Two Worlds Collide

By stacyyy16

39.6K 2.3K 768

Henrie Archibald is Ceo of several corporations he is hard working, but his biggest stress of all is his fami... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 3

1.3K 76 8
By stacyyy16

I finally get home and I see my parents car out front and Dash opens the door and we walk in and my moms In the kitchen cooking dinner and Dash runs to her

"Hi grandma" he yells and gives her a hug

"Hey there's my grandbaby I didn't expect you today but I'm happy to see you" she's says giving him kisses

"I'm staying here forever grandma with mommy! Where's poppop?" He ask

"Oh poppop is outside doing the grass he'd love to see you" and Dash jumps and runs outside

"Dash after you help poppop go shower before dinner" I say
Hoping he hears me

"Is Dash misunderstanding or something happened?" she asked me

"I finished a long day mom and I was just going to visit Ashley and Dash and when I got there ambulance and cops everywhere and next thing I know im being told Ashley died overdose they found drugs and alcohol and I'm officially Dash guardian" I say sighing and tears finally coming down my face

"Oh baby but you want him right he's been yours for years basically and I'll be here so will your daddy" she says

"I know I'm happy I have Dash I love him and always considered him my son but the worst part is they found Ashley wrote the dad's name on his birth certificate and I made sure I won't have to give up parental rights if  I want to tell him but his birth father  is Henrie Archibald" mom I say

"Oh my they own everything Rylee how did Ashley ever get with him and I hear the family is absolutely horrible" she says

"I know mom, I know but I owe it to Ashley mom she tried to tell him 8 years ago I know she was messed up but she wanted Dash to have everything" I say

"I will support you no matter what but what do you want to do?" She asked me

"Right now all I want to do is read my letters from mystery man and drown myself in a glass of wine" I say

"You still talking well writing to  that lover pen pal of yours?" She ask

"Yes I was being serious when I say he makes my weeks better when I get his letters and we're just penpals" I say smiling

"Must be since it's been over a year Honey why don't you just meet him already he could be a special one if you know what I mean" she says

"Mom I don't want ruin what we have meeting for what to crush a, fantasy no thanks and all I need to focus on is my son" I say

"Alright negative nancy how about you shower because dinner is almost ready and then you put your son to sleep and then you relax to your wine and mystery letter man" she says

"You're right good plan!" i say and head upstairs

Once dinner is over I let Dash watch TV for a little bit and tell my dad about the situation they both say ill be a great mom and they will be here to help me I bring dash upstairs in the room I have decorated for him since he been in my life for his whole life and tuck him in and wish him sweet dreams and I go downstairs to walk my parents out and I finally sit reflect on my day and relax

I reach for mystery man letter and start to read with my glass of wine right next to me. He tells me about his day and how he wishes he could close his eyes and me and him would be on this date on a private island and we'd have endless drinks and talk until the sun comes up. I love reading his letters he never brings up sex he genuinely just wants to spend time with me and he tells me about his problems with his family it's not easy and it's conflicts him deeply but I can tell he loves hard.

The time flies by I don't even notice it's already 1 in the morning once I finish writing back to his letter I pack up and head upstairs to bed  I have so much to do tomorrow between working, making sure I sign Dash for his new school, and maybe trying to visit his father my brain is already stressed and wanting to explode

Its really nights like this where I understand when my mom says it nice to have someone in your corner that you can just love on and they make every problem go away but it's fine for now thats Dash for me he's all I need I say to myself and drift off to sleep

Author A/N

I hope you guys are liking this story I'm really enjoying it
Here is a picture of what Ashley looked like

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