11. heeeeyyyy

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Hi persons 🙃 here's another chapter for you cuz you some reason you guys like to his story that i made up as I went along typing it out enjoy persons.

Peter pov
(Monday after school cuz I don't wanna write that)
"Tony, Tony I need help" I yelled bursting into the lab.

"Your telling me kid"Tony muttered.

"Hey! That's mean Tony." I pouted slightly forgetting that I'm not supposed to be able to hear him say that.

"Wait you heard that?!? That's amazing kid how?!? I'm on the other side of the lab Peter."

"Never mind that Toney I have an actual real life problem here!!"

"Ok kid, what's up?"

"Clint and Sam won't stop asking me about how vampires drink blood. I mean I don't know do I? Do they make puncture wounds then suck or are there fangs like straws Tony ? The answer still alludes me and to make matters only 50000 times worse we are currently in the middle of a prank war!!" I rambled pacing the lab.

"Kid you talk as fast as you type hat was all in a matter of about 15 seconds. How'd ya do it Bambi? As for you question kid I suppose they could be very much like there name's sake and have a chemical within their saliva so they make the wound then lick up the blood." Tony said in a matter of fact manner.

"Well your the genius, I guess I'll take your word for it. Also I need your help do you have any way to get back at Clint?"

"Only about a thousand. What did bird brain do this time?" Tony asks fiddling with the tools on his desk.

"Its a prank war Tony we keep pranking each other until we're out of ideas" I state in what i thought was a helpful voice and a look of pure 'duh' on my face.

"Alright I'm in we have glitter glue, paint stickers and feathers. What do you have in mind kid?"

A grin grew on my face as an idea formed in my mind.

Third person pov.

A grin grew on Peter's face as he raced put of the room leaving a baffled genius who simply shrugged and went back to working on the new stark phone with a holographic screen and a charger that can charge the phone completely in only 5minutes.

Peter raced down to the training rooms only to find his boyfriend jogging on a treadmill there.

"Hey babe, does this even go fast enough for you?"  Peter asked looking at his boyfriend.

"Not really it goes up to Steve's top speed but I'm still 500000000 times faster than him so I have to be here for about 7hours before I break a sweat at the highest level.Tony said he would make one that would be more suited to my training but he's either forgotten or not got around to it yet"Pietro replies a sweat forming on his forehead showing how long he had been here by now.

"Well how about I make you one then?" Peter asks shyly looking down at his hands. The room falls silent and Peter looks up to see his boyfriend's blue eyes gleaming with joy like a kid on Christmas and a massive grin on his face.

"That. Would. Be. Amazing. Thanks Petey I'm going to go shower, try not to miss me" Pietro smirked a little at the blush adorning peters face now and leaned down to place a small kiss on his nose and exiting the room., Leaving Peter smiling like a mad man.

Peter eventually snapped out of his daze and looked around for Clint's arrows. Now for prank time. Peter smirked and rushed out of the room and to the lab.

Time skip.
A lot of paint, glue glitter and Princess stickers later it was complete. Peter ran back to the training room and put the arrows away.

Clint pov.
I was insanely bored and decided that I would go and annoy my son. Man I live saying that. He said he was going to go train didn't he? Yeah.

Making my way down to the training room I realised I hadn't seen him for about 7or8 hours. Making my way into the room  I see that Pietro is not here. "Oh well may as well get some training in whilst I'm here." I say absently.

I walk to my arrow station to get some target practice in cuz at least it'll keep me occupied for about half an hour.

My arrows were exactly were I had left them. But it looks as though someone had thrown a towel on them.

Lifting the towel I find my arrows but not the way I wanted to find them.

They were a bright neon pink with glitter and Disney princesses on them. Peter. I'm going to prank a boy.

Third person pov
Peter was down in the lab making a treadmill for his boyfriend when Friday alerted him that a certain birdbrain was after him Peter grinned to himself and told Friday to let Clint know he was in the lab.

Peter pov.

Smirking I look up towards the door the the lab asking Friday to initiate prank mode.

"Prank mode activated sir" came the simple reply.

Clicks sounded throughout the lab and the door swung open.

Clint barges into the lab opening is mouth to yell at Peter only to be covered in pink paint and purple glitter to match his arrows.

"Hey Clint did you like your make over?" Peter asked innocently smirking at the man Infront of him.

"Oh you are going to get it kiddo I don't care of your my kids boyfriend you are going to pay." Clint said threateningly the overall effect however was ruined by the pink paint and glitter.

The next thing Clint knew he was covered from head to toe in a new coat of paint and feathers.

Till next time
Live you all
1003 Words

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