17. deuts and freaking out

704 16 2

Fair warning their are a lot of pov changes and it's very long

Peter pov

I was freaking out!!!
Not only did I just have the beeesstt kiss of my life!!!
My boyfriend just told me that the avengers were after me!!!
Like what am I supposed to do about that!?!
What if they catch me?
Will they make me stop?

I can't stop being Spiderman!!!
Crime rates go up if I don't go out for a week!!!

How am I going to be Spiderman out there and Peter Parker in the tower?

I don't care if they are after me I'm not going to stop coming to see my boyfriend no matter what happens to me they a re Mr going to hurt him. He is an avenger as well as on the team, besides Pietro is dating Peter Parker not Spiderman.

I can make this work, I can and will.

I need to relax

"Friday, does the tower have a music room?"

Pietro pov.
I felt extremely anxious and I don't know why, I told him about them being after him and he was calm and collected about it but I'm still anxious. Why?

I decided to go for a short run and I ran for about 5 minutes until I felt that this wasn't helping and returned to the tower.

I need to find Petey

"Friday is Peter in his room?"

"No silver"

"Where is he?"

Adrenaline was kicking in where was he I need him. I can't lose him . What if he ran away? What if someone took him away? What if I never see him again?

"Peter is currently in the towers music room on floor 95"

To Hank fuck Peter is okay!!!

We have a music room?

"Thanks Friday"

Pietro made his way to the stairs knowing that he won't have the patience to wait for the elevator.

Peter pov

I need to relax

"Friday does the tower have a music room?"

"Yes Peter, the music room is on the 95th floor of the tower and is likely empty as it is not used often."

"Thanks Friday"

I walk out of the room and down into the elevator going from floor 100 to floor 95 and then asking for directions through the hallways to the music room.

I walk into the dimly lit room covered in a thin layer of dust showing that no one has been there in quite some time.

Walking over to the wall I pull on what appears to be a sheet and light floods into the room. A stage was now visible in the room and on the stage sat a large grand piano covered in a dust sheet as well as a guitar and drum set.

I haven't played guitar in years, aunt may and uncle Ben payed for me to get lessons from 6 to 13 I loved them for a while I wrote and played music and lived every second of it. But then we hit a rocky situation when uncle Ben died in was no longer able to. Money was tight then I stopped playing guitar and ultimately it was sold.

I haven't played since. I missed it is t was so Cal me ok ng to sit down and let my fingers show my pains, sorrows, frustrations and joy all through music.
Rushing the dust off of the guitar I say on the edge of the stage.

Play the song at the top now.

I thought of Pietro and the song that my aunt and uncle said was their favourite when Ben was alive it fit so well with the song speaks of love and not the kind that pop songs talk about but a kind that is real, unsure and sweet.

wrong number (Complete Rewrite)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora