The Great Pretender (Reader I...

By LolOk29

15.4K 464 353

Makoto Edamura, a Japanese swindler, has been through alot during his life. But one day he meets you and Laur... More

The Beginning
The Beginning PT. 2
Los Angeles Connection 1.1
Los Angeles Connection 1.1.2
Los Angeles Connection 1.2.1
Los Angeles Connection 1.2.2
Los Angeles Connection 1.3.1
Los Angeles Connection 1.3.2
Los Angeles Connection 1.3.3
Los Angeles Connection 1.4
Meine Probleme 1
Meine Probleme 2
Meine Probleme 3
Meine Probleme 5
Singapore Sky 2.1

Meine Probleme 4

198 7 1
By LolOk29

𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 : r/ThereWasAnAttempt , death.

The hunt was on. It lasted months, her parents were smart.

She never stopped looking. There were close instances but she never got close enough.

That was until they slipped up.

Y/N panted as she held a metal pole.

Her shoulders were quivering in such fury, anyone would feel it before even seeing her.

She slowly made her way to the couple, who's backs were turned.

Y/N lifted the pole before swinging.

"We should-"

F/N was cut off. M/N screamed as she watched her husband fall to the floor.

Y/N pointed the pole at M/N.

"What did you do to him?"

M/N held up her hands.

"What did you do to Yoi!?"

F/N coughed and groaned as he slowly gained consciousness. Oddly quick.

"We... Didn't want him coming after us," M/N finally spoke up.

"What do you mean?"

"He was hunting us down," She explained.

"Where are you going?" Y/N asked Yoi who was reloading his gun.

"You remember those bad people that left you alone?" He asked.

Y/N nodded.

"I'm going to pay them a visit," He said with a bone chilling smile that didn't affect the 5 year old.

"He was hunting you down because you abandoned me," Y/N said reaching for her pistol, "He retired, 20 years ago, you killed him when he had no fucks to give about you!"

Y/N pointed the pistol at M/N.

M/N wanted to say something but nothing left her mouth.

"You look like a fish, spit it out," Y/N demanded.

"W-we didn't know," M/N stuttered out.

F/N started to move before a bang and a clank filled the air.

M/N eyes widened as blood splattered on her clothes.

She screamed out at her dead husband.

Y/N stooped down infront of M/N who was sobbing.

She held the gun to her head.

"Did you ever really love me?" Y/N asked. It wasn't her any more. There was no one behind those lifeless eyes.

"I-i loved you more than anything! I never wanted to give you up! I regret it all!"

Y/N smiled, "Now you'll go with the fact that.... I hate you."

Before M/N could open her mouth, a bullet pierced her head.

She fell back and Y/N stood up.

She looked towards the window to see her reflection.

Y/N looked down at the gun in her hand before bringing it up. She pressed the trigger... But nothing happened.

She threw the gun away before taking out her phone.

"Ja, ich möchte eine Straftat melden. Es ist bei /Yes, I'd like to report a crime. It's at ########-######."

She listened to the operator.

"Es ist ein Doppelmord /It's a double homicide."

You won't believe the shock that Laurent experienced.

I mean who wouldn't, after hearing your closest partner got arrested for homicide.

But she wasn't at a public prison. She was placed in a high security prison. I mean, she is related to the most dangerous man, legally that is.

Footsteps echoed across the white floor as Laurent made his way down the corridor.

He stopped at a door. A guard that was stationed there opened it and let him in.

On the other side of the glass was Y/N.

Laurent took his seat and leaned back in the chair.

"Hello Laurent."

"What have you gotten yourself into?" He asked with a serious face. He was... Pissed in a way.

"I went off and killed my parents, that good enough for you?" Y/N asked lazily.

Laurent gave her a look.

"Don't worry, I'll be out in a few years time, trust me," Y/N reassured,"I can see why Edamura wanted a break. I really fucking needed it."

Laurent sighed before a small grin came onto his face.

"You never cease to amaze me," He said.

"I'll be fine Laurent, just don't... Tell any of them about this. Egon already paid the government and the press to keep their fucking mouth shut."

"I really wished we had at least one more sweet night between the sheets before you got yourself locked away," Laurent sighed dramatically.

"What's between my legs will stay, but what's between yours, I'm not sure," Y/N muttered.

"I'm kidding Ma chère."

Y/N stood up and placed her hand on the glass.

"Je te verrai dans 2 ans /I'll see you in 2 years time."

Laurent smirked, "Si espiègle mon amour /So mischievous my love."

Laurent got up and watched as Y/N left the room.

He left the room, no readable expression on his face. But he was troubled.

Y/N sat in her room staring dead ahead.

She could've gotten freed days ago but Egon decided this was her punishment for waiting too long.

She needed the break anyway.

Y/N laid back on her bed, staring up at the ceiling.

Who knew she would spend a quarter of a year free, the rest with her guardian and the next 2 years imprisoned.

This is not what she had in mind but when it comes to being a con artist, you have to improvise.

Y/N realised how she and Abbie had gotten so close.

Two innocent girls, forced into killing.


She remembered when Abbie had told her about her past. Y/N stayed with her the rest of the day, having a mini girls time.

If she could change anyone's past, it would've been Abbie's. She deserved better.

Y/N let her eyes close and sleep consumed her.

She continued running though the trees, she jumped over a log and grabbed a bag that was planted there for this occasion.

Y/N smiled as she ran to freedom. She disposed of the gun, no fingerprints left behind.

She stopped running when she made it to a road.

She took a deep breath and started to walk to her next destination.

A car pulled up beside her not evem a half an hour later.

"Sie brauchen eine Mitfahrgelegenheit / You need a ride?" A woman asked.

Y/N nodded and the woman gestured to the car.

She opened the back seat and climbed in before closing the door.

"Ich bin Gertrude /I'm Gertrude," She said.

"I'm Y/N-" She paused at the last name. Anyone in Germany would regonise the name Vogel-Fischer.


"Schön, dich kennenzulernen, was macht eine junge Frau wie du hier draußen? /Nice to meet you, what's a young woman like you doing out here?"

"Meine Freiheit bekommen /Getting my freedom," Y/N said.

"Missbräuchlicher Haushalt /Abusive household?"

Y/N needed to think of a response. If she said yes, Gertrude might call the police and this'll end bad with the government.

If she said no, then what would be her excuse.

"Nicht wirklich, sie waren einfach sehr.... Schützend /Not really, they were just very.... Protective."

Gertrude hummed and didnt question the female.

"Also wohin /So where to?" Gertrude finally asked.

"Berlin Brandenburg Airport, please."

"Das Land bereits verlassen/Leaving the country already?" Gertrude chuckled, "Ich verstehe/I get it."

Y/N smiled.

She was finally dropped off at the airport.

"Danke Gertrude /Thank you Gertrude!"

Gertrude gave a two finger salute before driving off.

Y/N made her way into the airport.

She did her check in, went to security, waited for her flight to be called before boarding the plane.

She sat back in her seat with a sigh.

She was finally leaving.

She was happy she got someone to help get a passport for her. And not just any passport.

It was going to be a short flight.

Y/N grabbed her bag from the conveyor belt belfre making her way to the counter.

The woman gave a smile before stamping her passport.

Y/N left the airport and looked around in amazement.

Belgium was so beautiful.

Y/N held her bag properly before she started walking.

She didn't want to make a huge leap around the World or she would run short on hiding places.

She walked down the various streets, admiring the beauty.

It was so.... Peaceful.

Y/N was too busy looking at the various buildings that she hadn't noticed there someone walking into her path.

She bumped onto the person and was flaking back but was stopped when an arm wrapped around her.

Y/N looked up to be met with blue eyes.

Her eyes widened, "Sorry!"

"C’est parfaitement fin /Its perfectly fine," The male reassured helping Y/N stable herself.

Y/N rubbed her arm, she wasn't used to the kindness from a complete stranger.

"Je suppose que c’est votre première fois - oh, ne parlez-vous pas Français /I'm guessing it's your first time-oh, do you not speak French?"

Y/N wracked her brain for the 'useless' language lessons.

"Je peux vous comprendre /I can understand you," She said with a small smile.

The male nodded, "Eh bien, j’espère que vous apprécierez votre séjour, peut-être que nous nous reverrons /Well I hope you enjoy your stay, maybe we'll meet again."

She felt something and grabbed the man's wrist before he could properly walk off.

She checked her pocket and found her purse. She gave the man a look before letting him go.

"Je ne suis pas offensé que vous soyez méfiant /I'm not offended that you're suspicious," He retorted.

Y/N nodded and he started to walk off.

She looked up to see a familiar band. Her eyes widened as she searched her stuff vigorously.

"C’est à moi! /That's mine!"

The male chuckled, "Quand on se verra je te le donnerai... Avec mon nom / When we see each other I'll give it to you ... Along with my name."

Y/N huffed as he disappeared completely.

Once he was fully gone. She sighed.

At least she wasn't stabbed or something.

She shrugged and continued on her way.

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