The Secrets We Keep (CAMREN)

By deIusions

359K 8.8K 1.5K

Chris and Camila are dating and Lauren hates her when in reality she has a crush on Camila and is secretly in... More

Chapter 1: My Dilema
Chapter 2: To Kill
Chapter 3: Battle Scars
Chapter 4: Flicker of Hope
Chapter 5: Missed Opportunities
Chapter 6: Baby Steps & Remembering
Chapter 7: Destructive
Chapter 8: The longest I'm Sorry
Chapter 9: 2 Days Later
Chapter 10: Progress
Chapter 11: What Is Happening
Chapter 12: What NOW?
Chapter 13: Clearing it out
Chapter 14: OH HELL NO!
Chapter 15: Dead Chris Walking
Chapter 16: The Morning After
Chapter 17: A White Lie and Plan Chris
Chapter 18: Sibling Chat and Telling Camila
Chapter 19: HEART ATTACK
Chapter 20: It Gets Complicated
Chapter 21
Chapter 22: Irritated
Chapter 23: Little Sofi
Chapter 24: Cabello Family Trip
Chapter 26: Harsh Reality
Chapter 27: Twist In Fate
Chapter 28: The Race To a Perfect Surprise
Chapter 29: Unbelievable
Chapter 30: Heading Back Home
Chapter 31: 6 Hours on a Yacht Pt. 1
Chapter 32: A Boat Trip Too Long
Chapter 33: Daddy
Chapter 34: Don't Jump to Conclusions
Chapter 35: Promises
Chapter 36: Arriving to Miami With New Rules
Chapter 37: Hiding The Truth
Chapter 38: Mysterious Calls and Text
Chapter 40: Questioning Sanity
Chapter 41: Surprises
Chapter 42: The Return of Baby Sister
Chapter 43: Near Future
Chapter 44: Speaking
Chapter 45: Protecting Camren
Chapter 46: Under Constant Watch
Chapter 47: The Hardest Decision Ever Made
Chapter 48: Gone
Chapter 49: Determination
Chapter 50: The Secrets We Keep

Chapter 39: Not So Happy Birthday

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By deIusions

Camila's POV

After we ate breakfast, Lauren and I both got ready to spend the day together. I also had to keep track of time because I had to be on time tonight. So far me and Lauren have gone to the mall to get some things she wanted and now we were at our hide out watching a movie on her laptop.

"Lolo aside from watching this movie what else do you want to do today?" I ask curious to know

"Well I actually just want to spend the rest of my day with you since my parents are out of town again" She says and I kind of feel bad that her parents aren't here today.

"Well you do know that you will have to go home and get changed because I'm taking you out tonight" I say smiling at her

"You really don't have to Camz" She says looking at me

"I want to. Now let's finish this movie so you can take me home and you can go get ready" I say giving her a quick kiss

"Do I have to?" She asks in a baby voice

"Yes, plus its Saturday I doubt that Chris will be home. So you can get ready and get out without having to see him" I tell her

"Fine, but what time do I have to be ready at?" She asks giving in

"8 o'clock and no later" I say remembering that at 9 I had to be somewhere

"Fine, well it's already 5 so I think we should finish this movie another time" She says pausing it and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"But I thought you really wanted to see this movie" I say looking at the computer screen

"Yeah but if you are taking me somewhere I have to be ready on time" She says smiling and turning off her computer as she gets off the bed

"Alright then let's go" I reply getting up as well and closing the computer.

As Lauren drove me beck home I was starting to get nervous. What if she went home and Chris was there. What if he tries something stupid. I was brought out of those thoughts when Lauren pulled into my drive way and held my hand.

"So I'll be back here at 8 right?' She asks smiling. And God I love her smile

"Yeah * or whenever you are ready" I say giving her a smile even though I'm nervous as fuck right now.

"Okay baby then I'll see you in a few hours" she says giving me a kiss, which I deepen because I just really need it right now

When we pulled away I placed my forehead on hers "I Love You" I said with my eyes still closed

"I Love You More Camzi" she says kissing my nose

"Come back soon" I tell her not want her to leave

"Baby I'll be back before you know it. Now go inside your house and get ready. I'll be back once I'm done. I promise" She says playing with my fingers

"Text me when you get to your house please" I say looking into her eyes

"I will, I promise now go" She says giving me one last kiss before I get out of her car and watch her drive down the street.

"God please don't let Chris be home when she gets there please" I say closing my eyes then walking to my house.

When I walked inside I noticed that it was quiet. That's odd usually at this time Sofi is running around everywhere and my mom is trying to calm her down. Oh well maybe my mom finally got her to take a nap or something. I walked up to my room and closed my door then laid down on my bed. I past the time looking at the pictures I had with Lauren while waiting for her text tell I finally received one. I smiled at as opened it but then my smile faded.

XXX: Huge problem Chris is out of my sight.

Me: What do you mean he is out of your sight?

XXX: I mean I haven't seen him in 30 minutes

Me: BEA I swear if this is a joke it's not funny

Bea: I'm not joking Mila I lost him 30 minutes ago

Me: Shit okay um I'm calling Lauren and telling her to come back to my house

Bea: Alright I'll take care of tonight.

Me: Bea tonight's surprise party can wait. Chris is out there somewhere and he is not stable at the moment. He is capable of anything.

After sending that text. I call Lauren and pray she picks up

"Pick up, pick up , pick up come on" I say as I wait for an answer

"Camz I'm just pulling into my drive way what's up?" she says with a little laugh

"Lauren listen to me you have to come back to my house now please" I tell her freaked out

"Baby you're scaring me what's wrong?" She asks worried

"Please Lauren just come home please" I say pleading with her

"Okay I'm on my way but breath baby okay I'll be there right away" She says and I know she is probably panicking

"Please hurry" I say trying to keep calm but I'm really worried right now

"I Will I promise, I Love You" she says and that calms me down a bit

"I Love You More" I reply and we hang up.

Lauren's POV

I was actually getting excited for tonight. Normally on my birthday I don't get to happy well mostly because of last year but this year was different. This year Camila had a type of surprise for me and I wanted to know what it was. As I pulled into the drive way of my house, I was about to turn my car off when I saw my phone light up and a picture of Camila and I show up on the screen. When I answered her call I thought she must really be missing me if she is calling even before I text her; but when she told to go back to her house I knew something was wrong. When she didn't tell me what it was and just said to come "Home" I knew right away that it was not good. So I pulled out of my drive way and drove as fast as I could back to her house. Camila was never the type of person to plead or be completely scared so I knew that if she sounded like that on the phone it had to be serious.

When I got to her house I left my car on and ran to her house door. I didn't knock I just used the spare keep that was on top of the door frame outside. As I walked in I noticed it was quiet which is odd because Sofi is always running around driving Mama C crazy. I walked to the Kitchen and saw that no one was there. So I immediately ran up the stairs to where the bed rooms were and noticed that Camila's door was the only one closed. I tried turning the knob but it was lock. That's weird Camila only locks the door when I am here with her. So I knocked once and got no answer. I knocked a second time and still nothing.

"Camz Open up it's me. What's wrong baby?" I ask as I knock a third time. And that was when I heard it a piercing Scream coming from inside her room. I gathered all the strength I had and rammed the door twice until it flew open only to find my worst night mare.

"You come any closer and I swear I will slit her throat"

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