Chase The Impossible *A Barry...

By Superjusticeleaguer

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To understand what I'm about to tell you. You need to do something first. You need to believe in the impossib... More

Chapter 2 - Blood & Feathers...
Chapter 3 - The Test Subject...Trial & Error
Chapter 4- The Avenging Angel Is Born...
Chapter 5- Know Your Limits...
Chapter 6 - Group Dates, Cold Guns & Boys, Oh My...
Chapter 7- The Villian Inside
Chapter - 8 Snapped...
Chapter- 9 The Angel Vs. The Vigilante
Chapter - 10 Merry...Bahumbug...
Chapter- 11 When I Grow Up...
Chapter - 12 They Got What They Deserved...
Chapter - 13 Ka-Boom!
Chapter - 14 A Near Death Experience...
Chapter - 15 Death In The Family..
Chapter - 16 Barry & Rose Sitting In A Tree...
Chapter - 17 Can't Trick A Trickster...
Chapter - 18 Eye Spy...
Chapter- 19 All Roses Have Thorns..
Chapter - 20 Split Personality
Chapter - 21 The Ultimate Sacrifice
Chapter - 1 (Part2) Who Is Zoom?
Chapter - 2) Mr. Sandman Bring Me A Dream...
Chapter- 3) Mama Don't Preach
Chapter - 4) Dead Man Walking, Blind Man Seeing
Chapter - 5) Broken Wings
Chapter -6) Falling From Grace
A Special Message
Chapter -7) Flash Pass...
Chapter -8) Trickster Santa & His Bag Of Weather Wizard
Chapter -9) The Origin Story begins
Chapter - 10) Fast Enough...
Chapter - 11) As We Enter The Twilight Zone...
Chapter- 12) Good Vs Evil...
Chapter-13) Ghosts From The Future?
Chapter- 14) Bye bye...Boogeyman
Chapter- 15) Trapped in the dome with my worst enemy...
Chapter- 16) Sacrificial Lamb
Chapter- 17) Stranger Things In The Universe
Chapter - 18) The Domino Affect...
Chapter - 19) The Speeding Paradox...
OMG! Plz read!!!
Wally West Storyline????

Chapter 1- The Thunder Boomer...

38.8K 794 784
By Superjusticeleaguer

•Rose's Pov•

I watch a bird soar the sky as I sit on my sisters bed.

"Must be nice." I mutter to myself.

"Just tell him, Rose. It's been what fourteen years now?" I groan as my sister meddles in my love life.

"It's not that easy, Iris."

"No it's simple, just go up to Barry. Look him right in the eye and say. Barry I love you." I throw a pillow at her but she dodges it.

"See why I hate telling you things? You always throw it back in my face."

"All because I love my little sister. Now I have to go to work are you going to check up on dad?"

"Yeah..." I sigh.

"What's wrong?"


My sister puts her bag down and kneels in front of me.

"Tell me Rose bud."

"Don't call me that. You know I hate that name."

I didn't always hate it, mom use to call me that.

"Just tell me."

"It's just everyone seems to have something going for themselves. Dad is the detective. You're the soon to be journalist and Barry's the science nerd. And you know what I got? Squat."

"No you're Barry's guardian angel. You always help him out when he's in need."

"Yeah well I'd rather be his girlfriend." I wince saying that. "Please don't repeat that to me in the future." I plead. But I can already see Iris locking that quote away for future destruction for our later conversations.

"How about this, become his girlfriend tonight. You can go in my place since I have a date."

"Wait are you sure? I mean Barry really had his heart set on taking you to go see the particle accelerator."

"I'm sure, besides you know I'm not that into science. Now make sure you tell him."

"Fine, I'll tell him. But if this all ends badly, I'm personally holding you responsible."

"It won't. Now I gotta go. Love you."

"Love you more!"

"Love you most." I hear my sister leave and I grab my things including her laptop that she said I could barrow just as long as I don't break it.

I fell one time with her old laptop and she just won't let it go.

I arrive at Central city police station and find my dad busy doing paper work.

So instead of waiting out in the lobby being bored I decide to go see what Barry was up to.

I get to his lab and smile to myself as I watch him working away on his computer.

He's such a nerd...

After tonight I hope he'll be my nerd.

"Okay, since Iris can't make it, I will be your date, I mean companion. I mean I'm ready to see this particle thingy." Insert foot in mouth please.

"Oh, Iris can't make it?" Why does he sound so disappointed? "Yeah..."

"Well, there was a shooting today. Your dad needs me to process some evidence, which means I don't know if we're going to make it to S.T.A.R. Labs."

Dad you're killing me here!

"But you've been talking about this thing for weeks, it's like your dream to see it. Your nerdy dream." And my dream to finally go on a date with you even if it's some science shindig.

I pick up his soda and take a sip. "Hey hands off my soda." He gives me a playful smile and my knees buckle a bit.

"What, I'm thirsty, I had to jog here. But man if I had wings I'd been here in two second flat."

"Sure you would've, Rose." I roll my eyes and pick up today's newspaper. The headline was about the particle accelerator.

"What's so important about this particle accelerator anyways?" I ask.

"Harrison Wells' work on Quantum Theory is light-years ahead of anything they're doing at Cern." I can't help but smile at Barry's liveliness when he talks about science.

"Um Barry, you're doing that thing where you're not speaking English."

"Okay..." He picks up a marker from his desk and draws a dot on his clear board.

"Just imagine that that dot is everything the human race has ever learned until this moment."

"Does that include the Kylie Jenner lip challenge? Because that was a major miss on the human race part."

He draws a big circle around the dot then.

"That is everything we could learn from the particle accelerator. It's a whole new way of looking at physics. It will literally change the way we think about everything."

I pat his shoulder. "You seriously need to get out more."

"Hey leave him alone, he's working." My dad says as he enters the room. A beeping noise had came from Barry's computer and I look over at it.

"Looks like your testing jumbo is ready."

After Barry checks it over he nods and looks at my dad.

He sits beside me as Barry explains how the Mardon brothers are hiding on a farm, which explains the cow manure, ew, on their get away car.

"Dad, seeing how Barry solved your deep doodoo problem, how about letting him go to S.T.A.R.. Labs?" I say with an angelic grin.

He looks at me then at Barry.

"Fine, Go." I kiss his cheek and Barry then grabs me in a hug.

Oh crap he smells good. "Thank you Joe." Barry lets me go and we head out the door.

About an hour or so later we were at S.T.A.R. Labs.

I see plenty of supporters and just as many protesters for the particle accelerator.

"So, Barry, how was your trip? Did you find proof of the impossible it or did you just make my dad mad for no reason?" He laughs as we continue to walk.

"Actually while I was away, I had a chance to think ab-" Someone from behind had bumped me causing me to trip into Barry.

He catches me and my heart races as he sits me up right.

This is now or never Rose..

"You know Barry not to cut you off but I did some thinking while to were away too."

"Really what about?" My palms sweat as I begin to talk.

"About, um, relationships and you know I'm not in one and you're, you're not in one either. And you're like one of my best friends, Barry."

"You're mine too, Rose."

"But what I wanted to say was-"

"I know what you're going to say."

"I'm not sure you do."

"Even though we pretty much grew up in the same house together and we're kind of like brother and sister..."

Abort this conversation! Abort he used the brother/sister scenario.

"...Because we are not brother and sister it could get really weird and awkward to talk to me about guys. But I just want you to know, that you can talk to me about anything. Or go talk to Iris. Besides there's nothing I want more than for you to meet the right person to love you because you are an amazing girl."

He gives me a playful fist bump and I give it back.

You're the person Barry, right in front of me...

The crowd begins to applaud and we both see Dr. Wells walk on stage up to the podium. As Dr. Wells gives his speech I can't help but feel defeated.

Barry I love you...

Just say it, Rose. Just say it.

I go to say it but some jerk snatches my messenger bag that has Iris' laptop inside.

"Hey, he took my bag! Iris will kill me." I start to run off after him but Barry runs off in front of me. I can't let him get hurt because of me, so I run off after the guy too.

I run through the crowd and managed to keep up with Barry and the bag snatcher.

Just then I see the bag snatcher hit Barry in the gut with my bag then he takes off running.

"Barry!" I take off my shoe and throw it as hard as I can. Luck was on my side because my shoe smacks the guy right in the back. But instead of celebrating my victory, I make sure Barry was okay.

"Are you alright?" He nods. I see red, white and blue lights from the corner of my eye. Some way to end a date huh?

"I hate cocky cops." I say as we sit in the police station and I look at the new blonde cop. "He's a transfer from Keystone, started a few weeks ago. Names Eddie Thawne."

"I don't like him. So are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, Rose I'm fine really." I hear the thunderstorm start and hold Barry's hand automatically. "Still afraid of thunderstorms?" He says with a smirk. "Shut up. Look I'm going to get some chips, want anything while I'm gone?" He shakes his head and that's when I realize we're still holding hands.

I let it go and get up quickly.

"Rose you're such a wuss." I take out a dollar and press f5 for the Cheetos.

The thunder rumbles again and I snatch my bag out the vending machine quick.

I go back and see Barry wasn't there.

Maybe he's in his lab.

He better be or I'm going to crawl under his desk and spending the night.

I run up the steps and stop right out his lab. Sure enough he was inside watching tv. Mostly likely on the particle accelerator.

I still feel bad that he didn't get to see all of the event.

"Okay Rose, here's the deal..."

I start giving myself the pep talk of the century.

"...Go and comfort Barry. Make sure he's alright and when the time is right say it..."

I roll my shoulders back.

"I love you Barry..." No that sounds iffy.

"I love you Barry..." No I sound too aggressive.

"Yo Allen, love me like a love song baby." I just sound like a hot mess.

"I lo-" CLAP!

Oh shit!

I scramble inside of his office and he looks over at me.

"You okay?" I nod and put my chips down.

An alarm happens on the tv and the weather woman's says something about how everyone had to evacuate the facility all because the particle accelerator is going haywire.

The power goes out and suddenly there was a big explosion just where the particle accelerator was.

"Whoa..." Both Barry and I look at the explosion in awe.

Barry walks away from the window and starts to pull down on something.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to get to my generator, wanna help?" Help or get scared from thunder?

"Coming." As I walk over to him Barry looks behind me and I look too to see all of his chemical liquids floating in the air.

"What the?"

The loudest clap of thunder scares me out of my awe state, so I run and hold onto Barry. Suddenly some electric shock snaps my spine and it passes through Barry.

We both go flying and my head hits the wall with a sickening thud.

The last thing I remember was seeing Barry lying there unconscious and wanting to help him.

My spine jerks and the world goes black...

•Iris' Pov•

As soon as I heard the news I rushed to the hospital.

Barry was going to one emergency room while Rose was going to the other.

I run after Rose and I hear the doctor say that she's flat lining.

"You can't be in here miss."

"But that's my baby sister in there!"

I see them use the heart deliberator but she's still flat lining.

"Rose!" I scream her name as the nurse tries to drag me out.

My dad finds me and I can't stop myself from crying.

"It's all my fault. It's all my fault."

"Shh, Iris. This is not your fault."

"Yes it is, if I hadn't told her to take my place she wouldn't be in there."

"Then you would've been the one on that table."

I look back at the emergency door and hear them say clear one more time.

But this time I hear beeping.

I choke up tears and my dad holds my face in his hands.

"She's going to make it, Iris. Her and Barry."

But this still feels like it's all my fault...


I wanna thank all the readers who actually saw my book and decided to give it a read, I hope you guys like it and if so comment below and hey why not save the day an give this chapter a vote? See what I did there?? So what do you think about Rose? up up and away...Ugh im such a weirdo haha ;P

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