Chains Made Of Threads

By Krembell

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You used to be in the Monster Mafia, keywords used to but 3 years later, two familiar skeletons had seeked yo... More

Chapter 1: A new case, old friends.
Chapter 2: A leashurely walk.
Chapter 3: How the turnables have tabled.
Chapter 4: Two souls collide.
Chapter 5: Napping is my specialty.
Chapter 7: Yet another impromptu Doctor's visit.
Chapter 8: Confession under the night sky.
Chapter 9: A struggling past and a hectic present.
Chapter 10: Double spice.
Chapter 11: The turnables have tabled yet again.
Chapter 12 Finale: Sneaking out? Bad idea.

Chapter 6: Spicy pumpkin spice.

144 6 2
By Krembell

---------- Warning: Contains lime -----------

You did end up staying 1 more day... and then Sans asked you to stay til Frisk's welcome back celebration which now was in 3 days time. They did plan to hold it before you woke up but Frisk refused to even participate if you weren't there so you couldn't really say no to that. Since you had gained the ability to literally teleport wherever you wanted, taking a quick trip home to meet Bunar and Bunella was a quench and nobody was none the wiser. Bunar had made your home into theirs which you didn't mind, they were literally keeping this place going when you had been away for far too long. Bunar had told you they had been looking for places to stay permanently and that you didn't need to worry about them taking up residence in your home for too long. Your nosy neighbour Clara had asked what was going on and you just told her that you were helping some friends get their own place but until then, they were staying in your home. Clara then proceeded to ask about that handsome fella you last came home with aka Sans and you just held in a groan, telling her that he's fine etcetera, which made her curious side calm down.

Now you were bothering Sans in his office to get away from a very clingy skeleton. Papyrus had been invading your space a lot lately, didn't he have other things to do than to observe your every move? He had also gotten very touchy and more flirtatious with you which made you way too flustered so you needed a break. Sans got very surprised when you suddenly appeared in his office without warning, usually you would knock but he couldn't blame you, teleporting everywhere had been fun to him too when he mastered it though it took him a month or more to get it right and it took a lot out of him so seeing you just... getting it without difficulty while not getting as exhausted as he did made him a bit envious.

"So... how ya findin' the shortcuts to be?" Sans asked you as you chilled on the sofa, relieved you could finally be out of Papyrus's prying eyes. "You call them shortcuts? That's.... Pretty accurate, it's handy" You simply said as you relaxed into the sofa, it was way too comfortable to be an office sofa. "How didya even learn it? You practically stole my favourite party trick" Sans was curious as to how you just... copied it without any instructions. "Eh I don't know? It just happened, got anymore tricks I can steal though?" You joked as Sans's main focus was on the paperwork. You mostly see him in his office doing work, you're surprised you haven't caught him napping yet. "If I did, I wouldn't want tha' show you in case you stole that one too" Sans laughed, he wouldn't mind showing you but he didn't have any other 'cool' tricks up his sleeve... not any tricks that aren't harmful that is. Teaching you how to use the Gaster blaster? Now that could be devastating. Chara would have been shaking in their boots if it was you who had been in the judgement hall instead of him. "Why are ya botherin' me anyway, dontcha want to bother my brother instead?" It surprised Sans a lot that Papyrus had been able to form a soul bond with you since you're human... well a human mage? There were a lot of surprises to be had when it came to you.

"But your brother wants to be bothered, that's no fun" You teased but what you said was the truth, Papyrus certainly wanted to be bothered by you and with his clinginess it would suffocate you to do so, you really liked Papyrus but you needed some space. "And you think I want to?" Sans rose a brow at you as you chuckled at him. "No but that's exactly why I am here!" Sans groaned, you were such a distraction to his very important work just sitting there... looking so relaxed in his presence. "Oh by the way, quick question, do you let your maids go behind your desk?" Sans looked up from the work he was doing up to you, he quirked a brow at you, why would you ask that?

"No I don't? Why are ya askin'?" You could see the confusion on his face which was warranted, you had asked an odd question after all. "It seems like somebody has been snooping around there" You could see an unfamiliar soul scent behind Sans's desk, so if he only let himself behind the desk then there's somebody who's a little bit too curious in Sans's work. Sans believed your words instantly and quickly started to look over things, he couldn't find anything too suspicious but just to be sure, he called you over to see if you could see which things have been messed with. He didn't really mind letting you see his paperwork, you had always been loyal to them. "It seems like they really liked this one" You picked out the hiring scheme for Frisk's upcoming celebration, that's weird why are they interested in that?

"Looks like someone wants to be a party crasher" You finished his conclusion for him, why is there always something happening in the Mafia? Well those words don't sound too unusual but to deal with everytime? Gosh you're happy you're not in Sans's place right now, being the big don and all that. "Can you locate where they went?" Sans asked in a serious tone but that didn't deter you from nonchalantly shrugging. "Wouldn't want to bother you any longer so I'll be going" You gave him a sly smile as you went to leave but got stopped by his phalanges holding onto your wrist, not too harshly just strong enough to not get shaken off.

"Fine, you can bother me whenever ya want just... Please help me with this one?" Sans looked pleadingly at you and now you felt a tiny tinge of guilt, you were just joking. "I was joking with you, of course I can" You smiled kindly at him and he let your wrist go. "Thanks sweetheart" Sans replied in gratitude and you went out of his office, following the soul scent. Sans couldn't believe somebody would dare snoop around his papers! If you hadn't said anything he would have been none the wiser... with you again in the mansion everything has just been better, more lively and less boring. Though he knew after Frisk's party you would go back home... it surprised him you have been staying for as long as you have, you didn't leave immediately after you could. Probably because his baby brother coerced you to stay for longer, not that Sans was complaining. Papyrus has been very keen on being in your vicinity whenever he could, Sans of course obliged to Papyrus's wish and assigned him to keep an eye on you but it seemed you got tired of that and bothered Sans instead. He chuckled quietly, poor Papyrus must wonder where you went.

You followed the scent closely and it led to the maid's quarters, so your assumption was right. It had been a maid that snooped around, they shouldn't have done that. The scent led to a closed door, trying to turn the knob but no luck as it was locked shut. You knocked to see if somebody was inside but no noise came from the room. Looking right and left you saw nobody around, with your magic you broke the locking mechanism, leaving the door open and with slight scratches, oops. Pushing the door open you walked in and suddenly somebody activated their magic, ready to attack as your soul floated out of your chest. You quickly dodged the attack, dark green scales made out of magic were stuck in the floorboards where you had stood. This was bad, Alphys voice in your head telling you that one magic attack to your soul would spell your doom. This was a tiny maids room so there wasn't any good space to fight in, you rather not fight in close quarters with a monster with your weakness. You looked at your assailant and it was a green snake monster with only arms and no legs, like a Naga.

"Ugh you disgusting humans, you should all perish" So this monster was a part of a group that hated humans you assumed, if there's a monster hating group then there is certainly a human hating group. Before you could retort, the snake went for you again, specifically your soul but you moved it out of the way before they could reach it, hitting your physical body instead. Just a slight pain could be felt so nothing too bad but this would have to end quickly, your soul turned upside down as you formed two long glass shards in your hands, of course they didn't cut your hands but they certainly would cut the monster in front of you. "If you surrender now then maybe Sans will go easy on you" You tried to convince them, you didn't want to battle them but it seemed like they wouldn't listen to you as their soul flared a dark green color, Animosity of course.

"Surrender!? No way! I'll take you down, you monster imitator!" They said as they attacked you again but this time they used their long tail, you blocked the attack by making your glass swords into an X, they held strong against the snake's tail even if it looked like the swords were made out of glass shards. "First of all ouch and second it's a mage soul you plotting serpent" You finally got to retort as you moved away from the attacking tail, you teleported behind them and hit their physical body with your glass shards, if you hit their soul you could end up dusting them. They screamed in pain as you quickly teleported away with them, it seemed to enrage the snake even more but you had blipped the two of you into the vast garden inside the mansion.

"You'll pay for that you fucking human scum!" They roared at you as they hit your side with their strong tail, making your body slam into a tree harshly, close quarters were definitely a no go! You willed your body to get up and dodge the incoming attack from them, ugh why couldn't things just be easy for once! You battled the snake from afar and whenever an opportunity presented itself, you threw your glass shard at their body, slowly depleting their HP. They only had 1HP left but they were still going strong so you couldn't exactly attack them anymore if you didn't want to dust them. This was quite unfair, one hit to your soul and you'll be dead but they stay healthy at 1HP!? Sans didn't count since his HP was always at 1, you guess that you and Sans had that in common except your physical body could take a beating.

Suddenly the snake collapsed as their soul turned a blue hue and you saw Sans and Papyrus looming above the snake monster quite menacingly. You came out of the vegetation you had been hiding in, Papyrus quickly ran towards you while leaving his brother to deal with the now collapsed monster. "Buttercup! Are you ok!? Oh golly you got hit! Show me your soul!" Papyrus buzzed around you, making sure you were ok. "I'm fine Papyrus and my soul is fine too" You showed him your soul but in it was a small crack, ok scratch that, mostly fine. To Papyrus however it wasn't fine, you had gotten hurt physically and your soul had cracked, what if that monster had hit your soul!? "Ah heh when did that get there? Oops?" You avoided Papyrus's stern look at you but he wouldn't have any of your antics. "Buttercup..." Papyrus huffed out, he began to heal your physical wound as he kept you close to him. "I don't know where that crack came from though... I made sure my soul didn't get hit" You explained but Papyrus still wasn't happy, he had healed your physical wounds which you appreciated greatly, getting slammed into a tree didn't feel too good.

"You should not have fought that monster, they could have killed you! One hit and you would be gone" Papyrus scolded you, which was fair, they could have hit your soul directly and you would be uh.. no longer among the living. But what else were you supposed to do? Let them go and let them know that their cover had been blown so they could tell whatever info they had gathered to their group!? If they hadn't already done that! "I won't do it again?" Papyrus huffed out in annoyance at you, that didn't sound like you meant it. He gently took your soul in his phalanges and put his soul into yours like he did when he formed the bond. Your soul instantly started to heal the small crack in it as white and orange smoke danced around inside your glass heart. It was mesmerising, so white was the color of your magic? How fitting with a glass soul.

"Is yer lover's quarrel over yet or should I come back later?" Sans piped up from behind Papyrus, the snake monster nowhere to be seen. Sans must have taken them down to the basement for later interrogation. "No our quarrel is over" You ignored Sans's use of the word lover but Papyrus certainly didn't as he got flustered but got back on track. "Our quarrel is not o-" Papyrus started but got interrupted by a jolt going down his body, he looked towards you suspiciously but his soul was still in yours so you couldn't have touched it. "Ugh fine, yes it is" You had to hold in a snicker, Sans seemed to notice what you had just done but didn't comment on it. Using your own magic to touch his brother's soul? How mischievous of you. ever since his brother had gained your ability to see what people felt, he had been all over Sans's case and this was Sans's way of payback by not telling his brother what you just did. He'll figure it out sooner or later.

"So did tha' snake say anything to you before you fought?" Sans asked you, he could see his brother's soul in yours as you were healing a crack that had formed on your soul, had the snake hit your soul? That certainly wasn't good, maybe he shouldn't have asked you to follow the soul scent... but then again you said you had joked which to him seemed very genuine with how guilt had crossed your face for a split second. You probably would have followed it regardless... you're such a reckless soul. "Nothing important except death to all humans so I assume they're a part of a group that's highly against humans in general, should be careful even if they've been caught, if there's one then others lurk nearby" You warned, it was obvious this group really wanted to crash Frisk's party. Couldn't people just leave that poor child alone already!?

"Alright, I'll uh... leave you to it and thanks for the help sweetheart" Sans tipped his fedora and blipped away. Well now you wouldn't feel too bad with bothering Sans in his office anymore since he said you could annoy him whenever. You had almost forgotten Papyrus was next to you but his irritated soul inside of yours made it known it wasn't over just yet. "You are staying by my side for now, no arguments" You held in a groan but Papyrus could sense it and he didn't like that reaction at all. Suddenly he pinned you against a tree, oh geez what had gotten into him all of a sudden? He towered over you so you had to look up at him. "What is with that reaction buttercup?" He brought his skull to your level so he could look straight into your eyes with his intimidating empty eye sockets. "N-nothing! I didn't say a-anything!" You stuttered as Papyrus got even closer, oh boy you had really pissed him off this time. Papyrus could sense that you were feeling just a tiny bit of fear, he didn't mean for you to get scared but you had been avoiding him all day!

"Is being around me that bad?" He asked you, he knew you didn't dislike him since the bond was still intact. Abruptly your soul flared in embarrassment as your cute little cheeks got dusted in red. "No! Of course not... you're just... too clingy?" You thought he was too clingy? Oh he was about to get even worse. "Should have thought about that before you went and fought a monster, now you are stuck with me whether you like it or not" Papyrus growled out as he put his skull at the nape of your neck. Your soul showed him that you were quite flustered, good. He wouldn't show you mercy any longer. "Papyrus what are you do-!" You felt a sudden pain? Pleasure? At your neck where Papyrus had put his skull on. Did... did he just bite your neck!? In retaliation you used your magic to prod at his soul that was still inside of yours which made him quiver.

"Buttercup that was not very nice of you" Papyrus whispered into your ear and bit you again, you tried holding in a moan and it seemed like Papyrus had noticed as he bit down harder. "Ahck Papyrus! Stop that!" You uttered but he continued to give you small bites to your neck, those are gonna leave a mark! Abruptly his phalanges roamed around your body, searching for weak spots. Before he could find any, your magic squeezed Papyrus's soul and he buckled down but he still held onto you, looking down you could see him struggling to keep it together. He looked up at you in a very needy manner and all of a sudden he pulled you down with him as you yelped in surprise. Papyrus had pulled you onto him and you fell right into his lap as he was sitting on the garden's soft grass, he had a good grip on your waist as he stared down at you, waiting for you to do something.

Your soul pulsated in embarrassment but also something else, were you?... No way, you were! Papyrus had managed to make you aroused and he could clearly see your soul buzzing in want, a want for him. "What are you waiting for buttercup?" He purred out and you couldn't take it anymore so you succumbed to the desire you were feeling. You gently grabbed Papyrus's jaw bone with your hands and brought his skull down to your face, closing the gap you kissed him. Papyrus moved his phalanges to your back and pushed you closer to him as you two kissed. You aggressively pushed him down on the grass as you began to touch his body, Papyrus couldn't hold it in as he started to purr, his bones vibrating at your soft touch. Even through his clothing, your touch affected him greatly, why couldn't you just rip his orange shirt off his body already. Your soul hummed together with Papyrus's soul, his soul was still inside of yours so you took the opportunity to use your magic again to poke and prod at it. You slyly smirked at him "Is this what you wanted pumpkin?" You teased him as you watched him squirm under you, abruptly you heard someone talk and you held a hand over Papyrus's mouth to silence his moaning.

"Mom! I think I heard Y/N!" You could hear Frisk from further away and you heard quick footsteps coming your way. You quickly blipped yourself and Papyrus into your guest bedroom, you softly hit the bed but somehow you had gotten turned around and now Papyrus was pinning you down to the bed. In hindsight maybe you should have teleported to your guest bedroom before indulging your arousal and desire. What if you didn't hear Frisk in time and traumatized the poor kid!?

"Buttercup, look at me" Papyrus husky voice said, pulling you out of your thoughts. Your eyes instantly locked onto his empty eye sockets as your cheek flushed red once again. Papyrus gently propped you up in a sitting position so you sat in his lap. You looked up at him in confusion, he suddenly turned very serious so he had your full attention. He carefully called his soul back from yours, did he want to stop? That did make you a bit disappointed, Papyrus chuckled softly as he saw your soul wanting him but he had to make sure you knew he loved you first. "Y/N I want you as my soulmate" Papyrus said with no stutter or hesitation as he handed you his soul, your cheeks now beet red. Papyrus wanted you? So were those visions not just a dream? Your soul flared up with white magic. You looked down at Papyrus's white soul now coated in orange magic as it responded to you, it was full of love, want, need and something else you couldn't recognize but it gave off a deep affection, all aimed towards you. "My soul cannot lie, I love you so much, please take me" Papyrus confessed his feelings to you, did you feel the same?

Emotions were hard for you, too complicated but in this moment you could see a future where you truly loved him and it was all you wanted right now, Papyrus made you feel loved and wanted sometimes a little bit too much but more is better than too little right? You'll surely get used to it. All of a sudden Papyrus's magic and yours intertwined strongly making a thread that looked like white and orange was all twisted together and Papyrus burst out in joy as he hugged you close. He didn't need you to respond to his confession as your soul did it for you, the souls had formed a soulmate string. "I... love you too, Papyrus" You mumbled into his chest but he clearly heard what you said. "Then take me already" Papyrus demanded you and you were happy to oblige such a needy skeleton.

That day you took everything and you became his world, you won't regret that will you?


The next day you had woken up in Papyrus's embrace, last night had been... eventful. You were afraid that walking wasn't in your cards today but that's where the teleportation trick comes in handy. "Hey pumpkin, wake up" You tried shaking Papyrus awake but he just dragged you closer to him. "At least let go of me, I need a shower" You groaned, usually Papyrus would be wide awake early in the morning, though you did keep him awake late at night... but he asked for it. "No..." he mumbled out as he cuddled into your neck, struggling to get out of his hold but to no avail you sighed. "Do not think about it..." Papyrus said, sensing what you were about to do but you paid it no mind as you blipped away from his embrace and near the edge of the bed. Papyrus sighed, he hated when you teleported away from him, why did you have to learn Sans's magic ability and not his? Throwing bones could be fun too.

Papyrus watched you get up from the bed but immediately falling back onto the bed, he smirked at you slyly. Papyrus was proud that he had managed to satisfy your needs but it seems your body was now taking on the consequences, not that he minded since it means you needed him even more. "Buttercup, come back to bed" Papyrus tried to lure you back into his grasp but you really wanted a shower. "No, I'm going to shower" You told him as he huffed at you, was that attitude he was giving you? Such a clingy skeleton you had managed to get. You gave him a quick kiss before you finally braved yourself to the shower and this time you didn't falter.

Papyrus watched you leave to the showers, that small peck you had given him made his soul flutter and you probably knew that since he saw your own soul buzz with delight. Papyrus had to pinch himself to make sure this wasn't a fever dream, finally you were his soulmate. In the past he thought it wasn't possible for you to become one since you were human but as his older brother usually said, you were full of surprises. When thinking about his brother Sans, Papyrus should probably discuss the topic of him forming a soul bond with you too. Papyrus would be thrilled if you made his brother as happy as you had made him, plus he could tell Sans really cared for you even without your ability to see emotions. Toriel was probably right about you accepting both of them but Papyrus would like his brother to initiate that talk with you. Sans was a lot like you when it came to stuff like that, overthinking and then coming to conclusions that weren't true. He'll coerce Sans to give it a shot, the worst case scenario is you rejecting him or you could accept and then Sans would definitely know how you felt about him.

You came out of the shower with only a towel around you and your hair damp from the shower's water. "You would look better with that towel on the floor, buttercup" Papyrus teased as your cheeks got slightly red, you looked at him with a neutral expression but he could sense a small smile. "You're shameless" You simply responded and quickly rummaged through your clothes as Papyrus softly chuckled.

Papyrus had told you that he would be discussing something with his brother so he wouldn't be around you 24/7 which to you was great, you loved Papyrus but you also loved personal space. "Could I get one last kiss before I go?" Papyrus asked you, giggling at his cute and bashful demeanour. "Of course you can pumpkin" You gently tugged him down to you, kissing him deeply as his phalanges held onto your waist. Papyrus gave you one last loving glance before he exited your guest bedroom, such a dork.

You had teleported yourself to the gardens while bringing your book that you got from Alphys, the gardens had turned into your favourite place to lounge. However when you had suddenly appeared in the garden right in front of Toriel and Frisk, they gaped at you. "Hello Tori! Frisk! How do you do?" You tried to play it off but looking at Frisk's starstruck eyes,they wouldn't let you get away that easily. "My goodness! Y/N where did you come from!?" Toriel asked as Frisk ran towards you and hugged you close. "Eh... cool trick huh?" You dodged the question as you hugged Frisk back, they were so small for their age. "Mom, they can use magic! I told you!" Frisk cheered at their goat mom, that traitor! Spilling your secrets to the old goat! You suddenly grabbed onto them and gave them a good noggin', messing up their short brown hair. "Magic? Me? Nah" You half heartedly lied as Frisk pouted at you while fixing their messed up hair.

"Can... Can you use magic?" Toriel curiously asked and since the cat was out of the bag anyway, you didn't bother hiding it. "Yes... went to Alphys and turns out I have a very rare form of a mage soul" You simply explained, you didn't know if she knew you and Papyrus had a soul bond at the time. "A Mage's soul? We should have guessed, with your special abilities and all... by the way... how's your neck?" Toriel abruptly asked, your neck? It was fine? Why did she ask th- oh wait. Oh no. Fuck! You forgot about the bite marks Papyrus gave you! Play it off! "Those mosquitoes really are clingy huh?" You awkwardly laughed but Toriel kept looking at you in a smug manner. "I think you meant to use the word skeleton, honey" If you could die of embarrassment then you were already deceased. "Toriel! Not in front of the kid!" You used Frisk as an excuse which Toriel couldn't argue with, the kid had gotten the mother's curiosity. "You're gonna tell me everything over tea later but for now, want to stroll with us?" You couldn't refuse such an offer plus your soreness is manageable for now. It had been awhile since you saw Frisk too, even though they were small, they had grown quite a bit in your absence.

You and Frisk played in the garden's lush nature as Toriel sat inside the gazebo watching over you and Frisk, you had put the book you brought onto the gazebo's table. What you didn't think about it as you laid the book on the table was that Toriel could see it and you had disregarded her curious nature. Toriel picked up the book and opened it to quench her curiosity, you were busy playing with Frisk to notice anything.


Soul type: Human mage

Main personality trait: ???

Magic color: White

This soul seems to be incredibly susceptible to magic attacks, one average magic attack directly to the soul would shatter it. However because of this, the soul possesses very strong magical abilities to protect the holder from damage. The holder's physical being can take damage and it will not affect their soul.

The soul's holder seems to be able to replicate another monster's magical ability with absolute perfection.

The soul is very sensitive to negative emotions the holder is feeling, if in the case the holder is feeling an intense negative emotion the soul will crack like glass. That might be why not many are recorded to have this type of soul, they might have died before knowing their soul's properties.

The soul holder seems to be able to sense others' magical output, their feelings and the 'scent' of souls. This might be for further protection for the soul's holder. However there are some emotions the holder might not recognize at first glance like love, might be due to the soul trying to protect the holder from heartbreak that could shatter it and similar experiences that can negatively affect the soul.

If you have this book, you probably have this soul, I wrote down everything I found out in hopes this will help somebody - Amerelio


Well that explains how you came out of the thin air! You had copied Sans's teleportation ability, that was kind of scary. What worried Toriel however was that your soul cracked if you felt strong negative emotions and that there was a chance for you to die because of it. Toriel couldn't read more, she was scared she would find something she really didn't want to learn about you, she has her paws full knowing you could easily die by your own negative emotions!

At least now you knew what type of soul you had... you could have died young if you didn't... you still could but now you knew how to prevent it. When Toriel heard you had been badly injured while getting Frisk back from that horrendous auction house, she was so worried but she had Frisk to take care of as they had gotten horrible nightmares from all those events. Luckily Papyrus was more than willing to dote on you the entire time you were sleeping in Alphys's lab, he refused to be away from you for too long. Toriel had to hold in a chuckle, surely Papyrus had asked you out by now? With those bite marks on your neck, you had to have said yes to his confession! Or were those from Sans? Oh how spicy.

Toriel had put back the book before you and Frisk came back, it seemed you had tired out Frisk quite a bit which she appreciated a lot. "How are you, Y/N? After everything?" Toriel asked you as you and Frisk sat down in the gazebo with her. "Oh I'm all healed up! No scar left on my soul!" You happily informed her while playing with Frisk's hair as they relaxed on your lap. "Frisk did tell me your soul was in really bad shape... are you sure you're ok?" Toriel carefully asked you, the way Frisk had described your soul horrified her and now with the book's knowledge it's quite a miracle you're still alive. "I am! Do I need to show you my soul for you to not worry?" You offered not expecting her to accept but to your surprise she accepted and waited for you to draw out your soul for her. Well now you had to let her inspect your soul closely since you asked if she wanted to see it, you called out your soul and it came floating out of your chest. You carefully put your soul into her fluffy and soft looking paws, she carefully analyzed your non cracked soul. After she had taken a good look at it, she looked at you wryly "Maybe you should also take a look at your soul too, hmm?" She laughed and handed you the soul back.

What in the world did she mean by that? You lifted your soul up to your face so you could see it in more detail and immediately you started to blush. Inside your soul was a small but very noticeable upside down orange heart and Toriel had of course seen that... "Forget you saw that" You put your soul back into your chest and hid your face with your hands. "I will... until we have tea together" Toriel giggled at your flustered state, now she definitely knew who had given you those bite marks. Frisk slumped into your chest and you caught the kid from falling off of you, they had fallen asleep, poor kid was all drained. You gently gave Frisk over to Toriel which she of course accepted. "It's time for their nap, it was lovely spending time with you Y/N... I'll arrange tea soon" Toriel winked at you, trying not to groan, you simply looked away as you waved goodbye.

Now that it was only you, finally, you could read the book you brought with you. You found the tree you had accidentally napped under that one time, it had the right amount of shade. You sat under the tree and slumped against the trunk to relax as you held up the book to read.

Papyrus had convince Sans to try and make a soul bond with you, even though it was highly unusual to have 2 bonds at the same time, Papyrus didn't seem to mind rather he seemed more elated that Sans had agreed. Even if Sans agreed, would you? He planned to spend some quality time with you before confessing his inner most feelings about you, he wasn't sure you liked him back so spending time together would surely bring up his chances with you. Papyrus had suggested that he would keep his distance from you so Sans could keep you company instead, well during most of the day anyway but night time was all Papyrus's time with you, for now... How lucky for you.

And that was why Sans had slyly teleported to your side while you were sitting under that same tree he had previously found you sleeping under. You were sitting with a book in your hands this time and it seemed you were really focused on it, not noticing him blipping right next to you. "Watcha' readin' there, sweetheart?" Sans heard a small scared squeak coming from you as you slightly shook in surprise at his voice. "Sans! When did you appear!?" You asked, still shaking off the scare he gave you, he chuckled. This was his little payback from you suddenly appearing in his office, even though you were a nice distraction. "Just now or I could be lying and I've been sitting here for a while" Sans joked but it seemed you didn't quite like that as you pouted, how cute. "Don't startle me like that... anyway to answer your question, I'm reading the book Alphys gave me about my soul" You went back to a neutral disposition, a book about your soul, huh? How interesting, maybe he can have a peek at it. "Your soul eh? Found anything interesting?" Sans curiously prodded you for information.

"Curious aren't you? I did but most of this stuff sounds really not that good for a soul to be having" You didn't give more than that, for Sans that was tantalisingly vague. "Pfft- I can literally see you wanting to know more" You chuckled as Sans got flustered that you had caught onto his curiosity, you probably saw it through his soul, now he had to deal with 2 people who could see what he really felt, though you were more dense than his little brother was. "You caught me, willing to share sweetheart?" It wouldn't hurt to ask and it seemed that paid off as you just shrugged, giving him the book you were holding. Did you just give him the whole book!? Either there wasn't anything to hide or you trusted him with this without much hesitance, Sans sure hoped it was the last one. "Yeah but I'm pretty sure it's not that interesting to you" You dismissed, he was only gonna skim the book right? "We'll see bout' that" Sans simply said as he started to read the book.

Well... that was very informative... Why the hell didn't you tell him your soul was THAT fragile!? Now he understood why Papyrus had freaked out and gotten annoyed with you when they had captured that green snake monster. You had fought a monster WHILE knowing that one hit to your soul would kill you, why the fuck didn't you run away? Your stubborn nature really didn't help with your soul situation. The other part that bothered him was that your negative emotions literally cracked your soul, like it was attacking itself. Is this why your soul was so badly damaged during Frisk's rescue? He had to pay extra attention to that and of course he would inform Papyrus about this. The third thing about your soul made him realize that you could not see his feelings of affection towards you, it was hard for you to recognise it. That explains why you couldn't read his emotions during the time in his office when you had been on a pun hot streak.

"I thought you would skim the book but it seems you're really into it" Watching Sans read all of it did leave you perplexed. "Heh, what can I say, I find it fascinatin' " More like he found you fascinating but that was moving way too fast for his pace. "So... when didja' plan to tell me your soul is delicate? That monster could have killed ya in one hit" Ah you forgot to tell him about that, so many things happening at once it kind of slipped your mind. "Ooops? But at least you know now!" You tried to brush it off and Sans sighed, why couldn't you think about your own self being for once, Sans gave you a displeased look.

"Isn't yours delicate too? At least my physical being can take a hit" You teased Sans, he looked quite unamused at your statement. "I'm hard tha' hit, unlike you" Sans shrugged, you didn't like that he was still scowling at you. Reaching your hand towards Sans's face, he looked at you in confusion. You abruptly flicked his forehead with your fingers and you smiled at him in a goofy manner. "Come again? Hard to hit?" You laughed as Sans was now looking at you flustered, did you just flick his skull!? He put the book down, you're so getting it now. "That one don't count sweetheart, I had my guard down" Sans said as he retaliated by messing up your hair with his phalanges which you did not like one bit. "Alright alright I get it, stooop" You tried to push away his boney hands off of your head but his phalanges kept coming back when you managed to get them off! As a last resort you pushed his hands off but before he could manage to get them back on your head again you interlocked his phalanges with your hands.

Welp this caught Sans by surprise, your soft hands were trapping his hands from going back to ruffle your hair. "Seems ya got me beat" Sans said in defeat, you laughed softly and let go of his phalanges. "In all seriousness, I'm fine... Alphys even offered regular check ups so need to worry" You tried reassuring him, though to no avail. Sans knows that you gravitate towards trouble more than anything, you might be fine now but later? Who knows and he did not like that, he did not like it when he didn't know.

Sans did let it go however, it's not like he can prevent any damages to your soul with that negative emotion thing, why would a soul even do that!? Maybe Alphys had an answer he did not, they were both scientists in the underground but Alphys focused more on the soul side of things hence why she's now a soul doctor. Sans handed you the book back, he had gathered all the information he wanted, even the illustrations in the book were quite accurate. What unnerved him was the illustration of a fully cracked soul, it looked eerily similar to yours after the auction house, when he thought about it... he hadn't really seen your soul unharmed.

"So are those illustrations accurate?" Of course Sans knew the answer but he was trying to get you to show him, it would ease his mind a bit from the images of your broken soul that day. You opened the book and looked at the illustrations before giving an answer. "Yes they are... though this soul and mine has some differences" You closed the book again after giving him your answer. Sans wondered what you meant by different, his curiosity swelling up again and you had noticed that one pretty quickly. "You want to know how my soul looks like" You said it like a statement and not a question, you weren't wrong. Sans's cheek bones lit up in a slight blue hue as he fidgeted with the grass he was sitting on while avoiding your eyes.

You might have been dense but you weren't stupid, you knew Sans was trying to elude to something. You had a slight suspicion that Sans had some sort of non platonic feelings towards you ever since you bonded with Papyrus. Perhaps it was easier for you to read certain emotions now due to knowing and acknowledging them with Papyrus. Sans's soul wasn't very good at hiding it either, as you thought back to your previous interactions with him you realized his soul emitted not just happy emotions but affection and they were mostly directed towards you. Your past with Sans had been rocky but it seems like he regretted a lot of his decisions of how he had acted around you and was now trying to rectify it, he even destroyed your old room out of anger when you left! Guess you never knew what you had until it's gone.

"Ya caught me... I do" Sans confessed, at least he isn't denying it. You sighed "Go nuts" was the answer you gave him as you plopped your soul into his lap, Sans looked quite shocked at you then at the soul. Showing everyone your soul seemed to be the norm now ever since you discovered you actually had one, you wondered how the boss monsters couldn't see it, maybe your soul cloaked itself with the magic like a passive ability? But nothing about it was in the old book you got. "I'm slightly concerned ya just handed over your very brittle soul like nothin' " Well that was fair but you didn't expect him to shatter your soul just because he could, you shrugged at Sans. "It's not like I give my soul to everyone I see, obviously" You retorted as Sans picked up your soul very carefully into his hands and looked it over in great interest.

"Mhm... should be careful though, even if I won't shatter it, I can clearly see you and my brother have had a good time" You could feel your soul taking damage when Sans uttered that sentence, you completely forgot about that tiny orange heart inside your soul! You tried swiping it away from Sans's grasp but he saw it coming and moved your soul away just in time. "What's tha' rush? I'm not finished lookin' at it" Sans snickered at your flustered state. Trying to swipe it away again but to no avail as Sans quickly teleported away from you with your soul in his hands, he of course didn't travel too far just in the line of your sights, 5 meters away from you smiling at you with a smirk. "SANS! GIVE THAT BACK!" You roared, you didn't think he would hold your soul hostage! With fire in your eyes you suddenly vanished from Sans's vision, leaving the book on the ground where you had sat.

Sans looked around cautiously while holding your soul close, where had you gone? He couldn't see you anywhere close by as he quickly scanned the garden area but no sign of you. Abruptly he heard a voice coming from... up above him!? You came crashing on top of him, making him fall down to the soft grass as you straddled his side's with your legs. "Welp it seems like I've fallen for ya" You deadpanned at him but he could see a slight red hue on your cheeks, heh. Sans quite liked this position you were in but he would prefer to be the one on top much more, abruptly you managed to swipe your soul back and it floated back into your chest. Sans had to admit, your soul was beautiful. When he saw his brother's tiny magical imprint on your soul, it did make him jealous. Good thing you weren't looking at him as he analyzed your soul, you could definitely see jealousy if you had looked at him. Maybe someday soon, he would get his own little blue heart inside of your soul?

"Ya want to go further or?" Sans teased you, groaning you quickly leapt off of him. "Take me out to dinner first" You said the classical comeback. "Gladly" quickly looking down at him in surprise "What? Come again?" you asked as you gave him a puzzled look, did you hear him wrong? "G-good o-one" Sans stuttered out, quickly getting off the grass and dusting himself off. You squinted at Sans, that didn't sound like what he had said but you'll let it go. "Mhm sure... shouldn't you be working by now?" It was a genuine question since Sans usually never left the office to spend time in the gardens, he probably spent his breaks napping about. "Meh... it'll pile up either way" Sans said as he looked around for what you presumably assumed was his fedora that no longer was on his head. It must've been swept away when you tackled him to the ground so it shouldn't have gone too far. You spotted the familiar hat in a bush and went to grab it, swiping away some leaves that had gotten on it, you quickly trekked back to Sans swiftly placing his fedora back on his skull.

"There you go, back to being that handsome fella Clara keeps telling me you are" Sans blushed at that but luckily his fedora hid it from your gaze but unbeknownst to Sans, you could clearly see it in his soul that he was flustered. Sans abruptly froze as he looked up at you, the sunset hit you just right making your skin glow a beautiful colour. "So ya admit I'm a handsome skella?" Sans looked at your reaction, the sun still hitting your complexion. "Pfft- yes you are, starshine now you better get back to work" You laughed for a while and bid Sans goodbye as you picked the book up that you had dropped when you had blipped to tackled him to the ground. Sans teleported back to his office and lo and behold, the paperwork had indeed piled up but that's not important to him right now. Did you just call him starshine!? Stars he really hoped you would accept his soul bond when he offered it to you.


Reader got to the bonezone (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

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