The Great Pretender (Reader I...

By LolOk29

15.7K 469 353

Makoto Edamura, a Japanese swindler, has been through alot during his life. But one day he meets you and Laur... More

The Beginning
The Beginning PT. 2
Los Angeles Connection 1.1
Los Angeles Connection 1.1.2
Los Angeles Connection 1.2.1
Los Angeles Connection 1.2.2
Los Angeles Connection 1.3.1
Los Angeles Connection 1.3.2
Los Angeles Connection 1.3.3
Los Angeles Connection 1.4
Meine Probleme 1
Meine Probleme 2
Meine Probleme 3
Meine Probleme 4
Meine Probleme 5

Singapore Sky 2.1

327 11 9
By LolOk29

The shuttering of a airplane engine sounded as smoke trailed behind it.

Abbie pulled the throttle with a sickening grin as Edamura held on for dear life.

The airplane got lower as the propellers started to cut out.

Edamura was on the verge of throwing up at this point.

Oh god.

The airplane soon exploded.

Now... Let's run that back. From the top.

•Currently in the USA.

Dirt bike riders were hoping mounds as they sped through the track.

Some hitting each other, some drifting and others being assholes. I mean like how dare you kick off 69.

But then again, it's Abbie, so I'll let it slide.

Number 13 kicked off another rider before the bike went out of control.

She was thrown off causing her to tumble in the dirt.

"Quit playing around!"

Abbie slowly sat up.

"My thoughts exactly, or the next thing you'll be riding is a wheelchair," Laurent said in his usual pink and purple shirt. "

Abbie slid off her helmet and let out a soft grunt.

"Actually the ambulance would come first. Or maybe you want to die," Laurent said.

Abbie flipped him off.

"It's been a while, you up for a job?" Laurent asked, "I hear our friend is getting released soon."

"Not interested," Abbie said.

Laurent let out a small chuckle, "Don't say that. I have some bad news, it seems eating shitty food has changed him for the better. After all, he said he's going to start living an honest life."

Edamura made his bed before joining the others for breakfast. His head was shaved into a buzz cut.

They ain't silently... And awkwardly.

The slapping of sandals hit the wooden floor as they group went.... Somewhere.

" Number 214,"A man in a uniform called out.

" Yes?" Edamura responded straightening up.

" Having fun? "

"Yea I am," He said truthfully, "More than I thought I would."

"That's good because if you're interested, I'd like to give you a job referral."

"A job referral?"

"You are getting out of here soon," The man said, "You have something else lined up?"


"Well I imagine your mother will take comfort up in heaven if you get yourself an honest job to earn a living."

"I have a message from Laurent, he says he's planning a party and you're invited," Kudo said, "Now he wants you to all him when you know when you're getting out."

"Think about it Edamura, we could work together over seas, what do you say?" Kudo asked with a bright grin before letting out a small laugh.

Edamura however didn't look happy.

"Clothing. Backpack. Smartphone. Wallet," The guard listed as he showed Edamura his items, "That's everything."

Edamura bowed to the men at the entrance.

He then started to walk off.

A little girl singing, whilst holding her mother's hand, caught his attention.

A small smile came to his lips.

He continued walking up until he made it to a game.

" What the hell are you doing?"

"Working on quarter kick."

Edamura clapped his hands as he stood infront of a temple.

"Hey Makoto," An old man said,"Its been a while, good to see you."

"I'm sorry to have caused you trouble, this is two years back rent," Edamura said placing money down for the old man.

"Oh, much appreciated," The older man said, "Guess what, I got some new capsule toys in last week. Why don't you try your luck?"

Edamura was stooped down infront of the all too familiar store.

He put a coin in and waited for the capsule to come out.

(Bro slow down, I can't keep up, changing your position in seconds, do I look like that flash to you?! 🙄)

Now we have a kettle... Same one from the first episode.

He sipped.... His... Tea? Before letting out a breath.

He stared down at the green capsule toy.

"Laurent, I've been thinking alot, I'm gonna have to pass on your offer. Having been in prison, my mind, my entire way of life has changed completely."

" 'Scuse me," Edamura called out to an elder man who held a wrench.


"No solicitors," The man said pointing the wrench at Edamura, "Whatever you're selling, I'm not buying."

"Uh no, I'm Makoto Edamura, I'm supposed to start working here today."

"Ooh it's you, huh," The man said, "Well why don't you head inside and get suited up?"

"Yes sir!"

“No matter what they've done, it's not right to scam people. Every morning, I used to get up at the same time, work hard, take a nice bath, and sleep.”

“This is the kind of life that makes people happy.”

Edamura fixed the bottom of a car as the old man watched from his spot against the wall.

"You're pretty good at this," The man said, "And you're a fast learner."

"Oh, thanks alot chief," Edamura said, stopping his work.

"In fact, you might even be good enough to handle something a little bit bigger (🌚)."

"What's that?"

The both stood inside an airplane hanger.

"You repair airplanes too?"

"I sure do, been working on prop planes like this ever since the war," The man said, "We only fix up cars because it pays the rent."

Edamura walked closer to the airplane.

"So, you up for it?"


The man took a swig from the small can.

"A plane?"

He let out a breath, "Wanna see what you can do with it?"

Edamura smiled brightly and nodded.


“I'm sorry Laurent, just forget about me. Our paths won't cross again.”

(Who's gonna tell him?)

“Take care of everyone.”

We are back in the US of A ladies and gentle people.

Someone's foot was continously tapping on the floor.

"I can't lose my job now, what about my son?"

"Listen Chris, you know I've always appreciated your work ethic," The... Boss said, "This is unfortunate for the both of us."

The woman's soft expression hardened.

"Are you doing this because I turned you down?"

"huh? Is that supposed to be a joke?" The man asked, "Let me make this absolutely clear here, the sight of you makes me limp(?)"

"This is wrongful termination, and that is sexual harassment."

"So sue me, why don't ya?" The man smirks, fingers interlocked, "I think my lawyers would enjoy the distraction."

"I'll fight you as long as you want."

(Honey you look like you won't fight long 🙄 smh)

Chris gritted her teeth but bit back what she was going to say. She then stormed off with a small grunt.

The ape looking man held that... Shit eating grin on his face.

" One more thing, don't expect to be paid for your time here today," He called out, "You had it coming."

The lights of the city were so bright and beautiful.

"Let's go 13!" The boss from earlier yelled out as the ball continued to roll.

"Come on 13!" a red headed woman called out as well with a drunken smile.

"Thirteen, thirteen woah!"

But luck wasn't on this man's favour.

"Red, 20."

The man groaned gripping... Whatever was left of his hair.

They were now seated at a bar. The man grabbed his drink and faced the red headed woman.

"I tried to tell you it wouldn't work Jennifer."

"The names Chris," She corrected.

" What did I say?" The man asked, "anyway, you shouldn't have gone all in on a straight bet."

The man took a sip of his drink.

"Its okay, I can always get more money," She said, "That's not a problem."

"Huh? What a you? Some rich guys mistress or something?"

'Chris' let out a small laugh, "Once upon a time. But now I just happen to know a gamble that never fails."

The blonde man let out a laugh, "Nothing in life is that easy. Gambling is specifically designed so that the house always wins."

Chris took his hand and placed a wad of cash into it.

"Will you, do me a favour?" She asked.

The blonde man stood in an alleyway, looking hella suspicious.

He soon walked down the stairs after making sure the coast was clear.

"Vegas has a hot little spot you've never heard of. It's an underground fighting ring."

He heard a bell ding as he passed the curtains.

"Round 2!"

"Good evening sir, is this your first time?" A man asked approaching the short business man.

"Uh yea, I came here to have some fun."

" Right this way, "Laurent said gesturing to the left.

" We have five more rounds on the card tonight, the details are there on the board, "Laurent explained," Odds flactuate and all bets are cash only. "

" I want you to place all that money on Abagail Jones in the third bet. "

" One thousand dollars on Abagail Jones, round 3."

"Are you sure man? The odds on her are 15 to 1."

The boss man chuckled, " Life is just a game of chance. Isn't it?"

"Exactly," Laurent agreed.

Abbie leaned against the ring with an unbothered look.

"Strong weight vs Welter Weight, oh," The man groaned.

The buff woman boxed her gloves together.

The bell dinged.

"That was amazing, you were right," The man said as the envelope of cash sat on the bar,"The tiny one, she took on the big one like-"

"All the fights are rigged."

"Huh? What did you just say?"

"Everything that happens down there is scripted to keep things exciting," Chris explained, "For that story, that meant having the scrappy girl win."

Chris opened the bag to shoe the cash.

"How did you know?"

"The promoter and I used to be... Well that's in the past, he made his choice."

"And what? You're tryna get back at him?"

Chris slid him more money, "Why shouldn't I? All's fair right? Now, bet on Abagail again for me. She's wining tomorrow too."

Chris held up her martini, "Pretty please, Danny. For me."

Back at the airplane hanger.

"Hey take it easy."

"Yes sir," Edamura said.

"If only you were as careful with your hands as you are when you're choosing your words," The man said before taking a swig, "Prop planes are fragile, that's why you gotta be delicate with em."

"Flight distance and air speed change completely with just the tightening of a single bolt or a drop of oil," The man explained, "It's an artistic fusion of chemistry and engineering. The most beautiful machine created by man. Don't you forget that."

Edamura was smiling at this point.

"Got it!"

An airplane flew overhead as the old man laid back on his seat.

"Look at him go. Must be nice to fly like that."

"Yea," Edamura agreed, standing beside him. "

" To free yourself from gravity, resentment, envy and all your foolish obligations. To be able to leave all that behind you, I can only imagine what that kind of freedom must feel like. "

" Free from... Everything? "

" Makoto. "

" Hm? "

" How many years you been here? "

" It's been 2 months, "He answered.

" Really? It feels longer, "The old man said before sitting up," I can't remember if I said this before, but out of all the mechanics I've taught over the years, you've got to be the best. "

" All thanks to you chief. "

" You should use those skills, wanna put them to the test in air racing?" The old man suggested.

"What's air racing?"

He held up a phone, showing an air race.

"Ah, it's like nothing you've ever seen before," The man said, "An extreme sport for airplane finatics."

"Do you wanna enter or something?" Edamura asked.

"Of course not, but I heard about a team that's looking to hire a mechanic," The man said looking up at Edamura.

"But, I like working here chief," Edamura said as the old man took a swig, "There's so much to learn, and I want you to teach me."

"You don't need me."


"You're a young man with great promise, besides you've already inherited all the skills and passion that I have to offer,"Thr old man explained belfre holding up his small can," Quit arguing with me, show the world who you are. "

" Alright, "Edamura said taking the drink," I promise, I won't embarrassed Nakamoshima Heavy industry. "

" No you won't. "

" Cheers! " He yelled out before taking a drink. He spat it out soon after.

The old man laughed," You amateur. "

" I'm fine. "

" You're supposed to sip it. Not guzzle it,"The man said," By the way, you speak English? "

" Yea, people keep telling me I sound funny though. "

The old man chuckled," You should work on that. "

A phone started to ring.

The old man looked over his shoulder before getting up and grabbing the phone.

"Hello? Yes, how can I help you? "

» "I'm looking for Makoto Edamura. Is he there?"

" Yes he is, wait for a minute, "The man said before being the phone down to his chest," Oi, Makoto,  someone's on the phone for you."

Edamura straightened up with a slightly confused expression,"Oh, uh coming."

He approached the old man before taking the phone, "Edamura, speaking."

» "Long time no see Edamura."


» "The one and only.

"Why did you call?"

» "I just got back, so I decided to call you before I go find the others," Y/N explained, "How's life treating you?"

"It's good, so far," He said with a smile.

» "Are you going to join Laurent?"

"Oh, uh no... I decided to give up on that life, its not for me."

» "It isn't for everyone."

There was a honk from the other line.

» "Well, that's my time, I'll see you around."


'See me around? Huh?'

" Withdraw the full amount? "The accountant asked nervously.

" Yea. Give me everything. I'll bring back ten times that."

"S-should I call the police sir?" The accountant asked nervously.

"I'm fine, just hurry the hell up!" The man yelled casting all attention onto himself.

He slammed down the bag of cash onto counter.

"All of it on Abagail! Every penny! You got that?!"

"Uhh that's going to lower your odds a bit," Laurent said looking back at the board. "

The man practically banged his head on the bars," I don't care, let me place the bet. "

" You'll count it? "

The bald man nodded.

" I hope lady luck is smiling upon you."

The man smiled brightly.

Abbie bounced her leg continuosly.

She watched as her opponent stretched.

Her opponent looked at her over her shoulder with a hard look.

Abbie gave her a sweet smile.

"Our fish is on the hook, ladies," Laurent said entering the room, "So, let's give em a show."


The bell dinged and the fighters prepared themselves.

Multiple punches were thrown at Abbie who blocked.

The fight was ongoing Ladies and Gentlepeople. Punches thrown left and right.

Left hook, right hook.

"Yea! Go Abagail!"

A kick was thrown, followed by a punch that caught Abagail right in the chin.

From then on, she keto taking hit after hit right in the face.

She was knocked out.

Everyone cheered.

"Oh she's dead!"

"It's over!"

"1! 2! 3-"

A hand was placed on Laurent's shoulder. He looked to see the all too familiar woman.

"This is a dangerous game you're playing."

"You doubt me?"

"No come on, get up! Abagail! Get up!"

Abagail's eyes opened with pure rage.

"Not again," Laurent muttered.

Abbie slowly rose up. Staggering a bit.

"Yes... I doubt you. And it looks like you doubt Abbie."

"Look she's okay."

"She got up."

Y/N could only watch with furrowed eyebrows at Abbie's reckless behaviour.

"Damn it Abbie, no."

Abbie had this sadistic grin on her face as she wrapped herself around her opponent.

She bit her ear.

"Ooh," Y/N winced.

"Now this is exciting!"

Abbie was hit in the head making her fall back.

"You okay?" The referee asked before he was shoved back.

The fight was on. And it wasn't scripted.

Abbie was kneed in the face before getting absolutely stomped.

(if only there was an emoji to show my reaction throughout this screen, oh wait 😧)

"Well then, that fight was something else."

"No, something's wrong here! That's a violation!"

"No such thing as violations here sir."

"That's knockout doesn't count," He argued before looking over his shoulder to see that Abbie had, indeed, lost.

"The winner of this match is-"

"That wasn't in the script, it's bullshit!" Danny argued grabbing onto Laurent.

"What are you talking about?" Laurent asked before his voice... Just 😩, "Life's just a game of chance, right?"

The man was too stunned to speak.

He pushed Laurent away before storming off.

A police car soon pulled up to the sight.

"It's in the basement."

The walked down the stairs and entered the, now, empty basement.

"Are you sure this is the place?" An officer asked.


There was a picture of Danny saying 'Sue me for sexual harassment.'

"Okay pal. I think we've seen enough."

"It might be time for us to talk about controlling your temper."

"It's one of my best traits," Abbie said before looking towards Y/N, who was listening to music, then back out the window, "And look at yourself, you can't control the fact that you're hornier than a rabbit."

"Yea, you got me there. Well for now, I think it was good for rehearsal."

"What does that mean?" Abbie asked facing Laurent.

"For the real show, we're going after much bigger fish," Laurent said, "By the way, when we get there, you're gonna have to start training."

"Not a chance."

"Oh, come on."

(wait a damn minute, this is funny, but not funny haha, funny weird.)

There was some random kid colouring a picture outside of a trailer . What a cutie.

The sound of an engine coming closer caught the kid's attention.


(my heart! The little 'hm' got me!)

Chris sniffles as she leaned on her table.

"Mommy! Come look!"

The sniffled before getting up and heading to the door.

She saw her son holding up a bag.

"A lady came and gave me this big bag and then she told me to tell you happy birthday."

"London? Could it be?"

Chris opened the bag before covering her mouth in shock. The bag was filled with money.

"Oh... Oh my god."

Cynthia had a smile as she looked back at the trailer before she sped off.

"Happy birthday Chris! Enjoy!"

"Here's the thing, prop planes are an artistic fusion of chemistry and engineering," Edamura explained, "Flight distance and air speed change completely with just the tightening of a single bolt or a drop of oil."

He let out a breath.

He slapped the engine, "Here, this one's ready."

There was a soft applaud.

"That was impressive."

"We've been looking for a mechanic like you," Cynthia spoke up. "

" He still talks funny. "

"Give him a break Abbie," Y/N stifled a small laugh.

" What the hell are you guys doing here?!"

"Really? You didn't notice?" Cynthia asked,"This is my island. Remember?"

"So gullible," Y/N muttered.

"You've been here."


He turned to Y/N.

"You knew?! And you didn't tell me??" He yelled.

"Where's the fun in that?"

"I thought it was just a weird case of deja vu."

"Congrats," Laurent said, "You've found your way back to us. And welcome to the Team. You're part of team confidence now."

"Team Confidence, what a joke, you're not fooling anybody."

"He's still a babe in the woods."

"Does that mean-"

"I think we've been made."

"Yep training the young ones is always rewarding."

They were now seated as Edamura was leaning against the... Wall.

"Our next big fish are these two," Laurent said taking out a photo.


"Look, I think you've made him upset."

"Fine, I'll ask, who are these guys?" Abbie spoke up.

"The sky looking one is Sam Ebriheem?, the roguish one is Clark Ebriheem."

"Hm," Y/N hummed. Abbie gave her a look.

"Princes of an oil rich country."

"Tch, I don't care what job you're planning, there's no way I'm gonna do it," Edamura tsked.

"Maybe I should've come later, this got boring."

"I'm finally back in the outside world, I'll live an honest life and make it on my own."

"As you should."

"But who really lives an honest life, I mean look at her," Laurent said gesturing to Y/N who flipped him off.

"First rule is don't trust anyone. Screw up and you'll get left behind," Cynthia finished.

"Besides you'd only drag us down."

"May I continue?" Laurent asked causing Edamura to raise a brow but he gave a curt nod.

Odd to end it here but meh.

In the process of planning a well needed trip. So yea I've been busy. I probably won't be able to update until I'm out of this country but I'll try and keep you updated.

Thanks for your support.

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