A Pittsburgh Penguins Love St...

By Mal8787

60.9K 396 159

Malana is a regular college student. She and her three best friends are having the time of there lives living... More

A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 2
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story Characters
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 3
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 4
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 6
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 7
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 8
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 9
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 10
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 11
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 12
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 14
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 15
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 16
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 17
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 18
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 19
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 20
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 21
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 22
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 23
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 24
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 25
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 26
A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 27
Author's Note

A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 5

2.6K 19 2
By Mal8787

As soon as Sidney dropped me off I went straight to bed. I was going to have a pretty busy day today. When Mols and I go shopping it can take hours and I mean hours. The last time we went to Ross Park we were there for seven hours. Although this time we do have a limit, the guys have a game tonight against Tampa Bay then they were leaving for Montreal right after. I was excited. The two best players in the world were playing against each other. I had a weird feeling though. Ever since Sidney got that terrible blind side hit during that game in which we will not speak of because it is in our past and nothing will stop us from winning the cup, I've been worried about Sidney. He seemed fine but that hit was really bad. I was pissed to say the least. If I ever see Steckel I swear to God....

Enough I told myself. I have to get showered it was already nine. I got showered then picked out Mols and my clothes. ( http://www.polyvore.com/mall_trip/set?id=26884767 ) Like I said they always have me pick out their clothes, because I love to. When Mols was finally ready we got into her mini cooper (she thinks I drive my mustang to fast....psshhhhh, whatever). It took us about 45 minutes (30 if I would've drove) to get there. We went into tons of stores and bought a crap ton of stuff. We finally decided to get some lunch at around 2.

"So how are you and Jordan?" I haven't had much of a chance to talk to the girls about how they're getting along with the Pens.

A big smile brightened up her face. "Great! He's amazing! I really do see this going somewhere."

"So do you think he's going to ask you out soon?" I was really glad that she was so happy. She's always been so shy and I really do think Jordan will be good for her. Apparently Mel and Mils already have boyfriends. I'm surprised they took it so fast, they normaly wouldn't do anything like that. They both said it was different with Geno and Talbot though, which I think I understand. It'll be weird though if they're all dating and Sidney and I are stuck in 'the friend zone'. Sidney stricks me as the relationship type, whereas the other guys don't. That's the weidest part. Maybe Sidney just doesn't like me like that. It seems like he does though...

"Well we're actually going out to eat once they get back from Montreal. He's always so sweet I wouldn't be surprised if that's what he's planning. Honestly at first I thought he was a little depressing, I mean he was always in such a quiet sad mood. Ever since Saturday he's been in a much better mood though. Apparently he just really missed playing, I can't blame him." It wasn't like Mols to talk this much, she must really like him.

"Aww that's so cute. You guys will look adorable together." I grinned. I loved to see my friends happy. My life is so great right now, not perfect, buy great.

"So... what about you and Sidney?" she asked. I grinned and then blushed. Could I look like more of a lovestruck idiot?! "Awwww, I guess that answers that question," she smiled.

I laughed, "Ya he's...*chuckle* just.....great." I couldn't think of words to describe him.

"Someone's in looooove" she said all sing-songy.

"No, not yet at least." I told her honestly. That's one of the things I love about her I could tell her exactly what I was thinking and she would listen but she wouldn't throw it back in my face later. And what I told her is exactly what I was thinking. I know I'm not in love with Sidney, I just met him, but I know there's a good chance I will be. He's just everything I imagined for myself. He's sweet, caring, focused, romantic, thoughtful, modest, and he knows what he wants and puts everything he has into getting it. Who else has a workethic like him? That shows how driven and determined he is. How can you not admire someone like that. Sidney was deffinately born with hockey skills, but not at all compared with the greats. Sidney is the greatest hockey player in history because of the time he puts into it. He's proves time and time again even when he's breaking records he's still willing to put the work in so all apects of his game are perfect. What other player can you say did or does that? It's just a Sidney thing.

"Come on we only have another hour." I had completely forgotten were I was. I feel like I've been doing that a lot lately. Ugh Sidney what are you doing to me.

"Ya let's go."

--1 hour 45 minutes later--

By the time we got home we only had about half an hour to get ready. We all got into out jerseys. ( http://www.polyvore.com/game/set?id=26940729 ). Then we had a 15 minute drive to the stadium. You always want to be a couple hours early to the games. Being there you automatically want food, and we all know what food does to you so you have time to do that... Then you still have time to get another drink and sit down before the game starts. Yes we have this worked out to a science.

When we got to the arena, there were tons and tons of people, of course. The game was sold out long before we had bought the tickets. We try to get tickets quite a it but with our schedules we weren't sure if we were free until all the good seats were sold out. The guys said they could get us into a box or buy us front row seats but we wouldn't let them. We actually did let them get us good seats but we were going to pay for it. They didn't tell us where our seats were but we assumed front row.

When we got into the arena we found the section. We gave our tickets to the usher. He lead us to our seats which just happened to be right behind the bench. Why?!?! Don't get me wrong, this is amazing!!! But if they lose it'll be our fault. They're going to be paying attention to my friends more than the game. Knowing Talbot, don't get me wrong I really like him, but he'll pull some dumb ass move and get himself hurt showing off for Mils. Jordan will be off cause he'll be looking over at Mols while he's on the ice. And Geno who I'm still not 100% sure he understands when he's suppost to go on any normal time will be concentrating on Mel and be more confused than ever. Well there's not much I can do now. I just hope nothing goes wrong.

We went through our ruitine with the food and 10 minutes before the game was 'suppost', meaning about 20 minute, till the game started, we sat down. The crowd was going insane. Soon after we could hear people coming down the runway. This is where everyone really got excited. Then there they were. The Pens skated out on the ice. I could hear Mils and Mols squeeling as Talbot and Jordan started doing their warmups. I heard Mils screaming "HE SMILED AT ME", but I was to busy waiting for the second to last person to come out. And there he was. His amazing hazel eyes locked on mine. I felt a smile extend on my face and butterflys erupt in my stomach, yet I had this weird feeling. I just couldn't shake the nervousness I felt. I knew I was just being weird I've had this feeling since Saturday and nothing bad had happened. He would be fine.... I really really hope.

They did the National Anthem and then the game started. Right off the opening faceoff Geno scored. Mel completely flipped out when he looked at her and smiled, well we think that's his smile. Ok I'm done with the crooked face Russian jokes even if he does make fun of me with Sid. 2:16 later Cooke dumbed the puck to Lovejoy who passed it to Conner who SCORED!!! It was now 2-0 Pens. About five minutes later Tanger passed the puck off to TK who SCORED AGAIN!!!! Another 30ish seconds passed before Dupper passed to Sid who gave the puck off to Kunitz ANOTHER GOAL!!!! It was now 4-0 Pens!!! The crowd was freaking out. The team was freaking out. It was so different to watch the game from behind them. Sid came back to the bench turned around and grinned at me I grinned back hugely. This game was amazing. Tampa decide to pull their goalie. To add insult to injury before the period ended we got a powerplay. We capitalized on it when Letang gave it to Goose and Kunitz got the goal, his second of the night. The period ended and the crowd was zelous. 5-0 in the first period!!!!!!! We refused to get up. We were not moving. If we moved there was a slight chance we would come late to the second period and we would not take that risk.

The second period started off slow. Stamkos got a penalty shot, but hilariously he fell over. It was possibly the most embarrasing thing that's ever happened to a hockey player.....ever. I knew that would be on YouTube by the end of the game. Eventually Letestu put another one on the board with assists from TK and Goose. Then it happened. We were watching the players fight on the boards. Sid got the puck and passed it to someone, I'm not sure who I couldn't take my eyes off Sid. I saw Hedman skating down the ice at full speed right towards him. He hit him...hard...Sid got shoved into the boards. He at first looked disorriented, but seemed to regain himself enough to get back to bench. I could see the discomfort on his face. He saw me staring at him and tryed to smile. The trainers came rushing over asking if he was ok and so on. Kunitz got his hattrick from the same people, Gogo and Tanger, but I was to busy staring at their captain. I would have to be excited for him later. The second period ended. As the guys walked off the ice Sidney mouthed to me "I'll be fine". We again sat there. I shook it off, Sid would be fine, he's tough, he won't let anything keep him from playing.

The third period started. Sid took the faceoff. I was suprised to see he skated off soon after. He looked dizzy and tired. He just looked off. Hall got a goal for Tampa. I really wanted Flower to get that shutout. Lovejoy and Conner helped Goose to get the 8th goal of the night. The rest of the game there were some great chances for both teams, but no more goals. Sid only got 5 more shifts. The whole time on the bench he seemed a little dazed. No one else seemed to notice but that was probably because I was the only one staring at him.

After the game we made our way to the locker room. We knew the guys would have to talk to the media so we stood outside the locker room and messed around. Some of the guys who I didn't know very well came out and said hello. They all seemed nice enough but it would be weird to just be like "Hey I'm Sid's well not his girlfriends but his well.. date for the past week." It seemed like we waited forever. By the time they got out we'd hardly have time to say goodbye. Talbot walked out first. He dragged Mils down the hallway. Well at least they didn't make out in front of us. Then Geno came out, giving me a cocky smile which told he was going to make some sort of joke. "Sid be while. You see him much sooner you go shower with him."

"*Sigh* Ya ya we get it every crocked faced Russians a comedian." I glared at him.

He laughed and then said something in russian. Then him and Mel walked away. It was just Mols and me. I knew Jordan would come out first, and of course he did. He told me Sid said sorry and he would be out in five minutes. Then of couse him and Mols walked away. Alone standing beside the home team locker room at Consol *sigh*. FINALLY the door swung open. Sid walked over and wrapped his arms around me. "Sorry." he said.

"Sid it's fine. I really don't mind. It's your job. I get that." I smiled at him. Then my face got serious. "Are you ok? That hit was pretty bad. Your head doesn't hurt does it?" I rushed my words. He leaned his forhead against mine looking into my eyes waiting for me to shutup.

When I finally calmed down he answered, "I do feel off. I'm not really sure, my heads spinning. I can't really get a grip on it." When he saw the fear in my eyes he continued, "I haven't felt exactly like this before but I've felt close to this. It's just a part of hockey. You get hit pretty hard, your dizzy, and your neck hurts. By morning I'll feel fine."

"Are you sure maybe you should get checked out by doctors." I was getting very worried. He was looking into my eyes but he kept blincking and they looked hazed over.

"I promise if I feel like this tomorrow I will. Dan agrees. If I need to stay out of the game tomorrow, as much as I hate to I won't be much help to the team, so I will," he said sounding annoyed with himself.

"You won't help the team?! Are you seriously worried about that?! Sidney there are hundreds if not thousands of fans out there, along with you teammates who only care about if you're ok. I can't believe that you're worried about how you would hurt the team!" he looked shocked. I was screaming. My face probably showed the anger I felt. I felt bad for yelling and let my face go softer.

"If we lose with me out it'll be my fault you know. Being out will mess up the lines, the powerplay, the pk, the" he was ratiling things off.

"STOP," there I go screaming again, "you can't honestly think it'll be your fault if the team losses. You can't blame that on yourself. Excuse me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure you didn't ask anyone to blindside you. I'm pretty sure you didn't look at anyone and say 'ya know I would really love it if ya knocked the shit outta me so I could be out a few games and then blame myself if we lose'. And I'm pretty sure after the game you weren't like 'damn my head hurts but who the fuck cares because ya know I'm going to have to play and we're going to start a new winning streak! So what the hell will I have to blame myself for?! I may actaually have to realize I'm amazing!!" Sid's eyes just stared into mine. Then he attacked me.

Not in a bad way. Out of no where his lips where crushing mine. It was amazing. My lips were on fire. I couldn't feel the rest of my body. The parts he was touching my lips, cheek, and lower back were sparking. My legs were shaky, I would have fallen over if he wasn't holding me up against the wall. I wrapped my arms around his kneck. When he pulled away after a couple minutes to breath I realized what we were doing.

"Sid!!" my eyes were wide, "The media could walk out any second and I don't think you really want this to be the first intermision report tomorrow."

"You're right let's take this somewhere else." He started dragging me down the hallway.

"You do know you're only going to be gone for a day right it's not like you're leaving forever. We could always do this when you get back." I smiled. I liked that idea. I liked thinking that he would be excited to see me on his way home.

"Oh, I know but that's a whole day, you know 24 hours, 1440 minutes, 86400 seconds!!" he wined.

"I know that's why I want to say goodbye instead of just making out." I pouted back.

"Fine as long as I get one more kiss before I leave." he pleaded. I still saw something in his eyes that showed he was in pain. He must have noticed because he tried to hide it with a smile.

"Ok... but only cause your cute," I laughed.

"And it comes out....she thinks I'm cute," he said spinning around in circles like a little girl.

"Sometimes I wonder which way your door swings," I laughed at him.

Again he attacks me. This time he pulled away a lot faster though. He cocks an eyebrow at me. Cocky little kid. I decided to mess with him.

"I knew it," I threw my hands up in the air, "when Talbot said you two make out I pretended like it was a joke, but I can't pretend anymore. I just....just can't be your practice for Talbot anymore!" I pretended to cry. Sid's face fell. I must have slipped up and smiled because he started clapping.

"Bravo! You know you almost had me fooled," he laughed.

"Damn, that was my best preformance....well ever," I laughed.

Sid's phone vibrated, "the bus is leaving in 5 minutes, c'mon" he said grabbing my hand. "So I have a surprise for you when I get back." he said as we walked down the hall.

"Reallllly?" I asked drawing out the word.

"Yes reallllllly," he said mocking me, "well not really when I get back cause it'll be early Friday but late on Friday."

"Hmmm so can I have some details on this surprise." I asked sweetly.

"I'm not sure if you knew but giving details on a surprise tends to make it a little less I don't know suprising." he answered.

"Fine, I'll ask Talbot," I told him.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" he asked.

"You didn't tell Talbot?"

"Nope," he said popping the P. Then he looked at me like 'sorry bout your luck deary'.

"Fine, I know who you told." I then took off running as fast as I could. I knew I could no hope of outrunning him but he didn't expect that so it took him a while to react. I made it to the parking lot and screamed "Flowwwwwwweerrrrrrrr" when Sid grabbed me from behind.

"Tell her nothing!" he stared down the frightened goaltender.

"TELL ME" I mouthed. Flowers eyes got wide. He was scared, as he should be. I WANT TO KNOW!

"I'm staying out of this," he said getting on the bus as fast as he could. The players and their wives had been staring at us. We probably did look pretty funny. Sid glaring at me saying "You're ruining my surprise!" and me screaming "FLOOOOWWWWEEEERRR PPPLLLLEEEAAASSSSSEEEE!!!!!!!". A lot of them started laughing, others just shoke their heads and smiled. Most of the players were getting on the bus now.

"YOU ARE A JERK!" I glared at him.

"And why is that?" he asked calmly twisting a piece of my hair through his fingers. Still with that glazed look in his eyes.

"Because I'm going to be sitting at home wondering what you're planning!"

"Well sorry I would tell you but the bus is ready." He grabbed my face planting a kiss on my lips and then ran onto the bus. I stood there shocked. I saw him on the bus beside Staalzy cracking up. What. A. Jerk.

--next day--

I remember every night we spent on weekends with good friends

We did nothing but it seems like we did so much back then

Back then we were kickin it laughing, all relaxin and taking this for granted

We did anything for just that little rush

Just don't forget this we won't regret this

We've got one chance to get it right

We're alive and we drive to the center of it

Where we know we're all fine and this just can't be it

And in the end we all know we only breath for so long

So tonights the night We all roll

(We All Roll Along- The Maine)

Where is that frigin phone!?! It woke me up with it's obnoxious ringing. Although I do love this song.... Where is that damn phone?! Finally! Oh duh it was on my night stand.

"Hello?" I asked tired.

"Oh shit did I wake you?!" Someone asked.

"No..well ya but what's wrong Sid?!" Why is he calling me this early?! Is he ok?!

"I'm not really sure what's wrong actually. My head is going all fuzzy. Cookie and me are coming back to the burgh." he said

"Can you think of what exactly is wrong or are you to dizzy?" I was now fully awake and trying not to freak out. That will not help him at all.

"I don't know. I just feel funny." he answered.

"Wait why is Matt coming with you?" That's weird. Unless they don't think he's well enough to get on a plane by himself...

"His kids pretty sick and we all told him that's more inportant than one game." Oh, well that was nice of all the guys and Dan. I hope his kid feels better. But first of all I hope Sid's not to bad.

"What time do you get on the plane?" I asked.

"In about ten minutes we board. I'll land in an hour or so. Then I'll have to have some tests. Depending on the injury I'll be in there for a while. I will definalely be out of the hopital by four though." he answered. I senced that he didn't want to be alone, and needed something to take his mind off of this.

"Well how about you come over here when you're done. Everyone has class but me. I'll make dinner and we can watch the game." I suggested.

"Deal if I can help with dinner," he answered.

"Nope not a chance. For one Talbot told me if you cooked it stealthaly give it to the dog, and seeing as I don't have a dog I'd then have to eat it. And two you don't feel well it's the least I can do." I senced he was about to protest so I said, "I know you've never lost a fight sence entering the NHL but this is one you will lose.

He laughed, "fine but I am helping with the dishes."

"Agh, if you say so. Now I'm going to hang up so you don't miss your plane." I smiled even though I knew he couldn't see me.

He laughed again, "Ok I'll see you for dinner."

"Bye Sid."

"Bye Malana"

--3:45 P.M.--

Sidney was on his way to my house. From UPMC I knew it was a good 30 minute drive. They found out he had a mild concussion. I was worried o say the least. He could get pretty hurt. One wrong turn of the head could... I won't think about it. I remembered Sid saying he liked chinese food and that just happens to be my favorite to. I decided on orange chicken. I started cooking the chicken and made the sauce. I got out some rice and frozen vegatables. Once the food was ready I got out the plates. I had everything set up when the doorbell rang. I opened up the door and saw Sidney. I'm glad he was wearing sweatpants to so I didn't feel like a boof. ( http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=26958470 )

He looked really tired and cold. It was freezing outside. He hurriedly made his way into the house.

"Hi" he said pecking me on the lips.

"Hi" I smiled at him. We went and sat down to eat. When he saw what we were having he smiled.

"Orange Chicken?" he asked. I nodded. "My favorite."

We sat and ate joking around. By the time we were done, it was only 5. There was still two and a half hours till the game.

I knew Sid was tired. I felt bad, he has a lot of stress on him right now. He sat down on the couch while I went to get the remote. On my way back he stretched out smirking at me. I plopped down on his lap. "Ouch!" he said.

I smirked. "Are you going to share the couch or just make me sit on you?"

He laughed, "I actually sort of like this position thanks."

"Fine I like it to." I smiled, laying my head on his shoulder. His face was touching mine so I could feel him smile.

"I can't wait till you hear your surprise," he smirked.

"Oh just tell me!" I begged.

"Not a chance."


--2 hours later--

"Sidney, Sidney wake up" I said gently shaking him. I didn't really want to wake him, but I knew he wouldn't want to miss the game. He had fallen asleep while we were watching a movie. At one point his arms wrapped around me. I could feel his warm breath on my neck. He's really adorable when he sleeps. His mouth hangs slightly open, and he doesn't talk but he murmurs I guess you could call it. "Sid, the games almost on."

"Mmm I don't want to get up," he sounded like a little kid.

"You don't have to. You should sleep, but I think you'll be mad at yourself if you don't watch it." I said.

"I know I'm awake," he said.

I turned my head and sure enough his eyes were open and he was looking at the tv. "Just as a forewarning, I tend to talk to you guys during the game."

Sidney laughed, "Seriously?! So you like yell at us and give us pointers and stuff?"

"Yaa," I said looking guilty. He just laughed at me.

"This game is going to be pretty interesting then." he smiled.

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