The Kings Luna *Original uned...

By Young-Queen_Izzy

274K 5K 314

Original and un-edited version of my first book "The Kings Luna" In all it's grammar errors and cheesy snd bo... More

Please read!!!
chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 5

10.5K 175 23
By Young-Queen_Izzy

Bianca's POV🔸

As Carlos carried me throughout the castle I was amazed by all the beautiful architecture and designs. I definitely needed him to give me a proper tour. As we made our way to his room I began to feel a little weird about being carried like a baby.

"King Carlos, can you put me down, now?," I kindly

"Bianca I am your mate, there is no need for you to call me King. We are equals," was his reply. I smiled at him, my heart seemed to just melt at his words.

"Carlos, you can put me down, you see these?" I laughed kicking my legs, "These are my legs, they carry me around all day."

"I know, but I prefer to hold you close."

"But aren't I heavy?"

'Wow, even I think that was a lame thing to say.' My wolf sneers.

'Shut up April.'

"No, but your ass is pretty big." He smirked biting his lip.

I couldn't help but blush at his statement. Oh, we are gonna get along just fine.

The sound of doors opening made me turn my head. I was then set down and came face to face with a luxurious room. "Welcome to our room, my queen," Carlos whispered into my ear, wrapping his arms around me from behind. I was still shocked at the extravagance of the room.

"Wow, this is so. Wow." I couldn't even speak, "This is the biggest room I've ever seen in my life." Carlos let out a chuckle and lifted my chin so I was facing him.

"I'm so happy. I can't believe I have finally found my queen," he kissed my cheek.

"And I'm happy I found my, my king." I could have sworn I saw him turn a slight shade of pink. It made me giggle.

"You're welcome to look around, this room is yours just as much as mine." I excitedly ran and jumped on the bed. I almost let out a moan when I felt the silk sheets under my fingers.

"Oh My gosh, I just wanna shower and lay in here completely nude."

Carlos was by my side in an instant, eyes once more gold with lust. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked and he simply nodded looking down at me as if I were prey and he was the hungry, well wolf. He licked his lips and I just blushed, like an idiot.

I sat up and motioned for him to sit next to me. He laid down on the bed and laid his head on my lap. I began to stoke his jet black hair lightly.

"This all feels like a dream," I said quietly as I gently flowed by fingers through his hair.

"Bianca, will you tell me why you were a rogue?" He asked, his eyes changing to black. I knew this meant he was angry and his wolf wanted to take control.

'Damn- bipolar much?' My wolf and I both said

"Well, King Carlos- I mean Carlos- I will tell you, but please calm down and promise not to get angry."

"I won't get angry, I'm just curious is all."

"It's actually really crazy, It was like not even two days ago actually. I was playing with my brothers when Elijah- the alpha of the Westmoon pack came downstairs, and at that moment I realized that he was my mate" I looked to see if he was still calm and thankfully he was. "That exact moment he rejected me. Then he banned me from the pack, that was when all hell broke loose. My dad tried to kill him. My mom was crying." I rubbed my the temples of my head

"It was really a mess, both our parents were there the entire time. My poor brothers were crying begging me not to leave." Carlos clenched his jaw tightly. I placed a small kiss on his nose and it seemed to calm him down.

"I cut off all connections with the pack including my family after I accepted his rejection. I ran away and slept in a motel that night. Well not actually slept. I'm pretty sure Elijah got mad that I accepted and physically hurt him because I woke up and some guy was trying to kill me. I found out Elijah hired him,"

"Physically hurt him?" Carlos turned his head to the side lightly in confusion

"Well, He kissed me so I punched him in the nose, and almost bit off his lip." I let out a tiny chuckle. I probably sounded like a psychopath. I looked down at Carlos who was looking right at me and then pushed himself on top of me. His eyes were black as coal.

"Mine," he growled. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Okay, I'm not your property but I am your mate. Just remember that" I remind him.

He laughed, "You are my mate for life though and only mine." I pulled him in for a hug.

'Oh my lord what is happening to me? When did I become so soft?' I ask myself.

'Oh shut up Bianca, he is our mate' growled April.

'How do you always manage to unblock the connection?' She didn't respond after that.

Carlos had placed his face in the crook my neck and breathed in my scent.

"What about you? What's your mate's story?" I inquired

"You are my first mate and my only," he stated

"So wait I do not understand. How do I have- well had two mates? What if Elijah had accepted me?"

"I believe the moon goddess had made a mistake."

'Wow, I've never heard of that happening before. No offense moon goddess. Please don't kill me.'

"In order for our paths to cross what happened with Elijah needed to happen. Elijah wasn't truly your mate. But if he had accepted you, she would have given me a different mate and our paths would have never crossed. But you're now with me, where you needed to be so no more thinking about that asshole,"

"Oh trust me he's the last thing on my mind." I bit my lip pulling him down closer to me

"May I kiss you?" He asked quietly as he stared at my lips.

"Of course."

He leaned in and closed the gap- it was amazing, sparks went off as our lips touched. I felt my body begin to tingle.

Let me ask you something. Is this possible? I had just met this man and I already felt like I was in love. We pulled away and I felt his heartbeat quicken. "You are so gorgeous."

"you aren't so bad yourself handsome." I laid back on the bad and he laid his head on my chest. His big arms wrapped around my waist.

"So tell me about yourself,"

"What do you want to know?" He inquired

"Anything, I'm curious to learn about you. What your favorite color? How old are you? What's your favorite food?"

Carlos let out a chuckle. "Well, my favorite color is red. I'm nineteen years old, just turned last month, and my favorite food has to be chicken parmesan pasta."

"Wait, 19? You act much older than that," he snorted. "I get that a lot," he said before continuing, "I'm the only child so yes, I'm a little spoiled- well I was. My parents are Mike and Silvia Blackwood. I like football, baseball, and basketball. I also have a gorgeous mate named Bianca." He gave me a cheeky smile.

"So what about you?" He asked.

"Well, you know my name. Let's see- my favorite color is light green, and violet. Pop-tarts are my life. I also like football. I'm 17 years old. I'm a Capricorn, my birthday's in January. My parents' names are Tim and Cassidy. I have two little brothers. They are twins named are Carson and Philip. Lastly, I have an amazing mate who is the king of all werewolves." I soon found myself forcing my eyes not to close on me when I remembered I need to take a shower. I must smell horrible.

"Carlos?" I gently nudged him, he groaned and mumbled something that sounded like "Shhh- sleep. You haven't had a good sleep since you left your old pack."

"Well that is true, but I also haven't showered either since I left." His eyes gently opened and he pecked my lips. He pointed to two large French doors on the right side of the room. "Through those doors." I nodded and thanked him.

"I will have Ashton bring you your bag, you are welcome to use anything you need." I nodded and thanked him with a small peck on the cheek before I skipped into the bathroom and began my search for stuff I could use.

'Hey, it's rude to raid people's cabinets.' April scolded

'Say's the wolf who wanted to mate with her mate at first glance. Plus Carlos said it was fine.' April stayed silent and I continued to search.

I found a white fully towel behind one of the doors, a red toothbrush from the 8 pack of toothbrushes under the sink. Shampoo and conditioner were already inside the huge glass shower. Now all I needed was a hairbrush. As I was looking for one I accidentally found a large box of condoms. I immediately went red.

"Is Carlos a virgin?" I wondered to myself Probably not I mean look at him. I closed the drawer and I looked back at the doorway to find Carlos watching me.

'What the heck. When did he get there?' He walks over to me and opens the third drawer in the vanity. It had a black brush and a myriad of combs. I raised an eyebrow and looked at him

"Don't judge me, but I had long hair when I was younger." I laughed, "No judgment here," I was going to ask about the condoms but I didn't want things to be awkward so I just grabbed the brush and then he left. I stripped myself of my clothes and walked to the giant shower. Letting my muscles relax under the soothing hot water, was just what I needed. I washed my body and hair and when I came out I brushed my hair. I wrapped the towel tightly around me and walked back into the room where Carlos was lying in bed on his stomach. He had taken off his shit and so his bareback was exposed. I felt myself get goosebumps as my eyes wandered, memorizing ever indent, curve. Every part of his muscular back.

My bag was laying at the end of the bed. I unzipped it and found underwear and clean clothes. I walked back to the bathroom and got dressed in some high waisted jean shorts with a white t-shirt and some flip-flops.

"Damn I should have thrown more shoes in here." I groaned

Carlos opened his eyes and looked at mine. "I'll buy you all the shoes you want my queen." I couldn't help but smile.

"You smell amazing." He complimented

"You're saying that because I smell like you."

"As you should, its a sign to all those other males that you're my mate." He got up and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in. His lips grazing my neck making me shiver with anticipation. My eyes happened to wander to my bag, where I saw a small picture of my family.

That's when I remembered, "Carlos, I should call my parents, tell them I'm safe."

He lifted his head to look me in the eye. "Of course, come with me." I followed him out of the room and across the hallway into his huge office.

"I'll give you some privacy."

"Thank you so much." He nodded and walked out of the room. I sat in his large chair and dialed my mom's number.

She picked up on the 5th ring.

"Hello?" Answered a shaky voice

"Mom, it's Bianca," I said happily

"Bianca, sweetie, I was so worried. I know you can handle your own but I can't stand what's happening."

"Mom please calm down. First of all, I'm safe and I'm happy. Mom, I have a mate." I tell her happily.

"You have a second chance mate?" The surprise clear in her voice from this news.

"No, Elijah was a mistake, I found my true mate."

I could hear the joy in her voice, "oh Bianca, I'm so happy for you, who is he? What pack is he from? How did you find him?" She piled up question after question.

"You aren't going to believe this but, King Carlos." There was a gasp on the other end of the line.

"The werewolf king?!" She exclaims.

"Yes, mom the werewolf king." I laughed

"Oh my god, this is amazing. Wait you ran all the way to Royal pack territory that's so far."

"I ran for two days straight in wolf form," She then began scolding me for overdoing it.

"Mom, please just listening. No one can know where I am, I have an idea."

"Bianca what are you planning?"

"Only you, Dad and the boys can know. I want to figure out the perfect way to shove this in Elijah's face."

"You're so evil. I'm so proud."

"Thank you, mom."

"Ok sweetie make sure you call me. I have to go we're having a pack meeting. I love you."

"Love you too." I hung up the phone and Carlos walked in.

'"So everything went well?"

"Yeah, everything went great."

"So what do you want to do? Do you want anything?" He asked. I shook my head and replied "no."

"Bianca please don't be shy."

" Well actually, I am kind of hungry, that oatmeal this morning didn't really fill me up."

His eyes widened, "I am so sorry," He quickly said

"Why?" I asked confused

"That you got put into that cell and only had to eat that disgusting slop. You must be starving." He sounded so concerned it was so sweet. For the last days, I had been running all I had was the pop tarts in my bag.

"Please come with me." He grabbed my hand and walked downstairs to a beautiful kitchen.

"Alright, I'm going to make you one of my delicious and beautiful sandwiches. But of course, it will never compare to your beauty."

"Are you trying to charm me?" I asked, my chest fluttering with his compliment.

"No- no of course not. Why, is it working?" I laughed at his goofiness and blushed, "You look very beautiful when you blush," Carlos said making me blush even harder. He smirked and I know somehow I managed to blush even more. 'Bianca get it together." I scolded myself.

"I'm not one to blush but you seem to be bringing out the soft side of me."

"And you as well." I blew him a kiss, for a king he sure wasn't serious like one. Well, I guess we can't all be serious all the time.

"What are you thinking about my queen?"

"Oh, nothing just-" I was interrupted by There was the sound of heels clicking against the floorboards and the voice of a woman who said, "Mike, oh my moon goddess. It's true! Our baby boy found his mate!"


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