[★Fallen Stars★]

By Braggski

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The world is anything but a fairy tale. There are vicious monsters that plague the world's existence, the sou... More

Trailer [Light]
Trailer [Inferno]
Chapter 1 [Courtain Raiser]
Chapter 2 [Conclusive Trial]
Chapter 3 [Your Battle Is My Battle]
Chapter 4 [High School Never Ends]
Chapter 5 [Power Beyond Oneself]
Chapter 6 [Yellow Flickering Embers]
Chapter 7 [Unravelling]
Chapter 8 [Battle Addiction]
Chapter 9 [Jötunheimr]
Chapter 11 [Sanctuary of a Garden World]

Chapter 10 [Takamagahara]

88 3 1
By Braggski


[Chapter 10 - Takamagahara]

[Season 1 - Reluctant Heroes]

Standing ready—face to face with each other. Two walking explosions. Unmovable. Unstoppable. Staring at each other, awaiting either one to start the fight once more, yet neither one moved from their spot. Kiryu stood strong, only faint fatigue showing with his chest moving up and down ever so slightly. No real damage was visible, but Uller's attacks undeniably left their marks on his aura and his body, whenever they managed to get through. Uller on the other hand was not fairing as well. Sweat droplets poured down the sides of his face—panting heavily—clutching his right arm. Uller inspected the damage he had received and was quite annoyed to see he had much more visible injuries. Along with bruises and small cuts, his right arm had tiny ice crystals sharper than glass embedded into it. Slowly heating his arm to remove the shards, Uller noticed that he was ever so slightly nearing the limit of his flame reserves. Knowing this, and the fact that he wouldn't be able to defeat his opponent as quickly as he would beat others, he adopted a relaxed position.

[ Footsteps of Doom - Attack On Titan OST ]


Attempting to take advantage of the quick break they were apparently having, Uller took deep breaths while exhaling vapour and steam, slowly building up his ammunition. However, as soon as Uller briefly focused his attention on his opponent, Kiryu's fist was nearing his head at dangerous speeds. Not knowing what the new armour would be capable of, but not wanting to even risk it, Uller quickly lifted his palm forward and exhaled.






Generating a massive explosion that flew Uller significantly backwards while obscuring Kiryu's vision. Flying back, Uller threw both of his arms back—coating them in flames—and with a warcry launched two massive fireballs towards his opponent. Bursting from the ashes, Kiryu ran straight through a flaming sphere while using his armoured gauntlets as shields. Landing a big right hook straight on one of the fireballs, Kiryu passed through a cloud of dust and debris on his way towards Uller, who started in shock at how little his attacks truly did.

Managing to form two large shields from flames in front of his arms just in time, as Kiryu now caught up to Uller. Throwing his right arm back, Kiryu launched a massive bolo punch forward colliding with Uller's shields. The collision shot out sparks for a mere second, since as soon as the two forces touched, Kiryu's gauntlets started to rattle and wiggle, creating ominous clanging sounds. Confused as to why the sound started and what it did, Uller didn't have any time to register it because Kiryu's punch tore through the flaming metal like a knife through butter, connecting his bolo punch with Uller's stomach. Uller attempted to push out enough Aura on the point of impact to soften the blow, but upon hitting him, Uller's entire body began shaking and vibrating, passing straight through his defences—aura, skin and bones—hitting into his internal organs. Spewing blood from his mouth, Uller was promptly launched backwards, embedding the red-haired kid into a brick wall.

Rising from the ground, Uller violently coughed out blood and dirt. With shaky arms and legs, Uller took a serious look at the point of impact. He didn't note any real visible trace of damage, not even his aura was broken nor cracked. But Uller undeniably was wounded, not from external damage, but internal. The strange noise combined with the violent vibration passed through any and all defences, aura included and hit Uller in parts he could not defend. Forming his hand into a fist and slammed it into his chest in an attempt to force his bones back in place. Touching his chest, Uller noticed an unrelated fact: His heart was still beating. If Kiryu's punches were able to pass through defences, why didn't he target his heart to damage it or just fully stop it? Smirking slightly, Uller wished to test this new power and his growing hypothesis.

Uller: "cough cough. Fucking hell, that really hurt!"

Kiryu: "You should not be speaking, let alone breathing."

Uller: "Well what are you gonna do about it?! Kill me?!"

Kiryu: "Yes."

Uller: "Then get to it already!"

Cracking his knuckles, Uller was ready to continue. He clapped his hands together for a second, revealing a plethora of flaming cards. An entire deck of them. Twirling around in the air, in a magnificently bright orange arc. Clapping his hands once again, this time holding only two cards, which he lifted forward and with a significant wind-up, threw forwards.

[ Landmine Poker ]

"Join me for a hand!"

Carving through the dust and smoke around the field, the two cards were on a straight path towards their target. Who in fact responded to the attack by charging straight ahead, not caring about the incoming cards. Taking a stance, Kiryu launched forward with immense speed, possibly another power boost relating to his Auxilium, who knows. However, as Kiryu looked in front of him, he didn't see his opponent anywhere. Unfortunately, he didn't have enough time to search for him, as the cards were nearing his face. When close enough, the two flaming cards without making contact exploded in Kiryu's face, forming a small cloud of smoke. Unstoppable, Kiryu continued moving forward, despite the disorientation. Ever approaching, Kiryu attempted to look around but forced himself to stop as he couldn't pinpoint Uller's position.

Hearing a slight sizzle sound, Kiryu stopped in place and blocked with one arm as another card suddenly flew from his right side. Metal clashing with flames, a card exploded immediately in contact with Kiryu's gauntlets. The sound of fire filled the arena as a barrage of different suits of cards were suddenly on their way from every possible angle. Tightening his fist and clenching his jaw with a frown, Kiryu threw a right cross forward, but the card dodged it. Curving to the right, a four of spades slipped past the cross, ever so slightly slashing Kiryu's forearm as it continued its path. None of the cards ever intended to crash and explode on Kiryu, but just slightly divert their direction to not only dodge his attacks but cut and slash at the same time.

Cracking his neck, Kiryu was in full concentration. Attempting to move as or near the speed of the cards and either destroy them upon contact or dodge them and try again. In the span of several minutes, Kiryu managed to destroy about 18 of the 42 cards circling around him. From the corner of his eye, he could see the card's number whittling down slowly but surely. Just out of his vision and senses hid among the rubble a pair of golden eyes. Uller was watching and preparing, looking at how the Auxilium worked. Time ran out, as the number of cards was now down to a mere 25. Moving fast—Uller jumped out.

Sensing that something was moving with great speed behind him, Kiryu turned his attention backwards. Meeting the gaze of golden eyes. Running forward with his right hand clad in flames, the fire quickly formed a shape. A large medieval gauntlet, wrapping its colour and fire around Uller's arm, from the tips of his fingers to the edge of his elbow. Seeing the inevitable clash forming closer, Kiryu scoffed at his opponent's antics and launched forward to meet Uller halfway. Before the two could clash definitively, Uller's golden eyes emitted a magnificent glow. Calling every single card left around the battlefield—even the broken ones—to stand up and fight. Any card capable of following orders and still defying was called back into action from ashes.

Just barely inches away from each other, a rain of cards instantaneously swarmed forward from behind Uller, heading straight towards Kiryu. Flying faster than either of the combatants, the cards formed themselves into a line. A marching line. All the cards met Kiryu individually, getting punched straight through each one with no real trouble as one would expect, on his way to meet Uller's own armour-clad fist in a deadlock. Which unfortunately for our red-haired idiot—lasted only a couple of seconds. Within those few seconds, Uller's gauntlet shattered and Kiryu's fist rammed itself once again into Uller's chest.

Generating a horrific-sounding crunch along with an immense shockwave, Uller was immediately sent flying back towards the middle of the field. Scrapping his head and various other body parts on the ground—like a tumbleweed—Uller bashed his body repeated until he came to a stop. A pile of rubble enveloped him. Lifting himself—with great difficulty—Uller looked at his right arm and noticed something strange. Sure, his bones were cracked and damaged—pain surging like electricity flowing within the water—but they were not broken. The vibrations of Kiryu's Auxilium could have—should have—burst through everything and ground his bones. Yet they were still there—cracked but still holding on. Touching his chest, Uller noticed even less damage around the area of the final impact. A smirk began to form.

Uller: "Heheh... HEHEHEHAHHAHAHAHA!! I GOT IT! I cracked your fucking secret! The vibrations—that annoying noise—your scales make upon impact need something to travel through! A conduit! Pure air doesn't cut it! My cards, my gauntlet, my fist, they absorbed enough vibration so you couldn't directly attack my heart!"

Kiryu: "Huh, so you actually can think even while fighting? Here I thought you two were brothers."

Uller: "Half-brothers dipshit! Don't put me on the same boat as that firefly! That idiot doesn't know how to sail!"

Kiryu: "Well since you've shown me your no child, I'm not obligated to go easy on you anymore."

Uller: "... Wait... what?"

Slamming his foot onto the ground, Kiryu with no real prior wind up shot forward with speed Uller had not encountered before within this match. Eyes widened, Uller had to act quickly. Touching the ground with a violent hit, Uller spread out a sheet of flames. Five pillars climb high into the air before settling into a clear shape—massive flaming steel gates. Gates lacking any decoration nor any real symmetry—clearly made sporadically and in a hurry. Unrelenting, Kiryu kept moving. He jumped high into the air, swinging his arm twice before colliding with the ground. Screeching and clattering. The scales formed vibrations from sound and impact—travelling through the ground—disrupting the flow of energy within the flames. As if nothing but pure mist, Kiryu ran through the flaming gates—akin to a battering ram. The vibrations ran along the floor disrupting the flames and shaking the ground underneath Uller, he began gathering the flames back into his hand.

With the gates cleared through, Kiryu burst through the layers like pure mist, only to find generally nothing. Quickly turning his head, Kiryu raised his right arm to block a downward axe kick. The attack connected, but instantly burst into flames and dust—not only launching Uller far away but also disorientating Kiryu. Bursting through, a swarm of arrows soared violently. Cutting through the dust and air, Kiryu began weaving and dancing through on a path towards his target. Uller kept jumping back and responded only with ranged attacks to keep Kiryu farther away. Clearly keeping his distance was the best possible move from Uller, but how long will that last?

The very long-winded game of cat and mouse continued on for only a short moment. Uller was running around the battlefield, constantly attempting to throw knives and axes, spears and arrows. Even an idiot (Beryl) could see Uller had no real strategy. Desperately trying to keep his distance enough to come up with a plan—however—Kiryu was not going to let that happen. He was getting incredibly annoyed at the fighting and wanted it to either get interesting enough to cease at once. Jumping into the air, Kiryu brought his right fist to the ground, cracking it into pieces, shattering Uller's broadsword. Sweat dropping, Uller was not only running out of options—but also out of time. His reserve of flames was plummeting fast. Getting frustrated with his lack of choices, Uller coated his right arm in flames and formed a massive fist. A crude design but that was the best thing he could come up with. Clashing them together, it looked like for just a moment that the two would stay within a deadlock—nearly equal in strength—but, one thing stopped that. Both fighters sensed something in the distance, but only Uller physically turned his head to look. And paid the price-


Uller / Kiryu: ?!

Uller: "Shit! Beryl?!"

A singular second was enough for Kiryu, and he took all the opportunities he could. Stunning Uller with a high kick to his chin, Kiryu lifted his right arm and began winding it up. Scales clattering and aura spiking high. A medium-sized ball of pure aura formed around his fist, before instantly being compressed within Kiryu's Auxilium. Surplus energy leaking in violent bursts akin to lightning—cracks within the air. Glowing bright gold and red underneath a crowd of scales, he brought it back and with a war cry, slammed a fully powered haymaker straight into Uller's face.

[ Fist of Havoc ]

As if pulling space itself into Kiryu's fist, all time stopped. Immense boiling hot pain struck through Uller's entire body. His aura breaking like thin ice, allowing blood to spew from his nose—which the strike may have as well broken. Immediately after Uller recognised the pain, his body slammed into a nearby wall—well four walls to be exact—breaking through them before violently stopping. Laying in a pile of rubble, dust and drops of blood, Uller could feel his aura and flames blister. Raising his head—against the fierce ringing and throbbing akin to a violent gong—Uller saw nothing but small flashes around him. His vision was disoriented. His consciousness was fading. Nothing but fractured sentences floated amidst the ringing...

What... happened?


he punched me...


Did... did I die?


am I just passed out...


no, I can still see...

Can I?


It's fading.

I can feel... feel...

spirit... waver...

Losing... grip...




This pressure...

of death...


It's... making me



Taking deep breaths, relaxing his muscles and straightening his back, Kiryu cracked his neck and sighed heavily. Possibly the hardest fight he has had to endure along with the most annoying cockroach of an opponent. But alas, even a cockroach can be flattened under immense pressure... a weird analogy I know but just trust me, bro. Anyway, Kiryu looked through the multiple holes he created by a single powered-up punch and could still feel the burning feeling upon his fist and skin. While he certainly did not care about his opponent's wellbeing, he didn't really want to deal with anything that might come up with him being dead. However, he can check up on the brat afterwards. For now, he turned around and began to head towards Majima's battle—he could slightly hear booming sounds coming from said battle. Even though he knew Majima wouldn't require much assistance in dealing with the other idiot, he still wanted to end this scuffle much faster.

Slowly walking away from the last scene of his fight, Kiryu could feel the battle's rumble all the way there. As he walks further away, the rumbling gets louder and louder, but it's not coming from in front of him... until...

[ My Mother Told Me (In Old Norse) - Colm McGuinness Music ]


A massive explosion alerted Kiryu from behind, raring flames of red and... blue? Magnificent yet malicious energy rushed out, coating the surrounding area in ever-shifting glows. Kiryu re-equipped his Auxilium gauntlets and took a stand, ready for the continuing battle. While Kiryu normally would not be alerted nor surprised at this point, there was something different this time. He knew for certain that his punch either knocked him out or for better or worse, snapped his neck. He felt the bones crack. But for the first time in this fight, Kiryu felt a chill go down.

Something about those flames. Orange flames battling for dominance against the ever-growing mysterious blue flames. For a solid minute, the flames raged against themselves.. until they calmed. Stopped still, unnaturally still. Flames are chaotic and move against the wind irrationally. But this, this was something that unnerved even Kiryu. The flames stood still.

The blue flames slowly reverted down, becoming smaller and smaller, reverting back within the rubble and dust. Drums and rumbling. Sounds old. Kiryu felt himself shake with every bang. The rubble and stones begin rising, as a shadow walked through the smoke. Mumbling and whispering. Either in an ancient language or muttering incomprehensible thoughts, but it does not matter. He is still up and fighting. Two voices—fractured words, akin to incantations—spoke calmly with a coat of malice and destruction. An embodiment of chaos, anger and pride.

Uller: "...




















Witnessing an incredible phenomenon directly in front of him. Something other—something vile—spoke underneath Uller's words. Another voice, speaking in unknown or just weird words. For a split second, before Kiryu came face-to-face, he saw something. The blue flames took shape, revealing...something. He could not describe what he saw, it looked vaguely humanoid, yet no logic could reveal whatever that thing was. Was it Uller's Auxilium? No that's can't be right. The shockwave—the rumbling—was different to the usual release of energy. Kiryu has fought dozens upon dozens of battles, he certainly knows what an awakening or an opening of an Auxilium is... this, this, was not it. However, the words held the same tone, same feeling, same rage as all the other commandments released upon activation. So there had to be something relating to his Auxilium lingering there, but this power, those unnatural flames, were not that.

Kiryu: "You are unbearably stubborn, you know that."


Kiryu: "I guess I really hit you hard on the head, huh."

Blowing away the dust through his sheer presence, out of the shadows came Uller—hunched over—radiating a blue and black glow. Faint traces of bright blue embers float around him, following in incredible silence. Coming to a stop, Uller straightened his back and immediately began emanating a monstrous amount of pure energy—leaking aura all around them. His face was partially covered in an unreadable shadow, the only thing visible was a malicious grin—stretching ear to ear. Wavering between consciousness and unconsciousness—passing out for a moment only to be pulled back into reality. All logic, all reason, all limits. Gone. Leaving behind nothing but pure intuition.

Taking a couple of steps forward, Uller walked slowly. Meticulously. The ground beneath him shook but did not break. Kiryu stood unaffected, carefully eyeing Uller's movements ready for what was inevitable to come. Uller kept taking small calm steps forward, but with each and every step he took, the insensitivity of his aura grew. It grew more and more. More and more. Until it exploded within an instant. Covering the entire area near Uller in a bright blue glow. Lasting only a second, the glow subsided—giving way to blue flames pouring from deep within Uller. Wrapping around him in a comforting manner, ready to strike instantly upon a single thought or a touch.

Kiryu: "Blue flames... Your skull is cracked, why are you still even up? You are teetering on the edge of passing out, you should know when to lay the hell down!"



[ Destiny 2: The Witch Queen Original Soundtrack - Track 31 - The First Disciple ]


Standing in place, grinning maliciously—shining through even the smothering shadows. The only visible objects were coated in black and blue glows. Silence. Everything standing in deep quietness. Kiryu took a couple of steps back, preparing to dodge or block, however, within a single second it took for Kiryu to blink... he was gone. Out of sight. He could not see it, but Uller did something. The flames were there, faint traces of them lingered. The source was gone. Still clenching his fists tightly close, Kiryu scanned the area, looking—or rather feeling the flowing energy radiating from Uller. Seconds passed... until he felt the same disgusting energy creeping up his spine. Immediately turning around, he just in time managed to block a massive roundhouse kick on his right side with his gauntlets. Even after blocking it, Kiryu was sent backwards due to the sheer power behind the strike.

Slamming his feet down into the ground to stop himself, Kiryu looked up and immediately turned himself backwards and launched a haymaker, colliding with Uller's own fist. The two were locked in an unflinching deadlock. Attempting to capitalize on this moment of immobility, Kiryu puled both of Uller's fists towards the ground, allowing himself a perfect angle for a roundhouse kick. Letting go of his hands, Kiryu launched a kick with enough power to carry the wind along with it.


The surrounding area moved according to Kiryu's strike—however—his opponent disappeared from sight once again. His footsteps were embedded into the pavement but suddenly ended. As if the boy was gone from this world. A slight mist and smoke flowed underneath Kiryu's boots, stinging every breath he took. Following the trail—either by smelling or by seeing—Kiryu's scanned the arena, or what was left of it until his gaze fell upon a cluster of rocks flying straight towards his face. As if time had slowed down, Kiryu barely could lift his arms in front of his face in an attempt to block. The cluster collided. Sparks flying, rocks breaking. Kiryu defended against the shotgun-like attack, not taking any real damage from the rocks—excluding some of the cuts they managed to inflict upon passing. After the shower of debris concluded, Kiryu opened his guard to come face to face with the same rocks, but, something was different. The rocks, even as they were flying past him, were stopped in place. Kiryu wasn't able to see what they looked like as he was blocking himself from the impact, but now getting a closer look, the rocks were outlined with a blue glow-


Eyes widening, Kiryu wasn't able to shield himself as every single rock exploded in a malicious yet beautiful explosion of black and blue flames. Walking closer to the site of the explosion, no features showing but only a massive grin, Uller stopped and extended his right arm in front. Catching a piece of debris coated in a golden glow of aura. Uller's hair and clothing were blown back by the sheer air pressure the rock created. Stepping out from the dust cloud—scales screeching and glowing, Kiryu's body was riddled with cuts and burn marks, yet his expression remained as stoic as stone. Cracking his neck and knuckles, winding up his arm a couple of times, before rushing into a frontal attack. Tilting his head, Uller watched as Kiryu traversed through the scorched field—just staring. Unmovable. His grin just grew and grew.

Uller held the stone in his hand—his grip becoming more and more fierce—until the rock burst into dozens of pieces. Slamming that same hand into the ground, Uller's grin grew as his muscles tightened. Steam escaping through his clenched teeth, Uller lifted his arm out of the ground, but along came a massive boulder covered in asphalt—multiple times larger than Uller himself. He held it in the air with one hand inside the boulder, with incredible ease. Kiryu did not stop his charge, as immediately as the boulder was lifted, Uller stomped the ground and vanished again. Taking only a single step forward, Kiryu noticed a massive shadow form underneath him. Glancing up, Kiryu's eyes widened for the second time. He witnessed Uller incredibly high in the air, smirk glowing along with the boulder. How did Uller possible manage to get himself there without Kiryu seeing it, boulder included or not?

Uller flexed his arm, winded it backwards and with steam flowing from within his mouth, he let loose the boulder. Descending violently—akin to a meteor. However, he was not done immediately—Uller brought back both of his arms and spewed out horrid blue and black flames. Frantically moving, vehemently twitching. The flames collided with the rapidly descending boulder, both coating it in flames and also bolstering and fastening its descent. Sweat began dripping from Kiryu's brow. This kid somehow exploded in power and in bloodlust. Before Uller was fighting with anger and devilish joy, but now he is silent, smirking, his bloodlust as suffocating as the horrid smoke and flames climbing from within his body. Kiryu winded his arm back as fast as he could, ten times in total—forming a massive golden sphere around his right arm. Scales singing in a choir of power and might. And as the two spheres collided, they formed a blinding flash—followed by a massive hurricane of dust and flames. Blowing both combatants away from the area of impact.

Rising from the ground, Kiryu was bleeding from tiny cuts and bruises around his body. Clothes ripped exposing cut flesh. His head ringing, his sight blurry. Tapping his head a couple of times in an attempt to focus—but he would have to do it quickly. Because as quickly as he vanishes and reappears, Uller appeared right next to Kiryu—wielding a malevolent scythe in both hands. The weapon was the same blue and black colour, however, it was radiating so much more heat—so much that Kiryu could feel it sting his flesh. The scythe was barely clinging on to its shape, the flames keeping it together were sporadically moving around, barely holding on—just like Uller himself. Kiryu raised both of his arms to guard, but as Uller swung his scythe, the blade went straight through them and slashed his chest open. The flames let go of their solid shape and formed around Kiryu's arms to strike him past his guard. Moving so incredibly fast. Starting a loud and violent dance around Kiryu, Uller sliced and struck Kiryu around or through his guards. Kiryu was able to dodge most attacks, but way too many slipped past. Even if he ducked, side-stepped or just jumped away from Uller's attacks—somehow—he was right next to him to continue the rush. As the scythe ran out of flames—being depleted on the multiple stikes— Uller did not stop his attacks.

Lowering himself and placing both of his hands on the ground, Uller boosted slightly off of the ground and kicked Kiryu high into the air. Quickly twisting in the air, Kiryu clashed punches with Uller—who quickly appeared next to him. Pushing each other away, Kiryu rushed forward and hit Uller in the chest with a powerful roundhouse kick. In turn, Uller did not flinch at all, instead, he opened his hand—his palm glowing blue—and created a small but effective explosion around them. Flying backwards from the said explosion, Kiryu pulled back his fist and launched forward concentrated air, formed by just fucking punching the air after activating his semblance. The "air bullets" burst apart after colliding with Uller—who suddenly appeared behind Kiryu. He staggered a bit, but disregarding any pain or injury, he rushed forward.

Compressed air and shaped flames spewed from impacts the two created upon each other. The ground shook, breaking away from the pressure. Kiryu landed a right hook straight towards Uller's face, but that did not deter him, instead, he used that to plant a side kick on Kiryu's ribs. In the fight, even if both fighters were giving and receiving attacks and injuries, only one was consistently getting staggered and visibly injured. Kiryu is an incredible fighter, however, against an opponent with absolute indifference towards injuries and pain, he will struggle bit by bit. Kicking him in the chin, followed by a downwards punch, Uller jumped into the air and launched a massive fireball straight down. Lifting his head from the ground Kiryu was just able to catch a glimpse of Uller before being hit by a massive blast of flames.


A massive shockwave ┏ ▀ raced through the entire district. Knocking over benches, signs—fucking people were sent flying—quite literally anything that wasn't bolted to the ground shook. ▜▚ Blue flames danced on the ground, following the movements of the shockwave, before settling down. The flames silently moved towards a ▛▄ specific place, ready. Landing on the ground with a loud thump, Uller breathed heavily, wavering back and forth, clearly on his last legs. ▀┏ Even as he shook, his grin did not falter. With near ▞ godly ▜ patience, Uller stood there... waiting. He knew. It was rather obvious...





Kiryu: "You've gone and pissed me off..."

[ Destiny 2: Forsaken Original Soundtrack - Track 17 - Shell of What Was ]


A tremendous burst of energy rippled through the air—searing ▜▚ flesh to the touch—as a goliath of ▜┣ a creature rose from the crater. Kiryu walked past the smoke as it parted and gave way to him. His ▞. ▖ scales were singing—not violently screaming like previously... but in a synchronized way... like a choir. The energy ┣▀ leaking out from Kiryu shook Uller to his core—even barely conscious—his instincts were screaming for him to┗▖"RUN". However, he could not stop now, he did not want to. His smirk faltered, before violently growing even larger.

Bending his legs, ▜▚ Uller—with a mighty blast—flew high into the air, continuously shooting flames from his feet. getting as high as he could with his hand outstretch upwards... he started the final gamble ▜ .


His most powerful, most devastating, most self-destructive attack. ▞. ▖Steam thrashed from inside him, leaving ▀▀ behind marks on his skin. Basking underneath a blue sun, Kiryu ┣▀ watched the boy pour every ounce of energy he had into this attack... so he planned to do the exact same thing. The choir of scales got louder and louder—climbing in a violent accelerando.... until it hit its┗▖peak... it's-

[ Crescendo ]

The two ┗▖fighters, the two colossal prideful beasts stared each other down. Blue heat clashing with a golden glow. Smirk and scoff. Resolve unwavering... and so... they raced.

Soaring through the air, ▛ Uller came crashing down with his malevolent blue sun still in his grasp. His finger dug deep into it, with a grip unlike anything before. The air itself parted for Uller, searing the surrounding ▀ foliage by the mere descent.

Rising higher akin to a┗▞ rocket, Kiryu flew higher and higher. The ground broke upon the impact of his jump, forcing any leftover debris ┅┗ to make way and bow. ▀ The song of scales accelerates his ascend even further, rising in pitch even greater and greater.

Finally meeting, the two clashed their strengths, their resolve, and their pride. A magnificent flash of gold and blue stormed outwards from the ┣┣ epicentre... until.

...The fractured sun ▜▚┗┣▀ burst open...

Upon ▞ impact with the sun, Kiryu's mere touch formed a massive┣▀ spider's web-like crack on the sky itself. Forcing the blue sun into multiple fractured pictures. The vibrations from the clash rippled through the air from within┗▖ the cracks, turning anything it touches first into dust.. and then nothing. Even with all the power—his or something else— ▜ Uller's Sunset could not defend against space itself ripping at the seams. His sun was split into pieces, with Kiryu's punch meeting the real core... Uller's chest. And so... he fell to the ground... defeated ┛▀┗.

Kiryu: "And you better stay the hell down now."


Landing on the ground, Kiryu was immediately forced to go on one knee and catch his breath. His bones, joints, muscles—quite literally everything—were aching. Slowly but surely, Kiryu stood back up. Straightening his back and dusting off dirt from his clothes, he saw all the burn marks and cuts he was inflicted with. Even if he was hurt, even if he was burned—he would not stop. He wouldn't be known as a DRAGON if a sun would scorch him. However, even if he did not want to admit it, the brat was an incredibly annoying piece of shit.

Deactivating his Auxilium, Kiryu called back the gauntlets. A golden glow enveloped them, his Dragon's Orchestra being absorbed back into his body, leaving behind an outline formed of scales that quickly scattered into the wind. As his Auxilium left, Kiryu felt immense pressure and pain within both of his arms. Apparently, the gauntlets minimized the pain for a while. Scoffing, Kiryu walked slowly towards the impact site, following the trail of debris and drops of blood further along the alley.

[ Meanwhile, like, 500 meters away or something ]

Uller: "... Jesus fuck where am I..."

And alas! Our sleeping beauty... Uhm... our sleeping... guy woke up! Finding himself in a completely different part of the alley, surrounded by more debris and broken pavement. As Uller attempts to lift himself from the clearly him-sized crater he woke up in, incredible screaming pain courses through his entire.

Uller: "FUCKING OW!?!?! What the absolute shit happened???"

Incredibly confused about the state of his own being, it wasn't uncommon for Uller to realize later how much damage he received, but this was just so much different. His arms had multiple fractures, his head and arms were bleeding and trying to stand hurt his right leg. Not only that, he was experiencing an explosive headache even the likes of JFK couldn't comprehend! As Uller stumbled out of the crater, his memories little by little began to appear in his fractured mind. he could remember parts of the previous fight, but so many aspects were either shrouded or completely inaccessible. Uller has blacked out before—from both alcohol and in a fight—but this is different. He could remember only aspects, yet, the feeling, the energy. He deathly remembers that.

Popping his shoulder back into place, Uller manages to take only a couple of steps forward before a certain character appears in his vision. Far enough to not notice before but not far enough to be unrecognizable.

Uller: "... Oh yeah I remember now... Fucking diabolical... OI!! YOU CUNT!! WHY ARE YOU STILL UP!?!"

Walking out from the shadows and near Uller was Kiryu. Slightly limping, but in a much better state than Uller. Cuts, dirt and burn marks coated Kiryu's clothes and skin, but not nearly enough damage to incapacitate him. The two once again stared each other down, as if reading themselves to continue their battle—one that would most likely result in a permanent victory for one of them.

Kiryu: "I should be asking you that brat. You're still not dead. You're durable, stubborn I'll give you that."


And here comes our resident maniac yakuza man 3000, a wild Majima has appeared! An appearance that quite literally shocked both of them. Kiryu, because he has never gotten used to Majima fucking D4C out of nowhere... wait we've done that joke before... eh anyway. And Uller, because he wasn't expecting his brother to lose... well that badly.

Uller: "... wait you're still breathing... fuck..."

Majima: "Yeah that lil' bro of yours seriously dabbed me up pretty bad~ But I can still whoop your ass into the next Black Friday sale."

Kiryu: "Jibberish."

Uller: "You get used to it."

Kiryu: "Wish I didn't..."

Uller: "So what... you're both gonna gang up on me like some sort of cheap porn huh?"

Kiryu: "... why the fuck would you say that..."

Majima: "Yes!"

Exhaling leftover steam, Uller cracked his neck, and placed one foot in front of the other, ready to scuffle. The Yakuza boyos readied themselves as well, wishing to end the day... until.


A not-so-distant explosion stole everyone's attention, drawing even random bystanders' eyes toward the scene. A shockwave flew past everyone, moving hair and clothing. Indicating the explosion was not too far from them. But where could it be, and what happened? Uller imagined this, but mostly just wanted the fuck out, so he found the perfect opportunity! And so Uller promptly used this as a perfect distraction to fuck off and investigate... sure, let's go with that!

Uller: "... Oh my... wonder what could have happened there... NIGERUNDAYOOO!!!"


Before either one of the tuff gangster shitters could really react, Uller turned around and began running it in the opposite direction from them. Just as Kiryu and Majima turned their attention back, something strange happened. Like a scene from an old movie or a glitch in a game, the world for less than a nanosecond gained a grainy filter and lines appeared across the fabric of reality. In a flash, illuminated by the nonexistent sun, the world stopped and started again. Just like before—just as they appeared—Uller had vanished in front of them.




"Not a home, not a throne, that is blasphemous to me."


Braggski: ass.

Hanny: ass.

Beryl: Le Deriére.

Uller: The shit cushions.

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