawa down. The nomu, still trying to attack students, but being blocked by a thick wall of purple flame, ran at All Might, who was in a fighting stance.

The symbol was exceeding his time limit, but he had to save these children, they were students of UA, and if he failed to protect them, the press wouldn't be too happy.

The two fought a long battle, resulting in the nomu being launched through the window.

He didn't expect Izuku to be holding EraserHead, and surrounding him in black flame.

"Young izuku!? Why are you catching Young Aizawa on fire!?" He yelled, trying to pull Izuku away from his friend.

Izuku, not fully out of his state of anger, used his jail flame, as he calls it, and wrapped it around Allmight, who was now unable to move.

But Shigaraki saw this as an opportunity to escape,

"Kurogiri! Get. Me. Out. Of. Here!" He hissed, holding his arms.

"Of course young master" the mist man said, opening a portal.

Shigaraki wanted to monolog his whole All Might issue, but knew better. The heroes would be arriving soon, and he didn't want to stick around to see that.

Just as he was about to leave, Snipe, who arrived with everyone else, shot the crust man, who limply fell into the portal and bled out onto the bar floor.

"Heroes!" The gathered classmates said happily, glad that the hell was over.

Most of his classmates made it out unharmed, the thugs restrained or knocked out.

"Young Izuku is doing something to Aizawa! I am unable to move, but he is lighting him on fire!" Allmight yelled, feeling utterly useless as his friend sat with Izuku.

The heroes tried to pull Aizawa away, but Izuku just hissed

[H.e.l.p.i.n.g.] He signed with one hand, the fire dulled out to reveal a fully healed Aizawa, no blood, no dangly limbs, the only think reminding everyone of the situation was the scar underneath his eye.

"A-ah, well if that's the case, teachers! Please help escort any students out of the building! The police will escort them all home safely." Principle Nezu spoke up. The other teachers helped students and RecoveryGirl healed their small wounds, nothing exeding a bruise or 2.

Thirteen, who Izuku had already healed, only had to worry about their ruined costume.

Izuku was putting up a fight and refused to leave Aizawas side.

"Izuku, we just need to check him for injury, and you are the only one who the police haven't questioned, please just comply before things get difficult." Midnight spoke, but he still refused to move.

Midnight could tell something was off, Izuku didn't look the same. And honestly, It freaked her out so much she sent Tsukauchi to talk to him.

"Izuku was it? I'm a good friend of Aizawas, we just need you to let the doctor's see him, I need to interview you of the situation and the doctors need to check you as well.

Izuku shook his head, still not letting anyone near Aizawa, and nobody could, because they'd risk being burnt.

Yup, Izuku was surrounding him and Aizawa with 1000° fire, though by Izukus choice, Aizawa was not being burnt.

"Izuku, we won't ask you again" Tsukauchi said more sternly.

Izuku still didn't budge from his protective stance, trying to block Aizawa from the others.

His eyes still were black, but were less dull. They almost looked...


"Midnight, do you mind?" Tsukauchi asked, the Female sighed before ripping open her sleeve.

It took 6 minutes to knock Izuku out. Which surprised Midnight, no matter gender or sexuality, 6 minutes breaks the record.

"He's a beast." She said, exhausted from having to use her quirk that powerfully.

"I'll say." Tsukauchi said, waving over a few paramedics to put a quirk-cancelling bracelet on Izuku.

As the two were carried away, Izuku popped his eye open. He used his pink flame, which went unquestioned mixed with his other flames. So he just faked being knocked out, the pink flame blocked the smell of Midnights gas, and properly protected Izuku from the smokey quirk.

'Aizawa. Is he safe? Where is he-'

"Your awake already?" Tsukauchi asked, rudely interrupting Izukus thoughts.

Tsukauchi sat impatiently as Izuku ignored him, choosing to sit silently and think.

"He's fine, no injuries, which is suprising because Tsuyu and Sero said that he was mangled pretty good, was that of your doing?" Tsukauchi spoke, trying to start a conversation.

He'd noticed the green flame on Izukus costume, and instantly knew that he was Ryujin.

[Tsu, call her tsu.] Izuku signed, ignoring the Detectives main question.

"Ah, right, but seriously, did you do that? Heal him? All Might said that you'd caught him on fire" Detective Tsukauchi said, Izuku just nodded and stared blankly at the ground.

The paramedics deemed him completely healthy with no injuries, so he didn't need to go to the hospital. Aizawa was also fine, but was dragged home by his husband before he could check on Izuku or the other students.

"This is all part of the interview, I need answers." Tsukauchi said with a sigh. He really wanted coffee. Aizawas been rubbing off on him.

Izuku shrugged and looked at the Detective.

"Okay, my quirk is lie detector. Basically, I'm able to tell whether what you say is a lie or not. These will all be simple questions regarding the incident and whatnot. Please don't try to lie." Tsukauchi stated, getting a voice recorder ready.

'That's gonna be useless. I'm not gonna speak.'

"You were one of the main people involved, did you manage to catch the name of the main villain, and or his goals?" Tsukauchi asked.

[His name is Tomaru Shigaraki,
his quirk is decay: if he puts all five fingers on a target they'll decay. His goal is to kill All Might and destroy all heroes.] Izuku signed.

Tsukauchi looked physically frustrated, if that's possible.

"I need verbal answers kiddo, or else this isn't gonna work." The Detective spoke, pointing towards the recorder.

[I haven't spoken in years, not happening]
Izuku signed, Tsukauchis quirk immediately said truth, so Izuku hadn't lied.

"Izuku, this is very important for the investigation, I need to be able to record your answers." The Detective said, annoyingly tapping his foot on the ground

[Well, if this doesn't work, that sucks. Come by the Pussy Cats camp sometime with a video cam, we'll continue this later.] Izuku signed while standing up.

"What? But-"

[No butts. I'm out.] And with that, Izuku exited the ambulance. And when Tsukauchi went to go see where he went, Izuku was long gone.

He still had to pick up Anahita.

And explain what happened to her.

In vivid detail.


When Izuku got to the camp, the Pussy Cats immediately rushed to him, asking questions like

"Are you okay!?"

"Did you get hurt!?"

"Did you beat villain butt!?"

"Kota! Don't say that! Is everyone okay?"

The calmest seemed to be ragdoll, who simply ruffled his hair and complimented his bravery.

He finally managed to get Hita home, whom he had to carry because she fell asleep in his arms. He didn't care though, he was gonna give her the childhood she deserved.


That's the end of this chapter! Hope everyone enjoyed! I'll be writing more soon✨️✨️ may take longer though, around 2-3 days😅. I've been busy! And also I've been doing a lot of golf and badminton! But anyway, what should we call izukus new ability?

-black eyes

-immense heat

-fire acts like tendrils


-floating hair✨️

-wierd smile?

-only activates when put through stress, or knocked out in battle

-protects classmates and others

-shigaraki hates it

Say what I should name it here :D

I have no clue ;-;

Word count: 4010

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