24. Fuck you Fury no.

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Peter pov ( the next morning )

I woke up the way most people fall in love.slowly at first and then all at once.

Yawning I stretch out, only to find I'm once again wrapped in my boyfriend's arms. I smile softly looking down at his content features the tiniest smile playing on his lips. Pietro is beautiful and no one can change my mind.

Slowly the events of last night came to the surface and I couldn't help but groan. They know now and to make matters worse they avoided telling me if they were taking me in by distracting me with to he time I lifted a building, that shit was heavy tho.

I pryed my boyfriend's arms from around my waist and replace my body with my pillow. Pietro snuggled into it contentedly muttering something along the lines of "I luv yoooo Petey." Which was too fucking cute.

I went to the bathroom stripped and got in the shower my wound now fully healed after the meal we had last night before everything went crazy.

I soon got out of the shower and decided not to do anything with my hair. Pietro loves it curly anyway. Towel drying thoroughly i fluffed it up and left it  to dry naturally. I return to the room the towel wrapped around my waist to get some clothes. I was met with a very awake and highly blushing Pietro.

'why was he blushing?
Had I done something?'

"What?" I asked slightly uncomfortable with all the attention.

He looks at me lovingly all the time but right now he's staring right at me rather creepily and blushing bright red and still sat in bed. I just don't get it.

"Y-you.........*ahem* you........your..... Um nothing." Pietro said getting up from bed and running to the bathroom in a blur of blue light.

"That was strange" I muttered to myself, deciding not to think on it anymore I began busying myself finding clothes.

I walked over to the dresser and pulled out a black t-shirt and dark blue skinnies and one of pietro's hoodies it was navey blue with a quicksilver logo on it. I rolled the sleeves to my elbows put on my black sneakers and grabbed my phone before making my way to the kitchen to make breakfast for the gang.

Once it was done I walked into the lounge with a plate of pancakes bacon and eggs.

I wasn't hungry but I knew only to well I would be starving by ten because of my metabolism.

I began to eat, ten minutes later Tony came into the room muttering about a "bossy wife making me get up in the morning. So what if it's almost 9 and I'm wasting the day away? I need sleep woman. Stuff meetings."

During a this Peter was trying as hard as possible not to laugh himself silly after hearing every word perfectly through Tony's mutterd complaints due to his enhanced hearing.

Dispute this Peter burst into a loud fit of uncontrollable laughter.

"Good morning to you too, dad." Peter laughed out clutching his stomach as tears of pure joy came from his eyes.

Tony ruffled his hair and smiled down at him.
"Good morning kid. Now... How did ya sleep?" Tony asked putting tons of bacon on his plate and pouring what had to have been his 3rd cup of coffee in under 10 minutes. That can't be healthy. Right?

"I slept amazingly I had a human pillow" Peter smiled brightly as Pietro sluggishly Mae his way into the kitchen.

"Morning babe, I was just talking about you, your incredibly comfy you know" Peter teased.

"Goo-morning Petey pie" Pietro slurred sleepily whilst rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
Peter smiled at his boyfriend, he was so cute when he's tierd, compared to himself. His thoughts were all out bizarre.

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