A light in the darkness

By ElaheKarami

112K 3.7K 877

(Sequel to my mother married a Capo) (Can be read stand alone) Two years have passed since the fall of Volkov... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 38

1.6K 85 24
By ElaheKarami

"Okay. Now, everyone, listen carefully." said Mason and everyone looked at him.

Mason, Ben, Albert, Rich, Alex, Simon, Damien, Xander, and Hunter were all sitting in the truck of a big van, all fully armed. It was five in the morning and they were all more than ready to put an end to the mess and more importantly to Gomez's life.

"We are almost at the place where we will gonna leave the cars and continue on foot." explained Mason. "According to what our tech team has gathered from CCTV, we know for sure that Anna should be in the basement. Maria and Alison are probably on the second floor in one of the rooms. The building is so big. It was some sort of hospital for people with lung problems before. Gomez has more than 150 men there with him. We are almost equal in number and besides, we have the element of surprise." 

"I want Fred." growled Alex angrily. "I will go after him directly."

"No. You won't." responded Mason quickly and sternly, his tone leaving no room for discussion. "Our priority is to save the girls. We should make no mistakes. That is why we will split into groups to cover the building."

Alex huffed and looked away, but didn't say anything. He knew Mason was right. Having Alison somewhere safe was more important for him than killing Fred. Fred could wait. And if he would manage to flee today, Alex would leave no rocks unturned until he would find and kill him.

"What's your plan?" asked Albert. He was truly feeling old for the pressure of this kind of work and after Tony's death, he was feeling older. The fact that Alison and two other's girls who soon would be his daughters were in danger was the only thing that had kept him going.

"Ben and I with our men, plus Alex and Simon with their group of men will cover the second floor." explained Mason and looked at Alex. "Alex, you should go look for Alison. Damien, Xander, You will take a group and will go to the first floor and straight to the basement to take Anna out. Dad, Rich, and Hunter, the majority of our men will be at your order. Cover the outside and the first floor as well and I trust Damien and Xander to find Anna. The tech team will guide you inside and will alert you of any blockage on your way. Kill everyone you see."

Everyone nodded their heads and sat in silence as they waited the agonizing slow minutes to arrive at the precise position. Soon they went inside the forest with the cars using a forgotten dirt road. When they couldn't go any further with the cars, they left them and began their journey to the building. 

Rich, Xander, and Damien left the others with two groups of men so they can go through the back door and cover the area from there.

"When you are at the desired area, don't go out of the woods." they heard Mason's hushed tone through their earpieces. "We should circle the building first. Give me a signal that you are ready and wait for my attack signal. "

When they were all positioned in the woods right in front of the building, they all waited for Mason's signal. Everyone was high with anger and tension. They all wanted nothing other than revenge on the men who had caused them pain and humiliation.


Mason's command rang in their ears and gunshots filled the area. The guards around and on top of the roof of the building fell with the first shots and the hell broke loose. 

Xander didn't waste any time and sprinted toward the back door with Damien hot on his tail and their assigned group of men following closely. But before they can run the five meters distance between the edge of the woods and the building, the back door and some of the windows got open and bullets flew toward them, killing a few of their men before they can take cover behind the cars that were parked in the perimeter.

"Damien! Xander!" Rich's voice rang in their earpieces. "We will fire a volley at the windows for one minute. Is it enough for you to go through the door?"

"More than enough." answered Damien and looked at his twin who was staring at the door with a clenched jaw.

"GO!" yelled Rich and bullets poured on the windows, and at the same time, Damien and Xander with their men fired heavily on the door while running toward it and making their way inside. 

Xander was leading the way, holding two guns, firing at every living soul that dared to show up in his way. One bullet had grazed his shoulder and the other had grazed his side, but he was feeling no pain. All his focus was on finding his angel.

After 15 minutes of constant firing and hiding and advancing through the war zone, Xander and Damien were finally been standing in front of the basement doors with six bodies who were previously guarding the basement's door, dead on the ground. 

Rich, Albert, and hunter's men had found their way inside of the first floor and they were slowly clearing the floor.

"Ready?" asked Damien and pointed his gun toward the door.

"Just keep the guard alive." growled Xander, ready to kick the door open while clutching his gun tightly. "If he is the one who punched Anna, I want him alive."

"Everyone, get out of the building as soon as you can," Mason's voice filled their ears and they looked at each other confused. Mason's next words made them both freeze. "This place will blow up in ten minutes. I repeat, evacuate the building."

"I can't leave without her." said Xander and looked at his twin.

"We will get her and leave soon." answered Damien firmly and pointed to the door. "let's finish this."

Xander nodded gratefully and then kicked the door open. They rushed inside, ready to shoot as they carefully descendant the steps, but they quickly retreated as a bullet hit the stair where Damien was stepping onto. 

"TAKE ONE MORE FUCKING STEP AND I WILL KILL HER!" shouted a voice from below the stairs.

The twins slowly went down the stairs until they were able to see the guard who was holding a weak Anna in front of him, pressing his gun to her head, making sure to keep his large body hidden behind her fragile body as much as possible.

Xander's blood was boiling and anger was radiating off of him in pure white waves. The man was the same guard who had punched Anna earlier. He glanced at Anna and his eyes softened instantly while his heart clenched hard. She had cuts and bruises on her face and he could see a trail of blood coming down her neck. Her long hair was tangled and messy and had stuck to her sweaty and tear-stained face. 

"Xander!" she whispered-cried as tears streamed down her face like a river. Her whole body was aching badly. She was sure that she had at least one broken rib and a few ones cracked. She was bleeding down there because of the hard kicks she had received to her stomach last night.

She was unconscious the whole night and had been roughly awakened with a hard slap to her face. The world was fuzzy around her before the guard fired his gun. The ear-piercing sound made her sobber and the next moment her hardly functioning heart sank at the sight of her love coming down the stairs.

A rush of relief surged through her body and she couldn't control her crying. Even his presence in that shitty situation was managing to calm her down. At least she would die when he was there with her.

"It's okay, angel. I'm here." said Xander softly, trying to calm her down.

"SHUT UP!" the frantic and scared guard looked at Xander and shouted frustrated and that slight distraction was enough for Damien to raise his gun with the speed of lightning and shoot the guard's arm that was holding the gun right in the elbow.

The man screamed in agony and released the gun and also Anna, both fell to the ground. The boys ran toward them. Damien quickly held Anna before she can hit the ground and gently laid her down, while Xander went toward the squirming guard on the ground.

Now, it was time for revenge. For the first time after three agonizing days, he let go of his pent-up fury and the wolf inside of him howled in ecstasy, thirsty for blood. He straddled the guard and his fist came down on the man's face full force, easily cracking his jaw with the first blow.

"You.Should.Never.Hit.A.Woman.You.Bastard." snarled Xander, landing a punch with each word. The speed of his punches increased and blood began to splash into his face and his shirt. The man's face was unrecognizable now.

"Xander!" The urgency in Damien's voice stopped Xander and his fist halted mid-air. His foggy eyes turned in Damien's direction and immediately they cleared at the sight. Anna had passed out and she looked extremely pale.

"We don't have time." said Damien and scoped Anna into his arms and stood up. "We should take her out. Leave the guard. He is dead. We have five minutes."

Xander jumped to his feet and gently took Anna from Damien and held her close to his chest. "let's go." he said and they both ran up the stairs. 

Right as they reached the top of the stairs they saw Hunter and a group of their men there.

"Run! Run out!" said Hunter and they all began to run toward the backdoor. Most of their enemy was dead and they managed to run outside without so much trouble. They ran toward the woods and took shelter behind the trees.

"Dad! We are out!" yelled Hunter in his earpiece. "Damien and Xander too."

"Mason! Ben! Are you out?" they heard Albert's frantic voice in their earpieces and the three brothers looked at the building with wide eyes. 

"Boys, damn it, fucking answer me!" shouted Albert but the next second his frantic shouting was cut down as a loud explosion went off and the building exploded.



Alex expertly shot the man that suddenly appeared in front of him from inside a room. "Fuck! Alison! Where are you?" he hissed desperately and searched the rooms around him.

"This fucking building has so many rooms." cursed Simon beside Alex and looked at both sides of the corridor they were currently in, searching for any threats, trying to protect his boss. 

The second floor had four long corridors, with eight others, crossing them, creating many escape routes and hiding spots. Many rooms were on the floor, making the search for the girls harder.

Alex and Simon had separated from Mason and Ben who had left to search the other side of the floor. It was already 20 minutes and Alex was going insane. The thought of Fred fleeing with Alison was driving him nuts.

"Mr. West!" Alex heard one of the members of the tech team in his earpiece and his body froze. "I can see Fred with a few men, running down a corridor. He has Miss. King. Take the corridor on your left and you should be able to see them in the next junction on your right. They are heading toward one of the staircases that leads to the front doors."

Alex was running down the corridor on his left between the tech man's talk. His heart was beating franticly and the only thing he wanted, was Alison, safe in his arms. Just as the two friends and their men reached the junction and turned to the right, they saw Fred and a group of his men running toward them.

Alex saw Fred's eyes grow wide in less than a second before the two groups began to shoot toward each other and Fred threw himself inside of a room on his left. What made Alex's blood boil more was Alison who was unconscious in Fred's arms.

Half an hour ago, she had jumped alert at hearing the gunshots with her heart beating franticly in her chest with both hope and fear. Fred who had slept all night beside her had woken up instantly as well and had jumped out of bed grabbing his gun and glancing outside.

"Shit!" he had whispered before running to grab his clothes.

"It's over, Fred." said Alison. "Let me go."

"No way in hell." growled Fred, before marching to Alison with a syringe in his hand.

Alison's eyes had widened and she had quickly jumped to action, using her combat skills to dodge and kick Fred as much as she could with her bonded foot.

"FUCKING HELL, BITCH!" shouted Fred as she kicked him in the face and threw him to the ground.

Just then the door burst open and Kane rushed inside frantically. "We should leave. They are taking the second floor." he yelled.

"Hold her so I can sedate her!" seethed Fred as he wiped the blood from his lip and stood up, grabbing the syringe as Kane walked to the bed as well.

Alison had no power against the two men and soon she was pinned to the bed and felt the sting of the syringe in her neck and soon she was out cold.

Alex, Simon, and their men quickly took cover behind the walls of the corridor, and saw Fred jumping into a room with Alison and Kane and a few of their men jumping into another on the opposite side.

"Everyone, get out of the building as soon as you can," Mason's voice ranged in their ears and their breaths hitched in their throats. "This place will blow up in ten minutes. I repeat, evacuate the building."

"Fuck!" cursed Alex and glanced quickly into the now empty corridor. 

"Get Fred." said Simon. "I'll get his men in the other room."

Alex nodded and looked at the four men with them. "All of you go with him. Fred is mine." he growled before running out of his hiding place and toward the room that Fred had jumped in.

He walked into the room and right away a hand came down full force on his forearm, making him drop the gun onto the ground and in a second, he and Fred were engaged in full combat. Unfortunately for Fred, he had forgotten his gun in his haste, trusting his guards to take care of him, and now he had no choice but to fight hand in hand with Alex.

The two men were almost equal in fighting skills, both dodging and blocking the other's punches and blows. In one swift motion, Alex grabbed Fred's arm, twisted it a bit, and send both of them flying to the floor. 

They rolled to opposite sides and get on their knees and whipped toward each other only for a gun to went off. Both boys stood still, panting hard, staring into each other's eyes.

Fred tilted his head a bit and looked down at his chest and his breathing become uneven as he stared at a red stream of blood running down his white shirt right from his chest. He looked up at Alex who was aiming his gun toward him and choked out a bit of blood as his body slowly went limp.

"Tell Alie that I'm sorry." he choked before his eyes rolled back and he fell to the ground dead.

Alex quickly stood on his feet and rushed to the corner where he had seen Alison laying there. He clenched his jaw when he saw her in a white shirt and a pair of boxers that obviously belonged to Fred and silently prayed in his mind to whatever god above that Fred had not hurt Alison in any way or he would hunt Fred to the realm of death only to kill him again and again.

He quickly picked Alison and rushed toward the door, the clock in his mind counting down the minutes. To his relief, he saw Simon with one less of their men outside and they all rushed toward the stairs and opened their way outside.

"WEST!" he heard Rich calling him and they all ran toward him who had stood on the edge of the woods, creating a cover for them by shooting toward the building with his men.

"She is fine. Only unconscious." said Alex once he saw a worried Albert whose eyes were fixed on Alison worriedly. Albert nodded and they all rushed into the woods.

"Where are Mason and Ben?" asked Albert franticly and glanced at the building from behind a tree.

"I don't know." answered Alex as he checked up on Alison. "We split."

"Dad! We are out! Damien and Xander too with Anna." Hunter's voice reached their ears.

"God! Mason!" whispered Rich and ran a hand through his hair.

"Mason! Ben! Are you out?" Albert yelled franticly into his earpiece. His worried eyes fixed on the entrance of the building.

"Boys, damn it, fucking answer me!" he shouted and began to run toward the building, ignoring Rich's calls. But the next second the building exploded, sending him and Rich flying backward.

Albert winced and pushed himself off of the ground using his arms and looked at the crumbling building in front of him. His wide eyes fixed on the building that was coming down with his eldest son and his best friend's son who was like a son to him still inside. All voices were muffled and everything was blurry. 


He vaguely saw Rich stumbling to his feet and running to the building shouting for his brother and his friend.

There was only one paralyzing thought in his mind. His sons were gone. 


A/N: Thoughts? Please vote if you liked the chapter and also leave a comment. I really like reading your opinion.

Thanks you all

Ela :)

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