wrong number (Complete Rewrit...

By Minou_Chaton_

27.6K 697 194

Peter texts a wrong number one night after patrol and they continue texting but who is the person on the othe... More

1.Wrong number kid
2. who are you anyway?
3. silver
4. group chat
5. panic attacks and the start of something new
6. Stark internship
7. call your boyfriend then penis Parker
8 . suprise
9. CLINT!!!!!
10. prank war
11. heeeeyyyy
12. patrol.
13. confessions and cuddles
15. date night.
16. kisses and concerns
17. deuts and freaking out
18. let's meet aunt may pieteo
19. you know babe I love waking up with you in my arms
20. love poems and patrol with my boyfriend.
21. hey guys how you been?
23. irondad
24. Fuck you Fury no.
25. The wedding


454 13 3
By Minou_Chaton_

"Hi guys how ya been? "
And with that he passed out

Tony pov ( I know it's been a while)

"Boss the spider kid is out again." Came the Irish accented Voice of Friday

Thanks Fri. Finally I can try to catch that pest again he always comes out at 3:35 when most schools end. So he must still be in school" Tony mused as he made his way up to the living quarters of the tower to have a quick avengers assemble pose as they always do before going out ( lol why did I write that 🤣)

Suit on he had Friday open the 100 stories high window and jumped out of it after the inch winch spider.

Half an hour had passed and still no luck finding to he spider kid.

Friday found the kid by scanning for his biometrics and told us he was uptown on a rooftop. Big suprise when I she not on a rooftop?

I landed on the roof soundlessly the others joining me quietly as I was about to speak up the kid said in a hazy voice.

"Hi guys how ya been?"

And promptly started falling, not forwards onto the roof but backwards he's gonna get himself killed!!!
Without much thought in the matter I dived forwards ignoring the shouts of suprise at the sudden movement and rushed to the boy pulling him up into my arms and onto the roof of the building again.

The kid slumped into me, he was out cold and appeared to be badly injured blood and burns covered the suit from head to toe. He needs help ..... But I have orders to capture him and give him over.

Spider kid slightly lifted his head off of my chest I was currently out of the suit and sitting on the roof of the building th boy in my arms.

"T-tony?..... Help me" the kid said his voice was broken and raspy but understandable.

That was all I needed. I put the boy in the arms of my suit and got into the suit allowing it to wrap around me.

"Friday tell Bruce to have the med bay ready we don't know if the damage is critical."

"Brunch near has been notified."
Came Friday's voice.

"K-k-karen?" Spiderman rasped out

Another voice entered the air and it was not Friday.

"Yes Spiderman?"
"T-text May I got hurt again and tell silver that to onus got me and were coming h-home "

"Done spiderman"

"Thanks k-k-karen " .

"Kid im taking taking you to the tower not home " I explain calmly.

"Yeah home"said Spiderman settling his head on the chest plate of my suit. It made him look so small. This was the hero that had bested a whole team of avengers for days on end?

"SPIDERMAN"Pietro shouted as he sprinted towards the group.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" Spiderman asks holding his head slightly his mask pulled to his nose so you could see a small smile.

Huh? How come I didn't realise his mask was half up before? ........ Wait baby? Pietro's not cheating on Peter with Spiderman right?!!?

"-rong what do you mean what's wrong I leave you alone for one second and your falling off a building and being carried away by people who are trying to take you away what part of that isn't wrong babe?"

I couldn't hold it anymore "pietro?"

"Huh? What Tony can't you see I'm having a very important conversation right now?"

I opened my mask and fixed him with a leveled stare

"Are you cheating on Peter?" I asked
"What!?!" Pietro yelled
"Are. You. Cheating. On . Peter?"
"The fuck no Tony no!!!"

"Hey leave my boyfriend alone !!!" Yelled the voice of the boy currently in my arms. I looked at Pietro he was red and was face palming muttering why? Over and over again.

"Tony the kid has lost a load of blood we need to get him to the med bay interrogate that one later." Says Nat rolling her eyes in exasperation.

Time skip (๑•﹏•) give them a name

Med bay- Peter pov
My head is pounding, my chest aches and my leg is throbbing. My face feels horrid over all I'm in pain.

I panic and reach for my mask and sigh in relief when I feel it covering my eyes leaving my mouth and nose out to breathe exactly how I left it before I passed out.

The next thing I notice is that I'm on something soft. I'm pretty sure I passed out on a roof.

Looking around I figured out k was at the tower, in some sort of medical room. Up high too so one of the top floors to he view was undeniable.

Panic started to well inside me. What happens now? What will they do to me? So they know I'm peter?

My breathing picked up and I could tell that a panic atta k was on its way but I couldn't calm myself down enough.

I curled up into a ball the pain becoming more intense at the action but I didn't care right now.

"Karen c-call silver now" I gasped out.

The phone rang for a minute.

"Peter!!! Thank fuck you're awake!!!"

I didn't answer I couldn't breathe

"Peter?!? Are you okay?!?"

"H-h-help m-me"

The phone hung up and I thought he left me. The rational part of my brain told me his phone may have died or he but a patch of rough service. But that part of my mind was over crowded by the intense panic coursing through my veins. He left me. He doesn't care. He left me, he left me . This was a running monologue for several minutes.

Then I felt it. Warm strong arms wrapped around my shaking frame. I tried to open my eyes to see who I thought was holding me so tenderly. Pietro? It felt like him.

Black spots started to fill my vision I couldn't see him. It only made me panic more, was he even really there?

The arms around me pulled my closer and I found myself pressed against a chest. I could hear the steady beating if his heart and feel it moving up and down with each breath.

Tears swam in my eyes and I ripped the mask off of my fave and looked up at my boyfriend.

I choked down a sob and said a quiet "hey silver?"
"Hey baby, it's me, I'm here." Pietro said placing a gentle kiss to my forehead.

"W-what h-happens n-n-now?" I ask my voice wavering.


Pietro never got to finish before the door was opened and a person entered the room.

Nat pov

I had asked Friday to alert Mr and the birdbrain  when my baby spider woke up

It had been about half an hour when I was notified that my Детеныш паука was awake.

i made my way to the corridor with the bed rooms sure that bird brain would also want to see Детеныш паука .

Knocking on his door was pointless he's never in there he's always in the vents or on the sofa and since I had just come from the lounge he was in the vents.

I walk over to his door and jump up into the vent above it. Why did Tony make the vents big enough to fit people in anyway?

I climb in and make my way to the 'nest' as he likes to call it.this man is ridiculous .

"Hey bird brain the kids awake" I yelled into the 'nest' as I climbed in.

"Yeah? well I'm asleep go away Nat."
"Huh I thought you cared about this kid Clint." I smirked. Guilt trip always works.

"Ah the guilt trip always works eh Nat? Fine I'm coming" Clint huffs in mild amusement.

Did he just ...... Never mind baby spider is waiting for us.

We make our way threw the vents and jump out by the med bay.

I open the door to find Pietro and a curly haired boy in a spider suit. The boy slowly turned around and I see his doe brown eyes and a large gash on his face that appears freshly stitched I'll ask about that one later but it's Peter. Peter is spiderman.

Peter is Мой паучок

I stood silently for a second before brushing it off. It's not the strangest thing I've ever walked into.

Эй, паучок, как ты себя чувствуешь?

( Hey baby spider, how you feeling?)

Peter looked at me for a minute before rubbing his red eyes and clearing his throat .

Прекрасная мама-паук, моя нога и грудь все еще пульсируют, а мое лицо не полностью зажило. Хотя я не думаю, что мне помогло то, что я потерял много крови и продолжал двигаться.

(Fine mama spider, my leg and chest are still throbbing and my face isn't fully healed. Although I don't think it helped that I've lost a lot of blood and kept moving.)

Peter says slowly uncurling from the ball he was in and settling himself on his boyfriends lap who smiled warmly down at him.

Pietro decided this was a good to time to join the conversation.

Детка, как ты себя чувствуешь после панической атаки?

Baby how are you feeling after your panic attack?


yelled Clint who decided that now was a good time to make his presence known to the rest of the group.

'i am surrounded by idiots' I thought to myself.

Эй, птичий мозг. детка, я в порядке, просто устал. помогите мне вернуться на кровать, пожалуйста.

( Hey birdbrain. Babe I'm fine just tired. Help me back on the bed please.)

Peter said his voice weary and tired no one so young should sound like that. He sounded like he had the whole world resting on his shoulders.

Pietro nodded and helped Peter to stand, when Peter winced in pain I ran over and gently took the boy into my arms and placed him gently onto the bed before ticking him in careful of his injuries and handed him his mask and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Спи спокойно, мой маленький паучок.

(Rest well my baby spider)

I whispered as I left his bedside pulling Clint with me leaving Pietro to sit with his now sleepy boyfriend.

Before I left I heard a whisper of Russian.

Пити, детка, я люблю тебя, пожалуйста, будь в порядке.

(Petey babe, I love you  please be alright )

Я тоже люблю тебя, мой рыцарь в серебряных доспехах.

(I love you too my knight in silver armour.)

Tony pov

"Boss you may want to watch the security footage of the medbay" came the voice of Friday.

"Okay bring me up girl" I replied. What  I saw was definitely not what I was expecting....

Another cliff hanger
I did it again sorry lol

Hope you enjoyed it
till next time
love you all
1829 Words

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