The Gangster's Girl (Process...

By Ironically_

373K 6.7K 278

Cover By ArabelleWinchester "Please Jack, I'm sorry," I begged him. I knew I looked like shit while he looke... More

Chapter 8: ice pack
Chapter 9: You voice may say something but your eyes saying something else
Chapter 11: Katie
Chapter 12: Truth or joke?
Chapter 13: I. Don't. Need. Help.
Chapter 14: I'm so confused it makes me want to die in a hole
Chapter 16: I need to stop with the lists!!
Chapter 17: I'm not good at this ok?
Chapter 18: Ok, that sounded way more dramatic than it should.
Chapter 19: Australian Dingo
Chapter 20: Me dead? Yeah right, I'm a freakin' ninja.
Chapter 21: Dead on the dance floor
Chapter 22: Last time I watched that I pee myself every time I was in the dark.
Chapter 23: Cookie dough coffee
Chapter 24: Well, this is clichรฉ.
Chapter 25: Tires bullshit!
Chapter 26: The race is on.

Chapter 10: haha your soooo funny

11.6K 234 3
By Ironically_

Chapter 10: haha you're soooo funny

       “Alana Cooper get your lazy, smelly ass out of bed!” the same voice shouted at me again.

       “You have been yelling at me this past hour. Do you think I will get out of bed now? We are thirty minutes late,” I started from under my blankets and pillows.

       “If you get up, we can go anywhere for breakfast!” she shouted. I snorted at her idea, she’ll dump me with the check at the end.

       “I will pay!” Tara shouted.

       “We haven’t talked in forever!” Miley yelled.  I felt guilt hit me hard, they were there for me when I first came here and I ignored them when Katie got here. Katie, stop thinking about her Alana.

       “Fine you are paying,” I growled from under my sheets.

       “Ok then I get to pick your outfit,” Tara said grinning. I opened my mouth to tell her no but she beat me to it. “Get in the shower!” I sighed and got into the warm shower. This should be interesting.


       “You look hot!” Miley shouted, jumping up and down.  I turned around and looked in the mirror, my eyebrows raised. I had to agree with he, I did look good. I had on a white loose dip dye pink tank with white jeans that had light blue and pink flowers on it and knee high heeled brown boots. My hair was curled in all the right places, and my make up looked professionally done. I had dream catcher earrings with a silver heart ring and peach color brackets and a white/silver and black necklace.

       “Now we are three hours late and lunch is next so let’s get to school,” Tara said while pushing us out the door.

       “Ok jeez calm down!” I shouted at her laughing. “Why are you so excited to go to school?”

       “Don’t get mad at me!” She shouted holding her arms up in defense. My eyebrows raised, why the hell would I get mad at her?

       “I promise,” I said holding out my pinky that has the ring on it.

       “Zane and I are going out!” she blurted out covering her mouth with wide eyes.

       “Why would I get mad about that?” I asked. This is just getting more confusing. I laughed a bit and walked to the car.

       “The whole school believes that Zane, Jack and you are in some love triangle,” Miley said shrugging getting into her yellow car.

       “There is no way in hell I could be with either of them,” I said, faking a shiver in disgust..

       “Good because Zane is mine,” Tara said smirking.

       “And Jack doesn’t date,” Miley yelled out her window before pulling out of my driveway.

       “Ride with me,” Tara said.  I nodded and made my way over to her black BMW. I sat in her leather seats and she took off. Good thing for Tara that I only lived ten minutes away from the school.

       “You drive like a grandma,” I grunted as I got out of her car.

       “Hey!” she yelled punching my arm. “You drive like a three year old!” she stuck out her tongue out and ran into the school. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at her. She has never seen me drive.

       Gym, I hate it. I hate it! It can go and die in a hole for all I care. Once I month they would let us play dodgeball and I hate dodgeball. Definitely if you’re in pain like me. We haven’t even started. Jack and Zane are picking people to be on their teams. My ribs are throbbing and my back just hurts. Now all I need to do is get a ball in the ribs and I will probably break one or more, joy.

       “Alana,” a cold voice said from above me. My eyes snapped up and I found them looking straight into Jack’s emotionless ones.

       “Yes?” I asked rocking back and forward on my feet.

       “Team,” he said dully, while pointing to the people behind him. I only see a few faces I knew, Conner and Brad. Great! NOT! I stood the farthest away from them and started rocking back and forward on my feet again. Maybe I could hide behind one of them. No, they probably won’t let me do that and throw a ball at me even though I’m on their team.

       “Everyone on the line!” The coach shouted right by me while blowing his whistle. Haha he blew his whistle. We all took our place on the line getting ready to run well except me, I was standing because my ribs hurt too much right now.

       “Ready? Set,” Coached yelled then blew his whistle again, everyone but me shot forward. I stood back on the line slowly stepping forward. Jack, Conner, and Brad are the quickest. I slowly made my way to where Jack stood so I could hide behind him, not paying attention, a ball came two inches to my face but got knocked away by another ball.

       “Do you want a broken nose?” A voice growled by me. I jumped about twenty feet in the air. I looked over to Jack with a menacing glare.

       “No,” I snarled back. I could see his smirk. God I hate it when he smirks but yet it’s so hot!

       “Seems like it,” he commented as he blocked more balls that were coming to my face but missing one and guess where it hits me? If you guess legs, you wrong. If you guessed face, WRONG. If you guessed stomach, you are right.

       “Fuck!” I screamed, while doubling over holding my stomach.

       “Shit! Sorry!” Jack yelled. He bent over to me while picking me up bridal style.

       “Jack I can walk,” I told him.

       “Yeah and your dad is going to kill me and so is my boss,” he said running to the nurse.

       “Yeah he is, wait your boss. What the hell does your boss have to do with this?” I asked.

       “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he started coughing.

       “I’m not stupid,” I told him.

       “Just keep telling yourself that,” he said smirking.

       “Haha you’re so funny,” I told him rolling me eyes.

       “I know I’m funniest man alive,” he made a face and I couldn't help but giggle.  I groaned in pain. “Sorry.”

       “No you’re not.”


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