๐—ฆ๐—ข๐—จ๐—Ÿ๐— ๐—”๐—ง๐—˜๐—ฆ แตแตƒหฃ แตแตƒสธแถ โฑแต‰...

Par -curlyfriess

116K 4.3K 7.2K

" ๐—บ๐—ฎ๐˜… ? ๐—ถ ๐—ต๐—ฎ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐—ฎ ๐—พ๐˜‚๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜๐—ถ๐—ผ๐—ป " " ๐—ถ ๐—ต๐—ฎ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐—ฎ๐—ป ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐˜€๐˜„๐—ฒ๐—ฟ . " " ๐—ฑ๐—ผ ๐˜†๐—ผ๐˜‚ ๐—ฏ๐—ฒ๐—น๐—ถ๐—ฒ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ... Plus

แด€แด„แด› แดษดแด‡
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xษช. ส™ส€แด‡แด€แด‹แดœแด˜s ( แด˜สŸแดœส€แด€สŸ )

2.4K 94 200
Par -curlyfriess


I dump your ass.

I dump your ass too. Why'd you lie for him?

ELEVEN CAME OUT OF the dressing room with the blue shirt on, along with some red suspenders holding up a yellow pair of pants.

The brunette looked at herself in the mirror with a large smile. Max handed her a yellow barrette that went with her pants. Eleven put the hat on low on her head making Viola giggle. Viola quickly re-adjusted the hat on the girls head.

Eleven pulled out her suspenders before letting them go, the red belt like straps slapping against her shirt making her laugh.

Mike crouched down, looking at a gold teddy bear as a gift for Eleven. Will and Oliver sat there unimpressed as he looked up at the salesman. "Excuse me, sir." Mike said confidently. The man turned to him, humming. "How much for this little teddy bear right here?"

The next thing the boys knew they were walking out of the expensive jewelry place, Mike and Lucas wearing shocked faced. "Three-hundred?" Lucas exclaimed. "Three-hundred." He repeated. "I should've shoved that teddy bear right up his—"

Eleven hopped out of the dressing room again, this time wearing a white dress with different colored lines traveling across it in different directions. Viola and Max stood on ether side of her, Viola with a red belt while Max held the yellow one. Eleven ended up picking the yellow one, putting it around her waist to add a little spice to the dress.

Max took glasses from the glasses rack, putting them on herself. Trying to find one that suited her and her outfit. Meanwhile Viola was looking at different baseball caps, trying to find one that would go good with her outfit.

She was wearing a pair of rolled up shorts with a shirt that had different shades of blue stripes on it, along with a blue belt. The brunette ended up finding a white baseball cap with a blue heart in the middle of it. It was perfect.

Viola ran back over to Max, putting the hat on and posing with the red-head, both laughing as they tripped over the carpet, falling into each other and onto the ground.

Max had landed on top of Viola, arms on ether side of her head. Viola was too busy laughing to see the position they were in which also meant she didn't see Max's red face.

The four boys walked up to a lingerie shop, freezing as their eye darted around the store, widening at the stuff they saw before running away.

Eleven tried on one last thing, a jumpsuit which was black with bright, multicolor designs which she ended up wearing out of the store.

The girls walked out of the store arm in arm in a line with Max in the middle, They shared smiles with each other as they walked to the next shop.

Oliver sprayed a perfume on the testing strip. Shrugged at the smell of vanilla and lavender, something Viola had smelled like all the time. Suddenly he heard groaning making him look over to see Mike covering his eyes because if Lucas spraying him in the face with perfume.

Max pulled her friends into a shop called "Flash Studio." where they changed into different clothes. Dressing up in all kinds of jewelry, accessories, and what not before posing in front of a camera.

"That's it, girls!" The man behind the camera hyped them up as they got into position for a pose. Then another and another before the photographer pointed to the changing rooms. "Wardrobe change! Thank you!"

One photo caused Max to blush so hard due to the face that her and Viola's faces were close together while El stood behind them smiling.

Then there was another one where Viola decided to be ballsy and kiss Max's cheek, Eleven beside them laughing which was caught in the background of the photo

The girls then left, all having copies of the photos in hand. They entered a shoe shop that was filled with sneakers, heels, and more. Eleven tried on some shows that matched her multicolored jumper. Max holding El's hand as Viola laughed from the floor, rushing to help Eleven when she fell.

Once the three were up they made eye contact with some older high school girls who were giving them disgusted looks, making them laugh even more.

Later they found those girls drinking smoothies and talking to a guy. Eleven used her powers and exploded the smoothie in the middle girls hand making it go all over the four of them.

They quickly ran away, hands interlocked with each other. "See? What'd I tell you?" Max asked as they ran. "There's more to life than stupid boys." She let out a chuckle as they all ran to the next store, failing to notice the mopey boys that sat on a bench.

"Can we please play DnD now?" Will asked.





ROBIN PACED IN THE back room of Scoop's Ahoy with Dustin while Savannah and Steve tended to the customers.

Savannah furrowed her eyebrows as El, Viola, and Max came running up to the Scoops Ahoy counter. "Where's the rest of them?" She asked with a hand on her hip. "Them." Meaning the boys. Viola shrugged. "Being boys." She rolled her eyes.

"Can we get a strawberry..." Max ordered for herself before pointing to Eleven who was clueless. "Get her a classic vanilla with whipped cream and sprinkles." Viola covered for the girl. Savannah then looked to her sister. "The usual?" She pointed, Viola gave her a thumbs up making Savannah turn away to get their orders.

"What's "The usual"?" Eleven asked, turning to Viola. "Cherry Garcia. Not many people love it but it's my favorite." She smiled.

Robin opened the back window, catching the two young adults attention. "We've got our first sentence." Robin leaned on the counter. "Oh, seriously?" Steve said walking over, Savannah beside him. "Yeah. "The week is long."." Robin quoted in a Russian accent. "Oh, well that's thrilling." Steve said with sarcasm. "I know. But, progress." She shrugged before closing up the back window.

Steve sighed. "She got more done in twenty minutes that you did in an hour." Savannah mumbled as she scooped Cherry Garcia onto a cone. Steve glared at her "Oh, shut up." he said before turning to the teenage girls at the counter, two ice creams in hand. "Strawberry and vanilla with sprinkles, extra whipped cream." He handed the two girls their ice creams before turning to Savannah who passed him Viola's. "And Cherry Garcia." He smiled.

"Thanks." The three said in unison. Steve then paused and turned his gaze to Eleven. "Wait a second. Are you even allowed to be here?" He pointed to El

The three girls just laughed and ran away from the counter, running towards the exit of the mall.

Max leaned into Viola. "Let me try." She begged. Viola sighed and passed Max her ice cream, Max took a little bit of it, we eyes widening. "Who ever knew you had good taste?" She exclaimed, taking another bit of the brunettes ice cream. "Hey!" Viola exclaimed, taking the ice cream back from Max who was laughing.

Then the red-heads eyes then caught something, or someone, behind Eleven. Viola's ears heard that voice.

"That's ridiculous. Why can't I just..." His voice faded out as Max walked over him. "Oh, you've gotta be shitting me." Max said, finally making both brunette girls look over to see Mike, Lucas, Will, and Oliver all together.

"Isn't this a nice surprise." Max said, walking over to the boys. Mike dropped his bike in shock when seeing Eleven. "What are you doing here?"

Eleven stared at him, emotionless. "Shopping." She said monotonously. Oliver widened his eyes at Viola like he was saying "He's fucked.". The girl widened her eyes back like she was agreeing. It was like their secret twin language. "This is her new style. What do you think?" Max asked.

"What's wrong with you? You know she's not allowed to be here. You too Viola." He pointed at the brunette who obviously didn't want any part in this argument. "What is she, your little pet?" Max scoffed. "Yeah. Am I your pet?" Eleven asked.

"What? No!"

"Then why do you treat me like garbage?"

"What?" Mike shook his head, clueless. "You said Nana was sick." Mike nodded. "She is. She is. She is sick." He looked over to Lucas, silently asking the boy to back him up. "Yeah, sick— she's sick." Lucas lied. Max's eyes widened at Lucas lying for him, not expecting it. "That's why we're here, actually." Lucas continued the lie making Max more flabbergasted. "Yeah, yeah, we're shopping. Not for us, but for her, for Nana." Mike added.

"For Nana." Lucas agreed. Max tilted her head at Lucas' words.

Mike looked back over to Eleven. He suddenly got quiet and shy. "Also, we're here to get a gift... for you. Just, we couldn't find anything that suited you and I only have, like, three dollars and fifty cents, so it's hard."

"Super hard... it's expensive." Lucas nodded, trying to salvage the couple.

"You lie." Eleven said. "Why do you lie?" She asked. Mike just stood there, quietly looking at his girlfriend. Not answering.

The bus parked behind the girls making Eleven looked back at it before turning to Mike, walking towards him. "I dump your ass."

Both Max and Viola's eyes widened in sync, Max walking forwards towards Lucas. "I dump your ass too. Why'd you lie for him?" She exclaimed. Lucas' eyes widened more.

Oliver and Viola instantly made eye contact. Oliver wiggling his eyebrows. Viola stuck her middle finger. Will noticed all of this, he had a feeling he wasn't supposed to.

Both girls turned around, grabbing Viola as she just looked at her brother with a frozen stare.

The girls took seats on the bus, all sitting next to each other with Viola by the window, Max in the middle, and El on the far right.

Max and Eleven high-fived as Viola just looked out the window, shocked. "Woah." She whispered, turning to Eleven and Max. "Good job, El." Viola raised her hand, Eleven slapping her hand on the brunettes.

Oliver, Will, Mike, and Lucas watched as the bus drove away. Two boys had disappointed, sad, confused faces on while the other two had uninterested faces. "Can we play DnD now?" Will asked.



ship name options (unless yall can come up with more cause I'm so bad at this)


Continuer la Lecture

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