𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬...

By Xvriniti

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Anahstacia Vaneraries, her life is nothing but complicated. But everything is soon to change once she meets t... More



149 12 0
By Xvriniti

There was pressure mounting in the air.

Anah was standing on one end of the table while her sister, May, stood at the other.

"Tired?" The younger witch asked holding a pose with her wand gripped in her hand. Anah scoffed.

"Not at all."

Their spells struck once again causing the things around them to ricochet.

The purple and blue rays collided as the light from it radiated off of the walls. The breeze that was formed was strong, so strong, it had the two women striding in place.

With the flick of May's wrist, she cast a spell that caused her sister to lose balance. Anah fell backward losing her wand in the process.

A loud laugh roared from the younger sister.  

"I knew you lost your touch. You're getting lazy on me Anah." She stated as Anah remained on the ground.

The doors of the Duel room swung open. There stood the teachers that were seated at the High table.

Dumbledore dismissed the students off to their dormitories beforehand, including the guest students. This was something none of them needed to see. But, there was one student he allowed to come.

Ivory Aria. She would play a big role in setting this fight between the Vaneraries sisters.
May's attentiveness turned to the people that had entered the room.

"Ah, come to see the show?" Her back was now turned against the 'unconscious' Anah.

"As you see, I'm winning." She stated. Some of the adults were pretty surprised. The greatest witch of all was defeated by her sister? No, that can't be.

"You know she's not unconscious." Ivory spoke catching everyone's attention.

May placed a hand on her hip as she looked down at the girl.

"Oh really? And why would you say that?"
Ivory pointed over to the woman who stood tall with her wand settled in her hand.
Anah smirked.

"Because I'm standing right here."

Maykaylah jerked back to see that Anah was still standing. It caught her by surprise.

"Everte Statum!" This spell caused Maykaylah to go flying back, knocking her off the table.
As usual, Anah won.

She stepped down from the table as she walked past the teachers to stop at the foot of her sister.

May groaned from the pain it caused in her back, she wasn't all that young.
She looked up to see her older sister hovering over her.

"Yeah, yeah you won." She scoffed rolling her eyes as she turned her head away from her.
Anah extended her hand down to her as a long sigh escaped from her.

"Shut up and take my hand May."

The black-headed witch eyed her as she took her hand standing up in the process.

"I hate you," May said.

Anah pulled the sister into a tight embrace, with a smile plastered on her face.

"I hate you more, and never greet me like that again." She mumbled against her ear as the two pulled away.

A dumb look was formed on some of the Teacher's faces.

What just happened.

A smile peered on the older wizard's face.

"That was highly expected from the two of you," Dumbledore retorted causing a chuckle to escape from the sisters.

Severus peered at the young girl who stood near Madame Maxine. He couldn't help but notice the features she had. She looked almost like.. Anahstacia.

His eyes paced back and forward between the girl and the woman. He didn't want to make an assumption just yet. But, he would bring this up with her.

"Now, If you are done. I would like to see the three of you in my office."

He pointed over to Anah, Maykaylah, and Ivory.

Everyone left the room except for Anah and Severus. She paced over to him with her arms bound behind her arm.

"Is something bothering you, my love?" She questioned as he stood there looking down at her.

"No." He replied with a lie as he brought his hand up to grasp her chin softly.

She gazed into her lover's eyes. Something was indeed bothering him.

"Are you sure Severus..?" She questioned again with a frown now forming on her face. He bypassed her question now pressing his lips against hers as he wrapped his arms around her waist. The grip he had around her was tight.

His actions were confusing a first, but, Anah only played along with it.

She extended the kiss. Her hands cupped his cheeks as pulled away to press her forehead against his. Anah was only a few inches shorter than Severus, but it never stopped them.

"We will talk about it once I get back, alright?" She consulted bringing her thumb up to trace against his bottom lip. He agreed with her word.

The two parted ways afterward. Anah headed straight to Dumbledore's office. Once she arrived she saw her sister and the young girl Ivory seated before the Headmaster.

She entered the room quietly as her gaze remained on the child.

"Maykaylah." Dumbledore ushered at the woman.

May turned her body towards Ivory who sat there with her hands settled in her lap.

"Ivory, meet Anahstaica. Your mother."

The girl sat up from her seat as she eyed Anah.

Anah peered down at her with a gentle smile formed on her lips.

After almost twelve years, Anah was finally able to physically meet her daughter.

After her first miscarriage, Anah conceived once again. But this was after the separation between Vaneraries and Snape.

Severus wasn't informed of the child, nor anyone else. Anah kept her daughter a secret ever since she found out that she was expecting.

The only souls that knew of the news were the Vaneraries family themselves. Her father, Jayhen. Her mother, Mally. Her sister, Maykaylah, and her oldest brother, Adrien.

The time of Ivory's birth was also the time of the First Wizarding War. Anahstacia was a key member of the Order of the Phoenix. She fought while she was pregnant. But this also made her a top target for the Death Eaters since the Dark Lord fancied her for her power.

Ivory took a step towards Anah, which quickly pulled her out of her thought.

"I can't believe it's you.." Ivory muttered as she threw herself into the open arms of her mother. Her tears spewed down her face as she clenched onto her.

Anah took notice that she was emotional, just like her. Her lip quivered as she held back the true sob she wanted to voice.

She brought her hand up to the back of Ivory's head as she tugged her close to her chest. Anah's emotions eventually got to her. She hid her sobbing face on the top of her daughter's hair.

The cries of the two echoed throughout the entire office. Ivory pulled away first. Her hands were still wrapped around Anah's waist.

"You look like your father.. except.. You have my eyes and nose.."

Anah mumbled allowing a sad smile to form on her lips. She brought her thumb up to wipe the remainder of the tears off of Ivory's face.

"Where is he?.." She questioned.

A sigh escaped from Anah. Here yet another conversation she wasn't prepared to have. She glanced up at her sister, who was only watching.

"He's... not here at the present, my sweet." Her gaze fell back to the preteen.

"Aunt May already told me.. everything.. and.. I'm not angry.." Her words were soft and low, but low enough for Anah to hear.

"You aren't?" She cocked a brow.

"No.." She shook her head pulling away from her.

It was almost odd. If she was in her shoes, Anah would have been furious.

"What all exactly.. Did your aunt show you?.."

Ivory bit the inside of her cheek turning away. Her hands were in front of her as she fiddled with her fingers.

"Not much.."

May cleared her throat getting the attention of both.

"I told her that you would show her your memories."

Anah shook her head stepping away from the group. She started to pace in place.

"I don't think she's ready for that.."

May scoffed while rolling her eyes.

"Dumbledore, please tell her what you told me."

He merely adjusted his head. His gaze was towards Anah.

"My dear Anah. It is best that you reveal them now. If you wait any longer, not only would the consequence backfire on yourself, but it will also play an effect on Ivory's relationship with her father."

She sighed bringing a hand up to her face.

This was all too much.

"Alright.. alright.."

She gave into defeat. It was best if she showed her after all.

She paced over to the Pensieve with eyes settled on her. She brought her wand up to the side of her head extracting one memory from herself. Once done she placed it down into the magical bowl.

"Come here, love." Anah ushered towards the child.

Ivory walked towards the Pensieve that settled in the corner.

She placed both hands on the sides of the bowl as she gave one last look at her mother. Once her face hit the surface she was soon snatched into the memory that would reveal the truth.

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