My art piece.

Von Wizard_of_ships

63.3K 1.9K 1.7K

Deadpool/spiderman university. Bkdk ∆ ∆ ∆ Izuku was a normal teenager, who was bullied quite often, in middl... Mehr

commissions coming soon


3.8K 106 139
Von Wizard_of_ships



"Sooo Buggaboy?"

Deadpool questioned the greenette, who was staring up at the sky, quietly counting each star.
At least be was trying, but Deadpool kept asking him questions.

"Yes pool?"

"How did you become.... well spidery?"
"Were you born with these web powers?"
"Or tortured?"
"Or did you have some kind of freak accident?"

"You ask a lot of questions."

Izuku deadpanned, not bothering to look over at the other who was swinging his legs over the building and humming a light tune.

"Yeah, I know... "
"Am I annoying you Buggaboy?"
"Maybe I should go away...."

That made Izuku glance over at the pouty boy.

"No objections?"
"Very well."

Deadpool stated, pushing himself off the building.

"What the actual hell!!?"

Izuku yelled, sitting straight up and running over at the edge.
Maybe it was a trick?
Maybe his hand was grabbing on to the ledge, or he has some kinda power that makes him fly??

However Izuku only saw Deadpool falling, which made him quickly jump into action, not thinking about how he could easily just use he web to catch said boy.


It was to late.
Dead pool had slammed against the ground, before Izuku could actually grab any part of him.

"No,no, no, no!"
"I didn't-You-I can't believe you-"

Midoriya was starting to lose control of his breathing, he didn't think Deadpool would do something so reckless, so stupid so-so-

"Whatda you panicking so much about buggaboy?"

Deadpool asked, in a slightly teasing tone, sitting up in the process.

Midoriya took one look at the other, his brains were still splattered on the roa, yet he was fine.
In fact he was started to heal, almost like what just happened, never happened.

"What are you??"
"And are you insane!?"
"Do you know how reckless that was, how stupid that was!?"
"You could of hurt someone else in the process of your little stunt, you idiot!"
"Furthermore how do you know for sure you would of came back alive!!?"
"Are you immortal or something like that??"

'Whoe, look who's asking to many questions now?~"

Deadpool teased, as he watch the greenette pace back and forth.

Izuku stopped walking and turned to glare once again at his fellow 'companion'.

"I can't believe I was worried for your idiotic ass!"

"Awww you were worried about me~"
"Does that mean we can finally get married?"

Izuku let out an exhausting sigh, before turning his back towards the still healing boy.

"Have a good night, pool."

"Awww nooo!!"
"Don't leave just yet Buggaboy!"
"I have a headache for some reason,
and I need you to nurse me back to health~"

"You'll be fine, I'm sure."
"Don't get into, to much trouble."

"Fiiiiine, nighty night buggaboy!~"

"Night pool."


The next morning~

"How did you sleep last night, Izuku?"

Mitsuki asked, staring down at the freckle teen who was stuffing his mouth with pancakes.

"Uhm, good I guess?"

"How did you sleep?"

The greenette spoke after gulping down what he had in his mouth.

"Oh you know same ol same ol, funny thing is though I went into your room last night.... "


"My room?"
"Like where I sleep?"

"Though oddly enough you weren't in there?"
"Strange am I right?"

Mitsuki asked, tilting her head a little to the left giving off a very terrifying aura.

"Uhm, maybe I was in the bathroom?"

Izuku just needed to act as casual as he could manage.
She won't expect anything if he didn't panic.
Just keep calm.

"Hmm.... Maybe."

The ash blonde wasn't buying it, but she also wanted to give Izuku the benefit of a doubt, after all Midoriya was a good kid.
So if he had snuck out last night, how much trouble could he had actually gotten himself into?

"Alrighty then!"
"I should probably head to school, don't wanna be late!"

Izuku declared, getting up to wash his plate.

"Alright honey, have a good day."
"See you after school?"

"Uhm actually I have to stay after to help Aizawa sort through some files.... it's for extra credit, so you know I figured why not?"

Mitsuki shook her head back and forth, in all honesty she felt like Izuku worked himself to much but she also knew she couldn't do much about it other then to remind him to take a break every once in while.
And that's was the skip day they had the other day.

"Ok, be careful on your way home. "
"Maybe I'll order pizza, and we can do a movie night!"
"It is Friday, so we could pull an all nighter?"

Midoriya smiled at that idea,

"Sounds like fun!"


'Do you think spiderboy will be patrolling today?'

'Probably he seems to patrol everyday.'

'Are we actually gonna kill him this time?'

"We're not killing him till I figure out his deal."

'Awwww why not?'

'I think we should fuck him instead.'

'But we're gonna get payed 800k just to get rid of him!'

'That'll be enough for them to leave us alone!!'

"I'm not gonna kill someone who doesn't deserve it, so shut the hell up!"

'What about fucking him?'
'With consent obviously.'

'Why not!?'
'They'll finally leave us alone, for at least a year or two!!'

'It's because he has stupid morals!'

'Ok, but why isn't my question being answered??'
'Can we fuck him??'

'We're not replying because you're just a horny bastard!'

"Oh my fucking god, your all so fucking annoying."
"Just shut up!!"

The blonde muttered, loading up one of his pistols as he swung his legs back forth.

'We're not shutting up because your not listening to us!'


'If you just shut your morals away this one time, and kill bugfreak."
"We could get payed, slowly give it to them and you won't have to kill anyone for awhile!'

'Or we could fuck him, we won't get payed but we'll be able to rip that suit off and-'

'Oh my god, no one asked!'

Deadpool rolled his eyes, before placing the barrel against his forehead.

'Oh come on Deadpool.'

'Yeah, we're not that annoying.'

Deadpool rolled his eyes once again, before pulling the trigger,



The ash blonde was in a state of panic.
Both his hands were tied over his head, making it to where he was quite literally just hanging.
He had no recollection of how he got in this situation, and his sense were very limited, considering his eyes and mouth was both covered.

"Mmh, Mmh?"

That didn't mean he wasn't gonna try.

"Oop, someone is finally awake~"

A high pitched girl voice sang out, as pitter patter steps got closer to him.

"How are you feeling blondie?"

Another voice spoke up, this one being deeper.

"Oh wait, forgot you can't talk~"

The same voice teased, earning a growl from Katsuki.

'This fucking bastard!'

"Alright you two stop teasing him."

Another voice spoke up, this one being a bit more raspy.

"Take his blindfold off."

"On it!"

The high pitched voice squealed, right before the blonde felt the rough cloth get fastly pulled off.

Everything was blurry at first, but eventually Bakugo's eyes had adjusted.
In front of him was some blondie, dressed as a school girl giving him a very disturbing smile.
And next to her was a blue hair freak, scratching at his neck, and he for sure needed chapstick.

Bakugo could of sworn he heard another voice....

"Did you get your beauty sleep?"

That same deep voice asked, walking up from behind the blonde.
There it was.
Said dude had black hair, and was badly, and I mean badly burned.
He legit had staples holding up his skin.

'What a gross fucker.'

Bakugo didn't bother trying to speak anymore, it was pretty pointless after all.

"Now I'm sure you wondering why your here, Bakugo."

So they did know who they kidnapped.
Which made Katsuki wonder what else the knew about him.

"To put it simple, your a human dirt bag."

Shigaraki stated.

'Okay, fuck you to ass-hole.'

Katsuki glared at the blunette.

"I mean, you yell at your mother all the time, you stay cooped up in your own room, which may seem like normal teen behavior."
"But to top it off your a major ass-hole to that broccoli boy, even going as far as to tell him to kill himself the other day."

'Tsk, so what is this supposed to be justice or some shit??'
'Who is this fucker!?'

"So we figured your our perfect test subject, cause I mean no one is gonna miss you."
"Literally no one."
"In fact, some of them will probably be relieved."

'Like Deku.'

"And if all things go well you'll gain some kinda of super power!"

Toga exclaimed clapping her hands in excitement.

"Though you will have to endure a lot of torturest experiments."

Dabi concluded.

"Any objections?"
"Please say I, or forever hold your peace."

Shigaraki teased.

"Mmh, Mmh!!"

"Let's get started then!"

⏤͟͟͞͞End of flashback⏤͟͟͞͞

Crimson eyes popped open, the pistal was laying by his left side while blood and some of his brain was splattered on his right.
Yet he had no injury to prove it.

At least the voices had gone away for a short time.


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