Re-earning His Trust Once Mor...

By ButteryCapybara

14.8K 239 890

Affogato Cookie, we all know well enough that he got banished. But despite all the odds, he got unbanished, b... More

Prologue. Banishment
Chapter 1. Saved by a Traitor
Chapter 2. Home, At Last
Chapter 3. Overdue apologies
Chapter 4. Crunchy Chip, Listen!
Chapter 5. An 'Average' Morning
Chapter 6. Searching for what?
Chapter 7. Training fight.
Chapter 8. Private conversation.
An arranged date.
The Search
Why is it not extinct?
Join Forces
Sorrow fills all.
A day to remember
Cream Wolves
A date.
Hol' on a minute.
The conversation
I'm sorry
The new arrivals.
Fucking hell (Not an update)
Preparation for Guests
Object Reveal
The Announcement
Wedding Ceremony.
Honeymoon. (Smutty Wutty)
Story time.

How do we explain?

375 6 13
By ButteryCapybara

Dark Cacao and Affogato were cuddling in Affogato's bed. "How the fuck are we going to explain about this erm-... Mishaps?" Affogato asked as he rolled to face Dark Cacao. (They were spooning. I didn't think I'd ever write 'spooning' before-) "Mishaps? Are you saying that it's a mistake?" Dark Cacao looked at Affogato with a look of confusion and concern. "No! I mean... It wasn't planned? So erm- more of a mishaps? But I erm- don't think err, hm... Shit I don't know?" Affogato was stuttering and hesitating on everything he said. "Unless you're saying you still want it, just it wasn't planned? I mean I completely understand, I wasn't expecting this at all..." Dark Cacao mumbled.

"Yeah but... How do we explain this to anyone? Do we just calmly go 'Were having a child.' or do we just say it? How would Dark Choco feel? Would he hate me or-" Affogato was cut off. "Stop overthinking, it will make it way worse. We'll just announce it to the ones we feel closet to." Dark Cacao rubbed Affogato's cheek trying to calm him down. "I feel like the citizens will hate me more then they do, I feel so confused about it..." Affogato sniffled. "My love, I don't want them to know, they weren't happy when I married Butter, because to them she was a peasant." Dark Cacao comforted Affogato.

"But, she was a woman, a woman from the Milk Tribe, While I'm a man from the Coffee Tribe. And out of them both, we all know what Tribe is shitter."  Affogato sighed, he always hated bringing up the fact that he was a Coffee Cookie up. Coffee Cookies have a bad reputation compared to Licorice or Milk Cookies. "That doesn't matter to them. It's just that your from a tribe, not a Kingdom. That what makes them hate you. Not because your a man, that's secondary, it's because your a Tribe Cookie." Dark Cacao sighed, his Kingdom was quite fucked up when it came to certain things.

"I feel like a fool. I fucked up your Kingdom, didn't I?" Affogato sniffled. "No you didn't, my Kingdom was fucked up before it got handed down to me. It was fucked up by my parents, not by you." Dark Cacao deeply sighed, Affogato was bringing himself down to make Dark Cacao feel better. "I'll probably just be hated, more than I already am, but by everyone, not just guards of citizens..." Affogato mumbled as he began to tear up. "And I'll never be good as her..." Affogato added. "No... Stop putting yourself down, and comparing yourself to Butter. Your what I find attractive, so don't listen to my citizens when they talk shit." Dark Cacao hugged Affogato.

"Easier said than done... It's hard to ignore Cookies hating on you... Especially Dark Cacao Cookies... They're the hardest..." Affogato sighed. "How about instead of focusing on what my Kingdom thinks, we just worry about the child being born into a loving family? Thinking about it, you'll need to get checked by a doctor, just to see how far along you are." Dark Cacao looked at Affogato's red face. "Again! It's easier said than done!" Affogato rolled over, he wanted this to end. "I know, but you need to listen to me. Don't tell anyone but the ones you trust, it should make it easier." Dark Cacao hugged Affogato from behind. 

"I just want to be respected, I've had plenty of Cookies insult me for being a Tribe Cookie, especially being a mix of enemy Tribes." Affogato mumbled as he rolled over, hugging Dark Cacao back. "What? I don't understand, do the Tribes hate each other?!" Dark Cacao grew worried, he never focused on the Tribes due to the terrible state his Kingdom was in.  "They all do, but the Milk Tribe and the Coffee Tribe will never forgive each other, it first started because of the Coffee Tribe. The embarrassing thing is, my mum is from the Milk Tribe while my dad is from the Coffee Tribe, what then makes me despised by both Tribes." Affogato explained with tears in his eyes.

"I didn't even realise this... I'm terrible! Everything I rule over is being torn apart, I always knew the Coffee Tribe was the most problematic, but I never expected this problematic..." Dark Cacao sighed, as his grip on Affogato grew tighter. "I need to pay more attention to my Tribes... But than again... I have also you to worry about, let alone my Kingdom. I have no idea what comes first..." Dark Cacao sniffled.

"I should be your least priority, perhaps The Tribes, The Kingdom and me. Should be in that order, focus on the most damaged what's your Tribes." Affogato rubbed Dark Cacao's back. "I guess, but you will be my main priority when certain things occur. Just... How do I even start?..." Dark Cacao sobbed. "Well, you can speak all the Tribal languages, correct?" Affogato asked. "Tribal languages?... The Tribes have their own language?!" Dark Cacao grew confused, he didn't even realise the Tribes of their own language. 

"Do they at least know Dark Cacao Kingdoms languages?!" Dark Cacao asked. "Hold on! You don't know that each Tribe has their own language, let alone you don't even realise Cacaoian is fucking secondary to them!?" Affogato was shocked, a King who doesn't even know his own Tribes?! "It's secondary?..." Dark Cacao grew embarrassed. "I mean... I could translate for the Coffee Tribe so you can talk better?..." Affogato sighed, he didn't want to step foot in that shit hole of a Tribe, but than again. It wouldn't hurt to see it again.

"Only if you want to, I know how much you hate the Coffee Tribe..." Dark Cacao rubbed Affogato's stomach. "I just want to help." Affogato mumbled. "I very much need to prepare for this..." Dark Cacao rested his head on Affogato's shoulder. "Yeah, I know, your stressed but the Tribes and Kingdom come first, the unborn 'thing' can wait." Affogato giggled slightly. "Unborn thing? Interesting way to say your pregnant... Wait, Affogato I have an idea." Dark Cacao smiled slightly. "What is it?" Affogato looked confused.

"How about, you focus on preparing for the 'Unborn Thing' while I focus on the Kingdom and Tribes, I've already had a child so I don't need as much preparation." Dark Cacao smile beemed more, as Affogato thought about it. "I find it funny when your thinking cuz you can see the cogs working." Dark Cacao chuckled as Affogato looked at him with an annoyed face. "I'll prepare for the unborn 'thing', but you have no saying in the matter in what I do in their room." Affogato giggled. "Fine, just nothing what could be 'gendered' I don't want that." Dark Cacao grumbled slightly. "Nah, colour scheme will be the same as the Citadel's colour scheme. I'll probably just make it something what I'd like." Affogato chuckled as Dark Cacao sighed.


Very nice, I didn't except for me to write this chapter as long as I did. Especially that I slept for 4-5 hours. But I'm quite happy how it came out.

(1182 words.)

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