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By heetual

26.2K 1.2K 2.4K

a depressed mute boy, desperately wanting to end it all. until a popular guy witnesses the boy trip over hims... More

thirty (end)
not an update ๐Ÿ˜ญ


1K 57 64
By heetual

no one's pov

lunch time quickly came by for the mute boy as he was desperately trying to avoid an interaction with the guy next to him. he would ask to move seats, but that idea would be bad because of all the students that are dying to take his spot. plus, he didn't want to sit next to anyone, and sitting next to the boy who saved him was the best option.

when the bell rang, jungwon immediately stood up from his already pushed out chair and bolted towards the exit. he ignored the calls from the boy behind him and rushed through the crowds of kids coming from the direction he was going. he was getting shoved, pushed, spat on, and teased by some who were passing by. jungwon bit his lip to stop his sensitive self from crying and just glared at the ones who were pointing at him.

after a few minutes of hell, he arrived to the spacious room and was in awe of the way the cafeteria was decorated. it had the perfect aesthetic of a highschool that had no problems.

but then jungwon remembered something.

he couldn't eat.

or else he'll get fat.

he sighed and rubbed his eyes tiredly, silently cursing at his grumbling stomach that was way too loud. people were now looking at him. he opened his eyes after rubbing them and looked around himself. he was in the middle of a circle with students surrounding him. until one person decided to speak.

"does the disabled kid not eat at all either? how sad."

he looked to where the voice came and his figure froze after he saw who it was.


he walked in circles around the scared boy, his blonde hair falling over his eyes as he smirked at the other. jungwon stood his ground after regaining his bodies consciousness, returning the deadly stare the male was giving him. his fists were clenched and he was ready to swing if jaeyun decided to do something stupid.

"not so scared now, are we? that's not how it was in the past."

he stopped walking, and stood infront of the short boy, eyeing him still.

meanwhile, jungwon was silently praying that the pink-haired boy mysteriously appears again even though it was his plan not to interact with him anymore. he just wanted to get out of this humiliating stance infront of hundreds of students.

"maybe you're not like that anymore, not a pussy boy that always cowards away from any human interaction? do you have the black plague or something?"

he chuckled at his own joke and so did others.

jungwon was getting irritated at the way he was talking about him, but he knew he couldn't do anything about it. instead, he just stood there. waiting for anything that was about to happen.

"might as well talk back. oh wait—"

his sentence was cut short when an unknown force shoved him onto the floor. it was so fast that even jungwon didn't see who it was. he groaned at the pain his back was experiencing and slowly got up like an old man.

"what the fuck is sonic doing here, holy shit that hurt."

jungwon took the chance to run away through the open space in the crowd when they went to check up on jaeyun.

sunoo was actually the one that shoved him, but he hid behind the crowd to cover up his tracks. no one saw how he basically shoved jaeyun to the floor. he lowly laughed as he looked around the cafeteria looking for the culprit.

jungwon ran through the now empty hallways to where a sign that said, 'ROOFTOP'. he wasn't aware that he ran past a confused guy that was coming out of the restroom and accidentally made him fall due to the wind rushing with jungwons speed. the guy just sat there and let jungwon run away towards his destination.

he could've atleast said sorry..

he stood up, dusted off his clothes and walked off like nothing happened to the cafeteria. he saw a crowd around a guy that was on the floor dramatically acting like he was getting stabbed. he chuckled to himself and walked past the crowd with no care in the world. he walked to his group of friends and sat down.

"what's going on over there?"

taehyun shrugged his shoulders.

"i don't know. something new happens everyday that i'm not even surprised, considering that it's the first day today."

he got his straw and poked a hole into the carton of chocolate milk and inhaled the drink without having the chance to even enjoy it.

"well, it's jaeyun that's on the floor. we haven't seen anything like that in a long time i guess. he's annoying."

although he's annoying, heeseung still found the blonde kind of attractive. he had piercings that perfectly fit his face like it was meant for his facial structure. he rolled his eyes at his own thoughts and continued to eat his lunch.

"heeseungie hyung, have you heard about the new kid? his name is yang jungwon, something like that. the school posted on its page that he's mute."

kai appeared out of nowhere which made heeseung flinch in his shoes. he almost choked on his strawberry milk. he shook his head.

"nope, haven't heard a word about him. what does he look like? maybe he's in one of my classes."

"he has dark hair.. eyes that look like a cat, he's kinda short but not short.. i don't know how to describe more thoroughly."

heeseung thought to himself for a second.

could it perhaps be that same kid who was running maximum speed down the hallway? i didn't see his face though.. only the color of his hair.

as he was thinking, he saw a group of girls laughing and walking the same direction as where he saw that kid running. he definitely knew where this was going. he quickly dismissed his friends and threw his lunch away. he followed behind the females, listening into their disgusting comments about the school president. as much as he envies sunoo, he doesn't deserve to be talked about like an object.

heeseung followed silently and hid behind walls each time the girls looked behind them when they think they heard something suspicious. luckily he was training to become a detective one day.

the females went up the staircase to the rooftop, one of them already having their phone out and recording. he raised an eyebrow and waited for them to shut the doors behind them so he can make a run to go listen to what their doing.

jungwon had his mouth wide open while staring at the people above him, cellphones with the flash on. well you see, he had maybe fallen asleep while on the rooftop due to the peaceful climate and quiet environment.

how the fuck did they know i was here?


@sun_oofan1234 posted a photo.

the disabled kid caught sleeping on the rooftop 💀💀 he really thinks he's gonna get the easy way out huh

202 likes | 23 comments


@kxrina_01 yall are wrong for taking a pic up close 😭😭
@goeunluvsun he looks like shit lmfaoo
@yanghp bro🤢🤢🤢
@daniel.c i don't see anything wrong here?
@nishiriki idk who this guy is but you guys need to quit harrasing a boy who hasn't done shit
@sun_oofan1234 replied to @nishiriki he is taking away our sunoo!! that is one big major offense to all of us


jungwon kept his head low after he found out what the kids infront of him were doing. a group of girls had cornered him to a wall, with their long acrylics that looked like knifes by the way they were sharpened. he slightly shivered and waited what the girls were planning to do.

"okay bitch, listen up."

a female with long blonde hair walked up to jungwon and held up his chin.

"YOU have to stay away from sunoo. i don't care if you're related to him, friends with him, or close with him in general because he is ours. y'all have been way too close for us to handle and its getting really annoying. sunoo doesn't like disabled kids who can't speak, instead those who can say how much they adore him."

the girl spat in his face while jungwon let those words sink in his knowledge about sunoo.

is that true, or is that just a plan to get me to stay away from him..

he slowly raised his head up to meet the females eyes, but instead got a harsh slap implanted onto his face. his body was then kicked to the ground, a few groans and whimpers coming from his mouth as they continued to kick and step on him.

after a while, a brown haired male had came through the doors and was met with the sight of a boy getting beat up by a gang of girls.

"hey! stop that right now!"

he rushed over to jungwons aid, and dragged him away from the girls who were laughing at the state they left the small boy in. the brown head lifted the boy up to his shoulders, and quickly ran down the stairs and to the infirmary.

while he was running, a familiar pink haired boy walking with some of his friends witnessed him bolting down the hallway with him on the back. he widened his eyes, and ditched the confused guys who were talking about how their first day of school was going, since they were walking to their last period.

"hyung where are you going—"

jay chuckled at the way riki had cut himself off after seeing the reason why sunoo ran off so sudden.

"that guy really caught sunoos heart, huh?"

he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and put one in between his lips. he then proceeded to steal rikis lighter and light it up, puffing a smoke before releasing it into the face of the younger.

"ugh, when do you not smoke? this is why you sound like an old man already."

riki scrunched his nose in disgust and pushed jay away, speeding past to avoid getting beat up by the guy.

"you better take that back!"

jay ran towards the boy in anger completely ignoring if he bumped into other students that shoved him in return. meanwhile, when the brown haired boy had gotten to the doors of the infirmary. he was immediately greeted by another face that was next to him who was gasping for air.

"w-what happened to h-him?"

sunoo managed to blurt out despite how low his oxygen level was but he was really concerned for the boy that was bleeding.

"i found him getting beat up by some girls on the rooftop, i just managed to get there on time before they could beat him death."

sunoo nodded in understandment and helped him lay the unconscious boy onto the nursing bed.

"what's your name? i really want to thank you—"

"lee heeseung. nice to meet you kim sunoo."

the tall boy offered to give a handshake, and sunoo accepted it.

"thank you so much for helping him, i really don't know how to repay you.."

the tall boy cocked an eyebrow, and smirked.

"and what are you to him?"

sunoo shut his mouth after hearing that question and this made him think a little.

"ah, i'm a close friend of his.."

he replied with the sentence that sounded more believable even though they literally met today, well yesterday from the encounter at the park. the other nodded but he couldn't quite believe him.

"ah, okay.. then i'll get going. i have a class to go to."

he smiled at sunoo, then waved before leaving.

the pink haired boy sighed and slumped in his seat, and wondered who can do such a thing to a precious boy like him. judging by how shy he is, he couldn't have done anything to infuriate anyone.

he kept his eyes on the unconscious boy that was on the bed and scanned every detail on his face now that they were completely alone in a room. he let his fingers skim across jungwons sharp jawline and face structure, not caring if anyone was watching. he was perfect. perfect in every way.

god has favorites, huh?

sunoo grinned at the boy and leaned his head back on the chair, exhaling all the air he has been holding ever since he saw jungwon in that condition. out of boredom, he looked around the room because this was the first time he has been in the infirmary.

then he saw the blue notebook still in jungwons grip. he was tempted to look inside of it, but hesitated because wasn't it an invasion of privacy?

but.. he isn't awake, he won't know.

sunoo bit his lip and carefully took the book out of the smaller boys fingers and started scanning it up and down. he opened it to the first page, and saw a checklist made by the boy.



mission 1: t̶a̶k̶e̶ a̶ b̶u̶s̶ t̶o̶ s̶c̶h̶o̶o̶l̶

mission 2: go to the office and receive schedule - ✔︎

mission 3: go to every morning class with no problems✔︎

mission 4: m̶a̶k̶e̶ a̶n̶y̶ f̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶s̶ a̶t̶ l̶u̶n̶c̶h̶ (i̶f̶ p̶o̶s̶s̶i̶b̶l̶e̶)

mission 5: go to all remaining classes ✔︎

mission 6: at the end of the day, try to interact with any teachers or staff members

mission 7: walk back home in hopes of not getting kidnapped

mission 8: MUST apologize to father for not saying goodbye.

bonus mission: avoid the KIM SUNOO. ت︎


sunoo frowned at the last mission the boy was trying to accomplish, but he knew it wasn't going to work. also, why does he have to apologize to his father for not saying goodbye? is it disrespectful in his family?

or for something else..

i should stop meddling into his business and mind my own.


ksun_oo posted a photo.

to those girls who beat him up 😐
seriously grow up you fucking assholes.

883 likes | 307 comments


@bluejays you know its bad when he doesn't smile in his selcas
@nishiriki someone literally is about to get fucked up frfr 💀💀
@heeheeseung those girls are shitting their pants rn
@simjae_yun what did you expect 💀 hes literally 🔇
@sghoon_02 replied to @simjae_yun you did not
@juenyus04 what happened now 🙊


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