Ryujin: The Boy Who Saved The...

By shilohthemagicelf

14K 413 492

Izuku was just 4 years old when his life crumpled to dust. Isolated from society- he only had one friend, his... More

chapter 1 ~ how the world failed
chapter 2 ~ Ryujin
chapter 4 ~ Ryujin kidnapped a child.
4 1/2 ~ Izuku and Hita-Chans quirk details.
chapter 5 ~ unforseen simulation join! a.k.a. The USJ
chapter 6 ~preparing for the sports festival!
chapter 7 ~ UAs sports festival!
not an update
chapter 8 ~ Internships!
chapter 9 - "dont trust everything you see, even salt looks like sugar"
chapter 10 - goodbye with the commission
chapter 11 - new sibling
chapter 12 - final exams
chapter 13- summer training camp pt.1
Live. (part 2 of training camp)#14

chapter 3 - heroics training

1.2K 41 36
By shilohthemagicelf

When Izuku opened his eyes, he noticed that EraserHead was sitting in a chair near the door, fast asleep

'There goes my escape, the doors here are loud af' he thought, he really wanted to go home.

He looked at his teacher who was sleeping. If he was quiet enough, he'd be able to get out the door before the hero knew what was going on, then it depended on his knowledge of the school and weather he was fast enough.

'Fuck it.'

He silently slipped from the covers, he noticed he was still in his dirty gym clothes. 

He grabbed his bag that was hanging from the side-table, and silently made his way to the door.


When EraserHead heard the door open, he expected it to close. When it didn't, he opened his eyes.

He glanced around, quickly noticing that the greenette was no longer there

'He snuck past me!?'  The hero stood abruptly, and sprinted down the hall

He saw green curls turn the corner, he knew he was gaining on the problem child.


'Shit shit shit shit shit' izukus mind wouldn't shut up, he heard the quiet thumps of Eraser catching up, he turned the corner and climbed into the ceiling panels.

Did EraserHead hear him? Nah. Cause Izuku quiet af at everything.

The hero continued to run down the hall, losing sight of Izuku and giving up.

Izuku on the other hand, escaped through a vent. Did he know that he was currently on the top floor of the 6 story building? Nah. Did he know the vent led directly outside? Nah.

Did he still fall? Fuck yea he did. Did he die? No, he used his fire and made wings to glide down, cause he can't fly for shit. 

Did he glide gracefully? Hell no. But he lived didn't he? Yup.

Did he see EraserHead waiting for him on the ground? Yes

And so, he ran, again. This time, EraserHead was using his scarf to try and grab izuku. It was dark out, so Izuku was using every shadow he saw to his advantage, He eventually lost the hero.

Izuku arrived at his tree house at midnight, but decided otherwise to enter.

Instead, he made his way to the cliff, sitting inside the now furnished cave.

The Pussy Cats decided to furnish the cave, along with giving it a front wall and door. Izuku sat on the beanbag in the far corner, flicking on a light and reading a book.

He didn't know how long he sat there, but his phone alarm went off, signaling that 'it's time to wake up'. Izuku sighed, he left to go back to his tree house to clean up.


Apon arriving at school, Aizawa immediately pulled Izuku aside,

"Uh. Why the hell did you run off like that?"

[Like what?]

"You raced out the fucking door, Izuku."

[Uh, ever hear of curfew?]

Aizawa sighed, 'this is the reason I'm gonna have grey hairs.'

"Listen, we both know you don't have a curfew. Even if you did, the school would have informed your parental guardians."

[Oh ... about that..]

"They didn't answer Nezu's calls. You don't happen to be the 'izu' that lives in the forest with the Pussy Cats, are you?"

Izuku bit the side of his cheek, depending on his response, the consequences could be bad, or super bad.

[I am.. I don't exactly have parental guardians legally. But the Pussy Cats make sure I'm safe and stuff-]

"That's no excuse." Aizawa cut him off
"You could have clarified that in your registration papers, and I'm sure the pussy cats wouldn't mind signing a few papers to have you under their care. But now that we know you don't have a guardian, we'll be taking this into our own hands." And with that, Aizawa entered the classroom, Izuku following behind.

[What was that about?] Kaminari signed, slightly worried for his friend

[Nothing, just a mix up! All good here] izuku assured,

But. Kaminari noticed the way Izuku shrunk under Aizawa's glare, like he was desperately trying to sink through his chair and dissappear.


"And that concludes your lessons with me. Your next teachers a pain in the ass, so I'm out of here." When Aizawa finished his sentence, he gave Izuku a quick glance before leaving, unnoticed by the other students. Once Aizawas soft footsteps disappeared down the hall, much louder ones erupted

"I AM HERE! ENTERING THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" izuku cringed, don't get him wrong, he had respected the guy. Key word : 'had'

□flash back time!□

The first time Izuku had personally met the symbol of peace,he  happened to be saving kacchan. The blonde was being held hostage by a slime villain who was causing a ruckus in Musutafu.

"We've gotta sit and wait for someone with a suited quirk, there's no way to get the boy out."

That ticked Izuku off, he was planning to train his parkour on rooftops. He had high hopes for the future generations. Yet this is what he comes to find, all of them standing around while his childhood best friend was potentially dying.

He pulled out his Katana from his sheath, he hadn't needed to wield it until today, he still wore it.

In a flash, Izuku sped his way towards the Slime man, who stood between two tall buildings.


Bakugou was scared.

He didn't want to feel scared


He thought he would die.

The slime man had grabbed him, he was being held hostage.

The heroes didn't help

They watched.

He didn't want to die
His quirk was going on autopilot

He no longer had control

Explosions erupted, catching fire to anything nearby

Was this is?

Was he dying?



He saw darkness

He felt light.

Was he dead?


Izuku lept at the slime. His friend passed out in the villains grasp, most Likley from lack of oxygen.

Izuku stabbed the villain through the eye, successfully getting his friend out of the villains reach.

Izuku, seeing his main task was fulfilled, carried the blonde a safe distance and placed him outside of a hospital, making a loud noise and scurrying off.

'Kacchan is safe now'

As Izuku made his way back toward the forest, which was pretty far from the city, he was stopped by none other than All Might.

'Just great.'

"Young man!" The symbol of peace started- "what you did today was dangerous! You could have gotten hurt! You put your life, and all the people around you in danger! You should be ashamed!"

Izuku was filled with rage. He didn't feel often, but when he did...

Let's just say, he could put Allmight in his place. Easily.

[Don't think I didn't see you in the crowd! DONT blame your failure on a child. I did what I had to do in order to save my best friend when you and your stupid hero friends did nothing!] Izuku ranted, the hero's wide smile faltered at the thought of this kid knowing his secrets.

The fact that he couldn't see the kid due to the mask and hood, made it even more worrying.

"Listen, I just need you to come with me to young Tsukauchi so we can get this mess sorted out. Okay?" The hero's negotiations were to no avail

[Like hell I'd go with a piece of shit like you! You act all tough! Your a hero for the fame! Probably even the money! Your carelessness gets civilians hurt! Your stupid moves cause property damage all the time! Your punches arent even strategized! You'll never. Be a hero, not to me. and I hope your secret gets exposed. I hope you fall.] With that, Izuku tried to stomp away, obvious rage clouding his vision, and he didn't want to do something he'd regret.

"Well. Now I see, your a villain. You don't care, do you?"

Izuku stopped dead in his track.

[What. Did you say to me?] Small unnoticed green flames licking at his fingertips, Allmight didn't back down, infact, he took it as a challenge.

"You heard me, villain scum like you don't deserve to freely walk these roads. I'm taking you to the station." Allmight reached his hand out to grab Izuku, but quickly snatched it away. Izuku was blinded by rage, and so was his quirk, which heated his entire body to the point where it was enough to give 4th degree burns.


[]Shut. Up." Izuku signed, completely spining around to look at Yagi, who was holding his now red and smoking hand

[You caused this. You are the reason your hand is burnt. Don't blame me for your carelessness.] Izuku signed while holding his hand out.

Allmight pulled away, a look of fear and   Disgust plastered on his once stoic face

"To think I used to like somebody like you,  I used to praise you like you were a God. But I was wrong. I hate you." Izuku used his heated hand and smacked the hero.

Then he walked away, leaving the hero to his now burned face.


Izuku silently smiled at the memory, he didn't regret smacking the hero in the face, because now, he had a scarily small  hand print burned to his face.

Sadly, Izuku's body wasn't fully heated when the hero touched him, so his hand healed fully with no issue, or scar.

Allmight explained to them that they were to grab their hero costumes and to meet him at ground Beta.

'They remodeled ground beta?' Were izukus thoughts as he grabbed his suitcase.

His hero costume designs had taken him days of thinking. Seriously. He refused to patrol, sleep, and even eat while designing it. Even the voices in his head seemed to leave him be while he worked.


Izuku snuck around his classmates easily, they were to busy chattering loudly about their costumes to notice him leave.

All Might stood near the entrance, happily greeting the greenette.


Izuku fought the urge to burn the man again

[Thanks All Might, where did you get that mark? Looks pretty gnarly.] Izuku sighed, forcing himself to sound as sincere as he possibly could.

"Ah! I met a villain with a quirk that heated their skin, they smacked me across the face and made a run for it!" The hero explained, lying through his teeth.

[I see, I'm going to get inside, I put so much effort escaping the others, can't let that go to waste!]And without another word from the hero, Izuku made his way inside, gagging as soon as he left the hero's sight.


[ hey denki!]

"YOUR COSTUME! ITS SUPER BADASS!" Kaminari yelled, catching the attention of other classmates.

"As much as I don't appreciate the use of language, I must admit, your costume does look quite impressive!" Iida spoke up.

[Ah- thanks]

"What?" The blue haired boy asked.

"He said thanks, he doesn't talk so he uses sign language!" Kaminari said, saving Izuku from being forced to talk after so long.

"Ah! A helpful skill on the battle field! I'll be sure to learn! As well as ask all of our other classmates to learn!" And with that, engine boy marched away like a robot

"But seriously! Your costume looks wicked!"

[It's a hero's costume, it's not suposed to give the impression of being evil.] Izuku stated bluntly.

"No! Not like that, loosen up bro. I'm saying it looks really cool! Definitely giving underground hero vibes!"

(Izukus costume, yes he still wears his Katana, no Allmight doesn't remember. Izuku does his work in the dead of night, so nobody can just openly recognize him because of a katana. And EraserHead already knows who he is, and agreed to keep his identity secret.)


After All Might's quick explanation of the exercise, he set up groups.

{The groups are the same as cannon. So if you don't remember, too bad. Cause I don't either! :D. }

"We'll have young Izuku and Uraraka against young Bakugou and Iida!" All Might stated, he sent Bakugou and Iida off to place the fake bomb, while Izuku and Uraraka strategized.

"Izuku-kun! What do you think?"

[Kac- Bakugou is definitely going to come after me, so you should try to sneak up and touch the bomb. Once Bakugou is taken care of, I'll come help you, sound good?]

"Yea! That's really smart! But we do need some codes or something, you can't sign through earphones."

[One stomp: yes
Two stomp: no
Three stomp: I've been captured and bakugous now after you
Four stomp: I've taped Bakugou.]

"Oh wow! You've really thought this through!" The duo gave eachother thumbs up, before going to their respective spots.

Uraraka was going to carefully scale the building with her quirk, and Izuku was going to enter normally.

"START!" The symbol yelled, the exercise has begun.


"Bakugou! I truly think we should have a plan!" Iida argued.

Bakugou scoffed. "Alright. Fine, I'm going after Izuku, so just worry about pink cheeks, alright? You happy?"

Iida sighed, this was the best he's gonna get out of the blonde. He responded with a stiff nod before marching around the bomb in robotic circles.

"START!" Bakugou heard the teacher yell,

'Fucking izu, dissapearing like that. He better tell me what the fuck happened. I thought he was dead' bakugou thought while walking down the flight of stairs, if he stayed on the main hallways, he'd definitely find Izuku eventually.

"HAH! There you are!" Bakugou yelled while reaching down to grab the smaller boy, who quickly dodged the hand and swept at Bakugou's feet, causing the bigger male to fall.

"You think you can leave and get away with it!? What the fuck happened!?" The blonde yelled again, Izuku stayed silent.

[Not here kacchan, we can speak after school.] Izuku signed, clearly focused on the battle.


blah blah blah, battle stuff, Izuku and Bakugou fight, Bakugou gets frustrated, Izuku is unfazed, blah blah!

"Izu. I've been holding back, truly. These gauntlets aren't for show, they're collecting my sweat, meaning I'm able to let off Explosions much larger than I ever could." Bakugou said with a malicious grin, Izuku's expression didn't change

But on the inside, he knew the explosion would collapse the building, and potentially hurt his classmates.


"Who's gonna stop me?"


"He won't die if he dodges."


His ears were ringing

He didn't expect the explosion to be that big.

His wrists were sore, and his hearing was shit. That's why he knew sign language, incase he goes deaf.


What? But- he definitely took out the building... what the fuck?


Once the dust has settled, he could properly see the damage he conflicted.

Izuku was using purple fire to hold the beams in place, almost like a splint for a broken bone.


The greenette looked at him, exhausted.

He couldn't hold up much longer


Izukus hands were engulfed in flames, creating more fire as the old went out.

[L.e.a.v.e] he spelled with his free hand,

"no! Fuck that! I'm not leaving you here!"

Izuku sighed, he knew that his friend wouldn't listen

Izuku created a white flame, it was cold to the touch, but not so cold it burned.

Bakugou screamed in protest as the fire dragged him out of the crumbling building, outside stood Uraraka and Iida

"Bakugou! That was dangerous! And where is Izuku!" Iida asked, but the blonde was to in shock to comprehend the situation.

'I can't lose you again izuku'


Iida and Uraraka had to hold Bakugou back, it was for to dangerous to let anyone into that building.

The building that collapsed.

With our poor little protagonist inside.

But don't worry! He's not dead.



After Bakugou's freakout, Iida accidentally knocked the blonde out, and he was currently waking up in the infirmary.

"Ngh" He groaned, he grabbed his head, which was now pounding, and took in his surroundings.

Aizawa was sleeping infront of the door.

RecoveryGirl was speaking to what looked to be Pikachu in a closed curtain, a small figure lay on the bed, the only noticeable feature was the curly hair.


He was okay, sorta. Bakugou lay his head back down with a sigh, not fully wanting to remember.

'I almost killed them. I'm such a fool- a brat. I don't deserve to be a hero if I act like this. I need to straighten out. But first, I should apologize to Izuku for hurting him.' Bakugou thought to himself

~glad he's finally making good decisions🥺 -Author~

"Bakugou, your awake?" The Eraser hero spoke.


"We should talk about what you did."

"I know what I did, I was being careless, foolish, and not taking the wellbeing of my fellow classmates into account. I was being a total jackass and I need to apologize." Bakugou summed up the whole lecture Aizawa had planned.

"Yea. You really should apologize, and you should thank Izuku for saving you, if you'd still been in the building, you'd have actually died." Aizawa pointed out.

"Died? Is izuku okay!?" Bakugou shot straight up, ignoring the flaring pain in his head and body.

"I- yes bakugou, lay back down, he's completely fine, for the most part."

"For the most part? What the fuck is that suposed to mean!?"

"1. Language, profanity isn't very heroic.
2. He doesn't have lasting injuries, surprisingly, recoverygirl was able to heal him completely, due to his scary amounts of energy. He'll only have one lasting scar on his hand."

"A scar I caused?"

"Yup, but he'll forgive you, knowing him, he'd think it's super badass."


"Forget it. Get some rest, brat."

Aizawa exited the room, ending the conversation.

How was Bakugou suposed to sleep? Because his exhaustion. He was famished. He closed his eyes and quickly drifted off to the sleep relms.


Izuku was glad, he'd gotten Kacchan out in time,

Kacchan was safe.

But he was not.

The building was quickly crumbling, small peices of rubble hitting him from time-to-time.

He had 2 options

A stupid one

And a really fucking stupid one

He could A: use some of his fire and try to shield himself

Or B: make large amounts of fire and make a run for it.

He chose A.

Izuku's fire faded, before blooming into a sphere around him.

The deep shade of blue fire melted most of the debris, while his stronger, purple fire shielded him from larger pieces.

But he was to drained to hold put, the building was mostly collapsed by now, how was he suposed to know the entire floor to the very top would collapse as soon as he ran out of firepower?

And he was crushed, a metal support beam scraping the side of his hand.

Did he give a shit? Nah, he'd felt worse.

"YOUNG IZUKU! ARE YOU IN THERE!?" He heard the top hero shout, he only had the energy to let out a stiff groan before black dots flooded his vision, clouding his mind until he passed put.

Not away. He isn't dead.


"Yes, none of his internal organs or important muscles got injured, bruising and small cuts were healed, along with a few broken bones. He's completely stable and will be making a full recovery! Now stop worrying child!" He was slowly returning to earth. Kaminari was playing with his green tufts of hair while RecoveryGirl finished the report on Izukus injuries.

"Oh mah gawd! Your up! How do you feel?" Kaminari instantly asked once he saw Izukus eyes open.

Izuku stiffed a nod, before looking through a Crack in the curtain, Kacchan was lying on the bed, a chair placed infront of the door, probably where aizawa was sitting.

"Now don't run away this time! You should stay here where I can monitor you!" RecoveryGirl scolded the greenette, who wasn't even paying attention anymore. He was focused on the soft hand petting his head

Why did he like it? Why did he naturally lean into the touch? Why did he feel like he wanted to throw up, but have a silent dance party at the same time in his stomach? What the hell is going on!?

Oh well, that's for future Izuku.

Izuku closed his eyes again, desperately wanting to just sleep and wake up in his treehouse. Sadly, that wasn't possible.

After a few minutes of silently lying there, his hand got itchy. He hated when he got itchy, so he itched it. Sadly the tingly feeling didn't go away, so he lifted his hand to check

'Oooo~ that looks so badass!' He thought, Kaminari gushed at the 'pretty' new scar on Izukus hand, he was still in his hero costume, so the faint little lines that littered his arms and legs were hidden.

'Thank god the bandages are natural to my costume' he thought, RecoveryGirl wanted Izuku to check back in with her in the morning before school, and dismissed him to go speak to Aizawa

Did he listen? No. He was not ready to face the wrath of angry Aizawa. Not that he was scared, because he was drained. He walked back to his treehouse silently, until a 'ping' was heard from the phone in his pocket.

EraserHead: Ryujin, where the fuck are you. You were suposed to come find me

But when do I ever listen? You guys
Really put to much faith into me :Ryujin

Aizawa groaned at his phone, Izuku was suposed to talk to him about the incident, and a few other things. Like getting someone a guardian.

*cough* cough* izuku.

So Aizawa decided to seek the problem kid out himself, first checking the Cabins of the pussy cats, then the treehouse, and even the cave.

'Where the hell is he?'

Well, dear readers. You'll have to find out next time 😋

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