Haruhi's American Cuz

By Liznightangel

73.4K 2.2K 575

Haruhi's cousin Kai is a nerdy, genius who was homeschooled skate boarder from the states. What happens when... More

Kai meets Hosts
The Beach
Street fights and Lobellia chicks
A Day in the life of Kai
In and out
The Break in
The mall
Lobellia payback
Kai's Dream
Crazy sick day
Casanova and negotiations
Good times and bad
Finding each other again
Ever After
authors note


3.6K 132 27
By Liznightangel

Kai's pov...

When i woke up the sun was shining through the curtains and I had to process the last couple days to remember my location.

Then it hit me, oh yea I'm staying with the Hitachilen's for now. My parents talked to the twins parents a few days ago but my parents had to be gone, so it was decided that since my house and room is trashed and my parents are concerned about leaving me home alone for my safety, that i was to stay at the twins place in a guest room.

Uhg.. no phone, crushed. No laptop, destroyed. Tablet, was part of laptop.

Gets worse, the bone heads broke my sugar checker and trashed my insulin.

And I'm bored. Wonder if the twins sleep nude, if they don't should i wake them.

Wait does Hikaru sleep shirtless!

I haven't seen him shirtless since the beach.

Yup, wanna see that, and no I'm not a perv, I just appreciate nice abs. I feel red thinking about it. I hop out of bed and make it out of habit from home before I go through the clothes the twin's mom gave me and settle on a pair of overall shorts in sparkly pink and a black tank top. Then I decide to wear my hair down.

Then i put on my sparkly pink cherry lip gloss.

At that moment my door burst open and its the twin maids.

"Hey girls beat ya again", I say grinning.

"Hai.", they say together. "Do you want breakfast here or downstairs?"

"That depends, where's everyone else eating.", i say cheerfully.

"The boys aren't up yet, and the mother is already gone.", they say. Man its as bad as home, I hate eating alone. It gets lonely.

"Well when they do eat, where do they take it?", I ask.

"Don't know.", they say.

"Well I'll wait for the guys to wake up then.", I say not mentioning my friends in the states

would come over in the summer and eat with me. On my birthday they'd bring me a McDonald's sausage biscuit meal for breakfast.

Dang homesickness. The twin maids leave and I sit by the window, daydreaming about back in the states.

"Hey Kai pack a bag we're going to Karuizawa!", Kaoru shouts in startling me.

"Ok.", I say as he runs out and I pack a quick bag.

A short while later me and the host boys are on a helicopter and Tamaki is yelling out a megaphone at Haru.

Next we meet one of my uncle's cross-dressing friends, and the boys minus Kyoya are competing for the last room.

I talked the lady into letting me bunk with Haru, in return for fixing her computer software and updating the website and social networks.

"Kai are you feeling ok, your more reserved.", Kyoya asks as I look at the places computer.

"Those punks destroyed my diabetic stuff so I'm having to wait until the doctor and insurance agree it can be replaced.", I say

"I see, which means you have no idea where your sugar is either.", he says and I nod as I watch outside a window as the twins use a hose to chill a melon.

"So Kai , who do you think will win?", he asks.

"Well if Honey stays in Mori would, his shirt offs been getting him bonus points.", I say.

" HMMM I See.", he says. "I would think you'd want them more modest."

"Nothing immodest about showing off a nice chest if a guy's got one.", I say.

Little while later I'm outside sipping a smoothie and enjoying the breeze as the sun sets. And by now the twins are winners.

Maybe I'll visit the beach while I'm here. It be nice to watch the waves since I'll be here for my birthday.

The next morning I'm up early and get a table, knowing I'll get to hang with the twins and just maybe, i can ask Hikaru out so we can hang at the beach for my birthday, since its my first time here, and then maybe I can tell him how I feel like I promised myself when i fought off those guys.

Eventually the boys come down and Haru takes there order first, then before she can get mine Tamaki gives a speech since this place doesn't have what the twins want. Then some hot dude comes in and Haruhi goes on break, and the hosts minus me and the jealous twins chat, and my sugar is not good.

So since there busy i stop Misuzu.

"Excuse me but can i get a large smoothie and a coke, my sugar's crashing an I'm getting spots.", I say.

"Of course you poor thing.", she says leaving, and I hear Hikaru get mad and stomp out of the room followed by Kaoru.

He seemed jealous, but is it a friend kind, or a crush kind.

My stuff comes and I drink down until my spots are gone.

Then i watch Kaoru come down pretending to be Hikaru and apologize to the boy for being rude.

Then he asks Haruhi on a date, whom agrees. So I guess that means Hikaru's free tomorrow.


You can't make this up, Kaoru faked sick an now Hikaru's on a date with Haru.

When I found out, i was then dragged around by the boys to watch the date. But i don't fake well and me and my board slipped away. This jealous feeling in my heart made me mad. I mean he's not mine, so I've no right to be. If i can't squash it and they become bf and gf, ill have to avoid the club, i can't handle it right now. I skate awhile and grab a coke, and a sandwich and skate to the beach and lean on a rock dropping my bag a little ways away from me and lean on the rock as my sugar dives again and the rain falls.

Without my phone i can't call for help. I close my eyes and feel for my food, but i'm so dizzy.

Hikaru's pov...

I finally get Haruhi to the bed and breakfast and when we're greeted i notice Kai is missing. Come to think of it I've spent no time with her since we arrived. I got caught up in Haruhi.

"Haruhi, can you ask Kai to come down, I've been a jerk to her.", I say and she nods and leaves and returns fast.

"She's gone.", she says. "She mentioned this morning, about planning to ask you out for today, since it's her first time here. Maybe she got lost exploring."

"Actually Kai looked deflated when she came down an you were gone.", Honey said.

"Her diabetes has been acting up the last couple days.", Kyoya says pulling a box out.

"But with everyone occupied with staying by Haruhi, then that Arai boy yesterday, then we did drag her along today and gave her no time to eat.", Honey says.

"Kai maybe gone cause she can't get back if her sugar crashed. We need to get her before she can get to low.", Kyoya says.

"Those creeps wrecked her diabetic supplies, think we can find her a shot of insulin.", Tamaki says.

"Yes but we have to find her first.", he says pushing up his glasses.

"Then lets look for her.", I say as the thunder starts again.

"Go I'll take care of Haruhi.", Tamaki says as Kyoya gets on the phone about the insulin.

"Ok we all have phones and Kai's waiting on her replacement. So txt when you find her.", Kaoru says. " or any clues."

Time skip...

I'm searching the beach because Kai liked skateboarding on the board walk last time we were at the beach.

I spot a large boulder and a plastic bag and a pair of legs. As I get closer I notice its a soaked Kai, her head leaning against the rock.

"Kai, you dummy why are you sitting in the rain, your soaked. ", I say.

"I went to clear my head, and i got dizzy.", she says shakily as I kneal by her grabbing her shopping bag holding a coke and now soggy commoner meal.

I text to the others i got her, as I lift her up.

"Your gonna mess up your shirt.", she says then she gets a pout. "Ella and Izzy weren't able to get me my cupcake this year."

"Cupcake?", I ask wanting to keep her talking.

"Every year Ella and Izzy bring me a cupcake, and Josh and Jay bring me a sausage biscuit meal on today.", she says " Then we go spend the morning on the beach, afternoon at the carnival and return to my house for cake and ice cream. The one rare day I'd pretend I wasn't diabetic."

"Cake and ice cream?", i asked noting her voice was nostalgic as we walked with her head against me. "Kai how old are you?"

"Same as you as of midnight.", she says making it click.

It's her birthday, we were all caught up. She had been planning to ask me to spend it with her. Plus she was homesick, so she went to the beach, and her sugar crashed. And she couldn't call for help so she waited. I eventually got her back, and Kyoya had the insulin ready and had her injected as Misuzi gave us towels.

"Kai, you caused everyone worry! Your antics are unamusing. Your irresponsible ways need to stop! This is worse than wasting your parents money calling a foreign country!"Haruhi shouts at her.

"Hikaru, can you tell the dummy i tutored people and bought the minutes to call her.", Kai says weak but grumpily and I can't help but smirk as she leans on me as I sit.

Time skip brought by Furby'(!#'"!?

I find Kai downstairs watching the storm.

"Hey Hikaru.", she says looking out the window.

"How?", I say.

"Your cologne and shampoos scents.", she says as I sit by her. "How was your date?", she asks.

"It was ok, but I think I took the wrong girl.", I say watching her eyes show no emotion.

"I kept wishing she was this other girl, she drives me crazy one moment with worry, and the next she can smile and be my undoing.

She's wild, crazy, and adorable.", i then move in front of her as she studies me her gaze softens like she's trying to make a choice.

"Yea I had this crazy Idea to ask this great guy I know to go to the beach with me for lunch today and maybe explore the island with me.

But I was to late, and instead got dragged around as others wanted to watch, and had to watch the date, until i wandered off so I wouldn't have to watch. Then I plopped on the beach cause i got dizzy. But I did get rescued by a hot guy and carried back."

She says ending with a smirk.

"You also mentioned today's your birthday.", I say.

"Yup.", she says.

"Was there anything you'd like, I can still get you something.", I say smirking and I catch her purse her lips.

"Well there's one thing, just promise things won't get awkward.", she says mischievously.

"Why would things get", I begin only to be cut off by Kai's lips on mine...

Kai's pov...

I pressed my lips to Hikaru's in a sweet kiss, and am relieved when he responds and kisses me back embracing me. He then deepens it and we kiss until we need air.

"You have no idea how long I wanted to do that.", I say as he leans his forehead on mine.

"That makes two of us.", he says pushing a lock of my hair behind my ear. "But there's something i wanna show you.", he says as we get up. Holding my hand he leads me in the other room where the rest of the Host Club shouts "Surprise!"

"Omigosh you guys!", she says excited me as we group hug but Hikaru maintains his grip on my hand.

He then gets my chair, and slides in next to me. The next hours we have cake and ice cream, and me and Hikaru hold hands under the table as we play games. And suddenly Hikaru's and My relationship has had a shift. He's doting and affectionate, and when no one's looking he steals kisses.

"Hikaru stop mauling my cousin!", Haruhi says.

"But Haru, I like what he's doing.", I say as Hikaru smirks triumphant.

"Besides I wanted to ask Kai, if she'd let me be her boyfriend.", Hikaru says as I blush and can only nod yes as he kisses me again.

"No that devil is corrupting my daughter!" Tamaki shouts.

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