wrong number (Complete Rewrit...

By Minou_Chaton_

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Peter texts a wrong number one night after patrol and they continue texting but who is the person on the othe... More

1.Wrong number kid
2. who are you anyway?
3. silver
4. group chat
5. panic attacks and the start of something new
6. Stark internship
7. call your boyfriend then penis Parker
8 . suprise
9. CLINT!!!!!
10. prank war
11. heeeeyyyy
12. patrol.
13. confessions and cuddles
15. date night.
16. kisses and concerns
17. deuts and freaking out
18. let's meet aunt may pieteo
19. you know babe I love waking up with you in my arms
21. hey guys how you been?
23. irondad
24. Fuck you Fury no.
25. The wedding

20. love poems and patrol with my boyfriend.

601 14 15
By Minou_Chaton_

Peter pov

Class was full of boring gossip and knowledge I already know. Why am I here again? Oh yeah 'an education'.

If I know more than the teacher I might as well sleep threw the class. What class am I in right now? I'm in geography it's dull to say the least. At least I have Ned and MJ in this class they keep me company and flash keeps glaring at me probably from when I used my webs and pulled him off his feet to land on his arse in the middle of the hallway. But at least j was merciful and didn't do it in front of others.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Imagine just hanging him up and leaving him there to be found by someone. That would be humiliation at its finest point,but as I have said before I'm merciful and know my limits.

My thoughts were broken from a ding in my pocket.

Fishing my phone from my pocket I unlock it and find my boyfriend texted me.


I open the message to see that he has sent me a picture or I suppose more accurately a poem.


I wrote you something babe hope you like it.😘🌹😊

That's why I love my boyfriend, one minute I'm planning the ultimate humiliation for a idiot bully and the next thing I know he's sending me the sweetest thing I've ever read in my life.

I left him on read and got some paper to write him one back and maybe mine will be even better.

It was about 10 minutes later and I finally felt like I had put my heart into the poem about my love for him.

I just hope he loves it

Petey pie
Hey baby sorry for not replying sooner I was in class
This is the sweetest thing I have ever read thank you baby🌹😘🤍
This is for you;) love ya babes x

You know Tony is right you do type fast
Petey you wrote this for me?

Petey pie
Yeah 😁 do you like it?

Love it...... Not as much as you ....... But close.

Petey pie
Your such a sap lol

Yeah but I'm your sap love;)

Petey pie
You really are to much sometimes
I have to go to next period now love.
Text you later xx

I had walked into my next class while talking to my boyfriend and put my phone away only to find that I had somehow managed to seat myself in flashes seat. Like how the actual hell j never sit front row centre in any class!?!

I have questions
Oh fantastic here he comes

"Parker, do tell why you are you in my seat?" Sneered flash

"You know that's a good question flash. I have a question tho."


"Do you like Spiderman?" I ask genuinely curious if he just generally hates me.

Flash looks at me like I am an absolute idiot'.

"Are you stupid parker? Get out of my seat. Everyone likes Spiderman.

I simply stay sat in the seat staring at him.

"I will Flash, I just have one more question. Do you really hate me?"

"Answer me this parker why shouldn't I pick you up and throw you out of my seat?"flash asks tapping his foot on the ground in irritation.

"Well you simply wouldn't be able to. Now answer my question flash."

Flash looked around the room no one else was here yet we had the classroom to ourselves. Currently everyone was on a 20 minute break to get food and go to the loo and socialise but I wasn't hungry a s could wait another hour for lunch also i was fine being early after all more often than not in late anyway. TR he only thing is why is good lash looking around the room?

Flash heaved a big sigh and sat next to me clearly this was big.

"You think it so easy parker. You have a loving aunt and you're smart. You have a probably amazing, strong, loving relationship with your boyfriend, awesome friends that actually give a shit about if your alright. But what about me?

My father only loves me when I'm top of the class Nd he hits me when ever I get something wrong. He's smart about it tho. I never have bruises on my face only on my torso. That's why I'm always wearing long sleeves or a hoodie. I have no friends only spies. They spy on me and report back to my dad what I do wrong everyday of my life.

But sometimes dad gets drunk of his face and gives me bruises and possibly even internal bleeding but it isn't enough, no he has to stave me too.

I'm never top of the class it's always you parker ever since freshmen year you were always top of every class even English and everyone hears you complain that you hate English. I go home everyday just to be beat black and blue.

Eventually I decided that if I had to be in this much pain everyday ........ Than so do you. I don't hate you parker. I hate my father and needed something to take my anger I felt towards him into someone.

The worst bit is that my little sister never does anything wrong. She's the perfect golden child. And me? Well in just the disappointment that deserves nothing"

Flash has tears brimming in his eyes now.

"That's why I changed my name you know, when I started to bully you. Eugene was weak, he gets beaten up by the man whom is supposed to love him. But Flash is strong, he stands up for himself even if he is a bit of a prick."

"Flash" Peter whispered softly reaching out to touch his shoulder.

Flash flinched at the incoming hand  before mumbling something about reflexes and breaking into uncontrollable sobs.

Peter didn't know what to do, this boy crying in the chair was his rival, his enemy. No that is going to far. He's in pain right now and he needs help.

Peter stood up from the chair and pulled flash easily fro this chair and lifted him into his arms walking over to the corner on the side of the door at the back so that if anyone entered the room they wouldn't be immediately seen.

Peter sank to the ground the crying boy now in his lap clinging to him as he sobbed, Peter rubbing the boys back awkwardly.

"I-i-im sorry Peter I i-i I know that I haven't been nice to you but I thought that if I acted tough in school I could trick myself into thinking I was as tough as I made myself seem."

"It's okay flash I always healed in a day or two anyway."

The sniffling was the only sound in the room as flash continued to calm himself down and Peter continued t or awkwardly rub his back not really sure if it was helping or if he should just stop.

"Parker how did you manage to pick me up you look like a stick and I know im not exactly light.* Ash said.

"Super strength " Peter smirked.

"You have super strength. Of course next you'll be telling me your Bruce Wayne or Clark Kent or even this city's own Spiderman." Flash said jokingly lightly pinching Pater's arm and rubbing his now red eyes

"Ding, ding, ding he got one right!!" Peter exclaimed in a show host voice miming ringing a bell.

"Flash you know you didn't have to tell me all that stuff about that idiot of a man you have to call your father right? I mean I just wanted to know if you actually hated me."

"Yeah but when you asked i felt like I should give you the whole story. It was never that I hated you. I needed help and I thought that maybe if I acted out someone would notice. The only thing I didn't take into account was the fact that this was going to be a new school and no one knew my personality yet to know there was a problem or that I was in pain almost constantly and needed help that I would never get. I know I didn't need to tell you Peter but your the first to genuinely listen to me."

Flash stood up and so did i. Now standing infront of each other flash extended his hand to me. " Friends?"

A grin spread to my face now as I took his hand "friends"

I walked over to my seat and soon the class started.

Time skip give them a name ┏(^0^)┛

It's lunch now and flash came over to our table where I had settled myself with Ned and MJ.

"Losers, flash is coming over here"  Mj said a clear tone of distaste in her voice.

"What does he want? Can't we enjoy a peaceful lunch for once?" Asks Ned a small scowl on hi is face as he looked down at his ham burger.

Peter on the other hand looks up quietly and calls out.

"Flash, bro if your gonna come over do it a bit faster your freaking them out going so slow." Peter teased brightly.

Flash's face instantly brightened and he walked over to the table and sat next to Peter

Table plan :

Ned.     Mj

Flash.   Peter

(In case you were confused )

Everyone was slack jawed. No one had expected the rivals slash enemies of the school to ever be civil with one another.

Peter stood up a said "as you were " waving his hand dismissively and sitting down chuckling to himself. "I've always wanted to say that"

The whole table laugh along with him and Mj calls him a loser and flash was declared loser number 3.

Over all today was pretty amazing.

Time skip.ᕦʕ •ᴥ•ʔᕤ Give him a nice name

Peter pov
It's patrol time, I kinda want to curl up and cuddle my boyfriend but I had yesterday off so I need to be here for  my city rather than just sitting cuddled up with my boyfriend at home no matter how much more inviting it sounds.

'Maybe I can convince him to come with me' I thought

I run over to my phone that was dumped on my bed and texted pietro

Petey pie
Hello my knight in silver armour 🤍

What do you want this time babes?

Petey pie
Patrol with me?

Coming :)

The next thing I know I've been scooped up in pietro's arms and was being swung around.

I screamed in suprise gripping onto him for dear life before realising and laughing along with him.

"Babe put me down its time for patrol" I whined.

He put me down and I grabbed my mask and jumped out the window shooting a web and landing on near by rooftop.

I love my job sometimes. Not so much the pain and bleeding but definitely the helping people and the freedom that comes with a secret identity.

Stopped crime with my boyfriend for half an hour it was now like 7:30 pm and I heard some yelling and a smash of a bottle and more yelling.

I jumped down to the roof of the building to hear better and I found that I knew one of the voices. He sounds so scared. Flash. He only just got home? Does he do this every night?

I jump in through the vent and climb my way inside. Pietro following behind me clearly looking at my arse but I was on the job and I need to stay focused.

I found the room with the broken bottle and opened the vent soundlessly. Spending so much time around Clint has its perks. Climbing out I stuck to the ceiling and lowered myself to the ground.

The room was well decorated
Sofas in an L shape around the TV on the wall. A glass coffee table and a mirror on the wall all in white rimmed in gold. It was a beautiful room, unfortunately the stench of alcohol and broken glass scattered across the floor ruined the aesthetic.

I walked over to the next room to find a cowering flash and a man with wild looking blood shot, angry eyes. His hair was a state sweaty and sticking up in all directions his clothes in disarray and a broken bottle in his hand.

Flash looked awful as well a big bruise on his right eye, scrapes across his arm from the glass and blood soaking threw his clothes.

Alcoholics always a tricky kind of people to deal with.

Peter threw a web at flash's father grabbing the bottle out of his hand and smashing it behind me.

"Now, now let's act civilised shall we sir?" Peter quipped sticking to the ceiling as he came barreling to leads him in a fit of drunken rage somehow still holding a large shard of glass.

Peter ignored the now surely unconscious man on the ground of his own dining room and made his way over to flash.

The man on the ground slowly rose and ran at Peter making his Spidey sense flare but Pietro ran into the room distracting him momentarily and he got a gash on his left cheek but quickly quickly recovers and throws a punch hard enough to knock him out but not kill him and the man fell to the floor out cold this time.

"Quicksilver call the police this man needs to be arrested has committed the act of abuse to his son and this is not the first time this has happened" Peter told him slightly nursing his bleeding cheek.

Pietro nodded and pulled out his phone to call the police. Walking into the other room to get away from the blood spread across he room before he throws up the snack he ate not even 20 minutes ago.

Peter turned to flash to see him still bundled up in the corner of the room shielding his face. Peter placed a soft hand on his shoulder and flash immediately flinches away.

"Flash? Come on buddy"


"Well ..... yea and no"

Flash doesn't open his eyes but leaps into Peter's arms clinging to him tightly.

"Yes flash?"
"He did it again. He was drunk. But this time he promised he was going to make me bleed. And he actually did it." Peter held the boy tightly.

"Owe ow oww ..  Peter I think he also cracked a rib please be gentle." Flash whimpered.

"Flash I got a big cut on my face, I need your first aid kit then we can deal with a your cuts and get your ribs checked at the hospital yea?"


Flash says standing shakily and clutching his chest and rubbing his eyes from the tears that escaped. Before opening his eyes to see Spiderman.

"Okay, if your Spiderman who did I'd I just spend the last two minutes crying on?" Asked flash still clutching his chest, yep definitely broken.

"That would have been your mate, Peter Parker, Spiderman, superhero, nerd extraordinary me! "Peter laughed to himself .

Flash didn't even seem confused as to where Spiderman had come from if he were hugging Peter the whole time more concerned about the fact that he was crying on Spiderman. That was just behind funny to Peter and he tried smiling only to remember the gash on his face that was definitely going to need stitches perfect.

Peter pulled the mask off of his face as Pietro came back into the room talking.

"Hey baby, the police are on the wa- baby!!! What happened?!? Are you okay?!?"

"Silver calm down could you I'm fine. Super fast healing remember?"

"I'm sorry to interrupt but
1 silverspider is definitely the perfect ship name for you two
2 could you not be so flirty in my house
3 stop smiling you'll aggravate the wound
4 how the actual fuck is my new friend Spiderman!?" Flash said.

The love bids crack up laughing at this. His utterly buffered expression was priceless.

"I tell ya never have I wanted MJ's artistic talent more than now. Your face mate." Peter says eventually calming down peter talks again "flash would you mind getting the first aid kit now?"

"Oh yeah be right back "

"Shit pietro, i need to call May. I got injured again, if I don't tell her this time she'll take the suit."

"Well, call her then. I'll be here for you"

Peter nods hesitantly.

"Yes Peter?"
"Call Aunt May"
"Calling Aunt May"

The phone rang for a moment the short beep on the other line signaled that May had answered the phone.

"H-hey Aunt May"

"Peter, what did you do?"

"Okay I got injured on patrol again that's all its a large gash on my cheek I know you would kill me if I didn't tell you and I didn't want to risk make up over such a deep wound or it might get infected."

"Okay peter. But I want you home in two hours got it ? That way I can treat your wound professionally before you go to bed and j won't be dead tired whilst doing it"

"Okay Aunt May see you then larb you bye".

"Larb you too peter"

"Larb? As in the food?" Asked flash as he walked into the room carrying the all to families green box.

"Yeah it's an inside joke that's all, so you or me first?"

"You. Your far worse off Pete it's not even a question." Flash protested.

"Flash chill in m going to have Aunt May treat my wounds when I get home all I need is a large bandaid till I get home. Let's do you, you have lots of cuts everywhere that could get infected."

"Fine" flash says begrudgingly

Time skip (。☬0☬。) give this drag queen a name

Pietro and I went back on patrol after dropping flash off at the nearest hospital to get checked over.

We stop on a roof and over look the city. It had gotten dark our and the city lights brightly lit the streets now rather than the sun.

I sit down with my boyfriend by my side and enjoy the view, we still have an hour and a half left to burn and no current crime.

Twenty minutes go by with nothing but the sounds of the city and idle chatter between the two.

Peter was about to make a comment back to his snarky boyfriend when he feels his senses flare.

"Silver, it's the avengers"
"There coming are you staying or leaving. You choose your fast enough to get away if I somehow get away they will know you took me"
"I have an idea, I'll be back"

With that Pietro was gone and the avengers landed behind me.

"Привет, рад снова всех видеть" Peter chirped happily

(Hello good to see everyone again)

"Ты тоже, паучок, эта шутка в прошлый раз затянула меня на несколько дней"Clint says happily.

(You too baby spider that prank last time had me cracking up for days.)


Поверьте мне, он всегда кудахтал в самый неожиданный момент»"

( Trust me he did always cackling at the most random times)

"Helllloooo still don't know Russian over  here thanks " called a very sarcastic voice if Tony.

"Listen ive had a very long day, could we maybe do this like tomorrow or something please"

"Well since you said please....." Tony sighed

"Wait really?!?"


Nat and Clint just watched as Tony started shooting at Spidey with his repulsor's but they didn't want to get burnt so there wasn't much they could do but they refused to fight him.

Peter jumped off the building and free fell for 20 feet before swinging into an alleyway.

The next thing Peter knows he is face to face with his boyfriend and civilian clothes are in his hands.

Quickly changing, I thank him and he runs me home to have May take a look at the gash on my face. All in all I'd call that a rather successful day.

Thanks for reading this I hope you have an amazing day night whatever.
I felt like I made flash overly mean so i gave him a little redemption arc In this chapter.

Till next time
Love you all
3409 Words

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