Layers ~MitsuyaxHakkai~

By gojosmainhoe

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"I'm sorry, Taka-chan..I-it's not that I don't reciprocate your feelings or anything..!" "It's fine Hakkai, I... More



339 12 10
By gojosmainhoe

A/N: hope you guys enjoy this chapter . updates are gonna roll out slow bc i'm going on a trip and practice has started back up . :,)
( is currently on the trip posting this chapter on wattpad 3 days later-)

"Yeah, I understand now."


The three of them were all questioned and gave enough evidence for the case to be taken to trial. Mitsuya wasn't too sure how he felt about having to see his assailant anytime soon, or ever again, but he had roughly two months until court. He'd just push it to the back of his mind. Induce amnesia.


"I'll see you two later, I have a date!" Yuzuha told the duo and waved. "With the cop?" Mitsuya asked and Yuzuha shook her head. "Cute guy I met on the trip. Anyway, see you guys! Love ya, no babymaking!" She grinned and left. Hakkai rolled his eyes and looked over at Mitsuya who was blushing a bit at that statement. "Hey, Hakkai?" The older started, avoiding eye contact with his friend. "Yeah?" The model caught his gaze and smiled. "Um, thank you. For, y'know, fulfilling my request. About the not panicking? Yeah, it helped a lot." Mitsuya said and broke their eye contact. "Of course, you know I'd do whatever in my power to make you feel at ease." Hakkai told the shorter and ruffled his hair.

"I appreciate it a lot, you really do a lot for me. I don't even deserve it," The older chuckled but was taken aback when Hakkai wrapped him in a hug. "Don't say that Taka-chan, you've done so much for me ever since we met and for that I couldn't thank you enough." He told the shorter man and glanced down at him to see a single tear roll down his cheek. He was currently being overdramatic, but it's Mitsuya. "Awww, I didn't know you felt that way about me! Are we going to kiss now?" He joked and Hakkai rolled his eyes. "And moment ruined." He released Mitsuya from the hug and walked to the couch. "Hakkai! C'mon, it was a jokey-joke!" The older whined and jumped onto the couch.

"Taka-chan, have you even kissed a guy before?" "Of course I have, I just kissed one yesterday." Mitsuya grinned and watched Hakkai's expression go from curiosity to blatant consternation. "Taka-chan, you know that's not what I meant," He sighed and sat up. "I'm not one to tell you how to cope, but maybe we should discuss finding you a therapist? Or at least another method, it'd feel wrong laughing at one of those jokes. And you know I accidentally will," "Mmm, I personally don't think I need one but I'll guess I'll consider it before throwing it out the window." Mitsuya said tossed a pillow at his friend. "I'm serious Taka-chan." "So am I!" The two stared at each other before Hakkai groaned and stood up.

"Nevermind," He huffed and looked around for his phone. "You hungry?" He asked as he pulled up doordash. "Yeah...can we go to your house?" Mitsuya questioned and picked at the stitching of a pillow he was holding. "My place? Why?" Hakkai looked up from his phone and raised his eyebrows at the older. "Because we always hang out here. I need a change of scenery," The lilac-haired explained and threw the pillow aside. "Okay...that's fine with me, but my place is kinda messy." Hakkai warned and looked back at his phone screen. "Fine with me, you see how my place is." Mitsuya said and stood up. "I'm gonna take a quick shower before we go." "M'kay,"


"Hakkai, you should throw parties here or something. It sure does look like a party house," Mitsuya said as he walked into Hakkai's and Yuzuha's shared house. "As if I have the time for that," The younger snorted as he locked the front door behind them. "Oh yeah, and to answer your question from earlier I've kissed plenty of men before." Mitsuya gave him a small smile and left the room. Hakkai was stunned by the sudden statement and could feel his face heat up. The older poked his head around the corner and asked, "Have you?" to which Hakkai nodded and responded, "Yeah, I have." and Mitsuya hummed in response with a smirk on his face and once again disappeared.

"Why do I get the feeling that he's up to no good," Hakkai asked himself and sighed before he walked down the hall to find his room door open and the light on. "Taka-chan, what're you...doing?" He chuckled and walked in his room. "Shit, I've been caught." Mitsuya muttered and groaned. He peeked at Hakkai from the closet and laughed. "Hello, what're you doing here?" "I live here? Why're you in my closet?" The taller walked further into the room and shut the closet door. "I dunno what you're talking about." "Okay...and if you don't mind me asking, why'd your stomach grow two sizes bigger in under five minutes?" "Uhh, I'm pregnant?" Mitsuya shrugged. "Right..." Hakkai nodded and poked at his friends' "baby bump" before saying, "You sure there's a baby in there?" and received a nod from the older. He sighed and shook his head.

"Lift up your shirt." He told the older who gasped. "Absolutely not you perv!" Mitsuya turned the other way. "C'mon Taka-chan," Hakkai walked over to his friend who glared at him. "No, you'll have to take this shirt off my body!" Mitsuya persisted and the younger rolled his eyes. "So be it," Hakkai said and pulled Mitsuya's shirt off in one swift movement. "Ahh ! Help, I'm being robbed!" Mitsuya screamed and ran out of the room carrying Hakkai's clothes. "Son of a bitch! Taka-chan, get your ass back here!" Hakkai shouted and ran after his half naked friend who had stopped at the door.

"Food's here!" He grinned and waved the woman goodbye before closing the door. He had told the delivery lady to throw the clothes in his car window before Hakkai walked in. "Did you just answer the door shirtless?" "Yeah, why?" Mitsuya turned to look at Hakkai as he sat the food down on the table. "Nothing, nevermind." The model shook his head and put his hands in his pockets. "Ooh, is someone jealous~?" Mitsuya teased and walked over to the taller man. "God no, I'm not jealous. What's there to be jealous about?" Hakkai looked down at his friend who was smirking at him. "I dunno, you tell me Mr.Jealous Shiba." He chuckled when the younger cringed at the nickname. "Is that the best nickname you could come up with?" "Yes and it suits you well,"

"Funny, can we eat now?" Hakkai crossed his arms over his chest and frowned. "Not until you admit to being jealous," Mitsuya told him and put his hands on his hips. "So you want me to admit to something that isn't true?" The model raised an eyebrow and the lilac-haired snorted. "If it wasn't true, I wouldn't nag you about it." "Oh really now?" "Yep."

"This is lovely to watch, but please hurry up and get to the part where you two kiss." Yuzuha interrupted and took a bite of chicken. The duo jumped from being startled and looked over at the light-brown-haired woman eating their food. "Aw c'mon Yuzuha! Didn't you eat on your date?" Mitsuya groaned at the sight of her eating. "Yeah, but the food kinda sucked. It was super greasy and made me sick. On the other hand, that guy's a pretty good kisser!" Yuzuha told the two and Mitsuya swore he saw Hakkai gag a bit.

"But he lives in America and was only here for a college internship which ends in like a week." She groaned and angrily bit into another chicken wing. "That sucks, are you going to go on a date with the police dude?" Mitsuya asked and sat down across from her. "His name's Takeda, and I have no clue. Honestly, I should text him now." Yuzuha said and pulled out her phone. "Anyways, when are you two going to start officially dating?" She continued and took another bite of her chicken. "Next question please," Hakkai interjected as he reached over and grabbed a chicken wing.

"Okay, when are you two finally gonna kiss?" She smirked and looked up from her phone. "Literally any question that doesn't have anything to do with dating or kissing?" Hakkai groaned and Mitsuya nodded in agreement with a mouthful of chicken. "Okay, when're you two gonna fu-" Yuzuha started to ask but Mitsuya began to choke on chicken. Hakkai pat him on the back and remembered that he was shirtless. "Are you really eating chicken without a shirt?" "Obviously, plus I don't have to worry about getting sauce on my shirt. It's a win-win." Mitsuya answered once he got the chicken to go down.

"Okay but will someone answer my question?" Yuzuha frowned as she looked at her phone. "No." Hakkai told her and snagged another chicken wing. "Rude, whatever. Takeda-kun just left me on read and I don't appreciate that." She told the two and put her phone down. "He's probably excited and doesn't know what to say." Mitsuya reasoned and stole Hakkai's unopened beer for himself while he wasn't looking. Hakkai glanced over at the lilac-haired and huffed while he just laughed.

"You son of a bitch," He grumbled and Mitsuya laughed before responding, "We can split it." He meant it as a joke but Yuzuha was already instigating. "Ooooh, the indirect kiss trope, I see where you're going with this." Hakkai wasn't listening to her any longer for that night and had already drunk some of the beer. "I mean, straws do exist." Mitsuya told her, not noticing Hakkai's actions. "Besides, it's not like we haven't shared a dr-" "WAIT SO THERE'S BEEN MORE INDIRECT KISSES?!" Yuzuha squealed and started shaking Mitsuya back and forth by his shoulders. "Calm down nee-san. You're gonna kill him," Hakkai told his sister and removed her hands from his friends' shoulders.

"Okay but now this is all the more reason for you two to kiss!" Yuzuha pouted and looked at phone screen. "Oh my gosh he's calling me! I'll talk to you two idiots later!" Yuzuha grinned and got out of her seat to go to her room. "You could at least wash the dishes!" Hakkai yelled and shook his head. "I have a better idea, go shove 'em up your ass!" Yuzuha yelled, hopefully she was on mute but she's a girlboss so who cares. "I hope your favorite pair of heels break!" "I hope your hairline starts receding!"

Mitsuya just laughed as he sat there watching the two siblings' bickering. "You don't mean that!" Hakkai gasped and left the room to find his sister. Meanwhile the fashion designer was wheezing in his seat at the table. He couldn't even bring himself to eat anymore and just got up to wash the dishes because he knew that those two would never agree on who was going to wash them. Ever. "Takashi, Hakkai's being mean to me! He called me an old hag!" Yuzuha whined as she ran into the kitchen. "Sweet mother of.." He sighed and turned off the faucet. "Hakkai, stop insulting your sister! Come apologize!" "Not until she apologizes for saying that I have the same characteristics as an albino giraffe!"

"Wha- my goodness. You two are damn creative...C'mere!" Mitsuya yelled and Hakkai shuffled around the corner pouting. "Alright, you two apologize to each other on the count of three." "I'm not apologizing to that half-assed twig." Yuzuha scoffed and turned away from her brother. "If you apologize I'll design a clothing piece that's made exclusively for you," Mitsuya negotiated and that certainly got her on board. "I want something too!" Hakkai whined and Mitsuya groaned. "You have plenty of clothes from me," "Well I want something!" Hakkai persisted and Mitsuya dragged a hand down his face.

"Well what do you want, shoes? Food? Money?" He asked, clearly getting stressed out by the two Shiba siblings. "Give him a kiss!" "Shut up nee-san, I'll take the food, and the sneakers." Hakkai shrugged, though he was reluctant as he said it. Mitsuya made a mental note to ask him later what he actually wanted. "Okay, now please for fucks sake apologize to each other. You two fight more than Luna and Mana."

"That's not true, they average about nine fights a week," Yuzuha corrected and Mitsuya spluttered. "You guys fight about twelve times a day, just apologize." He ran a hand through his hair. "Fine, I'm sorry for insulting you Hakkai." "I'm sorry for calling you a hag nee-san. And saying I wish your heels break." "Great, I do have someone to call back so g'night!" Yuzuha grinned and ran off. "Whatever, what do you wanna do Taka-chan?" Hakkai glanced over at his older friend. "Rip the nails out my fingers but whats new. I gotta find those clothes I stole from you." Mitsuya muttered and pat his pockets for his car keys.

"Hakkai, have you seen my car keys?" "Huh? Nope, haven't seen 'em." The model was clearly lying and Mitsuya was able to tell of course. "For the love of fuck, I'm not leaving Hakkai. I was gonna go get my glasses." He laughed and held his hand out expectantly. "Fine, only because I like how you look in glasses." Hakkai admitted and pulled Mitsuya's keys out of his back pocket and placed them into his hand.

"You probably like how he looks naked too," Yuzuha added as she grabbed a mug from the cabinet. "What the fuck, nee-san! Where do you keep coming from? Go to your room!" The youngest Shiba exclaimed and shooed his sister out of the room with a light dusting of crimson covering his cheeks.

"Thanks for my keys, and the compliment, I'll be back in a sec." Mitsuya chuckled as he slipped his shoes on and made his way outside. Hakkai yawned and went into his room to find something to change into so he wouldn't have to wear the clothes he'd been wearing since that early afternoon. "Hi." "Ahh!! Dammit, Taka-chan! You two have got to stop sneaking up on me like that," Hakkai told the older man as he stood up after pulling sweatpants out of his dresser. "Heh, sorry. You're just really easy to scare." Mitsuya grinned and leaned against the wall. He was wearing his glasses, which Hakkai always found him extremely attractive in, and had his measuring tape which was in his car for some reason.

"C'mere, even though I don't think you've grown I need to take your measurements. You look skinnier honestly," He told the younger who was pretending to be offended by the "not growing" comment. "Excuse you, I'm not twenty-eight years old yet! I'm not old!" "Do you wanna die?" The fashion designer had a vein popping out of his forehead from annoyance and from how bad the Shiba's had stressed him out a few minutes ago, he was very likely to commit a crime. "No, sorry. Love you, mean it."

"Don't be a tease, Hakkai. Come stand right here," Mitsuya beckoned for the model to stand closer so he could comfortably take measurements without any of his major equipment. "Do you still bring this stuff with you?" "Not all of it. Remember, I almost got robbed. Thank god for you and Draken being lazy bums that decided to stay behind in my car." The older chuckled and the two fell into a comfortable silence as Mitsuya focused on his work. "Yeah, you haven't grown a bit. No more growth spurts for you bud." He told the taller and pat him on the shoulder as he placed his notepad and measuring tape on a table. "Please don't let me forget those," "If I don't forget myself."

"Hakkai! Go to bed, you have work in the morning! You too Takashi!" Yuzuha shouted from across the hall. "How do you know my work schedule?" Mitsuya yelled in confusion but just got silence in response. "How does she know?" He asked Hakkai who was shocked himself. "No idea-" "Go to sleep!!" "We're going dammit!!" Hakkai responded and closed his room door which was immediately reopened by his sister. "Three inches, Hakkai. The door needs to be open three inches." She smiled though there was nothing innocent or sweet about it. Just pure older sister malice. "Thanks for the unneeded reminder. Might I remind you that I'm a grown ass man-"

"OKAY WE'RE DONE HERE, EVERYONE'S GOING TO SLEEP! GOODNIGHT YUZUHA, GOODNIGHT HAKKAI, AND SWEET ETERNAL REST TO EVERY LAST ONE OF MY NERVES, REST IN HEAVENLY PEACE." Mitsuya interjected and went into Hakkai's closet to steal some clothes of his to sleep in. The Shiba siblings were stunned silent by his outburst and Yuzuha just nodded before closing the door—three inches minimum though—and Hakkai silently went into his bathroom to shower. For some reason, Hakkai's bedroom had two bathrooms attached to it. Probably due to poor interior designing trends back when the house was built. But due to this, Mitsuya showered in the second bathroom.

When he got out of the shower, Hakkai was lying down in bed looking at his phone, glancing up when he saw his friend emerge from the bathroom. Mitsuya noticed that he wanted to say something and he wasn't feeling agitated anymore so he sat beside the young model and smiled at him, encouraging him to say whatever he needed to say. "I just wanted to apologize on Yuzuha and I's behalf. Our bickering aggravated you and I'm sorry we didn't notice it sooner. We should've took your feelings into consideration," Hakkai told the older who looked as if he was about to cry. "Oh my gosh, you two are so precious. It's perfectly fine, I shouldn't have even reacted like that. Honestly I'd probably kick someone out of my house if they yelled at me like that," Mitsuya laughed and bent down to give his friend a hug.

"I could literally never find it in me to kick you out, I'd call you back like two minutes later at most." Hakkai laughed as he hugged the older back. "I don't think I could kick you out either, I'd start crying and literally stop you from walking out of the door." Mitsuya admitted and gently removed a stray eyelash from Hakkai's cheek.

"On another note, if you don't here from me for a few days don't worry. I'll be too emerged in my work to do daily normal human activities. That isn't limited to eating, sleeping, and drinking something, but completely excludes showering and brushing my teeth because hygiene is important." "So is eating and sleeping but okay..." Hakkai muttered and looked questionably at his older friend. "If you keep this up you'll end up needing a live in caretaker before you hit forty." He told him and the fashion designer considered his words for a bit. "I'll get life alert." "Life alert ain't gone do shit if you die!" "Woah, so vulgar Hakkai! I won't die," Mitsuya scoffed hit the younger in the face with a pillow.

"Taka-chan, it is too late for a pillow f-" "It's never too late for a pillow fight." The older grinned as he smacked his friend in the face again. "Fine, I'm not going easy on you!" Hakkai declared and picked up a pillow. "I would hope not!" The two stood there with huge, fluffed pillows in their hands waiting for the other to strike.

Finally, Hakkai took the plunge and aimed right for Mitsuya's side in an attempt to take him down, but he wasn't going to succumb to the pillow that easily. Lunging forward, he hit Hakkai square in the chest which made his opponent stumble back but he refused to fall as well. The younger managed to land a few blows on the lilac-haired before a deadly and just plain dirty move was pulled on him. Right then, as Hakkai hit him on the back, it was the perfect opportunity. The back of the knees. Mitsuya aimed perfectly and swung with great precision. He successfully defeated the tall man and cheered victoriously as his opponent fell onto the bed.

"Dammit, why do you always go for my knees?" Hakkai whined as he lay with his long limbs stretched in every direction possible. "Because it's your weak point, it shall never fail!" Mitsuya teased and placed his pillow next to Hakkai's head so he could lay beside him. "Well, what's your weak point?" The younger asked and he laughed. "As if I'd tell you!" "Taka-chan! That's not fair!" The model pouted and turned his head away. "You'll have to figure it out by yourself! Set goals for yourself, Hakkai!" "I have a whole two notebooks full of them, granted one of them revolved around Taiju, but it still counts." Hakkai shrugged and Mitsuya frowned before turning the younger's face towards his.

"Taiju is not gonna come back to hurt you two." He told his friend. He meant it but Hakkai couldn't help but have his doubts. "But what if he does," he asked. "What if he comes back when we least expect it and I can't do anything yet again?" "Hakkai. Look me in my eyes." Mitsuya spoke in a gentle manner but it was serious. "Don't think about the "what if's". Those are what keep you from venturing further into this thing we call life. You don't want your fears to keep you from being even more amazing, do you?" Hakkai shook his head. "Exactly, don't let your doubts eat away at your brain. That's how you start getting grey hairs before sixty, like me." Mitsuya chuckled ruffled the younger's hair. Hakkai grinned and nodded. "Thank you Taka-chan."

"Anytime you beanpole." "Also, you're not greying quite yet," "Tuh. Wanna see my pit-hair?" Mitsuya joked and Hakkai burst into laughter. "There's no way that your armpit hair is turning grey." He denied as he stared at the ceiling. "Boys!! For the love of cheese-doodles I'm trying to sleep!" Yuzuha whined as she peeked in the room at the two. "Sorry nee-san," "Sorry Yuzu-chan," "Apologies accepted, but please get to sleep soon." She told the two before wishing them good night and retreating back to her room across the hall. "Well, you heard the boss. Lights out," Hakkai chuckled as he reached over to flip the switch for his lamps off. "Hey Hakkai?" "Mhm?" "..Is your pit hair blue?"

A/N: i hope you enjoyed the chapter ! have an amazing day/night ! comments, shares, and kudos are always appreciated ! stay hydrated and safe ! <3

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