9. CLINT!!!!!

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The light shinning through the windows woke Peter that morning, groaning he snuggles closer to the warm, soft object below him only to earn a soft chuckle and a hand running threw his hair. Peter couldn't help but sigh in content and place his head in his boyfriend's chest look listening to his breathing and heart beat.

"Morning babe" Peter said his voice slightly deeper than usual from sleep.

"Morning Petey pie" came pietro's reply his accent slipping though his sleep filled voice before he placed a kiss on Peter's forehead. Peter leans into the touch before finally opening his eyes to see Wanda sitting on the couch scrolling through her phone before finding what she was apparently looking for she stops.

"Okay then your finally awake. You know you are adorable when your sleepy." Wanda said a smirk in her face.

"Waaaannndddaaa stop being embarrassing!!" Whined Pietro pulling Peter closer to cuddle into which Peter was happy to reciprocate.

Wordlessly Wanda handed Pietro her phone playing a video in the screen.

In the video Peter and Pietro are cuddled up on the couch then Pietro stirred and pulled Peter closer saying "I love you Petey pie" then the videopeter stirred saying back"I love more..... I love you pietro"

The two boys were beet red.

"Fri who asked for this it looks like security footage" Pietro said still bright red.

"Bird brain asked for the footage and proceeded to send it in the group chat" came the iconic accented voice of Friday.

"Clint is sooo dead" growled Pietro

"Babe calm down...how about we make a plan to get him back!?!" Peter grinned as he looked at his boyfriend.

Time skip of them planning

Peter pov.
This is my best idea yet. Clint is so going to get it.

"Babe I'm going up "
Peter jumped into the vents in the high ceiling confusing his boyfriend immensely as the ceiling was twice the hight of Peter and he jumped it like it was nothing.

"Pete how did you do that?"

"Uh .. um s-s-s spring sneakers ... Um I'm wearing springy sneakers" stuttered peter, Peter was a terrible lier.

"Uh huh we are talking about this later if you can show me blueprints or notes on these springy shoes I'll let it slide" Pietro said clearly not buying the lie.

Peter sighed and reached for the bag his boyfriend was passing threw the vent opening and putting in an ear piece.

"Fine just make sure I don't get lost yeah?" Peter replied.

As he crawled through the vents on the search for the nest of the big bird brain with occasional direction from Pietro. Peter had finally made it to the birds nest right in the centre of the maze that was the vents Peter found that he could easily stand in this area so he did and pulled his bag off of his back before looking at his watch which had Karen installed in it. "Karen if birdbrain is coming warn me ok"

"Ok Peter" came the reply.

Peter started pulling things out of the bag that the man child probably wouldn't even think twice about having here such as a game controller but this one was different it turned if turned on it will activate an alarm inside the controller that doesn't turn off.
Next he sat down legos and opened the box scattering them all over the floor  before pulling out two cans of whipped cream and suspending them over where Clint will inevitably fall into his been bag chair creating a trigger so that when he fell into the bean bag chair whipped cream would squirt onto his head a camera was set up in the corner to recorded and send the video to the group chat.

wrong number (Complete Rewrite)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя