By bigstarqueen

910 130 303

Charlie never liked traveling or making friends, but after meeting Jungkook. he fell hard like a rock and mel... More

.... characters•◍✧*。
....Happy Kookie Day!!!...•◍✧*。


24 5 12
By bigstarqueen

No news has still been heard from the president's son whose birthday is now approaching -

"Shit! Are they still talking about that rebellious son?!" Yeonjun shouted as he closed the fridge and turned to look at the tv, placing a milk bottle on the dinning table.

"Mhm, and can you please lower your voice. It's 7am. Tae is still asleep."

"Okay okay lover boy. Besides, aren't you curious about something?"

"What?" Beomgyu inquired, hugging a cushion to his chest as he sat crisscrossed on the couch.

"About Mr. President's son. If they wanted to find him so bad, why didn't he just show us a photo of his son instead of using that blank figure on the media? That way he'd be easily recognize."

"Dummy! I guess you were busy grilling pork belly in hell when God was sharing sense. Don't you know it'd endanger the kid's life?"

"Oh, you have a point but still, i don't think Mr President is clean like Tae said. He must have done something to that poor child. That's why he ran away."

"Maybe. Who knows? But man, that kid is for sure extremely smart. Mr President might not have implants a tracking chip on him but he was smart enough to avoid using things that could link his location.

Like his phone, credit card and all other stuff." Beomgyu elaborate, thinking thoughtfully.

"Daebak. That's why even S-KIA couldn't find him. Woah."

(S-KIA means South Korean intelligence agency founded by me, because I don't even know if that exist)

"Jamkkan." Beomgyu suddenly said.

"Hey, what are you doing? I just started charging that laptop."

"Shut up. I'm only going to borrow it for a few minutes." Beomgyu said as he unplugged Yeonjun's laptop and place the device on his lap.

The older tsked in disbelief and shook his head before grabbing the cereals box and started pouring the content into a bowl before adding some milk.

The door suddenly opened, drawing Yeonjun's attention as he look up. "Annyeon Jungkook Hyung."

"Oi, Yeonjun-ah already having breakfast?"

"It's a warm up." The latter responded with a smile.

"An horse. He eats like an horse. It's nothing new." Beomgyu added, still focusing on the laptop.

"One more chance, you have one more chance before I forbid you from using my laptop."

Jungkook chuckled walking towards the fridge and grabbing a bottle of yogurt. "What are you doing Beomgyu?" He inquired, shoving a straw into the sealed cap before sipping the cold yogurt. Sighing at the satisfying refreshment.

"Something..." Beomgyu trail off, tapping away on the laptop.

"Mm, okay." Jungkook shrugged, taking a seat on the opposite high stool before Yeonjun's.

"Maybe he's trying to find out something about the president's son."

"Ahem!" Jungkook nearly choked but quickly pump back the yogurt in his mouth throw the straw.

"M-mwo?" He asked in surprise before glancing back at Beomgyu.

"Wae?" He softly inquired.

"Well....the president's has promised a reward to the person who can help find his son."

(I know, i know. It's a stupid scheme but bear with me for the sake of the story plus I'm trying my best in making it seems like it could actually happen in real life)


"Hard to believe right? The people who are known to be the best can't even find him. I pity the kid though." Yeonjun said with a sighed.

Jungkook gulped and wipe his lips with the back of his palm. "Why?" He asked, wanting to know why Yeonjun felt sorry for the child.

"Well..who knows? What he's going through? No one knows the reason why he ran away from home and had to put his life in danger. It's been a month now and he's wandering around the world alone. I feel sorry for him."

Jungkook breathe out and nodded. "Oh i see. Did any of you see Charlie? I went to his room but he wasn't there." Jungkook said, blushing a little because of his lie.

The truth is that he actually slept in the young man's room and in his comforting arms for like straight 11 hours and when he woke up this morning the boy wasn't lying next to him.

"Really? I'm sure you must have sense his warmth was gone and that's why you woke up so early today. Or did you forget? You normally wake up in the afternoon every Sunday." Beomgyu teased with a cheeky grin, sending a wink at Jungkook who began coughing and shaking on his seat in awkwardness.

"Huh? What is he talking about?" Yeonjun asked, confused.

"It was nothing! Beomgyu was just joking. I'll go look for him." Jungkook said quickly before sprinting a way.

"Oi, what was that?" Yeonjun blinked his eyes rapidly before turning around to look at Beomgyu. He sighed, shaking his head before shoving a full teaspoon of cereals into his mouth.

Suddenly a light bulb pops up in his brain and he widened his eyes as if realizing something. Then he slammed his palms on the dinning table making beomgyu to jolt in fright.

"Oh Jesus Christ you scared me!" Beomgyu shouted, a hand on his chest as he glares at the older.


The aforementioned instantly frowned it was the first time Yeonjun ever called his name so seriously and he wondered what was going through the older's head.

"Mm?" He softly inquired as curiosity flush through him.

"Do you think Jungkook is Mr. President's son?"




Beomgyu really wanted to throw his slippers at Yeonjun's face but could only grits his teeth out of anger due to the older's stupidity.

"Yah! Is there really nothing in your head? Sometimes people can't really drain out all the water in a drum without a drop still in it? Hyungnim......where is you brain exactly?" Beomgyu asked, bouncing in the couch as he stare at the older with sincere worriment.

"jamkkan , geuge chungbun hae ."

(Wait, it's enough)

Yeonjun said showing a stop sign before sitting back down and started eating.

Beomgyu click his tongue in disbelief and slowly shook his head.

'i feel so sorry for your wifey.' he thought as he stare at the older and let out a sigh before shifting his gaze towards the screen of the laptop only to gape in surprise.



Charlie smiled, looking at the present in the box as he walk back home with a smile plastered on his face.

He wasn't watching his way and accidentally bump into someone. 'Fuck. I'm screwed.' he thought, not daring to look up as he was afraid of getting beat up again.

He may have joined the wrestling club in highschool but those classes were totally useless as he never had the gut to stand for himself. He was a total wimp.

"Gwaenchana" The stranger spoke with a baritone  while looking at the boy who was still squatting.

'gwaechana? What does that even mean again?' he confusingly blink his eyes as his heart began to race faster. This stranger even had an intimidating voice, Charlie was sure the man could beat him black and blue that he won't even be able to recognize Jungkook so he tried to think harder before making any mistakes.

'i'm sure I've heard that word a lot how come I still don't know the meaning?'

Now, he was desperately bitting his poor lips.

"Soobinnie, gwaenchana?"

"Gwaenchanayo." Soobin replied in his deep cold tone almost instantly before getting up from his seat and storm out of the living room.

"Arraso means okay. And gwaenchana means are you okay? You should known this simple words and learn how to respond when someone says them to you."

"Okay." Charlie nodded with his gaze on his book.

"So what is 'ye' in English?" Jungkook inquired, folding his arms.



"Ah. That's it."

"What is?" The stranger whom Charlie was still not looking at softly asked.

"Gwaenchanayo!" He nearly shouted as he abruptly stood up to face the stranger.

"Oh wait. It's you, the kunfu guy." Charlie let out a surprise gasped as he point at Taehyung who blinked in surprise.

"Wait, y-you understand English too right?"

Taehyung gape and slowly nodded making Charlie to smile.


Kitten's bell patisserie

"It's Kim Taehyung."

"Oh, Taehyung um... I'm Charlie Puth and I really have to say thanks for your help the other day. I don't think i would have walked out of that place alive if it wasn't for you a-and i can't imagine what would have happened to Jungkookie.-"


Charlie paused for a while and awkwardly smile before nodding his head. "Yeah.. my boy- um, i mean my friend. The one you saved. His name is Jungkook but I'm used to calling him Jungkookie now." Charlie grinned like a fool as he space out a little but quickly snap out of it and look at Taehyung's who's expression could not be read.

He awkwardly laughed and bow a little, apologizing for talking too much.

"You guys seems pretty close." Taehyung suddenly said, smiling as he sip his smoothie.

"Yeah...i think we're more than that. I'm gonna ask him out tonight." Charlie ranted, looking all excited.

Taehyung's blink in surprise before smiling. "Really?" He asked, voice filled with surprise as he grip his cup of Americano.

"Y-yeah. Sorry I ranted again." Charlie bow in apologies before looking at his wrist watch and gasped.

"Oh no. I have to go home!" The younger shouted as he stood up.

Um, it's nice meeting you Taehyung."

Charlie said, shaking the man's hand before bowing his head and walked away.

Taehyung smiled, twirling his tongue against the inner corner of his cheek before grabbing his phone and started typing away.


The time is 8am~ goo goo gaga~ it's time to rise and shine young fella~ wakey wakey go brush your teeth~

"Quiet! Ouch! My head hurts." Jessi place her palm on her forehead  before slowly opening her eyes, she then blinked as she stare confusingly at the wall and slowly trail her eyes to the unfamiliar ceilings.

"Mwo....? What the hell happened?" She mumbled, alerted as she made a turn to look around.

She immediately sat up on the bed, almost screaming out her lung when she released she was undressed.

"Wae? ige mwo ya ? wae nae ga yeogi itneunga ?" She asked herself confusingly as she stare around while gripping the duvet to hide her chest.

(Why? What is this? Why am I here?)

Google translator is a bitch especially when you're using it with no net.

"This isn't Jackson 's room." She mumbled and gulped bitterly.

Go brush your teeth pig!

She instantly whip her head to the nightstand and frowned as she spotted a wizard figurine. "Weird." She scorned, staring at the programmed toy in disbelief.

"Which adult still has a..."Jessi trailed off as she tilted her head to look at the door.

Someone let the door open and gently walk inside, holding a hot mug of tea. Jessi confusingly stare at the guy from his boxers to his face before widening her eyes in disbelief.

"You." She whispered, shaking as if she was losing her nuts as she stare at him with wide eyes while pointing her index at him.

And the unexpected came out of her mouth making the man to wince and rub his ears as she screamed.




Straight three seconds screaming to be exact.

"Are you done?" Namjoon asked with a groaned before looking at the panting girl with her hilarious windshield-like messy hair.

"What happened?" She asked without moving her lips as she was unable to shut it.

"You don't re-jamkkan!"she shouted gesturing him to stop as she lower her gaze to her chest.

"Do not tell me that we...we-did we? We didn't, right?" She slowly whispered, before gulping the lump in her throat.

"We did."

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ani, i most be out of my mind!" She yelled as she halt her screaming.

Namjoon sighed, walking towards the nightstand and gently hand the mug of tea to her before sitting beside her burrito self. "Well... technically, we were out of our mind. Intoxicated by alcohol and ended up...well here."

"Wait a minute, i only just met you, last night. When did i even grab a drink with you when I was already at home?"

"Was that all you remembered?" Namjoon in surprise as he stare at her.

"Y-yeah.. falling on you was all i remembered."

"Lightheaded i see." Namjoon said and waited for a while, observing her beautiful eyes before looking away and started explaining.

"After you fell on me, you sat on the ground and started crying while cursing someone named Jackson. I figured he was your ex." Namjoon glanced at her and she cleared her throat, awkwardly.


"Well you were ranting."

"What did i say about him?" She curiously asked and Namjoon paused, staring at her with dubious look for a while before averting his gaze and shook his head.

"I think it's best if you don't remember."

"You rant all about hating him, well i too was kind of heartbroken so I suggested we have a few drink at a bar to put a suspense on our sorrow but after a few drink. You refuse to go back home. You ordered a lot which I had to pay for. Technically since I was still a bit conscious at that time. Thankfully i didn't forget my credit card at home yesterday."

"Then... how did we get here?" Jessi softly asked after taking a sip from the tea.

"You blank out."

"I called my driver, he came and help me bring you here.-"

"Why didn't you take me back home?"

"How could I? Your phone was dead, and I have no idea if you live alone or live with someone." Namjoon elaborated and Jessi sighed.

" did it happen?"

"Well i came to tuck you in but you suddenly woke up and....." Namjoon trailed off bitting his lips as he look into her eyes.


Jessi waited for a respond but gasped as she reads Namjoon's orbs.

"Don't tell me...i started it."

"You did. The annoying part was that you called me Jackson before we kissed." Namjoon mumbled, a bit bitterly before getting up from the bed and started picking up her clothes.

"Why didn't you....stop me then?" She softly asked, blushing a bit as she stare at Namjoon 's sculpture abs.

"Well... i guess I can't stand you crying so loudly. I was being polite." He remarked as he place her clothes on the bed with a loop sided smirk on his lips.

'you punk.' Jessi thought, avoiding his gaze in embarrassment.

"Lemme know when you are ready to leave. I'll call my driver to send you home." Namjoon said with a reassuring smile before turning around and left.

Jessi blinked, twice and thrice before tilting her head and pouted cutely.

"What's with him?" She asked to no one before rubbing her nape and hum.

I'll end chap 8 here.
I hope you like it and if possible I might published chapter 9 tonight. Still not sure though I'm lazy since I'm just recovering from almost experiencing death.

Hope you enjoyed and laughed a bit. I'd be glad if i could make you laugh. Gamsahanida 💜
Word count: 2 5 6 7

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